Biopsychosocial Sample Assessment Guide

IBM® Care Management
Biopsychosocial Sample Assessment
Document version 1.0
John McDonnell is a Business Analyst in IBM Cúram and has produced this Sample BPS
Assessment for IBM Care Management.
Ross McKinley is a Software Developer in IBM Cúram. He works on IBM Care Management,
including on IBM Care Management assessments.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................4
1.1 Audience...........................................................................................................................4
1.2 Prerequisites.....................................................................................................................4
2 Installing the BPS assessment................................................................................................5
3 Running the BPS assessment.................................................................................................6
3.1 Creating an outcome plan type.........................................................................................6
3.2 Associating the BPS assessment with the new outcome plan type.................................6
3.3 Running the BPS assessment..........................................................................................7
3.4 Viewing and sharing the BPS assessment.......................................................................7
4 References..............................................................................................................................8
This document describes how to install the sample biopsychosocial (BPS) assessment into IBM
Care Management, and how you can run the assessment and view the results.
This article and the accompanying BPS assessment are intended for technical users who want to
learn how about using assessments for solutions that assess patients based on defined criteria.
IBM Care Management.
The BPS assessment was tested against version 6.0.
The Cúram Development Environment provided with Care Management.
An understanding of performing an assessment.
Familiarity with building the IBM Care Management database.
Familiarity with building the IBM Care Management application.
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Installing the BPS assessment
Complete the following steps to install the sample BPS assessment.
1. Download the archive file, which contains the BPS Assessment
files in the EJBServer/Components/BPSAssessment folder.
2. Extract the archive into the %CURAM_DIR%/EJBServer/Components directory, where
%CURAM_DIR% is the directory where the IBM Cúram Development Environment was
installed. The assessment files are placed into the
%CURAM_DIR%/EJBServer/Components/BPSAssessment folder.
3. Add the assessment to the component order by adding the name of the extracted folder,
BPSAssessment, to the start of the SERVER_COMPONENT_ORDER variable in the
%CURAM_DIR%/SetEnvironmentVariables.bat file.
4. Open a command prompt from %CURAM_DIR% and run the
SetEnvironmentVariables.bat command.
5. At the command prompt, change to the %CURAM_DIR%/EJBServer% folder, and build the
database by running the build database command.
6. If the application was not previously built, build the application.
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Running the BPS assessment
Complete the following steps to configure and run the BPS assessment. You must create an
outcome plan type and associate the assessment with that outcome plan type. To run the
assessment for a patient, add that patient to an outcome plan of that type.
Creating an outcome plan type
An assessment must be associated with an outcome plan type. Complete the following steps to
create a new outcome plan type.
1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Click Administration Workspace → Shortcut Sidebar → Outcome Management →
Outcome Plans.
3. Click New to create a new outcome plan type.
4. Enter a name and any other mandatory details. The outcome plan type is created.
Associating the BPS assessment with the new outcome
plan type
An outcome plan is a type of case. Complete the following steps to associate the assessment with
an outcome plan type.
1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Click Administration Workspace → Shortcut Sidebar → Outcome Management →
Assessment Definitions.
3. Click Biopsychosocial Assessment in the assessment definitions list.
4. Click the Cases tab.
5. Click Add to associate a case, and select the new outcome plan type.
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Running the BPS assessment
Complete the following steps to run the assessment for a patient, and choose any results that you
want to highlight for the patient.
1. Log in as a planner.
2. Search for and add a person to an outcome plan. Ensure that you specify the new outcome
plan type.
3. On the outcome plan, click the Assessments & Factors tab.
4. Click New to create a new assessment.
5. Select Biopsychosocial Assessment from the list of assessments. The assessment
questions are displayed.
6. Answer each of the questions. When the questionnaire is finished, the results page is
On the results page, select the check box for any result that you want to make a priority
factor for the patient. By default, priority factors are displayed on the patient home page.
8. Click Complete to finish the assessment.
Viewing and sharing the BPS assessment
You can see the full assessment results from the plan. Priority factors are also shown on the patient
home page. Complete the following steps to view the full assessment results and export them in
PDF format.
1. On the outcome plan, click the Assessments & Factors tab.
2. Select the assessment from the list. You can see the results of the assessment and any
factors that were highlighted as priority factors.
3. On the Actions menu for the assessment, select View Report to download an assessment
report in PDF format.
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IBM Care Management Version 6.0 documentation
IBM Care Management product page
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