ELENI KALOKAIRINOU Associate Professor of Philosophy

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Education,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
University Campus,
54 124 Thessaloniki,
Telephone: 0030 2310 997327
e-mail: [email protected]
Office: 209 Old Building of the
Philosphical School.
Oct. 1994Jan. 1995:
Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophical
and Social Studies of the University of Crete.
Jan. 1995 July 2002
Lecturer of Philosophy at the University of Cyprus
July 2002 Oct. 2011
Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Classics and
Philosophy at the University of Cyprus.
Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Aristotle University of
My research interests include:
Meta- Ethics
Moral Philosophy
Applied Ethics
Medical Ethics and Bioethics (in particular, Theories and Principles of Bioethics, The
beginning and the end of life, Enhancing and genetic technologies, Research on
human embryos and embryonic stem cells, Chimeras, hybrids and research on
admixed DNA)
The interaction between ancient Greek medicine and philosophy
Ancient Greek Philosophy and its impact on Bioethics
Modern and Contemporary Political Philosophy (with an emphasis on the theories of
social contract and the dialogue between Liberalism and Communitarianism)
Aesthetic theories of the 17th and 18th centuries
Among the lectures I have offered are included:
Introduction to Philosophy: the basic questions
Modern European Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Philosophy
Applied Ethics
Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
Aesthetics and the Theory of Art
Contemporary Political Philosophy
John Rawls' A Theory of Justice
Bioethics and Medical Ethics
Bioethics since Hippocrates to the present day.
Virtue and eudaimonia in the Philosophical schools of the Hellenistic era.
Kant’s Dogma of Virtue.
Kant’s Moral Philosophy
Virtue Ethics – Deontology – Utilitarianism
Problems in Bioethics
Immanuel Kant, The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Books VIII and IX (On friendship).
Moral Theories of the 20th century.
Representative of the non-permanent academic members of staff in the Council of the
Department of Classics and Philosophy (1996-1998 and 1998-2000).
Representative of the Department of Classics and Philosophy in the Faculty of Letters
(2000-2002, 2002-2004 and 2004-2006).
Member of the Committee of Health and Security (2002-2003).
Member of the Committee of International Relations (2003-2005).
Member of the University Newsletter Committee (2003- Oct. 2011).
Member of the Greek Philosophical Society
Member of the Society for Applied Philosophy, United Kingdom
Member of the Society for the Aristotelian Studies "The Lyceum", Greece
Member of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, The
Member of the International Association of Bioethics
Secretary of the Olympic Centre of Philosophy and Education, Greece (2007-2009).
1. A Critical Examination of Stoic Moral Philosophy, Athens – Nicosia 2008, 85 pp.
2. From Meta-Ethics to Ethics: An Overview of R. M. Hare’s Moral Philosophy, Peter
Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2011, 265 pp.
Demetrius Kydones, Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica, translated in Greek, vol.
II, 18, Athens 2002, 303 pp., establishment, presentation and annotation of text,
Publication of the Foundation of Research and Editions of Neohellenic Philosophy of
the Academy of Athens
R. F. Atkinson, Conduct: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Macmillan, LondonMelbourne-Toronto 1969 under the Greek title, Eισαγωγή στην ηθική φιλοσοφία,
εκδόσεις Σύγχρονη Παιδεία, Θεσσαλονίκη 1995, σσ. 152 (Introduction to Moral
Philosophy, Syghroni Paideia, Thessaloniki 1995, 152 pp.).
Second increased publication, Syghroni Paideia, Thessaloniki 2012, 199 pp.
1. Editing and Introduction (with P. Antoniou, M. Kleanthous and A. Kouris),
Cloning and the Contemporary Man (in Greek), Nicosia 2001, 91pp. (Η κλωνοποίηση
και ο σύγχρονος άνθρωπος, Λευκωσία).
2. Editing and Introduction (together with C. Deltas and S. Rogge), Progress in
Science and the Danger of Hubris: Genetics, Transplantation, Stem-Cell Research,
Waxmann, Münster, New York, Muenchen, Berlin 2006, 142 pp.
3. Editing and Prologue (together with Dr. Ch. Magoulas) of the Honorary volume for
the Emeritus Professor of the University of Athens Myrto Dragona-Monachou,
Skepsis, XVII/i-ii (2006) Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 2006, 316 pp.
4. Editing and Epilogue of the translation in Greek of the collective volume
Bioethics, Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues, edited by M. G. Kuczewski and
R. Polansky, A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussetts, London
2000, pp. 304. Title in the Greek translation: Vioithiki, arhaia themata se syghronous
provlimatismous, Travlos Publications, Athens 2007, pp. 597. Epimetron pp. 527584.
1. «La philosophie morale de Hare et les limites de son application: la question de l’
esclavage», Hare et la philosophie morale, edited by Jean-Yves Goffi, Recherches sur
la philosophie et le langage, Grenoble 2004, pp. 217-229.
2.“The influence of the ancient Greek thought on contemporary Bioethics”,
Epimetron of the translation in Greek of the collective volume Bioethics, Ancient
Themes in Contemporary Issues, edited by M. G. Kuczewski and R. Polansky, A
Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London 2000, pp. 304.
Title in the Greek translation: Vioithiki, arhaia themata se syghronous
provlimatismous, Travlos Publications, Athens 2007, pp. 597. Epimetron pp. 527-584.
3. “Tracing the roots of European Bioethics back to the Ancient Greek philosophers –
physicians”, Fritz Jahr and the Foundations of Global Bioethics: The Future of
Integrative Bioethics, Amir Muzur and Hans - Martin Sass (eds.), Lit Verlag, Berlin
2012, p. 59-70. See also below VI, 17.
1. "Freedom and Choice in R. M. Hare and J. P. Sartre", The Philosophical Inquiry,
vol. XVII, No 3-4, 1995, pp. 39-54.
2. 'The Cosmological Assumptions of Stoic Ethics", Diotima, vol. 24, 1996, pp. 139143.
3. "Cosmopolitanism and the ethics of recognition", Diotima, vol. 29, 2001, pp. 6773.
4. "Experimentation on human embryos: a philosophical approach", (in Greek), in
Episteme kai Koinonia, vol. 8-9 (2002), pp. 27-43.
5. "Richard Mervyn Hare (1919-2002): a Necrology", (in Greek), in Episteme kai
Koinonia, vol. 8-9 (2002), pp. 304-313.
6. "Are There Just Wars?", in Philosophia, vol. 33 (2003), pp. 77-82 (Φιλοσοφία,
7. “Bιοethics and the philosopher’s role”, (in Greek), in Zeno, Publication of the
Philosophical Society of Cyprus, vol. 19-26 (1997-2005), pp. 219-230.
8. “The origns of Bioethics in Hippocrates’ work”, Skepsis, vol. XVII/i-ii (2006)
Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, pp. 88-96.
9. “Are in the end the prenatal diagnoses forms of eugenics?”, (in Greek), in
Cogito,vol. 5 (2006), pp. 44-45.
10.“Philolaus of Citium and Apollonius of Tyana: persons and masks of a meeting”,
(in Greek), in the Epetirida tou Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, , vol. XXXIII
(2007), pp. 9-19.
11. “The experience of β-thalassaemia and its prevention in Cyprus” in Medicine and
Law Journal, vol. 27 (2008), pp. 825-842.
12. “How I would like to live, for how long I would like to live: thoughts on the
enhancing and genetic technologies”, (in Greek), Eydikia 9 (2009), pp. 20-27.
13. “Enhancing and Genetic Technologies: The Central Role of Health”, Skepsis XX
(2009) pp. 102-117.
14. “Answer to a book review”, (in Greek), reply to V. Kalfas review of my work,
Demetrius Kydones, Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica, translated in Greek, vol.
II, 18, Athens 2002, 303 pp., Nea Estia, no. 1826, October 2009, pp. 716-727.
15. “Sales representatives: the oddities of a profession” (in Greek) in the volume
Themata Iatrofarmakeytikis Enimerwssis, ed. by Christos Hadjimichael and
Chrysanthia Leontiou, KES College, Sales Represantatives Branch, Nicosia 2010, pp.
16. “Enhancing Technologies: Transformatio ad quod optimum?” in the International
Journal of Bioethics / Journal International de Bioethique, vol. 22, 3-4 (2011), pp.
17. “Tracing the roots of European Bioethics back to the Ancient Greek philosophers
– physicians”, Jahr, vol. 2, No 4 (2011), pp. 445-456. See also above V, 3.
18. “Human/animal hybrids: the limits of human dignity”, (in Greek), Zeno,
Publication of the Philosophical Society of Cyprus, vols. 27-32 (2006-2011), pp. 173182.
19. “Premarital certificate for the examination of β-thalasaemia in cases of civil
wedding: a reconsideration of the Cypriot ‘model’”, (in Greek), in Themata
Vioethikes. Thewritkes theses kai istorikes katavoles, Voula Tsinorema and Kitsos
Louis (eds.), University of Crete Publications, Herakleion 2013, pp. 233 – 244.
20. “Cognitive and moral enhancements and human autonomy”, Skepsis (2013), pp.
21. “Ancient medicine and philosophy: a philosopher’s perspective”, under
publication, ed. D. Michaelides, Oxbow Books, Oxford 2013, pp. 0-0.
1."A.N. Zoumbos, Elis' Philosophical Doctrines. A. Pyrrho's of Elis Theory of
Knowledge. B. 'Unwritten Law' according to Hippias of Elis", Πελοποννησιακά, vol.
5, 1961, pp. 190-199: a critical discussion in the journal Skepsis, vol. II, 1991, pp.
2. R.M. Hare, Essays on Bioethics, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1993, pp. vii+248, in
Skepsis, vol. XII-XIV (2002-2003), Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, pp. 363-367.
3. C.C. Evangeliou, The Hellenic Philosophy: Between Europe, Asia and Africa,
Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University 1997, pp. iv+222, in
Skepsis XV (2004), Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, pp. 671-676.
4. Arnold Berleant, The Aesthetics of Environment Temple University Press,
Philadelphia 1992, (title of the translation in Greek, H αισθητική του περιβάλλοντος,
'Iδρυμα Παναγιώτη και 'Eφης Mιχελή, Aθήνα 2004, pp. κβ'+376), in the Annals for
Aesthetics, vol. 42 (2003-4), pp. 251-255.
1. "Hume's Scepticism: A Re-evaluation" in Scepticism: Inter-Disciplinary
Approaches, Athens 1990, pp. 175-181.
2. "The Information Technology as an independent branch of Philosophy" (in Greek),
in Philosophy and Information Technology in Education, Ellinika Grammata, Athens
1994, pp. 15-23.
3. "Is the moral evaluation of political actions possible?", (in Greek), in The Political
Philosophy Today, Karthamitsa, Athens 1994, pp. 79-86.
4. "Hume's Standard of Taste" (in Greek) in Aesthetics and the Theory of Art,
Karthamitsa, Athens 1994, pp. 69-76.
5. "Genetic Engineering and Moral Problems" (in Greek) in Technology and Values,
University of Patra, Patra 1997, pp. 106-112.
6. "In support of a reasoning and decision-making procedure in Bioethics", in
Consensus in Bioethics, University of Central Lancashire, Preston 1996, pp. 53-58.
7. "J. S. Mill's concept of democracy" (in Greek), The Human Face of Democracy, ed.
by D. Papadis, Papadimas, Athens 2000, pp. 123-136.
8. "The insistent dualism of Stoic Moral Philosophy" (in Greek), Proceedings of the
Third International Congress of Cypriot Studies, Nicosia 2000, The Society of
Cypriot Studies, vol. A, pp. 1-7.
9. "Cloning and the Future of Mankind" (in Greek), Cloning and the Contemporary
Man, Nicosia 2001, pp. 57-75.
10. "Polis or Cosmopolis in the Twentieth Century: a real problem or a pseudodilemma?", Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation, Haifa
2001, University of Haifa, CDROM, section V, pp. 1-4.
11. "For one's country for one's universe", Approaching a New Millennium: Lessons
from the Past, Prospects for the Future, Bergen 2001, University of Bergen,
CDROM, section III, pp. 1-6.
12. "Aristotle's distributive justice and its influence on the contemporary political
thought" (in Greek), in Athens and Hesperia: ancient Athens' influence upon the
Western European civilization, Athens 2001, pp. 100-109.
13. “Traditional aesthetics and the problem of disinterestedness”, (in Greek), in
Philosophia kai Techni, Lemessos 2006, pp. 61-74 (Φιλοσοφία και Τέχνη, Λεμεσσός).
14. “Prenatal diagnosis and the Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Methods of
Prevention or Forms of Eugenics?” in C. Deltas, E.M. Kalokairinou and S. Rogge
(eds.), Progress in Science and the Danger of Hubris: Genetics, Transplantation,
Stem-Cell Research, Waxmann, Münster, New York, Muenchen, Berlin 2006, pp. 6978.
15. “Friendship and Justice in the Nicomachean Ethics”, in D. Papadis ( ed.),
Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy, The Nicomachean Ethics, Travlos, Athens 2006, pp.
16. “Humanism and Romanticism in the Medical Sciences” Commemoration
Ceremony for Nelly Tsouyopoulou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2006, pp. 39-56.
17. “The Stoics on death, suicide and euthanasia”, (in Greek), Proceedings of the IV
International Cyprological Congress, Nicosia/Lefkosia, 29 April– 3 May 2008,
Ancient section, vol. A1, edited by Dr Andreas Demetriou, Nicosia/Lefkosia 2011,
pp. 67-76.
18. “Les quatre premieres annees du fonctionnement du Comite National de
Bioethique de Chypre”, (in French) in print, in the conference proceedings.
Participation as a partner in the European Research program (Cost) entitled, Disaster
1. Organization of a one-day conference in Nicosia on the 19th June 2001 on the
topic, Cloning and the Contemporary Man.
2. Organization of the workshop The Prevailing Ideologies in the 21st Century within
the frame of organization of the Seventh Conference by the International Society for
the Study of European Ideas Approaching a New Millennium: Lessons from the Past,
Prospects for the Future which took place at the University of Bergen, Bergen 14-18
August 2000.
3. Organization (together with Constantinos Deltas and Sabine Rogge) of the First
International Conference of Medical Ethics on the general topic, Progress in Science
and the Danger of Hubris: Genethics, Transplantation, Stem-Cell Research, in
Nicosia from 24-26 September 2004.
4. Organization (together with Ioannis Christodoulou) of a conference on The value of
philosophy in the era of globalization, in Nicosia, from 31st January – 1st February
5. Organization (together with Ioannis Christodoulou) of a conference on The
International Moral and Political Crisis and Philosophy, in Nicosia, 27-28 May
6. Organization (together with Professor Socrates Delivoyatzis and Ass. Professor
Vicky Karavakou) of the 4th Panehellenic Conference on The evil: hermeneutic and
interdisciplinary approaches, in Thessaloniki, 14-15 June 2013.
1. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Department of Philosophy and Education,
May 1998, lectures on political philosophy in the postgraduate seminar of philosophy
2. National Metsovion Polytechnic School of Athens, May 2004, Lectures on
Aesthetics (Socrates-Erasmus).
3. University of Crete, Department of Philosophical and Social Studies, May 2005,
lectures in the postgraduate seminar of Bioethics (Socrates-Erasmus).
4. A lecture, after an invitation, to the postgraduate seminar of Ethics of the
Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology of the University of Athens on
the topic, Man in front of the new genetic technologies, January 2006
5. Lecture after an invitation by the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering of the University of Cyprus on, “The Ethics of technology”, 29th
November 2006, Room A105, Central Buildings, Old Senate Room.
6. Participation, after an invitation, in the Round Table Discussion on the topic, The
value of animal models and modern diagnostic modalities in addressing fundamental
clinical and basic science questions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease
which took place in the frame of the Symposium which was organized by the
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering of the University of
Cyprus on The Role of Medical Imaging in Modern Medical Diagnosis, Treatment
and Basic Science Research on the 7th November 2007.
1. Member of the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus (2002-2006)
2. Appointed for a second time Member of the National Bioethics Committee of
Cyprus for the period 2006-2010.
3. Appointed for a third time Member of the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus
for the period 2011-2015. I resigned on the 31st December 2011.
4. Member of the committee formed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of
Cyprus for revising secondary education’s Philosophy textbooks.
5. Resource Expert of the Association Bioethics Beyond Borders which has been
founded at the University of Pittsburgh of USA.
1. Editing and Introduction of the book by Nikos Koutsoyiannis, Hellenic short
stories and poems, Athens 2004, pp. 69.
KALOKAIRINOU E., V. Syros, A. Kouris and E. Kalokairinou (eds), Dialexeis:
Akademaiko etos 1996-7, (Nicosia: Homilos Philosophias Panepistimiou Kyprou
1999), 107-42.
 Schabel Chr., “Gregory of Rimini”, in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
in the bibliography.
KALOKAIRINOU E. (2001), “Cloning and the future of humankind” in: P. Antoniou, M.
Kleanthous and A. Kouris (eds.), Cloning and the contemporary man, Nicosia.
 Dragona – Monachou M., “Ethics and Bioethics” in Episteme kai Koinonia 89, 2002, pp. 1-26, in particular on p. 14 and the bibliography p. 25.
KALOKAIRINOU E. (2002), Demetrius Kydones, Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica,
translated in Greek, vol. II, 18, Athens, 303 pp., establishment, presentation and
annotation of text, Publication of the Foundation of Research and Editions of
Neohellenic Philosophy of the Academy of Athens.
 Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, édité par la société internationale pour
l’étude de la philosophie médiévale (SIEPM), 45e année, Brepols 2003 p. 349.
 Reviewed by Irene Svitzou in Diotima 32 (2004), p. 204.
 Vassilis Kalfas, Review, Nea Estia, issue 1822, May 2009, pp. 1137-1140.
 Chr. C. Evangeliou, Hellenic Philosophy, Origin and Character, Ashgate
2006, Prologue, p. X,
 http://monsite.wanadoo.fr/jerometurquey
KALOKAIRINOU E., P. Antoniou, M. Kleanthous and A. Kouris (eds.), Cloning and the
contemporary man (conference proceedings), Nicosia 2001
 Hellenic Republic, National Bioethics Commission, Recommendations and
Reports, National Printing Office, Athens 2003, pp. 1-86, in particular p. 86
 Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, No 153 (March 2004), p. 10.
 Hfaistos, 1st Technical School of Nicosia, 2001, p. 48.
KALOKAIRINOU E. “The persistent dualism of Stoic Moral Philosophy”,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Cypriot Studies, 16-20 April 1996,
Nicosia 2000, vol. A, pp. 1-7.
 Georgios Myaris, “Neohellenic Enlightenment and Ioannis Karatzas. The
contribution of the Cypriot scholar” in, Rigas Velestinlis: “200 years from his
death. Approaches in his work and his influence”, Nicosia 2006, p. 150.
KALOKAIRINOU ELENI, “Are in the end prenatal diagnoses forms of eugenics?”,
Cogito 5 (2006): 44-45
 Filimon Paeonidis, “The ethics of genetic interventions: Some Preliminary
Remarks” in Bio-Ethics Review, vol 1, Fall 2007, ISSN 1791-2598, pp. 46-62,
p. 51.
 Emmanouel Sareidakis, Vioethike. Ethica provlimata twn newn vioiatrikwn
technologiwn, Papazissis, Athina 2008, p. 185, footnote 19.
KALOKAIRINOU ELENI, transl. of R.F. Atkinson, Eisagogi stin Ethike Filosofia,
Syghroni Paideia, Thessaloniki 1995, p. 75
 Petros Farantakis, Meta tin Ethike, O epistimologikos paremvatismos tou
periodikou Neysis, issues 1-10, Athina, ISBN 978-969-931337-7, p. 37,
footnote 91.
 Petros Farantakis, Meta tin Ethike, O epistimologikos paremvatismos tou
periodikou Neysis, issues 1-10, Athina, ISBN 978-969-931337-7, p. 143.
KALOKAIRINOU Eleni, “The influence of ancient Greek thought on contemporary
Bioethics”, Epimetron of the Greek translation of the book: M. Kuczewski και R.
Polansky (eds.), Bioethics: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues, A Bradford
Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, London 2000, p. 304. Title in
Greek, Vioethike. Arhaia themata in contemporary issues, transl. M. Katsimistis,
editor of the Greek translation and epimetron Eleni Kalokairinou, Traylos, Athina
2007, p. 552: Epimetron, p. 527-584.
 Petros Farantakis, Meta tin Ethike, O epistimologikos paremvatismos tou
periodikou Neysis, issues 1-10, Athina, ISBN 978-969-931337-7, p. 114,
footnote 472: στην οποία ως ανάλογοι προβληματισμοί αναφέρονται: «...τα
κατεστραμμένα και απειλούμενα είδη και οικοσυστήμτα, η βιοποικιλότητα,
οι γενετικά τροποποιημένοι οργανισμοί, ο πειραματισμός πάνω στα ζώα, τα
δικαιώμτα των ζώων, τα γονιδιακά ζώα και οργανισμοί, η διατάραξητης
ισορροπίας της βιόσφαιρας, η ρύπανση του περιβαλλοντος, το πρόβλημα του
θερμοκηπίου, η τρύπα του όζοντος η αειφόρος ανάπτυξη κ.λπ.».
 Petros Farantakis, Meta tin Ethike, O epistimologikos paremvatismos tou
periodikou Neysis, issues 1-10, Athina, ISBN 978-969-931337-7, p. 161.
 Giorgos Tsiantis, “Pws themeliwnontai ta oria; Arxaia ontologia kai syghroni
technoepistimoniki ereyna”, Nea Estia, issue 1836, September 2010, pp. 310328: p. 319 and footnote 20.
 Giorgos Tsiantis, “Pws themeliwnontai ta oria; Arxaia ontologia kai syghroni
technoepistimoniki ereyna”, Nea Estia, issue 1836, September 2010, pp. 310328: p. 324, footnote 33.
 Marianos D. Karassis, Aisthisseis kai pseythaisthisseis tis proothou, Papers
and Essays, Armos, Athens 2010, p. 167, footnote 7.
Marianos D. Karassis, Aisthisseis kai pseythaisthisseis tis proothou, Papers
and Essays, Armos, Athens 2010, p. 189, footnote 43.
Marianos D. Karassis, Aisthisseis kai pseythaisthisseis tis proothou, Papers
and Essays, Armos, Athens 2010, p. 191, footnote 49.
Marianos D. Karassis, Aisthisseis kai pseythaisthisseis tis proothou, Papers
and Essays, Armos, Athens 2010, p. 199, footnote 62.
Vassileios I. Kalliakmanis, “Vioethile kai Koinwnike Prosseggissi twn oriwn
tis Iatrikis” («Βιοηθική και Κοινωνική Προσέγγιση των ορίων της ιατρικής»),
Pemptoussia (Πεμπτουσία), www.pemptousia.com/2011/09, pages 3, 4 και 7
(footnotes 9, 10 και 24 respectively).
KALOKAIRINOU, H. “La philosophie morale de Hare et les limites de son
application: la question de l’ esclavage” in the conference proceedings: Goffi, Y.-J.
(dir.), Hare et la Philosophie Morale, published in the series: Recherches sur la
Philosophie et le Langage, No 23, Vrin 2004, pp. 217-229.
 Petros Farantakis, Meta tin Ethike, O epistimologikos paremvatismos tou
periodikou Neysis, issues 1-10, Athina, ISBN 978-969-931337-7, p. 134.
KALOKAIRINOU ELENI, . "Experimentation on human embryos: a philosophical
approach", (in Greek), in Episteme kai Koinonia, vol. 8-9 (2002), pp. 27-43.
 Takis Vidalis, Biolaw. First volume: Person, Sakkoulas, Athina –
Thessaloniki 2007: p. 279.
KALOKAIRINOU ELENI, “Philolaus of Citium and Apollonius of Tyana: persons
and masks of a meeting”, (in Greek), in the Epetirida tou Kentrou Epistimonikon
Erevnon, , vol. XXXIII (2007), pp. 9-19.
 Leontsini Eleni, “Zeno of Citium on Love, Friendship, Concord and the Unity
of the State”, Proceedings of the IV International Cyprological Congress,
Nicosia/Lefkosia, 29 April – 3 May 2008, Ancient Section, vol. A2, edited by
Dr. Andreas Demetriou, Nicosia?Lefkosia 2011, pp. 598-602: p. 590, footnote
KALOKAIRINOU ELENI, “Tracing the roots of European Bioethics back to the
Ancient Greek philosophers – physicians”, Jahr, vol. 2, No 4 (2011), pp. 445-456.
Dragona – Monachou, Myrto, “From the Oath of ‘Hippocrates’ to medical
ethics and bioethics”, Dialexeis Philosophias, eds. Evanghelos Moutsopoulos
and Maria Protopapa – Marneli, Academy of Athens – Research Center for
Greek Philosophy, Athens 2012, pp. 191 – 211, footnote 2.
1. “Globalization and difference”, 10th Annual General Conference organized by the
Pancyprian Councl of Welfare in Nicosia, on the 15th April 2000, on the general topic,
Globalization, A National and Social Provocation.
2. “From the Stoic cosmopolitanism to the contemporary globalization: a total
evaluation”, 3rd Regional Conference of Welfare of Ammohostos organized by the
Regional Council of Welfare of Ammohostos and the Council of Welfare of Frenaros
in Frenaros, on the 16th March 2003, on the topic, Globalization: a necessity of
modern times for the formulation of a common ideal or a pretext for leveling the
national identities and the curbing of peoples?”.
3. “Theories of Justice and human rights”, 13th Annual Conference organized by the
Pancyprian Council and the Regional Council of Welfare of Lemessos, Lemessos,
17th May 2003, on the topic, Social Justice – Human Rights: Declarations and
4. “Man as seen through the spectrum of genetic technologies”, one-day conference
organized by the Metropolitan Church of Agios Dimitrios Lechainon Elias, Greece on
the 22nd October 2007, on the general topic, Civilization and Mass Culture: from
authenticity to alienation.
5. “Biotechnological developments and man” given in the series of seminars
organized by the International Scientific Association of Ancient Greek Philosophy in
the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Athens, Greece on the 24th November
6. “Genetic technologies and human happiness: a re-consideration of eugenics”, Free
University in Skali of Agladja, Nicosia, 31 January 2007.
7. Talks and participation in conversations on the State Radio Program (RIK) and on
the State Television Program RIK and on SIGMA.
8. On the state television channel of RIK, in the program “Sin Plin” with Vivian
Kanari, on the topic, Death, April 2009, (with others).
9. On the state television channel of RIK, in the program “Sin Plin” with Vivian
Kanari, on the topic, The woman in our society today, 18 November 2009, (with
10. On the state radio program of RIK, in the program Free Forum with Dr. Kleitos
Ioannides as coordinator and Dr. Ioannis Christodoulou, lecturer of Philosophy at the
University of Cyprus), on the topic, Philosophy in the era of globalization, 10
February 2010.
11. On the state radio program of RIK, in the program Free Forum with Dr. Kleitos
Ioannides as coordinator, Dr. Ioannis Christodoulou, lecturer of Philosophy at the
University of Cyprus and Areti Loizou), on the topic, The role of Philosophy today,
14 April 2010.
12. Lecture on “Kant’s moral philosophy”, in the Philosophical Association of
Cyprus, Nicosia, 21 April 2010.
13. Participation in Monday’s University on the topic, “The Intellectual principles in
the era of Armaggedon”, with Sozos Charalambides as a coordinator, Dr Kleitos
Ioannides and Dr. Ioannis Christodoulou, lecturer of Philosophy at the University of
Cyprus, European University of Cyprus, 10 May 2010.
14. On the state radio program of RIK, in the program Investigations with Lygia
Konstantinidou as a coordinator, Constantinos Deltas, Professor of Biology and Fofi
Konstantinidou, Associate Professor of Psychology, both at the University of Cyprus,
on the topic, Bioethics on the 4th June 2010, 4.00 o’ clock.