Populism in the late 1800s - Paul Jolly`s Teacher Page

Populism in the late 1800s
Jolly - Axis STEM Academy - Fall 2015
Populism - a reaction to...
Patronage - government jobs awarded to friends, campaigners, major donors
(corruption of spoils system)
Government corruption - abundant from presidency of U.S. Grant through end
of century
Populism: gold bugs v. silverites
“Gold Bugs” - those who wanted U.S. specie to stay on the gold standard
(supported by banks; gold is rare, so less $ would be in circulation, driving prices
down, most profits to the rich who owned most gold)
“Silverites” wanted unlimited coinage in silver (supported by farmers; common,
so more $ in circulation = higher prices, wealth distributed more equally).
Who won?
Grange, Farmers Alliance, & Populist Party
Grange (1867) - created farm cooperatives*, built warehouses & silos,
negotiated better shipping rates
*groups of farmers who pool their money to buy seeds & tools at wholesale prices
Farmers Alliance (1877) - created coops (like Grange) but also negotiated
trade agreements (guaranteeing better prices)
Populist (or “People’s”) Party (1892) - effort to combine needs of working
class (farmers & laborers) along with Silverites into political action
Grange, Farmers Alliance, & Populist Party posters
Populism: addressing the needs of farmers
Increase in farmed land 1850-1900: +430 million acres
Improved technology = increased production
Increased production = lower prices.
Populism: addressing the needs of farmers
Increase in farmed land 1850-1900: +430 million acres
Improved technology = increased production
Increased production = lower prices.
Populism: addressing the needs of farmers
Increase in farmed land 1850-1900: +430 million acres
Improved technology = increased production
Increased production = lower prices.
Populism: addressing the needs of farmers
Increase in farmed land 1850-1900: +430 million acres
Improved technology = increased production
Increased production = lower prices.
Grange Halls today - centers of community organization
Grange Halls today - centers of community organization
Unfortunately for the People’s Party...
Unfortunately for the People’s Party...
Key Takeaways
Reverence for farming persists
Populism united working class people of many backgrounds
Urbanization would add to their numbers
Reaction against ‘obscene wealth’ of the ultra-rich would coalesce in early
1900s Progressive Movement
Rejuvenation of Grange movement in early 2000’s