January 2017 - Delaire Country Club

The Wonderful World of
Delaire Country Club
Winter 2017
The Good Life
Trent Squire
General Manager
Dear Member,
The 2016-2017 season kicked off in grand fashion
with the Opening Gala. I am extremely proud to say
that the collaboration of the Entertainment Committee
and staff worked perfectly to create a setting,
entertainment, and cuisine that resulted in what many
said may have been one of the best parties they ever attended. It was truly a
I want to give special thanks to Mrs. Neka Martin, our Social Events & Catering
Director, not only for the Gala, but for all she does in her position. Neka’s energy
has brought a renewed sense of excitement to the club’s activities, and the
manner in which she executes private events has created a buzz among both
members and outside clients who have hosted private parties. I am very pleased,
as should each and every member also be, knowing just how great Delaire is
regarded for its execution of catered events.
Our team of interns in the dining room may possibly be the best group yet. They
are polite, ready and willing to roll up their sleeves; I am confident they will
continue to be great assets through the busy season. With that said, let’s make
it a great year as you enjoy all the amenities the club offers, the newly renovated
golf course, fitness offerings, and tennis activities…but most importantly, enjoy
time at the club with family and friends!
As always, I thank you for your continued support.
Property Owners Association
4645 White Cedar Lane
Delray Beach, Florida 33445
Board of Governors
Curt Karpel
Jeff White
Art Newman
Mark Zucker
Allen Kilik
George Gering
Deb Kaplan
Steve Salzman
Stewart Sims
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
P.O.A. Board
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Don Schindel
Cathy Cutler-Salzman
Andy Lynette
Rob Lidz
Charla Levine
Larry Lidov
Bernie Dayan
Dan Markowitz
Ed Zieky
“The Good Life” Staff
Communications Chair
Judy Tarter
Robert Lidz
Stewart Sims
Barbara Lidz
Neka Martin
Margot Smith
Clubhouse Numbers
Main Number — (561) 499-9090
Dining Reservations
Golf Shop
Golf Starter
Tennis Shop
Security – Admitting
Security – Emergency
Security – Other
POA Property Manager
In case of an emergency
ALWAYS Dial 911 First!
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The Good Life
Curt Karpel
President, Board of Governors
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year, especially if
you had family or friends visiting and sharing this time of the year with you.
I expect that everyone has now had the opportunity to play our new golf courses and see
the numerous improvements made. Without a doubt, Delaire is clearly the best county club
in South Florida. Our goal now is to ensure that we remain the best in the coming years.
One way to continue in this goal is to have everyone become active in any of our numerous
Club committees. If you, for example, have a legal background, consider serving on our Legal & By-Laws Committee.
If you are a tennis player, think about joining the Tennis Committee.
A large number of our membership volunteer to serve on our Committees. I hope that we can look forward to
our new members, as they integrate themselves in the activities of the Club, to serving on one or more of our
standing Committees. By doing so, they will meet other members and, more importantly, become active in the
Club’s activities. Delaire needs the participation of all of its members to continue to be the great club that it is today.
If you have the desire and time to serve on any Committee, please contact me. Every Committee Chair is anxious to
have new member participation.
This is your Club and I hope you will consider actively working on a Committee.
A Few Words...
Judy Tarter, Editor
“To Dream the Impossible Dream”... music that we remember - is now being lived and
enjoyed ‘Day and Evenings’ at Delaire Country Club!
During the Winter Holidays, our families reveled in the Wonderful World at Delaire - playing
on our new 27 Hole Golf Course with beautiful flowers growing everywhere, bunkers filled
with smooth sand, beautiful Rock Walls, sparkling Lakes with Fountains and new challenges
of beauty wherever we look. We enjoyed the fabulous walk-in pool, our great tennis facilities
and of course, the delicious food in our glorious dining room!
Our Opening Gala - with Music and Dancing - was loved by all. Our New Year’s celebration with ‘fantastic fireworks’
surely brought everyone to a sparkling cheer - Welcoming 2017!
We are the lucky ones and continue to believe that here - in our Wonderful, Secret and Glorious World of Delaire
Country Club - “The Impossible Dreams are all Coming True”!
I’ve Been Thinking...
Robert Lidz, Co-Editor
With our new golf courses up and running, and interest in Delaire Country Club spiking in
part because of this, I’ve been thinking about the responsibility we all share to continue the
tradition of making Delaire the friendliest club in South Florida.
In 2014 when Barbara and I became members and homeowners here, we were so genuinely
welcomed into every phase of club life that we truly feel it is our responsibility to become
emissaries of warmth to all our new friends and potentially new friends at Delaire.
As the New Year begins, my hope is that all Delairians will feel as we do, bringing our new members into the fold
where they will soon understand their choice of country clubs was clearly the best.
Winter 2017 | 3
The Good Life
Around the Club
Neka Martin, Social and Catering Director
Wishing everyone a Happy and healthy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays with
your families. We will be starting the New Year off right with some new and exciting events.
Starting in January we will be having a variety of entertainment twice a month on Wednesday
nights. You will not want to miss our show night; Art Explosion on January 20th, please visit
www.artrageousexperious.com for more information. Also be sure to sign up for the annual
ladies member guest card party. If you are feeling lucky join us February 11th for Casino
Royale Night, it’s sure to be an exciting evening! We will be having a live concert with the
“Eagles” Tribute Band on March 18th out on the driving range. As always I will keep you up to date on events with
emails and flyers. We look forward to seeing you around the clubhouse!
Calendar Highlights
Thursday, January 19th
Ladies Member Guest Card Party
Wednesday, February 1st & 22nd
Chef’s Bistro
Live Entertainment
Wednesday, March 8th
Chef’s Bistro
Live Entertainment
Sunday, February 5th
Superbowl Buffet
Sunday, March 12th
Annual Meeting of the POA
2:00 pm
Annual Meeting of the Club
3:00 pm
Friday, January 20th
Show Night
Art Explosion
Wednesday, January 25th
Chef’s Bistro
Live Entertainment: “Terry Cooper”
Sunday, January 29th
Meet the Candidates
Saturday, February 11th
Casino Royale
Tuesday, February 14th
Valentine’s Brasserie Dinner
Reservations start @ 6:00pm
Wednesday, February 22nd
Cultural Program: 92nd Street Y
4 | Delaire Country Club
Saturday, March 18th
Show Night
The Eagles Tribute Band
Friday, March 24th
“Taste of Delaire” Dinner
January 25th
Chef’s Bistro • 6:30pm
Terry Cooper
Talent, class and
versatility may best
describe this artist.
Terry’s sincerity flows
through his music and
he captivates audiences
with his saxophone,
masterful piano styling
and soulful vocal purity.
Terry is an exceptionally strong solo entertainer.
Wednesday, March 15th
Dr. Robert Watson Lecture
Hamilton: The Man, The Myth, The Musical
Wednesday, March 29th
Sip & Paint Class
Private Parties
Delaire would be happy to host your wedding, corporate
event, anniversary, birthday and even cater to your home!
Contact Neka Martin, Social & Catering Director, at 499-9090
or [email protected].
The Good Life
Udella Newman, Head of Cultural Committee
Tuesday, March 15
On January 8th, many members enjoyed watching “Mekonen: The Journey of an
African Jew. This mini-documentary followed the personal journey of Mekonen
Abebe, a young African/Israeli Jewish Soldier as he returned to Africa. Mekonen
was just 12 years old when his father died less than a day before his family was
to move to Israel. The film showed how he explored his roots, how he made peace
with his past and embraced his future. The movie was inspiring and showed us that
with the right attitude, tools and support-’Anything is Possible’.
The next Cultural Event at Delaire will be on March 15th with the return of Robert Watson. Mr. Watson will be sharing/showing
“Hamilton: Man, Myth, Music”! Please mark your calendars and join us for another great evening with Robert Watson.
Dana Plagens, Chairperson - Play for P.I.N.K.
Delaire’s Play for P.I.N.K. committee is hard at work and looking forward to the 2017 Play for P.I.N.K.
fundraising events. We will have many ways to participate and contribute to this wonderful charity!
Tennis, Cards, Mah Jongg and Golf will make up the activities. In addition, there will be contests, raffle
prizes, sponsorships, the Wall of Honor, P.I.N.K. Portraits, Donations and many more ways for you to
participate. We are proud of our newly renovated 27 hole golf course, our beautiful clubhouse and our
first class tennis courts. What better way to enjoy it and show it all off then signing up now for one or
all of the events! Play for P.I.N.K. pop up boutiques started everything off in December.
Our exciting Tennis event and luncheon wil be held on Monday, February 13th with raffle prizes, games
and contests. On Friday, February 17th, we will host an enjoyable Luncheon followed by a full day of
Golf, Cards or Mah Jongg events. We will wrap it all up on Friday evening with a fabulous Cocktail
Party where the raffle winners and contest prizes will
be announced. All activities are open to guests, space
As we enter into the New Year, remember those who
have been touched by Cancer, you may even have been
affected yourself, and please join us for Delaire’s “Play for Pink” Gala Fundraiser!
Play for P.I.N.K. has the highest percentage, over 90% of the funds raised, going directly to research.
The funds not only go for breast cancer research but, if instructed, they can be directed to various
other types of cancer research as well.
The registrations packets and forms sharing information about the different events are now in the
Lady’s and Men’s Locker rooms as well as at the Welcoming Desk in the Lobby. Please feel free to
contact us with any questions by calling: 440.317.6151 or emailing [email protected].
We NEED you, so please get involved in whatever capacity you can! Together our little club can make
a BIG difference!
Winter 2017 | 5
The Good Life
News from Your POA
Charla Levine, POA Secretary
It is that time of year. We hope you will consider a positon on the POA Board. There are three
POA board positions open for 2017-2020. If you are willing to help lead our community by
becoming an active member of the POA Board, please submit an application by February
15, 2017. Applications and directions for candidacy are available from Robin. We need you!
Your POA continues to spearhead many initiatives to ensure that the Delaire Community
lives up to it’s reputation as “one of the finest private club communities in South Florida.” (www.delaire.org/about)
The POA has revised the By-Laws for the POA (Thanks to Andy Lynette and his team!) in response to ongoing
identified needs for change. The draft of the proposed by-laws will be sent to and presented to the membership
for approval and vote soon.
In response to member objections to the adherence of Delaire Speed Limits the POA will be installing a “Solar
Speed Radar Sign” to remind drivers of their speed.
The installation of the new lights is nearly complete, with a few punch list items remaining to be addressed.
All the mailboxes in the community have been painted with new numbers. The straightening of any mailbox that
is off “straight” by more than 20 degrees and/or has broken hinges will be repaired.
We all enjoy the benefits of living in a premier community and as such we must all share the responsibility to
keep Delaire a beautiful place to live, work and play. This can only happen if all residents:
• Keep their property clean and well manicured. (Your property includes landscaping, sidewalks, and rust
prevention) Changing from well water to city water will eliminate the yellow rust, please consider switching
• Please clean up after your dogs. If you notice someone not cleaning up after their dogs, please let us know.
This will help us deal with the problem more efficiently.
• Seek the approval of the POA Architectural Control Committee before making any exterior changes to your
property. (The By-Laws require homeowners to submit their plans for change to the POA Architectural Control
committee for approval before beginning any exterior structural modifications or painting the exterior of your
Delaire Library!
Do you know that Delaire has a library! It is
located in the Ladies Card Room. Books are
donated by our members.
Good and Welfare needs your help.
If you are interested in helping take charge of
this great library- enjoyed by many members,
we would appreciate your reaching out to
Marge Kartiganer who has headed our Library!
Books have been accepted that are within a
period of 10 years. Older books are donated
to charity!
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If you know of anyone who is ill or in the
hospital, we want to know.
Please contact Mia White [email protected]
or call 561-573-2096.
If we don’t know, we are
unable to send a card.
The Good Life
Golf News
Joe Jones, PGA Golf Professional
I would like to wish everyone at Delaire and your families a wonderful 2017!
It was wonderful seeing Delaire family’s riding golf carts, going to the driving range with their children and
grandchildren and enjoying the fun life offered here at Delaire! We had a fabulous Parent Child Tournament and
daily clinics for children - all so well attended and enjoyed!
Although only the Hills and Lakes courses were available for play during the holidays, we were all so happy that
“Friday the 13th” was a truly lucky and fun day at Delaire - bringing all 27 Holes available for play and enjoyment!
Let’s continue to have fun as we always do at Delaire with “No Starting Tee Times”!
Our new starter, Ken, has been adapting extremely well to his new position and doing an outstanding job with the membership. Jeff has
taken over the outside golf operations, and has also been doing a great job!
Our entire golf staff are here to take care of all of your golfing needs. We have a very enthusiastic staff that want to give you excellent
customer service.
Please check your calendars and e-mails for the upcoming golf events and golf clinic schedule. Sign up sheets for all of the events are located
in the men’s and women’s locker rooms.
Please take some time and check the sports rules for golf cart driving, guest policies, course etiquette, and golf attire. Also, please remind
your family members and guests to always take excellent care of the condition of both the golf course, the practice putting green and our
driving range facility. We want everyone to enjoy the wonderful Delaire experience!
Again, have a great 2017 and Enjoy playing on our beautiful new Golf Courses!
Golf Course Update
Steve Salzman, Chairman, Green Committee
We are excited to report that we now have all 27 Holes “OPEN”! Our new golf course - The Hills, The Lakes and
The Woods are now open for play, returning to our policy of ‘no starting tee times’ and are being enjoyed by our
members. I am pleased to report that as of this writing, we are either slightly under or close to our budget number.
Let me start by answering a few questions about the courses. The fairway and rough grass is all Celebration,
which is a very hardy aggressive grass that will produce a superior playing surface. Since it is an aggressive
growing grass Tiff Grand was planted on all of the collars of the greens to keep the Celebration from encroaching
on the Tiff Eagle that is planted on the greens. The Tiff Grand grass has a tendency to get clumpy when it gets too long so it will gradually
get cut to the proper length. The sand in the bunkers is G-Angle sand that is mined in Florida and is excellent bunker sand that should stay
consistent throughout the course.
The course is very immature and subject to the harsh weather we have been having. Lack of rain and very windy conditions inhibit growth
and produce dried out areas along with windburn. As we go through the winter, the course will be very playable but will not be the best it
can be. Next summer with a hot growing season, a good rainy season and lots of fertilizer the course will mature, the greens will soften and
you will be surprised at how beautiful the course will be. Travis McCoy our green superintendant will do everything in his power to ensure
that Delaire is in the best shape possible and a course to be proud of and envied by others.
Let us all take into consideration that this was and is a work in progress with the main emphasis being to get the 27 holes open
for play. Now that all 27 holes are open, Travis and his crew will be able to devote their time in putting together the finishing
touches and addressing the areas that need to be improved.
Since the course is immature it is even more important for us to help make it as playable as possible by not driving in areas where we
should not drive, repair both divots and ball marks, pay attention to the rules and listen to the rangers and Joe Jones our Golf Professional.
Let us all do what is best for the course even if it means being slightly inconvenienced.
Winter 2017 | 7
The Good Life
Golf Rules
Alan Tarter, FSGA Senior Certified Rules Official
New Local Rule
Beginning January 1st, 2017 a new Local Rule will be in effect. It will eliminate the penalty for ACCIDENTALLY
causing your ball to move on the putting green. It will read as follows:
When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally
moved by the player, his partner, his opponent, or any of their equipment. The moved ball or ball-marker
must be replaced.
This Local Rule applies only when the player’s ball or ball-marker lies on the putting green and any movement is accidental.
Note: If it is determined that a player’s ball on the putting green was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such
as the effects of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location.
There will still be a penalty if you cause your ball to move when it is NOT on the putting green.
From the Golf Committee
Jeff White, Chairman
We now have 27 holes to play on our newly renovated golf course for just a few weeks now and the overwhelming
consensus is a positive one. In addition, the patience and understanding of the membership has been fantastic.
Our golf calendar has been adjusted with some postponements and a few cancellations of events, but in all, the
golf program (this coming year) basically still remains unchanged. All of our tournaments will proceed as planned.
The Ladies and Men’s opening scrambles were successful and the weekly tournaments are working out fine and
are being enjoyed by all.
I would like to thank Joe and Billy Jones and the entire golf staff for keeping our golf program running smoothly. I would also like to thank
Nancy Carver, Co-Chair of Golf and Cathy Cutler Salzman, our Ladies President who have worked tirelessly through our transition as well as
Alan Tarter, our Men’s League President and Tournament Chairman - who not only keeps the men’s tournaments going and running smoothly,
but for his valuable contribution in getting all of the proper yardages on all three new courses handled with his professional efforts.
We are now beginning to enjoy a bit of “normalcy” that Delarians have long grown accustomed to.
Delaire Woman’s Golf Association
Cathy Cutler-Salzman, President DWGA
Our Lakes, Hills and Woods courses are now open and being enjoyed by all. Mother Nature has blessed us with
some warmer temperatures and much needed rain which will surely help.
The Ladies had their first major tournament, Member-Member, on December 6th and 8th. The first place and
Championship Class was won by the team of Laura Zuckovicki and Pam Kirshenbaum - congratulations to you
both. Congratulations to the following winners in their flights: First Flight, Andy Goetz and Cathy Kimmel; Second
Flight, Janet Kaplan and Dorothy Lippman; Third Flight, Penny Stender and Jackie Liptz. Again, kudos to all of
our winners !
Our ladies rules clinic was held on December 13th and once again, Alan Tarter imparted some much needed knowledge of the Golf Rules.
He mentioned that we need to rake the bunkers and to leave the rakes outside of the bunkers !
Once again, I would like to ask all members, their guests and family members to respect our new golf courses. Please fill in all divots; fix
ball marks on the greens and please rake the bunkers.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year- a wonderful 2017 to be enjoyed at Delaire!
8 | Delaire Country Club
The Good Life
When I asked Travis McCoy why he left Mayacoo Country Club to come to Delaire,
he told me that he loved the challenge of building a new golf course, and after
having done that at Mayacoo Country Club 8 years ago, he was ready to do it again.
However, he told me that it was not just the challenge of building a golf course that
he liked, but what attracted him to golf course work in the beginning, and still gives
him great pleasure and gratification, is watching the product of his efforts grow and
take shape every day.
Travis’s love of golf did not come to him early. In high school he was a good enough
baseball player that he had a few scholarship offers to play college baseball, but
shortly after starting college, he realized that he was only marking time, and left
school to give himself time to find out what he really wanted to do. To give himself something to do, he took
a job at the Loxahatchee Country Club, where he fell under the spell of their golf course superintendent, Phil
Schumaker., and has never looked back. Working by day and going to school at night, Travis graduated with
a degree in Turf Management and Golf Maintenance from Lake City College and then went to work at the
Lost Tree Club in North Palm Beach. And from there he went to Mayacoo in 2007, and on to Delaire in 2014
where he supervises a crew of 25 men.
One of the Members of this team is Pastor Quarez. Pastor has been working at Delaire since 2001, and
was involved in the 2003 renovation of the Delaire golf course. Prior to coming to Delaire, Pastor worked at
Asplundh Tree Expert Co, the largest tree trimming company in the U.S., where he learned not only the art
of trimming trees, but also the basics of arborism. Today Pastor does most of the tree trimming at Delaire,
runs all of our heavy equipment and was a right hand man to Travis during the golf course renovation. In fact,
he loves golf course construction so much, that even on his vacation time, he works on other golf course
construction projects. Given this type of dedication and commitment, it is hard to know where he finds the
time to spend with his wife, Maria and their 7 children (2 boys and 5 girls) ranging in age from 5 - 16.
So as we enjoy our new golf course, if you have the opportunity, please take the time to thank Travis, Pastor
and the entire golf course maintenance team for their hard work (they each have averaged more than 70
hours a week since March 31st) and dedication to making our golf course and our experience so spectacular.
Staff from left to right: Clem Cohen, Angel Lopez Gonzalez, Sylvain Mozar, Brent Lapointe, Abel Gregorio Juan,
Abel Hernandez, Beta Lopez Gonzalez, Geno Pierre Watson, Lucner Emmanuel, Louis Saint Reil, Pastor Juarez,
Poussely Virgil, Willie Romulus, Gustavo Socorro Gutierrez, Jeanty Chales, Steven Velez Adrian, Joseph Antwi,
Jason Lafountain, Abdel Vega, Scott McBee, Paul Lowe, Cash Galko, Travis McCoy
Winter 2017 | 9
The Good Life
Tennis Topics
Lawrence Sagel, USPTA Tennis Professional
On November 30th, Jeanette Rubin celebrated 20 years at Delaire Country Club. Jeanette has helped the tennis
program grow and assisted with numerous tennis events. Jeanette’s passion for tennis and dedication to her
job is exemplified in her wonderful attitude and work ethic.
Men’s Tennis
Men’s Tennis Night was played under the lights on Monday, November 28th. The
participants had fun playing in a social round robin format followed by food, beer and
good times!
The Tennis Happy Hour was held on December, 7th and was a great success. There
was plenty of tennis, cocktails and fun.
The next date for Pickleball & Masters Tennis is Monday, January 23. As a reminder,
there are two sessions (10:00-10:45 and 10:45-11:30 am).
Please note that the date next month has been changed from Monday, February 27 to
Monday, February 6. Dates thereafter are as follows:
Friday, March 10 • Monday, March 20 • Wednesday, April 5 • Friday, April 21
Call the tennis shop at 561-499-0771 to sign up, and specify which time (10:00-10:45am and 10:45-11:30am) you would like to play.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Tennis Pro-Am
Friday, January 27th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Delaire
will be hosting a Pro-Am. Come and “team up”
with local & former touring pros in a round robin
format. All levels of player are encouraged to join
in. Cost is $85, which includes tennis with the
pros, wine, beer and hors d’ oeuvres.
10 | Delaire Country Club
Ladies Inter-Club Matches
Monday, January 30th Friday, February 10th Friday, March 3rd
Monday, March 6th Friday, March 24th
The Seven Bridges
Newport Bay Club
Boca Delray Country Club
The Bridges
Seasons Tennis Club
Play for Pink Tennis
There will be a charity mixer
for men & women on Monday,
Fe b r u a r y 1 3 t h a t 9 : 3 0
am (rain date - Thursday,
February 16th at 9:30 am)
The Good Life
For A Long Life, Consider Picking Up
A Tennis Racket
Karen Kaplan, Contact Reporter - LA Times
You probably know that exercise is good for you, but do you know whether you’re better off riding a bike or swimming laps in the pool?
Actually, if you want to get the biggest bang for your exercise buck, you should pick up a racket, new research reveals.
An analysis of more than 80,000 adults who were tracked for nearly a decade finds that those who played tennis, badminton or
squash had the lowest risk of dying during the course of the study. Compared with people who didn’t play racket sports, those who
did were 47% less likely to die of any cause and 56% less likely to die as a result of cardiovascular disease.
If these kinds of sports aren’t your racket, you could don a swimsuit and goggles. In the study, swimmers were 28% less likely to die
for any reason and 41% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than were people who stayed out of the water.
Another good alternative is to join an aerobics, Zumba or other type of active fitness class. Those who did were 27% less likely to die
of any cause and 36% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease during the study period than those who didn’t.
The results, published Tuesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, are based on data from 43,705 women and 36,601 men
who participated in the Health Survey for England or the Scottish Health Survey. These volunteers, whose average age was 52, told
interviewers how often they exercised, what type of exercise they did and how intense their workouts were.
Swimming was the most popular type of exercise, claimed by 13.4% of study volunteers. Cycling was second, with 9.9% of volunteers
saying they rode a bike either outside or in an indoor exercise class. Aerobics-type classes were third (6.4% of people took them),
followed by running or jogging (5%), racket sports (3.6%) and football (what they call soccer in the U.K.) or rugby (3.1%). Overall,
44.3% of people met minimum recommendations for some kind of physical activity.
The study authors checked to see how many of the volunteers died in subsequent years, tracking them for
an average of 9.2 years. Overall, 8,790 of the study participants died, including 1,909 who succumbed
to cardiovascular disease.
The risk of death was not spread equally, the researchers found. Compared with people who didn’t get
enough exercise, those who met the minimum standards were 27% less likely to die of any reason
and 28% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease during the course of the study.
Cyclists had a 15% lower risk of death from any cause than noncyclists, but cycling didn’t have a
significant effect on the risk of cardiovascular death.
Runners and joggers were no less likely than their counterparts to die of cardiovascular disease or
anything else during the study period. Ditto for those who played football (soccer) or rugby.
All of the calculations were adjusted to account for each person’s age, level of education, body mass index,
underlying physical and psychological health, smoking status and drinking habits.
For all six types of exercise, the median age of death from any cause was “considerably lower” for participants
than for nonparticipants. (The age gap ranged from 3.6 years for aerobics to 23 years for football and rugby.)
The study authors said this pattern was due to the fact that for every sport, the median age of participants was
lower than the median age for nonparticipants. It should not be taken as a sign that exercise “leads to earlier
death,” they wrote.
Winter 2017 | 11
The Good Life
Delaire Welcomes New Members
Members of the Board of Governors, the Property Owners’ Association and the Membership Committee
officially welcome the new members to Delaire. Our new members play golf, tennis and cards, and are all
looking forward to being part of the family.
Tab and Joanne Rosenfeld of Chappaqua, NY are current members of Brae Burn Country Club in
Purchase, NY, where Mr. Rosenfeld plays both golf and tennis. The Rosenfelds are past members of
Crestmont Country Club in West Orange, NJ and the Falls Golf & Country Club locally. Mr. Rosenfeld is
a practicing attorney and managing partner with Rosenfeld Kaplan LLP, which represents individuals
and businesses in a wide variety of commercial and civil legal disputes and white-collar criminal
matters. The couple’s charitable endeavors include Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Alzheimer’s
Association, American Cancer Society, National Breast Cancer Foundation and National MS Society.
Alan Tarter and Avi Avidan are sponsoring the Rosenfelds for Delaire membership.
Dr. Richard and Donna Kyman of Boca Raton have purchased the builder home at 3952 Live Oak
Blvd. Dr. Kyman is a retired optometrist and longtime golfer. The couple spent many years in southern
California and looks forward to enjoying the Delaire fitness center and its offerings. The Kymans have
three children, Stacey, Darren and Scott, all of whom play golf and/or tennis, and six grandchildren.
Ron Weiner has purchased the builder home at 16858 Riverbirch Circle. Mr. Weiner is the Managing
Director and Partner of RDM Financial Group at HighTower, which has locations in Boca Raton, FL,
Westport, CT and New York, NY. He is currently a member of Fairview Country Club in Greenwich,
CT, where he plays golf. Mr. Weiner has two adult children, Samantha and Michael, who both play
tennis. Mr. Weiner’s significant other is Adrienne Levin; you may have had the opportunity to meet
the couple at the Opening Gala on December 3.
Residents of Bocaire Country Club, Arthur and Joan Lewis have enjoyed dining at Delaire during
summer reciprocity for many years. Mr. Lewis is a former sweater manufacturer who founded the
flagship Evelyn & Arthur clothing store with his late wife in 1984. Mrs. Lewis is a retired medical
assistant and x-ray technician. The Lewis’s are longtime golfers and have belonged to many country
clubs both locally and in New York, including Banyon, The Falls, Tam O’Shanter and Middlebay. Stewart
Sims and Joan Gray are sponsoring the Lewises for Delaire membership.
Robert and Robin Levy of Pompano Beach are avid golf and tennis players who currently belong to
Columbus Athletic Club (Columbus, OH), New Albany Country Club (New Albany, OH) and Adios Golf
Club locally in Coconut Creek. Mr. Levy owns the Sunrise Strikes bowling alley in Zanesville, OH, and
is the previous owner of Rally Auto Parts. The Levys’ hobbies include poker, mahjong, canasta and
book clubs. Cathy Cutler-Salzman is sponsoring the Levys for Delaire membership.
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The Good Life
Roberto Granados has purchased the builder home at 4237 Live Oak Blvd. Mr. Granados is the brother
of current Delaire member Felix Granados and the owner of Granados Management Company, a
real estate firm. Mr. Granados plays both golf and tennis, as do his sons, Robert and Matthew. Mr.
Granados’ hobbies include boating, car racing, fishing and diving.
Michael and Angela Hendrix of Highland Beach are originally from Tulsa, OK and past members
of Cedar Ridge Country Club in the town of Broken Arrow. Mr. Hendrix is Co-Chair of a financial
processing/global holdings firm and a longtime golfer. Mrs. Hendrix looks forward to enjoying the
Delaire fitness center and its class offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix also enjoy boating. Margo Hertz
is sponsoring the Hendrixes for Delaire membership.
Delaire Members Care
Joan Gray
I am a volunteer for the Guardian Ad Litem Program (GAL) of Palm Beach County.
Guardian Ad Litem is a volunteer based state agency that advocates for children who are victims of abuse.
These children are at the center of legal cases involving their families, but there is nobody to speak up for
them. We are the voice of the child. Guardian ad litem is appointed by the court, and trains volunteers, who
come from all walks of life, to appear in court on behalf of the children we serve, and represent their best
interest. A child with a Guardian ad Litem advocate will achieve better life-long outcomes. They are more
likely to do better in school, find a safe permanent home more quickly, and go on to enjoy a more successful life. We are for the child.
If the child graduates from high school, the state of Florida will pay for college in a state school and upon graduating even provide housing
for two years while they start a career.
I’ve listened to a young man, Jacob, tell of his “before and after” life and have been brought to tears by his success thanks to the help of
his determined guardian.
I was introduced to the GAL program by our own Iris Chavin who has been a guardian for 20 years to countless children. What a role model!
Cathy Kimmel
The Women’s Golf Association would like to thank the Delaire community for their support of our holiday food
drive. Your generosity enabled us to donate over five hundred pounds of food to Boca Helping Hands, a notfor-profit organization with a mission to provide food, medical, and financial assistance to those less fortunate
in our community. Also thanks to monetary contributions from some of the canasta tournament winners and
other residents, we were able to donate an additional $370 in cash.
It is plain to see that the holiday spirit is alive and well in our community. Thank you.
Winter 2017 | 13
The Good Life
Curt Karpel
Curt Karpel
Gail and I have been members of Delaire for over 26 years. For the first 3 years, we were non-resident equity members and then became
resident equity members when we purchased our first home in Delaire.
With regard to my activities at Delaire, I am presently the President of the Board of Governors. While on the Board, I have served as Club
Secretary, Chair of the Legal & By-Laws Committee and Chair of the Communications & Marketing Committee. I previously served as a
member of the Green and Nominating Committees and Delinquency Subcommittee.
I received my B.A. degree from the American University in Washington, DC and a JD degree from the George Washington University School
of law in that same city. I have practiced law for over 45 years and now am “of counsel” to a law firm in Rockville, MD that I previously
founded. Additionally, I serve as an Adjunct Professor in the Legal Studies Department at the University of Maryland University College
where I teach several classes each year. While in the private practice of law, I was active in numerous Bar Associations and also lectured
and coauthored a text on the subject of Maryland foreclosure law.
As a member of the present Board of Governors, I have been active in directing the Club’s defense in the pending Brecker lawsuits by
working closely with our Club’s attorney and the law firm representing us through our insurance carrier. I would hope to continue in this
regard until these legal matters end.
During my tenure on the Board, I was instrumental in creating our annual Military Golf Appreciation Day where the Southern Command
provides us with veterans and current military personnel to come to Delaire for a day of golf. This year, the Board has decided to expand
this same type event to include local police officers and first responders. Both events are, in my opinion, concrete ways we can show our
appreciation for those persons who serve us both locally and nationally.
I also participated, with others, on the Golf Facilities Enhancement Committee, which has presented the Club with three new and wonderful
golf courses. Others worked on this project for several years in planning the golf project, while my active participation occurred during the
actual renovation process. I couldn’t be more proud of assisting in getting our new courses completed for everyone’s enjoyment.
Also, I am proud to have sponsored a proposed By-Law amendment that was approved by the Board and, if hopefully passed by our
membership, will allow the Club to establish a lien against the real property of any delinquent member. This is a significant step that will
serve to prevent members from failing to pay their dues and other club charges.
Finally, as Club president I have made it my priority to respond to any member who has a concern, question or suggestion on any Clubrelated topic. If re-elected to serve on the Board, I would continue to be open and responsive to all.
14 | Delaire Country Club
The Good Life
Saul Kimmel, D.M.D.
Andy Lynette
Saul Kimmel, D.M.D.
My wife Cathy and I have been members of Delaire CC since 2013. We have two daughters and four grandchildren who love to visit us
as often as their busy schedules permit. After serving two years of active duty in the U.S. Army from 1969-1971, I practiced dentistry in
Loudonville, N.Y. for thirty-seven years and published numerous articles in the scientific literature including a textbook on standards of
care. I wrote a weekly informational column for the Albany daily newspaper for two years and appeared on the ABC affiliate WTEN for
seven years as a scientific contributor. Having also served as a member of several professional and community advisory boards , I hope
to bring my knowledge and experience to the Delaire CC Board of Governors.
Andy Lynette
Ellen and I first came to Delaire as renters in November 2012 and closed on the purchase of our home in March 2013. Right after closing,
I applied for and was selected to be a member of the Country Club’s Legal and Bylaws Committee. The following year I was elected to
the POA Board of Directors on which I have served for nearly three years. I’ve been Chairman of the POA Legal Committee, Second Vice
President of the POA and a member of its Finance and ARC committees. During the past 2 years I have also served on the Country Club’s
Long Range Planning Committee and have recently been appointed to the Country Club’s Ad Hoc By-Laws Revisions Committee.
Delaire is a wonderful place to live and we feel very fortunate to be here. I believe there are a number of challenges that our club will
face in the coming years. We must be sensitive to the changing needs of all of our members. We must continue to maintain and where
appropriate improve our facilities to remain competitive. As new members join our community we need to find better ways to help them
connect to our existing membership and we need to continue to provide new programming and activities which appeal to our diverse
community. In dealing with all of these challenges and opportunities we must be financially prudent and spend our club dollars where they
will be most effective in benefiting our members.
I believe my background has prepared me to take on the responsibilities of becoming a member of the Board of Governors. I practiced law
in New Jersey from 1973 to 1980. Since 1980 I have served as the president of a real estate investment and management company which
has owned and/or managed thousands of rental, condominium and HOA units in various states including New York, New Jersey and Florida.
In that position, I have had extensive experience dealing with the physical, financial and interpersonal aspects of community management.
If elected to the Board of Governors, I would use the knowledge I gained in my years in business and law, and as a member of the POA Board
and Country Club committees to do my very best to make a positive contribution to the Delaire Country Club Board and to our community.
Winter 2017 | 15
The Good Life
Glenn Matusik
Executive Chef
With the Season now in full swing, I want to wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy new year. As some of
us tend to overeat during the holidays, I thought it would be helpful to introduce some tips for healthy eating
around the club. Our salad bar is a great place to eat healthy during the day. We often blend in different grains,
kale and low fat salads. A nice chopped salad with some vegetables and white meat turkey and one of the
variety of fat free dressings or just some olive oil and balsamic is a healthy option. Also if you have not tried
our house made black bean burger on a whole wheat bun I highly recommend it. Our La Brasserie dinner
menu has a variety of fish that can be plain broiled with no fats and sauce on the side. Our steaks can also
be with low or no salt and sauce on the side. We use wagyu beef, which contains a much healthier fat than prime beef. One of the most
important things to do for your health is to drink plenty of water. A full glass of water first thing in the morning helps to energize your
organs for the day. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters a day.
My team and I are always trying to exceed our members’ expectations and we will do our best to fulfill any healthy requests you may have.
Delaire members proudly have more to brag about
with their family happenings!
Irene Berkowitz, wife of Stuart Berkowitz and
daughter-in-law to our long time, caring members,
Robert and Eileen Berkowitz, has recently received
her PHD from Ryerson University in Toronto.
Michelle Howard and Dorothy Lippman came in 1st
place. Hannah Kaplan and Judy Tarter came in 2nd
place. Joy Fedelim and Janet Kaplan came in 3rd place.
The subject of her dissertation is long and involved
but suffice it to say, to achieve this honor as an
adult required a huge amount of study and plain
hard work. Irene has become an expert in how
the internet and software are changing industries
and what will be next. She has been on TV, written
many newspaper and academic peer review
articles and is considered an ‘in demand expert’.
Irene is now consulting with the regulatory bodies
overseeing TV and media policy in Canada.
The entire Berkowitz family are so very proud of
her achievement and wanted to share it!
We had 112 happy participants in our Delaire Canasta
The ladies card room was packed and a great time
was had by all.
A special thanks to Simone Spies, Udella Newman,
Rochelle Danhi and Dana Plagens for heading this
fun event!
Thank You to Neka Martin who was our scorekeeper
and did a great job!
And of course to “Tess” our beloved card room
attendant who never forgets what every woman drinks!
We cannot wait for our next tournament - date to be
announced soon!
16 | Delaire Country Club
The Good Life
Fitness Facts
Phil Bayne, Fitness Director
Quotes That Will Inspire You to Move
No matter how dedicated you are, we all need a little extra push from time to time. We
found some favorite motivational quotes that will help keep you going. Here are some of our
favorites that will inspire and power you through 2017. Pick your favorite quotes that speak
to you and use them daily to keep you on track and motivated.
»» “You don’t have to be great to start but you DO have to start
to be great.”
»» “Nothing feels better than proving your biggest doubter wrong,
»» “Imagine yourself 6 months from now, it WILL be worth it.”
»» “The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows
»» “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now. “
»» “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new
»» “Anyone can work out for an hour. Controlling what you eat the
other 23 hours is what makes you strong.”
»» “I used to say, I think I can, I think I can, but finally I said, I
KNOW I CAN. And I did.”
»» “I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.”
»» “Don’t log the food you eat... eat the food you logged.”
»» “Don’t stop because it takes too long to see results. The time
is going to pass anyway.”
»» “I’m lapping everyone sitting on the couch no matter how
SLOW I walk.”
»» “Failing to plan = planning to fail!.”
»» “What if I fall? Oh my darling, what if you fly?”
»» “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet”
»» “Even on my weakest days, I still get stronger.”
»» “Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is
»» “No matter how slow you go, or how long it takes, you’re still
faster than when you were sitting on the couch.”
»» “Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat”
»» “Progress is progress no matter how small.
»» “Progress, not perfection.”
»» “I really regret that workout” -Said no one ever.
Ronni Osinoff
How does positive reality affect one’s productivity?
It’s been found that if one’s brain became more positive, that person reaped a unique advantage; the human brain works better at
positive than at negative, neutral or stressed.
One of the things seen when the brain is negative is the amygdale starts to activate and that steals resources from the prefrontal cortex
- the front part of the brain that makes good decisions. We will call the amygdale, the “jerk” and the prefrontal cortex - the “thinker”.
When you are negative, the jerk steals resources from the thinker. When you are positive, more of the thinker is activated so you can
actually see solutions to problems better.
The “bottom line” is to start to think “half full” and not “half empty”. Then the happiness feeling will start taking over your thoughts
helping you in making better, more optimistic solutions to problems which will help you in all levels of productivity and happiness!
Winter 2017 | 17
The Good Life
Communications and Marketing
Stewart Sims
Welcome to the Delaire Shares Message Board!
In the last issue of the “Good Life” I described the Delaire Yellow Pages feature under the Members tab of the
delaire.org website. The Delaire Yellow Pages is Delaire’s version of “Angie’s List”, and is a place where Delaire
members can share recommendations on anything from Doctors, to Gardeners to Restaurants.
Delaire Shares is Delaire’s version of “Craig’s List”. It is a message board where Delaire members can list items that they are willing to lend
to other members , they have for sale, or that have to sell/or donate. These items are grouped into categories (ex: Handyman & Gardening”
& “Kid’s Closet”) and within each category you will find the topic - if you wish to borrow an item.
1. Click on the topic (ex: Kid’s
Closet)which will take you to
a page with the list of items.
2. Then simply click on the item
you are interested in to get the
If you want an item that does not
fit in an existing category, e-mail
or call Liz Shaw, our website
administrator, at 561.900.2510
and she will create the category
and help you list the item. Similarly
if you wish to add an item to an
existing category, you can either do
it yourself(by clicking on the topic)
and filling out the “add a new item”
form or e-mail/call Liz for help.
This will take you to the landing page for that function, and then follow the instructions to either
find an item, or create a new listing.
The Communications Committee
hopes that you will find both of
these new features helpful and
welcome any questions about
these or other features of the
website as well as any suggestions
for new features that you think will
make the site better.
Here is the link ‘in members only‘
for all the additional photos in the
photo gallery:
Photos are also available on our
Facebook Page:
18 | Delaire Country Club
The Good Life
Delaire Gold Medal Honorees!
We are proud to share with all Delairians the Members that have been recently honored for their hard work on
behalf of their favorite charities. Please know if you wish to honor/help them with a contribution or assistance
in their worthy causes, please feel free to contact them directly.
“Howard and Marcia Kent” were honored by Israel Bonds at a lovely dinner at Delaire on December 5, 2016.
“Barbara Singer” was honored at a dinner on December 11th benefitting the Diabetes Research Institiute’s
Singer Family Fellowship.
“Ila Davidoff” will be chairing and honoring a personal cause to fight and find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis at
their annual Luncheon and Fashion Show held on January 18th.
“Mel Finkelstein” hosted a luncheon on November 21, 2016 on behalf of the National Geographic Magazine’s
cause to help children in the School District of Pam Beach County by raising funds for the distribution of
the magazine to all students so they may improve their educational foundations beginning with children in
kindergarten. Mel is proud to announce that already over 2,700 children in the School District of Palm Beach
County have just received their first magazine!
We at Delaire are so very proud of our Special Members who help others!
Jim Newman, Recycling Specialist
Please give your old batteries to
the attendants in our pro-shops,
locker rooms & workout rooms.
We will take it from there.
Winter 2017 | 19
Property Owners Association
4645 White Cedar Lane
Delray Beach, Florida 33445