Self-‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs

Self-­‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Currently teaching Have rarely taught Never taught Observe simple objects, patterns, and events and report their observations. Sort and sequence data according to criteria given. Given the appropriate instrument, measure length, temperature, volume, and mass in metric units as specified. Compare things, processes, and events. Use classification systems. Plan and conduct simple experiments. Formulate simple research questions. Predict results of investigations based on prior data. Use data to construct a reasonable conclusion. Demonstrate a sense of curiosity about nature. Voluntarily read and look at books and other materials about science. Pose science questions about objects, events, and processes. Maintain an open and questioning mind toward new ideas and alternative points of view. Seek and weigh evidence before drawing conclusions. Accept and use scientific evidence to help resolve ecological problems. Know and explain science information specified for the grade level. Distinguish between examples and non-­‐examples of concepts that have been taught. Solve problems appropriate to grade level by applying science principles and procedures. Record data accurately when given the appropriate form (e.g., table, graph, chart). Describe or explain observations carefully and report with pictures, sentences, and models. 1. Use Science Process and Thinking Skills 2. Manifest Scientific Attitudes and Interests 3. Understand Science Concepts and Principles 4. Communicate Effectively Using Science Language and Reasoning Self-­‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs Use scientific language in oral and written communication. Use reference sources to obtain information and cite the source. Use mathematical reasoning to communicate information. Cite examples of how science affects life. Understand the cumulative nature of science knowledge. Science is a way of knowing that is used by many people not just scientists. Understand that science investigations use a variety of methods and do not always use the same set of procedures; understand that there is not just one "scientific method." Science findings are based upon evidence. 5. Demonstrate Awareness of Social and Historical Aspects of Science 6. Understand the Nature of Science 5th Grade Science Curriculum STANDARD 1 OBJECTIVE 1: MATTER IS NOT CREATED OR DESTROYED, JUST CHANGES a. Total weight= weight of parts b. Compare weights before and after physical changes c. Investigate weights of solid and liquids before and after dissolution d. Investigate weights before and after a chemical reaction OBJECTIVE 2: EVALUATE EVIDENCES OF A PHYSICAL CHANGES a. Identify the physical properties of matter b. Compare changes in substances after a physical change c. Describe appearance of before and after a physical change Currently teaching Have rarely taught Never taught Self-­‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs OBJECTIVE 3: EVALUATE EVIDENCES OF A CHEMICAL REACTION a. Identify observable evidence of a chemical reaction b. Explain why weight of a produced gas is less than reactants c. Chemistry in daily life d. Compare physical and chemical changes e. Hypothesize how changing one material in a reaction will change the results. STANDARD 2 OBJECTIVE 1: DESCRIBE WEATHERING AND EROSION a. Identify objects, process, and forces that weather and erode Earth's surface b. How land features are changed by erosion c. Explain time it takes to change land OBJECTIVE 2: VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKES, AND UPLIFT a. Identify features created by volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift b. Give examples to landforms created by volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift c. Describe how volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift change land d. Cite examples of how technology predicts volcanoes and earthquakes OBJECTIVE 3: RELATE CHANGE OF EARTH'S SURFACE OVER TIME a. Explain how natural processes overtime create resulting layers of rocks, like in the Grand Canyon b. Describe the role of deposition in changing Earth's surface c. Use a timeline to sequence and time for build up and breakdown of land features d. Describe Earth's surface without any uplift, weathering, or erosion STANDARD 3 OBJECTIVE 1: INVESTIGATE AND COMPARE BEHAVIOR OF MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM a. Compare various types of magnets and their push and pull ability b. Investigate how magnets will both attract and repel other magnets c. Compare permanent magnets and electromagnets Self-­‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs d. Research and report the use of magnets that is support by sound scientific principles OBJECTIVE 2: DESCRIBE SIMILARITIES OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD AND A MAGNET a. Compare the magnetic fields of various types of magnets b. Compare Earth's magnetic field to that of a magnet c. Construct a compass and explain how it works d. Investigate effects of magnets on the compass needle interacting with Earth's magnetic field STANDARD 4 OBJECTIVE 1: DESCRIBE STATIC ELECTRICITY IN NATURE AND DAILY LIFE a. List occurrences of static electricity that happen daily b. Describe the relationship between static electricity and lightning c. Describe attraction and repulsion of statically charged objects d. Compare amount of static charge produced by rubbing materials together e. Investigate how various materials react differently to statically charged objects OBJECTIVE 2: ANALYZE THE BEHAVIOR OF CURRENT ELECTRICITY a. Draw and label components of a complete electrical circuit with switches and loads b. Predict the effect of changing one or more components in an electric circuit c. Test materials with various electrical conductivity and generalize their properties of materials d. Investigate materials that prevent the flow of electricity e. Make a working model of a complete circuit using a power source, switch, bell or light, a conductor STANDARD 5 OBJECTIVE 1: USE EVIDENCE TO SHOW INHERITED TRAITS FROM PARENTS TO OFFSPRING a. Make a chart and collect data on various traits in a given population b. Identify similar physical traits of a parent and its offspring c. Compare examples of offspring maturation where they first do not resemble their parent d. Contrast inherited traits and behaviors that may be learned or induced by the environment e. Investigate variations and similarities in plants grown from seeds of a parent plant Self-­‐ Analysis: Science Core Curriculum and ILOs OBJECTIVE 2: DESCRIBE HOW SOME CHARACTERISTICS COULD GIVE A SPECIES A SURVIVAL ADVANTAGE IN A PARTICULAR ENVIRONMENT a. Compare the traits of similar species that increase their survival in an environment b. Identify that some environments give one species a survival advantage over another c. Describe how a particular attribute provides advantage in one environment but not another d. Research and report on a specific plant or animal by their attributes that provide advantage for survival in their environment