Term 2, Week 9

NC News
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Ms Erin Wedge
Dean of Identity
Give Justice to the weak and the orphan; maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; (Psalm 82:2-4)
‘It is necessary to respond to the globalisation of migration with the globalisation of charity and cooperation, in such a way as to make the
conditions of migrants more humane. ’
Pope Francis: Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 2015
Throughout this semester staff and students have been focusing on the Touchstones of Justice and Solidarity and Inclusive Community.
These Touchstones challenge us in the Nudgee College community to commit ourselves to be hope-filled people and stand in solidarity
with the marginalised.
On Saturday 20 June, the world comes together to celebrate World Refugee Day, and on then on Sunday 21 June, World Day of Prayer for
Refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has estimated there are currently more than 52 million refugees,
internally displaced and stateless people in the world, including 13 million refugees and 38 million internally displaced persons (those who
have not yet crossed an international border).
During 2014 the UNHCR recorded a massive increase in the
number of internally displaced persons as a consequence of
conflict, violence and human rights violations in the Middle East.
Over two million Iraqi citizens were displaced in 2014 and at
least 40 per cent of the entire Syrian population are now classed
as internally displaced.
The number of asylum seekers has also increased dramatically.
On average, about one million people seek asylum each year. By
mid-2014 there were at least 1.2 million asylum seekers and the
number has continued to climb.
Pope Francis, through his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees challenges all of us to stand in solidarity with those who
are marginalised and refugees, and to be the face of hope to all. He writes, “The Church without frontiers, Mother to all, spreads throughout
the world a culture of acceptance and solidarity, in which no one is seen as useless, out of place or disposable. When living out this motherhood
effectively, the Christian community nourishes, guides and indicates the way, accompanying all with patience, and drawing close to them through
prayer and works of mercy. Today this takes on a particular significance. In fact, in an age of such vast movements of migration, large numbers of
people are leaving their homelands with a suitcase full of fears and desires, to undertake a hopeful and dangerous trip in search of more humane
living conditions. Often, however, such migration gives rise to suspicion and hostility, even in ecclesial communities, prior to any knowledge of the
migrants’ lives or their stories of persecution and destitution. In such cases, suspicion and prejudice conflict with the biblical commandment of
welcoming with respect and solidarity the stranger in need.”
As we answer the call of the Touchstones to stand in solidarity with the marginalised, I offer the following prayer for the holiday season. As a
College community we can join with all Christian communities around the world in praying for these desperate people and for the violence
and war that causes people to become refugees to cease.
As we embark on our holiday time of rest and relaxation, may our thoughts remember those who are marginalised through displacement.
God, whose Son became a refugee and had no place to call his own; look with mercy on those who today are fleeing from danger, homeless and
hungry. Bless those who work to bring them relief; inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts; and guide the nations of the world towards
that day when all will rejoice in your Kingdom of justice and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May your holidays be blessed.
13 July
14 July
29 July
Boarders Return
Term 3 Begins
PC Photos Years 5 to 9
Individual Photos Years 7 to 12
18 JUNE 2015 | VOLUME 38 | NO 19
Mr David Kelly
Barrett House Dean
Well done to the Barrett boys this Term for being committed to their studies and engaged with their House and
College community. From where I sit the majority of boys can relate to this and only a few weeks ago I congratulated
the House on their endeavours.
I have been impressed by the way the Barrett
House prefects – Jack Donovan, Cameron
Anderson and Conor Warren – have developed
their leadeship skills. They have used their own
iniatiative to run the House Assemblies on a
Thursday morning with me sitting at the back.
They have also taken up the reins with our
Inter-house events (Cross Country and Chess).
Barrett came second in Cross Country by only
15 points. Our Year 9 and 12 runners were
very strong and they were supported by good
performances from across the other year levels.
Well done to the 32 Barrett boys who made the
GPS Cross Country team, which were triumphant
on the day with wins in the Junior and Senior
competition. Our Chess boys came third and
were ably led once again by Brendan Fitzgerald.
Congratulations to Zacharia Warren, Joshua
Peters, Nathan O’Sullivan and Noah Smith for
their efforts during this lunch time competition.
Half way during the Term the boys were fortunate
to partake in one of our famous Barrett Bakes. This
was held in the courtyard of the new Learning
Centre and the food provided by many parents
was abundant and tasty. Thanks to all those who
baked or bought some goodies, to those who
helped set up in the morning and to Mrs Glenys
and Mr Tony Gardner for once again organising
the food with minimum fuss but great effort.
Congratulations to the following boys: Matthew
Hinchen and Ben Rada Martin – Debating (Senior
As), Rhys Raymond – 1st XI Football and Vice
Captain, Jacob Horswill – 1st XI Football, Yousif
Birogi – Captain Senior Cross Country team, Will
Cartwright – Captain Junior Cross Country team,
David Verryne – winning the National Schoolboy
Rowing Championship, Connor Carroll - QLD
indoor cricket team, Conor Warren – representing
Australia in the World Youth Championships
in Colombia for U18 javelin, Ryley Robertson - World Youth Karate Championships in Croatia, Hayden Cotter – U14 Australian Surf
Race champion, Connor Sully – playing in the U15 Queensland cricket team, and Tom Blackmore - representing Queensland in U15
Congratulations also to the folowing boys for receiving special academic awards this semester. Macrossan Award – Kallum Russel
(Year 6) and Eamon Gerrard Stace (Year 6), Ian Brusaco Award – Oliver Smeaton (Year 7), Patrick Donovan Award – Alex Woodroff
(Year 8), Steven Cook Award – Ryley Robertson (Year 9), and Stephen Daley Award – Matthew O’Connor (Year 10). A number of boys
also received Principal’s Awards for their efforts in the classroom and were recognised at the last assembly. They were: Cohen Phillips,
James Hong, Alex Woodroffe, Myles Burgess, Nathan O’Sullivan, Tyler Trethowan, Tom Gardner, Matt O’Connor, Jack Read, Connor
Sully, Patrick Jackman, Tom Moore, Cameron Anderson, Brad Aleixo, Dean Saxvik, Carter Blair, Jack Donovan and Ben Rada Martin. It
is wonderful to see so many Barrett boys receiving recognition for their academic achievements.
Hopefully the break is one of rest and relaxation. Please remember that our annual ‘Christmas in July’ dinner is on in the second
week back – Friday 24 July. Invitations and more details will be out shortly.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Mr Anthony Connellan
Duggan House Dean
Term 2 has delivered many challenges for the the boys of Duggan House, some great achievements and plenty of
learning experiences as well. It has been another enjoyable Term working with your son(s) and very pleasing to see
their hard work being rewarded with many great results.
During Term 2 our leaders continued to drive standards and participation, guided by our three pillars. In ‘Building the Duggan
Community’ they challenged all Duggan boys to get to know each other better through participating in a number of activities
during House Assembly, older boys pairing with younger boys and rolling swags together, supporting each other at Inter-house
activities and our Muffin Morning. Our focus of ‘Service to Others’ saw Duggan boys participate in the College’s Social Justice
program on two occassions as a House, rolling swags for Street Swags and boys individually volunteering to help people less
fortunate. In ‘Driving our Achievement Culture’ the Prefects spent a couple of House Assemblies early in the Term guiding and
providing strategies to improve on Term 1 results. They stressed the importance of asking for and taking on feedback from teachers,
to become more organised with Google calendar and to develop a regular study habit. They also implemented a student based
peer tutoring program called Homework Help.
Prefect Damien Janbroers organised a number of Duggan boys who completed some great acts of service to others. Jack Randell
(Big Brekky); Hamish Braithwaite, Pierce Braithwaite and Hamish Lindsay (Big BBQ); Tom Hardy, Jesse Cilliers, Harry Stuhmcke and
Isaac Morrow-Jones (Mulbeam Madness); Damien Janbroers and Steven Cawood (Zillmere Jabiru Kids); and Charlie McDonald and
Yannick Gilmour (Scrabble and Chat). Sean Warren and Jack Randell were part of a Nudgee College team (11 boys) that competed
in the Great Wheelbarrow Race. The team came first in the High Schools category and are now the holders of the race time record.
They finished second overall and were also record holders, even though the eventual winner beat their time. Most importantly the
team raised valuable money for the Street Swags program.
Our Year 10 boys have begun the important process of preparing for their final two years of school. During SF lessons they have
spent four weeks with me looking at careers under the guidance of Mrs Jeanette Maxwell. The boys have completed a number of
online surveys investigating personality, interests, values, skills and preferred subjects, which has provided them with some great
information regarding careers they may to suit their interests and/or skills. They are now moving onto selecting three careers and
investigating any pre-requisite subjects, OP requirement, TAFE or other training requirements and which universities or training
companies offer the course they need. This will hopefully make the process of choosing their subjects for Year 11 and 12 a little
easier and more targeted.
The Br Vic Larkin Shield continued with Inter-house Cross Country. Duggan finished 7th overall. We had some outstanding
individual performances. Alex Kluck won the Year 6 race, Ben Fraser finished 8th and Charlie McDonald 11th in Year 7, Oliver Meyer
14th in Year 8, Flynn Morgan-Smith 12th in Year 9, Flynn Easton 8th and Tony Rutkin 9th in Year 10, Conor Goodchild second and
Josh Hobl 12th in Year 11, and Hayden Barrett 3rd and Aiden Cowman 9th in Year 12. Inter-house Chess was held in Week 5 and our
boys did a brilliant job competing for the House. We had two very tough matches against McKenna (eventual winners) and Fogarty
who finished fourth, unfortunately finishing second in both matches; however making both teams fight hard for their win. The
following boys did us very proud: Matt Canty, Steven Cawood, Damien Janbroers, Joe Grech, Aidan Cowman and Tom Canty.
The Music Soiree was a wonderful night and a great opportunity for our musicians to show off their talents. Congratulations to Mr
Richard Dupuy, Jack Gosdschan, Gus Pfitzner, Jack Randell, Jesse Cilliers, Hamish Braithwaite, Pierce Braithwaite, Campbell Rose and
Lachie Canty.
The following boys receive special mention for Academic Awards and College sporting team selection:
Principal’s Awards
Callum Wallace, Conor Holloway, Matthew Johns, Campbell Rose, Benjamin Rohan, Oliver Meyer, Chris Kay, Fraser Petracci, Shannon
Wise, Tom Canty, Harrison Bond, Jack Patane, Kyle Meder, Austin Petracci, Hamish Lindsay, Pierce Braithwaite, Jack Randell, Jake
Gilliland, Joseph Easton, Kieran Pye (Macrossan), Gus Rossl (Macrossan), Harry Neville (Ian Brusasco), Angus McDonald (Steven
Cook), and Ryan Abel (Stephen Daley)
1st Team Selection
Football: Austin Petracci
Championship Representation
Cross Country: Sam O’Brien, Alex Kluck, Charles Robertson, Alex Desmond, Willem Pfitzner, Ben Fraser, Marcus Smart, Oliver Meyer,
Tony Rutkin, Flynn Easton, Jack Patane, Ben Illidge, Harrison Bond, Hayden Barrett, Aidan Cowman and Nathan Ross
A big thank you to the outstanding Duggan PC tutors, the boys are very appreciative of the care you give them.
I wish all Duggan families a safe and relaxing mid year break!
Mr Chris Lake
Fogarty House Dean
The boys hit the ground running to start Term 2 with the first week of school marking the start of GPS Tennis,
Football, and Cross Country seasons. We also had the ANZAC day ceremony, QCS practice and Kairos Retreat. Right
from the start we knew it was going to be a big Term juggling academic, sporting, cultural and spiritual pursuits
throughout the College. Fogarty were strongly represented in all of these areas with Ben Harris awarded Co-Captain of the 1st XI
Football, Ian Ridgway awarded Captain of Tennis and David Lean awarded Vice-Captain of Cross Country.
Congratulations also to the following boys who represented the College at the highest level: Ahan Majmudar (Debating Captain),
Lachlan Strogusz (1st XI Football), Bill Peereboom (Member of the National Winning Rowing Squad), Cedric Rupa (1st IV Tennis),
Tom Zappala (1st XV Rugby Squad) and Aaron Fahey (Member of State Winning Chess team).
Other achievements worthy of recognition throughout the Term include: Oliver Ptasznik, Rupert McDonald, Zac McGinty and
Aidan Read awarded Best Team Man in Cricket; Taylem Griffith and Will Pappin awarded Best Team Man in Volleyball; Joe Small
was the U15 Queensland Rugby Captain; Charlie Cox won a Silver medal in the 200 Butterfly and a Bronze in the 100 Butterfly at
the Swimming National Championships; Aidan Read, Matthew Wendt, Max Mason, Max Morrow-Woods, Patrick Kelly, Zac Paulik,
Ben Lonergan, Sam Griffiths, Rupert McDonald, Stephen Lean, Will Harris, Campbell Duncan, Will Teen, Matt Pescatore, Angus
McLeod, Charlie Cox, Jo Hijara-Stockwell, Oscar McDonald, Tim Webster, Adam Wagner were all members of the winning GPS
Junior and Senior Cross Country Championship teams.
Fogarty boys continue to be involved in and excel across all facets of Nudgee College life. This can be seen in achievements such
as: Bill Kidd and Luke Beebe representing the College at Beef Week; Brenton Woolf competing in a QUT Business Competition;
Edward Hoare doing his Duke of Edinburgh Certificate; Tom Edwards, Angus McLeod and Matt Pescatore giving up their time on a
weekend to help with the Red Cross Red Shield Appeal; Oscar McDonald and Angus McLeod performing in the musical ‘Annie’ and
being members of Theatresports; Adam Wagner and David Lean awarded for their leadership with their Big Brother badges. These
achievements outline the diversity of our community.
Inter-house events that occurred this Term were the Cross Country and Chess competitions. Fogarty finished sixth in the Cross
Country and fourth in the Chess. It was a very pleasing result in Chess considering we were in a very challenging pool and ended
with a draw against the overall champions. Thank you to Aaron Fahey, Lewis Begg, Connor Crawley, Mikey Dechphant and Greg
Schreiber for their involvement. Also, throughout this Term the Fogarty boys have been working to develop a relationship with
the charity organisation Guide Dogs. The boys helped to run lunch time BBQs to raise money that went straight to this worthwhile
Great work to the following boys who won the prestigious Academic Awards for showing positive attitude, creativity, persistence
and determination: Maea Mitchell – Ian Brusasco Award, Jack Small - Patrick Donovan Award, Lawson Saurels – Steven Cook
Award, Curtis Sorby – Stephen Daley Award.
Well done to the following boys for their genuine effort and commitment to excel in their classes and receive Principal’s Awards:
Lachie Hanrahan, Will Harris, Stephen Lean, Greg Schreiber, Will Teen, Nate Scott, Zac McGinty, Josh Price, Tom Binks, Max Condren,
Lewis Begg, Tom Hogan, Cedric Rupa, David Lean, Ian Ridgway and Ahan Majmudar.
This Term also included the Year 9 Emmaus retreat. This was a very rewarding experience and enjoyed by all. It allowed the boys to
come together as a core group again and share stories and reflect on past experiences.
Finally I would like to thank all of the PC tutors for their support and hard work throughout this Term. Also a very big thank you
to all of the House parents for your efforts helping the boys throughout the Term, particularly the work you do in organising the
bake morning. This is a great way to close out Term 2 and a highlight of the Term for the boys.
Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays.
Fogarty Supporting the Guide Dogs
Adam Wagner – Big Brother
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
David Lean – Big Brother
Ms Julianne Daunt
Magee House Dean
Term 2 has been a flurry of activity as a Colllege, a House and for many individual students.
The following boys were members of this year’s Nudgee College Cross Country team: Hugo Smith, Henry smith, Hugo
Allen, Ryan Wedmaier, Alex Romano, Archie Condon, Henry Cliff, Byron Smith, Michael Jones, Gabe Allen, Nick Glass, Zac
Smullen, Joe Smullen, Tom O’Neil, Nick White, Xavier Mape, Lachlan Hill-Lewis, Jake Sedgeman, Nick Blyth, Louis Barrett, Jacob Seccombe
and Lachie Godson.
Cross country running has a punishing regime and the boys were rewarded with a GPS win in both junior and senior divisions. Due to
our fantastic commitment across all year levels and to our high number of excellent runners, Magee House is the 2015 Cross Country
Champion House. A number of our gifted runners are from the younger year levels so we have sent a warning shot to the other Houses
for the next few years in Cross Country dominance.
Adam Bakker has again achieved significant success in his chosen sport of rowing. He will be representing Australia at the Junior World
Rowing Championships in Rio next Term. Congratulations Adam.
Magee representatives in Theatre Sports: Andrew Wiman, Sam Quinn, Jacob Chick, Nic Careedy-Rayner and Will Tyquin. Well done to
these boys.
Congratulations to Alexander Ouglitchinin who achieved success in the Computational Thinking Competition.
Principal’s Awards are earned through excellent application to study. Well done to the following Magee boys who have received these
awards this semester: Gabriel Fuentes, Heath Lillicrap, Xavier Mape, Nicholas Blyth, Nihal Lalwani, Joseph Smullen, Sam Quinn, Augustus
Rangihuna, Connor McBeath, Finau Kaituu, Jack Wedmaier, Josh Mills and Matt Lord.
Congratulations to the boys who were presented with the following special awards:
Ian Brusasco Award: George Noble
Steven Cook Award: Nicholas Blyth
Stephen Daley Award: Toby Carrick
Inaugural Macrossan awards were presented at the last assembly of the Term. The Macrossan family has a rich history in Queensland and
with Nudgee College. The family boasts a number of judges and politicians. As NCOBs, they had representatives in First XI, First XV and
significant academic success with Neal Macrossan being awarded a Rhodes scholarship, Nudgee College’s first.
Macrossan Award winner : Henry Cliff
Sam Holmes has been selected to represent Queensland on the state Peewee ice hockey team. He will attend the Australian titles in
Newcastle in August. This is a wonderful achievement and opportunity for Sam and we wish him all the best.
Sam Quinn represented Nudgee College in the Rostrum Voice of Youth South Queensland Finals. This year a record 655 Queensland
secondary students entered the RVOY competition. There were nine students in the final. The students were expected to deliver a six
minute prepared speech on a designated topic, as well as a three minute improptu talk. Sam competed admirably and looks forward to
representing the College next year in this competition. Sam’s name was also inadvertently omitted from the last newsletter’s list of boys
who visited the Christian Brothers at Viridian for Easter. Well done to Sam for his level of involvement.
Big Brothers Jack Wedmaier and Ryan McLeod were presented with their
badges at Assembly. The following is a few comments from the Year 5 and
6 boys:
“The Big Brothers this year have been very supportive during PC ranging
from playing a game of UNO to just being good company.”The Big Brothers are
always helping you around the school. Being new, you might not know where
some things are, but the Big Brothers always help you find your destination.
“Our Big bBothers brighten our day and that is definitely what they do.
They always bring a smile to your face and that’s what makes them special.”
“Ryan and Jack are awesome Big Brothers because they always find stuff
I’m not sure where to find. They also cheer me up and play Connect 4 with me!”
Towards the end of this Term, we farewelled Ms Josephine Hallmond (PC tutor MA 2) and welcomed Mr Jonathan Rubino as her replacement.
Mr Jeff Campbell (former PC tutor MA 3) and his wife Amber welcomed a baby girl, Charlie Lousie, this Term and we wish them all the best.
Thank you once again to you as parents and caregivers who support all that we do. Our active band of House Mothers once again have
provided the boys with food drops, muffin breaks and an enormously successful Sausage Sizzle and Spider Special. There is also a proposed
Putt Putt golf night next Term at Victoria Park on 31 July. Hopefully many of you will be able to attend. Without the commitment of our
parents, we would not be the flourishing community that we are.
Have a well earned break from routine and I look forward to catching up next term.
Mr Paul Kehoe
McKenna House Dean
Term 2 is always a very busy one and this year was no exception. All McKenna students have actively contributed to the
College through their involvement in various activities such as GPS Football, Cross Country, Debating, Theatresports,
Tennis, Emmaus Retreat, ANZAC Day ceremony and Inter-house competitions. As we approach the end of another Term,
it is a great time to reflect on what we have achieved as a House and look forward to the new Term.
McKenna Family BBQ
On Sunday 29 May we had a family BBQ at New Farm Park which by all reports was a huge success. It was a great opportunity for parents
who are new to the Nudgee College community to meet other parents and develop networks for their Nudgee College journey. It was
also a great way for other long-standing McKenna parents to catch up despite the busyness of the Nudgee College calendar. Many thanks
to Ms Romily Goggin for all of her help coordinating this event. The day was a great opportunity to talk about our next event which will
be the McKenna trivia night to be held in Term 3 (keep an eye out for the save the date).
Year 9 Retreat
The Year 9 students headed to Mercy House at Bardon for the day. The boys were challenged to reflect on some of the storms in their
life. Boys shared their journeys and were challenged to create a prayer stick of where they saw God in themselves, nature and in life’s
challenges. Later in the day the boys had an opportunity to affirm each other and acknowledge the positive qualities they see in each
other. Many thanks to Ms Jaimee Trembearth for helping out on the day. Thanks also to the boys for the mature way they engaged with
this program, making it a very rewarding experience for all.
Academic Achievements
The following boys were nominated for the Principal’s Awards for excellent work
and/or displaying persistence in their effort to achieve: Agustin Romero, Braithan
Neylon, Rohen Ferreira, Ben Connolly, Elvio Wang, Franco Aceto, Tom Jackson, Alex
Nezak-Moesker, Aonghas Bradley-Moore, Ed Mcewan, George Crossan, Ian Trinh,
Tyler Cotter, Alex Walmsley, Alexander Gastaldon, Brandon Herrigan, Christian
Nezak-Moesker, Liam Riordan, Marco Fiumara and Trident Kwaita. Congratulations
to these young men for all of their hard work and persistence in their studies.
Sporting Achievements
Congratulations to the following boys who competed at GPS Cross Country last
Wednesday at Limestone Park, Ipswich: Valentin Houard, Malachi Tuck, Baxter
Giorgias, Thomas Muelleger, Jaisson Angalo, Riley Riordan, Luke Slater, Xannel
Mangahas, Hugh Foster. These boys have persistently trained during the early hours
of the morning in preparation for the event.
Special congratulations to Toby Dodds and Franco Aceto who were both
members of the Ist XI Football team this season. It has been a mixture of
results but the premiership is within reach with a win this Friday and a
result going their way. Good luck to the boys!
Big Brothers Eamon Moore and Alex Walmsley after
the official Big Brother investiture ceremony
We wish Brandon Herrigan the best of luck for the World Junior Athletics Championships being held in Colombia in July.
Congratulations Brandon!
House Achievements
Congratulations to the following boys who were nominated for the “McKenna Man” award for displaying character, initiative and
contribution: Liam Watego, Mitchell Doyle, Nicholas Wagensveld, Jackson Cameron, Franco Aceto, Dominic Hannan, Latai Katoa, Alex
Colvin, Tom Jamieson and Harrison Walters. A special congratulations goes to the winner of the “McKenna Man” award for 2015, Eamon
Moore. Well done to all of these young men.
The Annual Inter-house Chess competition was held a few weeks ago and it gives me great pleasure to announce that the McKenna
House was able to defend their championship. The team consisted of Tom Maguire, Ian Trinh, Riley Granger, Caleb Giorgias, Elvio Wang,
Caleb Reiher and Jack Reiher. The McKenna men had some very narrow wins to get through to the final and then dominated the final
game. Congratulations once again!
Cultural Achievements
Congratulations to Alison Crilly for her wonderful work with Theatresports again this year. The following McKenna students have made it
to the next round: Xannel Mangahas, Eamon Moore and Liam Riordan. The date for the next round has been preliminarily set for 23 July.
We wish them all the best for this event.
Thanks once again to all of our Pastoral Care tutors for their ongoing support and guidance to your sons throughout the Term. Have a
safe and enjoyable holiday break and I look forward to working with you and your sons in Term 3.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Mr Aaron Knott
Riley House Dean
Our 2015 House motto is “Own your tomorrow”. We are challenging every boy to think long term about where, and who,
they would like to be. Deliberate application, persistence, taking a risk, and doing the little things well now, are positive
steps towards creating a good platform from which to launch into the next stage of their schooling life.
Boys who give 100 per cent every day help build great schools such as Nudgee College. This might include: wearing your uniform well,
having pride in the school and your work, listening, cooperating and helping your teachers, looking after your mates and caring about
others, etc. This stage of the year is a perfect opportunity for boys of all ages to evaluate where they are now and to set goals for the second
half of the year.
Recently, the College acknowledged more than 150 boys for consistent application to their academics; 28 of these were Riley men! No
doubt, a great many more boys were not named but they too have displayed a degree of persistence and have achieved remarkable
things. Earlier this Term, we also celebrated 52 Riley men for attaining all “G’s” (Good) on their Term 1 Behaviour and Attitude Reports for
their classwork, application to their studies and behaviour.
We would hope that all boys truly appreciate the wonderful gift of being a Nudgee College man, and they are genuinely working to
improve themselves and striving to attain their goals… and we ask them to do all of this amidst the busyness of the school year.
Term 2 provided many opportunities for the young men of Riley House to shine: Inter-house Cross Country; camps and retreats for Years
5, 6 and 9, Year 12 Kairos, the ANZAC Day ceremony, NAPLAN testing, Inter-house Chess, the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal, House
Bake Day, our House Mass, and the Tennis and Football seasons, to name a few.
We finished third in the Inter-house Cross Country competition; an amazing result and our best finish in living memory. We were also
honoured to contribute 16 Riley boys to our triumphant GPS Cross Country teams which brought both the Junior and Senior trophies back
from Limestone Park. Sadly however, our 1st IV Inter-house Chess team, did not fare so well - we are in a ‘rebuilding phase’ as the footy
codes would put it.
Socially, 22 Riley boys and tutors competed against the young ladies from Clayfield College’s Henderson House in our annual Ten Pin
Bowling challenge. It was a great afternoon and we triumphed yet again!
Since 1997, Riley House has supported the work of the Salvation Army by collecting for their Red Shield Appeal. Forty Riley students and
parents collected in the streets around the College on Sunday 31 May. The Year 11 boys who drove this activity also elected to hold a
sausage sizzle on the Friday before; proceeds from this BBQ and the money collected on Sunday morning helped contribute almost $1800
to the Salvation Army to assist their social justice work in the local community.
Riley House articles continue to appear on the College Portal celebrating the diversity of our House and the achievements of your sons. You
can read more about our academic achievements, Inter-house events, involvement
in social justice initiatives, outside school activities and Riley social events. Ideally,
every Riley boy could feature in one of these articles, which is indeed possible
considering the plethora of opportunities available to them. Our hope is that
these articles might inspire all boys to apply themselves just that little bit more, or
to ‘Accept the Challenge; Take the Risk”’and have a go at something new.
As an early reminder, next Term sees the Riley House Dinner on Friday, 7 August.
This date is at the end of Week 4 with home day games against BBC that weekend.
Early plans are for a sit-down dinner with live entertainment. Keep the date free,
more news will follow shortly.
I would like to thank the Riley House family for your continued support of the boys
this Term. Blessings to all of you for the holiday break and hoping the boys will
return with renewed energy, clear goals… and haircuts!
Riley Years 5 to7 GPS Cross Country runners
I look forward to working with all of you as we make our way through the remainder of this year.
Term 2 articles on the College Portal
Riley boys part of ‘ERA for Change’ Action Day
Riley boys receive academic awards at College Assembly
Riley boys rally behind our ‘Social Justice Week’
Riley men triumphant in Inter-Collegial challenge
Riley boys presented with Sports awards
Riley boys attend Salvation Army Breakfast
Riley Old Boys in the spotlight this year
…plus more…
Riley Years 8 to10 GPS Cross Country runners
Mr Sean Toovey
Ross House Dean
Welcome to the review of Term 2, a nine week Term with the inevitable hectic nature that only a school such as a Nudgee
College can provide.
In the race for the Vic Larkin Shield we started Week 1 with the rescheduled Inter-house Cross Country. The Ross boys put in a solid effort,
and despite finishing ninth overall I was pleased with the effort that many of our boys showed on the day. Well done to many boys on
finishing in the top 25, and particular congratulations to Ethan Irvine who won the Year 8 race. Our Chess team, consisting of Mitchell
Dodds, stalwart Matthew Masotti, Cooper Corcoran, Liam Hop Yek Dodds and Matt
Jamieson put up a good fight against Magee and Tierney, but went down in some
competitive games.
Our Year 12 Social Justice and Fundraising Committee came up with the idea of
running a dodgeball competition for our Water for Cambodia fundraiser. Sixty teams,
three divisions and some five weeks later, we can officially say that the comp this year
was a tremendous success, raising close to $600. This and the recent BBQ we ran at the
State High home games have taken us over the $1000 mark. The challenge remains for
individual PCs to step up and raise some money for such a great cause.
At our recent bake morning, I challenged the House to bring in a gold coin for the
privilege of actually having a morning tea provided. This seemingly small amount
of money raised will go a long way to providing some assistance to a deaf and mute
school in Kabankalan in the Philippines, along with funds to support a local feeding
program. So few dollars in our lives, can go such a long way for these beautiful people.
This Term also showcased many of our Ross boys talents on the sporting field.
Byron Sinnerton, Emryn Donnelly-Fagan, Nathan Peever, Frank Auakai and
Nigel Sumbuk (1st XI Football)
Sam White - representing the1st IV Tennis side for the second year
Adrian Lascu - Queensland U17 indoor Cricket captain
Will Lingard - Met North Open Basketball
Connor McFadyen for his duel selection in the AFL and Cricket state U15 sides
Mitchell Carlow, Naite Grauf, Sam Wiseman, Patrick Kropp, Ethan Irvine, Josh
Tomlinson, Finnien Mitchell, Brodie Woodward, Fynton Collier and Liam
Mitchell - Cross Country runners who delivered the Jack Ross Trophy back
home to Nudgee College
From the spiritual side of the College, all Year 12s enjoyed a few days away to complete
their ‘spiritual journey’ at the College as they embarked on their Kairos Journey. The
boys genuinely enjoy this experience, and really start to cherish their final months
together as a cohort.
Recently the Year 9s joined Fogarty House for their Emmaus retreat, which many believe is the start of their journey from boyhood to
manhood. Thank you for Ms Tara Kelly and Ms Margie Wills for joining me and the boys on the day at Banyo.
The College Academic Awards have had a facelift this year, and I congratulate the following boys for their achievements.
Principal’s Awards:
Joseph Picone, Cooper Tamer, William Svenson, Samuel Jordan, Finnien Mitchell, Harrison Bambry, Nick Flanders, Alex Flanders, Tom
Brandt, Jack Jordan, Liam Burrell, Liam MItchell, Perry Edmondson-Clark, Callin Forrest, Emryn Donnelly-Fagan, Luke Shadlow, Jordan
Jamieson, Fynton Collier, Owen Mitchell (Ian Brusasco Award), William Clarke (Patrick Donovan Award), Finnien Mitchell (Stephen Cook
Award), and Thomas Brandt (Stephen Daley Award)
I would also like to congratulate the many boys who continually strive for their personal bests. ‘Don’t ever quit believing in yourself and
‘keep making the effort’.
Term 3 promises to be a rewarding time. The Year 10s embark on Immersion during their first week, and I sincerely hope that all students
(and staff ) enjoy their experience. Inter-house Athletics Carnival, Year 8 Galilee Day, Year 12 QCS tests, Rugby and Basketball seasons,
along with the normal priority of the academic rigours.
In preparation for next Term please ensure uniforms are still fitting, blazers are cleaned and haircuts sorted prior to return. Please note
that I will not be back at the College until mid-way through Week 2, once I return from the Philippines.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Ms Robyn Mann
Shaw House Dean
‘In Faith and Courage’ is our community motto and that is certainly how Shaw students have approached Term 2.
From class work, cultural pursuits, social justice activities to the sporting field, the boys have persisted and worked
The following Shaw students are to be congratulated for receiving Principal’s Awards: Aaron Tran, Jazz Born, Xavier Nicolaidis,
Dominic Graziotto, Marcus Cutuli, Conal O’Leary, Harrison Miller, Joe McKeering, Sebastion Hanna, Alex Evans, Darien Zahra, Isaac
Nielson, Jacob Searle, Liam McCoy, Samuel Stone, Stephen Carpenter, Tarn Giddens, Billy Bajic, David Gabriel, Patrick O’Leary,
Seamus O’Leary, Alexander Russell, Kalala Meni, Matthew Stark, Pieter Van Jaarsveld, Royden Skeet and Ryan Jones-McCarthy.
Congratulations also to Lewis Cammack (Ian Brusasco Award), Tom Cusak (Steven Cook Award), and Leyton Rodrigues (Stephen
Daley Award).
In sporting life, Shaw students excelled in a variety of activities: Jack Dutton (1st VI), Dylan Brown, (won the Inter-collegiate Golf
tournament at Royal Pines), Lewis Cammack (Nudgee College Rodeo team), Jacob Martin (Inter-school Chess). Congratulations
to the Cross Country team for their amazing effort and first placing at GPS Cross Country, particularly to our Shaw boys: Thomas
Grant, Cy Mear, Oscar Ezzy, Sam Rogers, Griffith Schostakowski, Harry McKeown, Jazz Born, Tienan Bishop, Lewis Cammack
(Captain of the Junior Cross Country team), Tom Enders, Jo McKeering, Liam McCoy, Finbar Martinez Bennett, Harry O’Sullivan,
Royden Skeet and Patrick Schostakowski. Thank you to our Chess team, led by Seamus O’Leary, for playing so gallantly only to be
beaten by Fogarty House, which placed us a very solid fifth.
The Shaw community also congratulates Justin Greenhalgh,
Jacon Nelson and Josh Ulk, the Triple J’s, who were presented
at a special Assembly this Term with their Big Brother badges.
I know the Year 5 and 6 Shaw students appreciate the work,
activities and enthusiasm Justin, Jacob and Josh bring to
PC, as well as Mrs Susan Reid. Year 9 Shaw students attended
Cedar Creek Retreat at Cedar Creek for a day of refection
in response to the Emmaus Story. The boys shared their
life journey and were challenged to create a prayer stick of
where they saw God in themselves. Joining the students
and I were Mr Michael Phillips, Mr Cameron Harder Hutton
(Shaw Prefect 2014) and Mr Pat Watson (Ross Prefect 2014).
We all thoroughly enjoyed the day and I commend the Shaw
students for displaying excellent leadership skills, participation
and maturity on the day.
Shaw House, in conjunction with Ms Karen Hanna and the Edmund Rice Foundation, continues to collect not only football boots
but training jerseys, equipment and bags to send to PNG, Vanuatu and local communities. This year’s drive has been led by the
work of an amazing Year 10 student Stephen Carpenter. Stephen has approached North’s Rugby Club, GPS Rugby Club and Hart
Sport seeking donations and unused and unwanted sporting gear and equipment. The response has been outstanding and we
thank those who have donated thus far. Stephen and the Shaw Prefects will launch the drive at Assembly next Term, Week 3.
The Term has not just been about hard work, we have all had our share of fun too! The Big Brothers challenged their Little Brothers
to a friendly game of Touch Football, followed by a BBQ afternoon tea. Shaw House parents gathered at Nundah for a social drinks,
nibbles and chat evening, a very casual evening where we could all chat and meet other parents within our Shaw community,
and of course chat to the lovely Mrs Maggie Shaw. A great night was had by all. The Shaw students headed up to Velocity at North
Lakes for a student social event to ‘bounce the night away’. The boys had a blast and really enjoyed the evening. Next Term, Shaw
House will host our Shaw Family Dinner in Ryan Hall, a Year 5 and 6 vs Big Brother tenpin bowling evening, and a Big Brother/Little
Brother abseiling afternoon at Kangaroo Point Cliffs.
Thank you to Mrs Megan O’Leary and all the House mums and dads who attend events and provide the yummy contributions to
our Bake Day. Your efforts are all so very much appreciated!
Congratulations and happy birthday to our lovely House Patron, Mrs Maggie Shaw. Maggie has joined with the Shaw community
and parent community several times this Term, which has been delightful. The students and parents love to see Maggie at these
Thank you once again to our wonderful PC tutors for their ongoing support, guidance and care of the Shaw students. They are
indeed a very caring and dedicated team.
To the Shaw community, I wish you good health, a safe and restful break and I very much look forward to the second half of 2015.
Ms Joanne Barrett
Tierney House Dean
While ‘time flies’ is often a throw away comment it is quite genuinely the phrase that most aptly reflects the
semester that has drawn to a close. With exam block complete I anticipate that many students and their families
are very much looking forward to the mid year break. Firstly, I’d like to acknowledge the Year 12 cohort for offering
so much to the Tierney community in their first semester as Seniors. Capably led by our Prefects and Big Brothers, so much has
happened within the PC groups and the broader Tierney House as a direct result of their energy and enthusiasm.
Since the last newsletter update Tierney again joined in the race for the Br Vic Larkin shield by running in the Cross Country. While
eighth place was reminiscent of the Swimming Carnival result so was the tremendous effort and positive attitude of all Tierney
participants. With the revival of the ‘Tierney Hound’ concept there was plenty of effort from all students with the added incentive
of earning points in the competitive Inter-house competition.
Tierney 7 were the outright winners of the Term 1 Inter-house competition and recently enjoyed their prize of a pizza party
lunch. Well done to Ms Dunn and boys for their efforts in being our first winning PC group for 2015. The competition was hotly
contested with results based on interaction, effort and participation in Inter-house challenges and contribution to Nudgee
College life.
The Year 12s attended Kairos and the Year 9s enjoyed their retreat in what were both significant opportunities to pause, reflect
and appreciate their spiritual life. These events are a rewarding experience for staff and students and are an integral part of the
formation of Nudgee College men. I’d like to thank all the students involved for their positive interaction and contribution to
these days. Joining with Riley House we also celebrated our first Tierney House mass for 2015. Several boys fulfilled reading and
serving roles amid a busy week prior to exams for this special occasion.
Term 2 also made way for PC rooms to be reallocated to the top floor of the newly opened DJ Hanley Learning Centre. Our first
Muffin Morning event was held in the new facility to welcome the change and offer the students of Tierney a friendly whole
House get together. To enjoy delicious home baked goods from Tierney parents was a positive way to embrace the move and
launch our Social Justice Week during the fifth week of Term. This week included staff and students from Tierney running all the
Social Justice Programs on offer at Nudgee College. In addition we also had William Reid, Timothy Ricketts and Kyle Coulson
representing Nudgee College with Street Swags at a Homeless Connect event that week. During this Term, Tierney was also able
to run a fundraising BBQ on the Flats at our home game against The Southport School. Thanks to our wonderful House Mothers
Ms Carm Nugent and Ms Guiliana Di Michelle who led the way with a large group of Tierney parents. We were able to raise funds
for Drought Relief as a Tierney community.
Again Tierney was represented across all areas of Nudgee College Activities and weekly sporting teams. Additionally Tierney has
been represented in the NC Drumline, NC Voices, AV Crew, Cattle Club, Chess, Theatresports and Debating. A special mention to
our Cross Country athletes who wore the Big N and took out the 2015 GPS premiership.
The Inter-house Chess competition was without a doubt a highlight this Term as the Tierney boys finished an impressive second
following a hard fought final with winners, McKenna House. A huge congratulations and thanks goes to our team comprising of
Mackenzie Hope, Tom Kennedy, Henry Kennedy, Jeffrey He, Heath Trotman, Nick Neroni, Alex Yates and Clancy Nugent.
Academically Tierney men have continued to shine with many boys being awarded a Principal’s Award at Assembly. Each and
every student is to be congratulated on this achievement. I would like to also acknowledge the following young men who have
truly embodied the essence of Signum Fidei - Sign of Faith throughout the term and have worked hard to be awarded the following
awards for their year level:
Ian Brusasco Award - Year 7 - Zachary Krogh
Patrick Donovan Award - Year 8 - Ethan Ferraro
Steven Cook Award - Year 9 - Callum Rorison
Stephen Daley Award - Year 10 - William Reid
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Mr Stephen Meara
Head of Boarding
Here the green blade rises…
The end of the first semester and mid-point of the year gives me an opportunity to look at the progress and
growth of our Nudgee College men for 2015.
Much of their growth is physical, natural and unstoppable. All of them are capable of it, achieve it without
self-consciousness and often take it for granted. Those of us that observe it though, are reminded that their
presence in our Boarding Houses is a trust we are privileged to enjoy.
This is our inspiration and motivation, then, to bring as much energy, learning and prayer as we can to
those elements of their maturing and development which we can influence and form. We challenge their
presumptions and assumptions so that they may learn, we encourage them in their activities so that they may
grow and we lead them in prayer that they may love God, each other and themselves.
As physically tiring as a busy Term like this may be, these three tasks are life giving and enormously rewarding.
Thank you for the trust you place in Nudgee College, in Nudgee College Boarding in particular and the men and
women who work with us in the Boarding Houses.
The effects of all the boarding community living together here in Bathersby Boarding Village have been, as
anticipated, very positive. The Village is well named for this reason. It is with a great deal of pride we show it off
to visitors (and there have been many this Term) and their response is unanimously awe struck at the physical
beauty of the Village and the practicality of the set up.
If you have not yet had a tour of the new facilities, please consider coming to our Welcome Afternoon Tea on
Monday 13 July, when the boys return for Term 3. Parent teacher conferences will be that day and afternoon tea
will be available in the Village from 4.00pm with a briefing by the Principal and myself about Nudgee Boarding
and continuing developments for 2015.
Have a most enjoyable time with your sons at home and I look forward to seeing many of you on the evening of
the Year 12 Formal on Sunday 12 July.
Sport and Culture
Last week Nudgee College’s top Primary Chess team had an amazing result at the North Brisbane Inter-school Chess Tournament.
The team of Riley Granger, Mikey Dechpant, Caleb Reiher and Jack Reiher finished first in the A Grade out of 15 teams. The boys all
did very well with Mikey, Caleb and Jack wining five games out of eight and receiving Merit Awards, while Riley Granger won six
games out of eight and finished third out of the 52 students in his division. With this outstanding result the boys will now move into
the Premier Division next Term and will have a shot at the QLD Chess State Finals. Playing in the B Grade, Fletcher Dunn also did very
well winning and drawing several games.
With the GPS Chess season fast approaching in Term 3 any students who are interested in playing GPS Chess next Term are
encouraged to participate in our Chess Camp on 29 and 30 June. Entries can be sent to [email protected]
Mr Martin Harmon and Mr Matt Gilpin
Chess Directors
Open Letter from Nudgee College Cricket Support Group (NCCSG) President Tony Bray
Not long to go now before the mid-year break as we edge towards another cricket season.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Tony Bray and I have taken over as President of the NCCSG from Michael Agnew.
The group has accomplished so much over the past two years through the hard work and dedication of its members and I wish to
see this continue.
It is great to see some new faces attending our meetings and I encourage any parent with an interest in cricket to come along. The
more people we have who can input ideas or provide assistance where they can, the better. Our next meeting is Tuesday 16 June at
6.30pm in the McKennariey Centre.
The NCCSG has a number of initiatives that it is undertaking and one of the main priorities is to assist the College with coaching
programs. We feel as a group that some extra coaching programs can only benefit the boys and ultimately the College. Having said
this, I am pleased to convey to you details of the first of these programs, which will be available in Term 3.
Tim Gregory, the Acting Cricket Director, has formulated an excellent Term 3 program, which will also incorporate the expertise
of former QLD Bulls Head Coach Terry Oliver. Terry’s program will be available to any student, but is limited in numbers and will
obviously come at a cost. The NCCSG is proud to announce that it has subsidised each student who participates in Terry’s program to
the total of $150 off the original attendance cost.
Remember though availability to this program is limited and separate Batting and Bowling sessions will be run simultaneously. The
sessions are open to all age groups.
This is a great way to assist students to enhance their cricket skills and I am sure we will be undertaking more initiatives like this in
the future.
Details can be found on the flyer on page 14 and also on the Nudgee Cricket – TeamApp.
Mr Tony Bray
NCCSG President
Last Saturday saw the much awaited clash between the two Edmund Rice schools - St Joseph’s Gregory Terrace and St Joseph’s
Nudgee College with Nudgee College coming out on top . A number of matches were abandoned because of wet weather in the
Year 5, 6 and 7 age groups, however all completed matches with the exception of the 7Cs were won by the Nudgee College teams.
While the 6A team did not finish their match they were that far ahead of their opposition that they were unable to be beaten. When
rain stopped play Nudgee College 6As were ahead 19 games to 2 games. In the Year 7s the A and B teams were unable to complete
their match due to wet weather however the 7Cs team of George Needham, Mason Cluff, Angus Phelan and Cody Collette played an
exciting 21 games all draw.
All of the Year 9 teams were victorious with the 9A team of Sebastian Hanna, Alec Reverente, Patrick Krop and Jackson Owen
winning 28 games to 23, the 9Bs team of Nathan Barnes, Tom Canty, Jarod Ah Leong and William Wallace winning 32 games to 6 and
the Year 9Cs team of Bailie Robinson, Tada Cook, Ben Nucifora and Myles Burgess winning by 26 games to 11. Jackson Owen and
Alec Reverente proved the main backstop for the 9As with both boys winning their singles matches 6 games to 1. William Wallace
continued his improved form to win all of his sets for the 9Bs including his singles without the loss of a game.
The 11As team of Lachlan Berge, Clancy Nugent, Michael Grimes and Lachlan Carmichael and the 11Bs team of James Doyle, Andrew
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Deshon, Marshall Chartrand and Nick Mann continued on their winning way with good wins over their Terrace counterparts. One
of the most improved grades in 2015 are the Year 10 teams. The 10A team of Campbell Bentley, Tristan Knibbs, Charlie Seymour
and Matt Masotti played a very close match against a determined Terrace team to eventually win through by six games. The 10B
team of Ethan Lawrence, Tony Rudkin, Cory Heydon-Butcher and Lachlan Chaplin fought hard all day to eventually overcome their
opposition by only three games.
The Nudgee College Open teams played some inspired tennis at times but found their Terrace counterparts too strong on the
day. The 3rd IV team of Myles Andrew, Nick Thompson, Tom Kelly and Tarn Giddens suffered with the loss of their number 1 player
Lindsay Cox with a heart-lige problem, but never gave up in their match to eventually lose by 20 games. The 2nd IV team of Ian
Ridgway, Steve Cawood, Connor Lilley and Aaron Fahey could be considered a little unlucky to lose by one set and seven games after
looking like winners half way through the match. The 1st IV also let a lead slip away during a rain marred match to lose a very closely
contested battle. The Nudgee College team of Cedric Rupa, Jaimie Browne, Sam White and Ricky Singh gave themselves the best
possible chance by winning the first two doubles matches. Ricky Singh followed this up with a straight sets win in his singles contest,
and when Cedric Rupa won the first set of his singles encounter Nudgee College looked on their way to a well earned victory.
The weather and illness conspired to bring Nudgee College 1st IV undone when Cedric lost his rhythm and focus after a number of
rain delays to eventually lose a closely fought match six games to three in the third set. Jamie Browne was also unable to take to the
court because of illness, and when the rain finally set in Nudgee College found themselves one rubber behind and unable to win on
This Friday Nudgee College will be playing Ipswich Grammar School with the 1st IV, 2nd IV as well as the Year 10 team playing at
Nudgee College from 9.30am and the remaining grades playing at Ipswich Grammar School sports complex at the same time.
Mr Gary Stickler
Tennis Coordinator
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition
Locker Room
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Locker Room will be open from 11.00am to 4.00pm tomorrow Friday 19 June.
From next Term the Bingo Hall will be available for school use from Monday to Friday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday bingo games will
continue on campus.
College Server
The College is moving and updating its servers on 1 and 2 July. Communication with the College over these two days will be
interrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please contact the College on (07) 3865 0555 for any urgent matters during these
Holiday Hours
College Office3865 0555
Monday 22 June to Friday 10 July
9.00am to 3.00pm
From Monday 13 July
7.30am to 4.00pm
The Locker Room3865 0498
Thursday 9 July to Friday 10 July
10.00am to 12.00pm
12.30pm to 3.00pm
From Monday 13 July 8.00am to 11.00am
12.45pm – 4.00pm
Book Hire
3865 0172
Thursday 18 June
Closed from 1.50pm
From Tuesday 14 July
8.00am to 1.50pm Monday to Thursday
8.00am to 1.00pm Friday
**Any students or parents who want to return a Book Hire text over the holidays can drop it off in the after-hours return chute at the
Learning Centre.