journalan il ^ publican N ursing H om e Approval Given B y R eview

1!Y s t a t e U.briu*jr
M h p n y , New Y o rk 1 8 2 0 3
Y ily
* Barnes Corners
* Indian River
iV e n n f t a p e r D e v o t e * ! E x c l u s i v e l y
T o
T h e
e lf n r e
I f f
L a v is
(o u n ty
Lo c a l
j o u r n a l a n il ^ p u b l i c a n
* Beach's Bridge
Beaver Falls
* Klrscbnervllle * LowviUe it Lyonsdale
* B ellort
* Lyons F alls
* M arunsburg
* Castorland
* N a u m lu rg
* Constabieville
* New Brem en
* Copenhagen
« O sceola
a Croghan
* Pine Grove
R D a d w tle
* Port I.e> le r
D eer Hi ver
* T alcottw lle
Sr T urin
* Glenda le
L e a d e r s h ip .
O w n e r s h ip
* Glenfleld
A iv est lead en
* Greig
* West Lowville
139th YEAR — No. 50
* Harrisvllle
* West M artlnsburg
N u r sin g H o m e
A p p r o v a l G iv en
B y R e v ie w e r s
T ru ste e s o f the Hospital R e­
view and Planning Council of Cen­
tr a l New York, Inc., a fte r consid­
e rin g a L e tte r of Intent subm itted
b y th e Lewis County B oard of S up.
e r v is o r s on behalf of L ew lsC ounty G eneral Hospital fo r a proposed
n u rsin g hom have found th ere Is
a need fo r a nursing hom e In the
county and voted to recom m end
provisional approval of the L e t­
t e r su b ject to five conditions.
jljr •
f* %
b e rs of T roop 162, Lowville, spon­
so red by Lowville A m erican Le­
gion M emorial P ost 162, Troop
62, sponsored b y Glenfleld F ire
D epartm ent, and Troop 77, spon­
so red by LowvUIe Lions Club,
spent the week of July 27 to Aug­
u st 2 at Camp P o rta fe rry , near
H arrisvllle.
HEADSTART Twelve children a r e enrolled In
the H eadstart C la ss at H a r r ls vllle with Ann Iris h a s In stru c to r,
Shown tn the upper p ictu re, left
to rig h t a re : Lower row, Steven
B radlsh, L au rie B ancroft, M ark
W eir, L au ra L u th er, Wally F ay ­
ette and Tena Lay Boult; upper
row, V alerie Cowles, C arol F o rd ,
Elizabeth E z ra , R ichard W ard,
Raymond Benson and L isa Ryan.
In the picture shown a t the
left, which was taken in the l i ­
b ra ry , a re shown, left to rig h t,
V alerie Cow les, L aura L u th e r,
Raymond Benson, Steven B ra ­
dlsh and L aurie B ancroft,
Sally Collette Is teach er aide,
(Continued on Page 5)
Shown, left to rig h t, a re : Kneel­ Hitchcock, Donald V oyer, Rano.
ing, Doug Townsend, M ark Bero; Young, Tom T urck, M ichael V er­
row one, F re d Young, Tom Evans, S chneider, Ricky Young and Allan
John T urck, N ell S m lthllng, Rob­ Raymond, scoutm aster.
Mtchael Raymond Is a m em ber
e r t Bush andStanleyBtrchenough;
row two, G ary M orse, David Sch­ of Troop 62, Randy and Ricky
u lz, Tom D eU es, M ichael Ray­ Young, Nell Sm lthllng, Stanley
Blrchenough and Scott G raves be­
m ond, David Raymond, Scott G ra­ long to T roop 77, and the rem ain ­
ves and Jo e P o rreca ; row three, der of the scouts are m em bers of
Mark T abolt, flag b e a r e r , David Troop 162,
A le tte r w ritten by C arlyle
Jaco b sen , executive d ire c to r of
the C ouncil, and d irected to Paul
C. M erz, chairm an of th e Board
o f S u p e rv iso rs, was read by D o r­
othy K otel, board clerk , at T u es­
day m orning’s m eeting of the
T he tru s te e s ex p ressed ap p re­
ciation to M erz and o th ers who
p articip ated In a meeting o f the
Council Ju ly 16 In S y racu se, at
ASC Members
Elections Set
, S lates o f nom inees for m em ­
b e rsh ip on L ew is County ASC
com m unity co m m ittees soon will
b e established al the Lewis County
office of the A gricu ltu ral S tab ili­
zation and C onservation Com m it­
te e .
Community elections have been
f o r Septem ber 19,
C laude B ardo, chairm an of the
county com m ittee, sa id .
"T he com m ittee system ts the
backbone of th e farm p ro g ra m s ,”
the chairm an declared *!ts r e ­
sp o n sib ilities Include th* c o n s e r­
vation of n atural re so u rc e s , the
stabilization o f ag ricu ltu ral co modltles and p rlce-su p p o rt activ ­
itie s which p ro te c t and Im prove
farm Income. We need the b e s t
p o ssib le c ro ss -s e c tio n of fa rm ­
e rs
to Insure effective ad ­
m in istratio n of the various m eas­
u r e s .”
tn L ew is County, M r. Bardo
explained, 570 fa rm e rs took p a rt
la s t y e a r In one o r m ore p ro ­
g ra m s adm inistered by the ASC
co m m ittees. F unds d isbursed un­
d e r th e co m m ittee’s su pervision
am ounted to $166,822.
L a st y e a r 8,600 ac re s of fa rm ­
land w ere im proved under the Ag­
ric u ltu ra l C onservation P rogram
c o s t-s h a rin g arrangem ent. The
total Investm ent tn conservation
w as about $195,000 with half com ­
ing from th e p a rtic ip a tln g fa rm e rs
and the balance from ACP.
The chairm an pointed out th at
lis ts of eligible voters tn each
com m unity a r e available In the
ASCS county office. He explained
th at any local resid en t who Is
elig ib le to take p a rt In an ASCS
farm p ro g ram may vote In the
com m unity com m ittee elections,
and h e may hold office as a co m ­
m itteem an reg a rd le ss of ra c e , cor r e e d or national o rig in , F u rth er Inform ation regarding qual­
ifications of com m itteem en Is avallable a t the ASCS county office.
F a r m e rs who a re eligible to
vote in the community com m ittee
elections also have the rig h t to
nom inate by petition candidates
for com m ittee m em bership any
f a rm e r who is eligible and who has
that he ts w illing to
se rv e . Such p etitions, each one
nom inating one fa rm e r andslgned
by six o r m ore eligible v o ters,
may be filed at the county office
any tim e b efo re August 29.
L .
which tim e the L ette r of Intent
for proposed construction of the
n ursing home facilities In Low­
v tlle was discu ssed .
A copy of the Council’s r e c ­
om m endations have been sent lo
D r. Ian T . Louden, assista n t eom lsslo n er of the Division of Hos­
pital Review and Planning, S tate
D epartm ent of Health, Albany. The
final decision on (he C ouncil's
recom m endations r e s t with the
State Hospital Review and P lan­
ning Council and the S tate Com ­
m issio n er of Health. The board
will be notified of th eir final
d ecision.
The le tte r to D r. Louden fol­
“ The tru ste e s of the Hospital
Review and Planning Council (of
C en tral New York, Inc., S y ra­
cuse) considered the L ette r of
Intent subm itted by the su p e r­
v iso rs of Lewis County on behalf
of the L ew is County H ospital, The
sp o n so r proposes to co n stru ct 80
n u rsin g home beds adjacent to the
(Continued on Page 5)
FRESH AIRS ARRIVE - Stxtvone F re sh Air children from the
New York City are a w ere wel­
comed to Lowville and Lewis
County by the Lowville Kiwanls
Club July 30, In a continuation
ol ktwanlans support of the F re s h
Air p ro g ram . C hildren a rriv e d
at the Lowville Academy and Cen(Contlnued on Page 5 1
Sum m er school c la s s e s at Low­
viUe Academy and C entral School
will close Tuesday, August 12.
Edward R. W atkins, coordina­
to r, said 226 students - 90 from
Lowville and 136 non resid en ts have p articip ated In the program
which be^aji July 1,
Final exam inations w lllb e given
Tuesday, August 12, for all non­
regents courses.
The regents exam inations will
be 3S follows; W ednesday, Aug.
13f at 8:30 a.m ,, loth y e a r m ath e­
m atics, com prehensive English
and typing 1; 12:30 p .m ., A m eri­
can History 1, I lth y ear m ath e­
m atics and 9th year m athem atics;
T hursday, Aug. 14, at 8:30 a.rn .,
(Continued on Page 5)
lo r
R e -e le c te d
Lyndsay F ow ler, Low ville, was
reelected p resid en t, and William
M armon, J r . , P o rt Leyden, vice
p resid en t, of the L ew is County
Board of C ooperative Educational
S ervices fo r the 1969-70 school
y ear at a m eeting held Ju ly 29.
W illiam K ellerh als, p ro ject co­
o rd in ato r and a s sista n t to the sup­
erintendent, was appointed p u r­
chasing agent fo r the T itle I p ro j­
M rs. F ra n c e s Newvlne, tr e a s ­
u r e r and account c le rk , was g ra n t­
ed p erm issio n to attend a C lerk ’s
Workshop a t S y racu se U niversity
August 10-13.
P aul L len d eck er, AV and video
technician, was granted p e rm is­
sion to attend a video-tape re p a ir
workshop In Boston, M ass., Sept,
D r, Kenneth F o rd , d is tr ic t sup­
erintendent, was given authority
to open and award bids on th e AV
van Aug. 6 and open bids on t r a n s ­
p ortation co n tracts Aug, 8 a t 12
Jam es A rv an ltes, d ire c to r of
Lewis County Area Occupational
C enter, p resen ted a rep o rt out­
lining a fiv e-y ea r p ro jection (1969-1974) of se rv ic e s to be pro­
vided by the C e n te r. The re p o rt
was approved by the Board,
F orce and Dean Lehman; row two,
ATTEND CAMP PORTAFERRY - of H arrisv llle on Route 3.
M em bers of Troop 61, B eaver
Shown kneeling, left to right, Douglas P om lnvllle, Bob C ham ­
b erlain , C h ris Tabolt, Tom W il­
F a lls, sponsored by B eaver F alls ;>re B radley ta lo n , Kim Lynda- liam s, Je ff W oolsrhlager, Ted
F lr e D epartm ent, spent the week k,‘r : ro " <m e,sU ndlng,Tnm Pom- Tabolt and C h arles Tabolt, sc o u t­
of July 20-26 at Camp P o rta - lnville, B ruce Lyndaker, Lynn m aster.
M orris Jones ts c a m p d lre c to r.
fe rry , located eight m iles north 2 eh r, Davtd W illiam s, Jeffrey
AT FFA CAMP — Seven m em bers
of the LowvUIe FFA Chapter from
Lowyllle Academy and C entral
School a re attending O swegatchle
Camp th is week.
Shown, left to right, they are:
Row one, Loren Roes, Roger Wtdrlc k , Tim
Yancey; row two,
Ronald R oes, Cliff Tabolt, Alan
Barnlak and M erle Yancey,
O sw egatchle Camp, owned and
operated by New York F uture
F a r m e r s ’ L eadership T raining
Foundation, Inc., Is located n ear
Croghan tn the foothills of the Ad­
irondack Mountains, The cam p
property co n sists of 1,200 a c r e s of
land and four lakes.
While attending cam p the youths
receive Instruction In leadership
training, fo re s try and co n serv a­
tion, re c re a tio n a l activ ities and
outdoor living.
The perm anent camp sta ff, te a ­
chers of vocational ag ricu ltu re
and officers of the New York As­
sociation of the FFA , provide
Instruction In the various activi­
A 19 -year old Croghan R.D. 1
youth was the tenth person to lose
h is life on Lewis County highways
during 1969, when the sedan he
w as o p eratin g left the B e lfo rtLong Pond road fo u r-ten th s of a
m ile n o rth of Blsha Road Aug. 3
a t 7:30 p .m ., hitting sev eral tre e s .
George P e te r Roch, son of M r,
and M rs. George H. Roch, was
pronounced dead upon a rriv a l at
Lewis County G eneral Hospital by
D r. John H errm an , who was a p ­
pointed c o ro n er’s physician by
(Continued on Page 5)
J e r r y Allen, 2 2 -y ear old son
of M r, and M rs. Byron Allen,
5616 T rin ity Avenue, died e a rly
the m orning of August 1 la V ans a r Hospital, Poughkeepsie, of
in ju ries receiv ed in a m otorcycle
accident a t 7:30 th ep rev lo u sev en ­
ing In New Faltz.
He was born Dec. 31, 1946
In L ew is County G eneral Hos­
p ital, a son of Byron and Maxine
B ellinger Allen,
A 1965 graduate of LowVIUe
Academy and C entral School, he
(Continued on Page 5-
FARM LEAGUE CHAMPIONS The T e lle rs , sponsored by Na­
tional Bank of N orthern New York,
won the F arm League cham pion­
ship In the Lowville B oys' B ase­
ball p ro g ram .
tn winning the 1969 title , the
team com piled a reco rd o f eight
wins and no lo sse s, defeating the
o th er four team s tn the League
Kiwanls Kids were awarded
second place,
Shown, lelt to rig h t a re : Row
one, Jim Evans, Tom F ow ler,
Dave B urt, R lck y R tan !,T lm M arolf and Matt Bush; row two, An­
dy Gray, Mike W atkins, Lance
T ay lo r, Doug B rodle (team m an­
ager), B ruce G raveley, Steve
Cum m ings, Steve M arshall and
Dean R am os, Absent when the
p ictu re was taken was John O ’
B rlen ,
The team and th eir fam ilies
w ere feted a t a picnic hold at
W httsker P ark Ju ly 30 given by
the N ational B ank, at which tim e
each m em ber received a trophy.
A sp o n so r's trophy w as aw arded
the bank.