optimalNEWS - Optimal Fitness

November 2014
October was an exciting month here at optimalFITNESS!
In the gym, we upgraded the timetable with more yoga
classes, JumpFit, and BoxFit with Lee Hurford Boxing
Academy. These kind of classes are what optimalFITNESS
is all about—unique, challenging, and fun! Be sure to
check them out, you won’t be sorry!
Inside this issue:
Healthy Diet Habits 2
David Labouchere 6
Meet our PTs
optimalTHERAPY kept busy as well, attending the JLL Roy
Nasr Memorial Triathlon, Mamzar Triathlon, and Newton
10-Miler. At events like these, we offer post-race massage
to competitors, which as you can imagine, is quite popular! We really enjoy being at events because it gives us the
opportunity to be out in the community while educating
people about the benefits of physiotherapy and sports
massage. This month we have a bit of a break, but we will
be back at events throughout December & January!
We would like to congratulate the winners of our weekly contest this month, Denise Stump, Vishal Hirani, Bassima Abi Jaoude, Azher Hussain, Stephanie Thomson, Noel Tabb, Bill Grambill and Lucy Dawson.
Awesome job everyone! We are super impressed by the commitment displayed in class attendance this
month. So many of you qualified for the drawing each week by attending 5 or more classes—keep up the
great work! That level of dedication is something to be proud of!
Finally, a HUGE congratulations to our grand prize winner, Ruby Ramprasad, who attended an astounding
total of 31 classes this month! We are so inspired by Ruby and thank her for being a wonderful rolemodel to everyone at optimalFITNESS. Her commitment to health & fitness is outstanding and a true accomplishment! Well done!
Be sure to check out the last page with exciting news about one of our awesome PTs!
healthy diet habits
Eating healthy isn’t just about what you’re eating—how you’re eating is just as important!
Shop with a plan and stick to it! Buying ingredients for healthy meals takes preparation. Writing a list may seem old-fashioned,
but it keeps you organized and you will be less likely to give in to the temptation of the junk food aisles!
Never shop on an empty stomach, we all know what happens when we do that! Some experts even suggest shopping straight
after a workout; you may be more motivated to choose wisely.
Work your way around the outside perimeters of the store to stock up on basics—fruit, veg, meat, dairy. Avoid the aisles with
processed foods, which are usually located in the middle of the store. Often grocery stores are set up so the basics are on opposite ends of the shop, which forces you to walk past the soda, chips, and candy aisles, where they can make the most profit!
Don’t let this trick fool you!
Preparing a home-cooked meal every night can be a daunting task after a long day. Planning meals before the start of the work
week can help make this challenge more achievable. On Saturday, plan your meals, shop, and then meal prep.
Meal Prep: Gather ingredients in the correct portions (!!) and prepare anything that can be made ahead of time. While you’re
doing this, you will be able to see if the meal is nutritionally balanced. Focus on realistic portions and adjust the recipe if necessary…don’t cook enough for a small army if you are feeding one person! Preparing too much makes you more likely to overeat.
Healthy meals don’t need to be tasteless, so avoid sacrificing flavor! Use healthy additives like olive oil, coconut oil, herbs, and
spices to kick things up a notch. Satisfying your taste buds at the dinner table will prevent late night snacking.
Mindfulness is the key to eating well. Be aware of how much food you are eating, how quickly, and whether or not you are
enjoying it. Eating should be a treat, not a chore! Savor every bite!
The most important part of consuming the meal is to take your time. Eating slowly allows your brain to communicate with
your stomach and alert you when you’re full. Chowing down in a hurry leads to overeating, bloating, and fatigue.
Don’t wait until dinner to eat most of your calories for the day. By eating throughout the day, you are sating your hunger instead of letting it build to perceived “starvation.” You will finish your meal more satisfied by healthy portion sizes and less likely to derail your healthy diet with high calorie comfort food.
Always plate your food and use utensils, even when snacking. This allows you to see how much you are consuming and avoid
binging. Sit down at the table instead of in front of the TV or computer so your attention is focused on eating. Put down your
phone! While it’s easy to fall into the habit of aimlessly scrolling through Facebook or emails while eating, this distraction is
dangerous to your diet—not to mention annoying to your dinner partners!
Meal Prep Tip
When preparing a salad,
layer the ingredients in a
cylindrical container to
avoid sogginess! Put wet
ingredients at bottom
with lettuce at the top!
Get To Know Our PTs!
Hometown: I am originally from South Africa, but have been
an expatriate since 2001, residing in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
England, Germany and China. For the last four years Dubai
has been home.
Specialties: I don't specialise in any form of exercise. I enjoy a
very diverse fitness program, that includes Crossfit, Cycling,
Running, Swimming. Having been to the Asia Crossfit Regionals, in Seoul, Korea 2014, I am now training for my first Half
Iron Man, in Dubai, November 7th. After the Half Iron Man, I
will switch back to train for my fourth Dubai Marathon and
second Wadi Bih.
Training Style: I have a varied training regime (endurance,
weight training, Olympic lifting, and HIIT), which can be
adapted to anyone's ability level and training needs.
Favourite Exercise: I don't have a favourite, I love it all!
Qualifications: Level 3 Personal Trainer, Level 1 Crossfit,
Qualified Yoga Instructor, PADI Scuba Diving Instructor, EFR
Fun fact: Fitness is Fun, Fact!
Hometown: Glasgow, though I was born in
the UK
Specialties: I run competitive track, and my
specialty is 400m sprint. I have competed
for the Scotland Under 23 and Great Britain
Under 23 teams.
Training Style: I train my clients based on
their goals; Athletes I train in a sports specific way. I usually create programmes pulling from a mix of strength and conditioning,
lifting, running, and circuits.
Favourite Exercise: Besides running I really
enjoy Olympic lifting snatches
Fun Fact: You can find me training at the
track 5 days a week starting at 5:30AM
By Kristy Delport
Turn off the television or computer an hour earlier and go to
bed. We're sleeping too little, experts warn.
Did you know that your sleeping habits affect your weight?
Studies suggest that lack of sleep may make weight loss and
weight control more of a challenge by altering our metabolism,
as well as our eating and activity patterns. Changes in hormone
levels have been linked to sleep deprivation in several studies.
One such hormone is cortisol, which regulates metabolism of
sugar, protein, fat, minerals, and water. An increase in this
hormone disrupts regulation and may cause weight gain.
Another of these hormones is insulin. Higher levels of insulin, a
condition known as “insulin resistance”, has also been linked to
a shortage of sleep in several studies. Insulin not only controls blood sugar but also promotes fat storage, therefore extra insulin
makes weight loss more difficult.
When people low on sleep find their energy dropping throughout the day, many turn to food for a pick-me-up. The short-term rise in
blood sugar may boost energy, but often the extra calories are not needed by the body and must be stored as fat. Furthermore, the
most appealing foods when we feel low on energy are often sweets or refined carbohydrates with low nutrient density. If sleep deprivation causes insulin resistance, over-consumption of these types of carbohydrates may be especially problematic.
Not only is it easy to take in excess calories when sleep deprived, but lack of sleep may also cause calorie burning functions to decrease. If your waking hours are generally spent in sedentary activities (i.e. at a desk or computer or in front of the TV), you're not
burning many more calories while awake than you would asleep. Not surprisingly, when sleep deprived, people are often too fatigued to exercise. If they do manage to exercise, they work out less intensely than usual. The consequences of not exercising are
harmful and can have a negative impact in all areas of life.
Healthy sleep habits will make a big difference in your quality of life.
1. Stick to the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the
weekends. This helps to regulate your body's clock and could
help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.
6. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. The one you
have been using for years may have exceeded its life expectancy
– about 9 or 10 years for most good quality mattresses.
2. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. Away from bright lights
7. Manage your circadian rhythms. Avoid bright light in the
helping separate your sleep time from activities that can cause
evening and expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. This will
excitement, stress or anxiety and can make it more difficult to fall keep your circadian rhythms in check.
asleep and remain asleep
8. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and heavy meals in the evening.
3. Avoid naps, especially in the afternoon. Power napping may
These can all disrupt sleep. It is good to finish eating at least 2-3
help you get through the day, but may make it more difficult to
hours before bedtime.
fall asleep at night.
9. Wind down. Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so
4. Exercise daily. Regular physical activity can promote better
spend the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as
sleep, helping you to fall asleep faster. Timing is important, if you reading. For some people, using an electronic device such as a
exercise too close to bedtime, you might be too energized to fall laptop can make it harder to fall asleep, because the particular
type of light emanating from the screens of these devices is stimulating to the brain.
5. Evaluate your room. Your bedroom should be a cool temperature and free from any noise or light that can disturb your sleep. 10. Don’t force yourself. If you can't sleep, go into another room
and do something relaxing until you feel tired.
protein shakes
Protein shakes are an excellent way to replenish your body after a grueling workout.
If you don’t plan to consume a high-protein meal within an hour of exercise, a protein shake is a good supplement.
Protein powder provides dense nutritional value for relatively few calories, which is beneficial as your body doesn’t necessarily need
the calorie intake of a full meal to recover. Protein shakes that contains some carbs, like banana, are recommended for strength
building. Whey protein has the ability to stimulate gains in muscle size in some people, when combined with proper nutrition and
regular strength training. In addition to whey, Caporilli’s also uses Lean95 protein powder. Recommended by optimalTHERAPY resident
nutritionist, Ryan Penny (of the Wellness Brothers), Lean95 is a hypoallergenic, complete, 100% plant-based protein source.
Pressed for time? Pop into Caporilli’s and order before your session & we will have it ready when you finish!
protein blast
Strawberry whey protein + banana + skim milk
recovery shake
Vanilla whey protein + peanut butter + banana + skim milk
Lean 95 coconut
Lean 95 coconut + coconut water + walnuts/cashews + ice
get 15% off your next order!
Just send us a message with your name & email,
& redeem your reward next time you are in!
Please Allow 2 working days. 1 valid per person.
congratulations sunjay!
Tel: 04457 2048 /
050 423 3302
[email protected]
Sun-Wed: 6AM-10PM
Thurs: 6AM-8PM
Fri-Sat: 7:30AM-8PM
look out for brand *new* classes this month!
Tel: 04 441 9687
[email protected]
Sun-Wed: 7AM-9PM
Thurs: 7AM-5PM
Sat: 9AM-5M
legs, Bums, Tums (LBT) — A low impact class consisting of standing leg work and mat
work. An excellent workout to target those stubborn areas below the belt!
tri Class — A cardio class consisting of three 20 minute sections of aerobics, step,
& conditioning.
Tel: 055 237 7344
[email protected]
Sat: 8AM-1PM
Sun-Thurs: 7:30AM-6:30PM
Fri: Closed
Sat: 8AM-2PM
to view our current timetable, go to
our website or log on to memberme