ACT III SG_Strategic Read

Romeo & Juliet Reading/Study Guide
Scene 1
1. This scene begins rather like the opening of the play; Benvolio and Mercutio are joking in the square
when Tybalt appears. Tybalt, however, shows more restraint here than in the first scene. What does he
2. Why does Romeo refuse to fight Tybalt?
3. At this point in the play, how many people know that Romeo and Juliet are married?
4. How does Mercutio react to Romeo’s refusal to fight?
5. How does Mercutio sustain his injury.
6. Describe Mercutio’s final moments.
7. What reaction does Romeo have to Mercutio’s death? What’s the result?
8. Why does the Prince soften the death penalty?
9. What elements of luck have played a part in this scene?
10. The climax of a story is a point of no return. What point of no return has been reached in this scene?
Scene 2
11. Juliet’s opening soliloquy not only establishes the time of day, it continues the light/dark motif we’ve
seen since the beginning. What is she wishing for, and why?
12. How do we know, on a symbolic level, that she’ll get what she wants?
13. Note that this scene begins almost identically to Act II, Scene 5, in which Juliet impatiently waits for the
nurse to return with word from Romeo. This scene, however, occurs on the other side of the climax, and
what’s the nurse’s news this time?
14. Just as in the companion scene in Act II, Juliet has trouble getting information from the nurse, but the
nurse isn’t teasing this time. What misunderstanding occurs?
15. Juliet has two different reactions in rapid succession to the news, when she finally gets it straight. What
16. How can you account for the nurse’s quick change of heart, first enraged about Tybalt’s killing, then
willing to help Juliet with Romeo?
17. As the scene closes, the nurse goes off on what errand?
Scene 3
18. Describe Romeo’s gratitude at having his life spared by the Prince.
19. How is Romeo’s reaction to his banishment very much like Juliet’s?
20. How does Romeo expect that Juliet will feel about him now that he’s killed her cousin?
21. Friar Lawrence presents a plan; what is it?
Scene 4
22. How has Lord Capulet changed on his stand on Juliet’s consent to marriage?
23. Why do you think Lord Capulet has changed his mind?
24. For what day do they plan the wedding?
25. What is the dramatic irony in this arrangement?
26. How much time has elapsed since the beginning of the play? Since the killing?
Scene 5
27. Once again, the opening scene establishes the time of day, and once again, light and dark are major
images. What do the lovers discuss, and which of the two—night and day—has the positive value for
28. Compare their parting in this scene to their parting in the last act.
29. Contrast the two parting scenes.
30. Which of their lines contain foreshadowing of what we know must come?
31. Explain the misunderstanding which occurs between Juliet and her mother.
32. When Shakespeare uses puns and double entendres, he’s usually trying to make the audience laugh. In
this scene, however, Juliet’s double meaning lines to her mother contain no mirth. Which lines contain
such double meanings, and why does she feel they’re necessary?
33. With what alternatives does Lord Capulet present Juliet?
34. Juliet turns, as usual, to the nurse for help; what solution does the nurse propose? Is her proposal
consistent with her character? Why or why not?
35. By the close of this scene, how many people does thirteen year old Juliet have to whom she can turn for
help and comfort?
36. Cite examples of dramatic irony you’ve encountered in this scene. Remember dramatic irony is when the
audience knows something that the character or characters in the play do not.
37. Contrast the Juliet of this scene with the Juliet we first met when her mother introduced the idea of
marriage to Paris. How do you account for the change?
38. Give Act III a title.
Bad News Monday
Act Three is full of disaster. Each event causes another event, forming a chain reaction of disasters. Use
the chart below to identify the bad news each scene presents and then to tell at least one effect of that
Scene 1 ~ Morning
(Fight between Mercutio & Tybalt.)
_____________________________________ kills _____________________________________
_____________________________________ kills _____________________________________
Effect: The Prince ________________________________________________________________
Scene 2 ~ Later in the Morning
Juliet hears bad news: _____________________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
Scene 3 ~ The Friar’s Cell
Romeo hears bad news: _____________________________________________________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________________
Scene 4 ~ Afternoon
Capulet tells Paris: ________________________________________________________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________________
Scene 5 ~ Late at Night
Juliet and Romeo spend the night together. Juliet hears more bad news:_______________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________________
Body count: By the end of this act, there are ________________ dead bodies.