July/August 2016 - Temple Beth El, Utica, NY

The Temple Times
2710 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13502
 TBE 315/724-4751 
Sivan / Tammuz / Av 5776
Vol.6.11/12 July/August 2016
Temple Beth El Service Schedule
Schedule of Daily Services
Monday Mornings
Thursday Mornings
Friday Shabbat Evening
Saturday Shabbat Morning
Sunday Mornings
8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
5:30 P.M.
9:30 A.M.
8:45 A.M.
Candle Lighting 5774
July 1st
July 8th
July 15th
July 22nd
July 29th
8:26 P.M.
8:24 P.M.
8:21 P.M.
8:15 P.M.
8:08 P.M.
August 5th
August 12th
August 19th
August 26th
8:00 P.M.
7:50 P.M.
7:40 P.M.
7:28 P.M.
Dear Friends
As you see, the times of our daily services
are right above this note. Won’t you please
join us any morning you are available to help
be part of a minyan. It is a mitzvah for you
and for our service.
Temple Beth El Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Please notify Temple of any address
changes, so that we can ensure you
continue to receive the bulletin.
Thank you!
Page 2
The Temple Times
Temple Beth El Organization
Cantor Kalman A. Socolof
Dr. Stanley Gerstein, Rabbi Emeritus
Marsha Silverman, President
Michael Silverman, Treasurer
Ernest Berkowitz
Michael Damsky
Cecily Eidelhoch
Saul Finer
Melissa Kowalsky
David Lowitz
Charles Manning
Ann Nathan
Rae Rosenfeld
Yevgenii Samoshuk
Brad Sklar
Mark Smith
Adele Sossen
Mundy B. Shapiro, Executive Director
Julie Cain, Secretary
Page 8
The Temple Times
A Message from Cantor Socolof
Temple Beth El President’s Message
For most of us, July and August represent an
opportunity to get away. If not an actual
vacation out of town, at least the chance to go
to our camp, or another sort of weekend
getaway, so that we may avoid the heat of the
city in summer and try to get the rest and
relaxation that all of us, from time to time,
need. Having postulated such journeys, I put
to you this question: will you take Judaism
with you?
I would like to thank those congregants that
attended the annual congregational meeting.
Your commitment to Temple Beth El is greatly
appreciated. The new board members were
elected to serve a three-year term. We extend
a warm welcome to Melissa Kowalsky, Ann
Nathan and Yevgenii Samoshuk. A grateful
thank you to Murray Kirshtein, Gary Philipson
and Mundy Shapiro for completing their
second three year terms.
For some, the notion of going anywhere
without Judaism is as absurd as going without
their intestines or central nervous system. It
is part of their core being, infusing and
informing their every action. Wherever they
are, whoever they are with, they are aware of
the principles and practices that inform
Jewish life. They do not perceive it as in any
way onerous. Rather, it is how they have
chosen to structure their lives.
Our joint Shavuot celebration with Temple
Emanu El was well attended. Thank you to
our leaders, Cantor Socolof and Rabbi Kail.
There were many compliments for the study
groups they presented. The TBE-TE culinary
team of Ann Siegel, Rae Rosenfeld, Mundy
Shapiro, Benj Widiss, Louisa Ruffine, Caren
Summers, Dori Critelli and Andi Dinerstein
served a delicious dairy lunch for the holiday.
A special thanks to Rita Davan for keeping us
all on track.
For others, Judaism is more a matter of
convenience. The practices are fine, but not
something that need interfere with other
plans. This is not to say that these folks are
any less Jewish; they most decidedly are not.
Neither do they abandon the moral and
ethical precepts that most already adhere to.
They just don’t see Judaism as a day-to-day
I would suggest that as we pursue our
summer activities, we take time to ask
ourselves whether Judaism is part of us, or
an accessory. The answer we come to can
be the springboard for serious reflection upon
the questions of who we are and what we
expect of ourselves.
I hope that this summer is one that brings all
of us the opportunity for restoration both
physically and mentally. Let it allow us to
better marshal our resources so that we may
come back stronger and more purposeful.
Cantor Socolof
The religious school had their last class of the
year on June 9th. There were eleven students
this year and more students will be added in
the fall. The older class, Bozhena and Gleb
Samoshuk, Jacob Kulick, Emma, Rachel and
Noah Cohen participated in Shabbat services
on June 11th. Thank you to their instructors,
Cantor Socolof and Mazal Levine for a
productive year.
The possessions we have stored at the Globe
Mill from our sale of 1607 Genesee St. need
to be disbursed. Anyone interested in any
items, please contact the office.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and peaceful
The Temple Times
Page 9
Temple Beth El
Executive Director’s Message
Dear Friends,
We have come to the end of another year
and we have observed our many holidays and
festivals, some together with Temple Emanu El.
Now that summer appears to be here,
hopefully, our pace of life will slow down and we
can relax and enjoy all that we accomplished over
the past ten months.
I am including one of my favorite, simple
poems with a message, it is also very seasonal, I
hope you enjoy it.
Temple Beth El
Book of Life
Please remember to sumbit
your Book of Life
donation to honor your
family members and friends
Come to the garden alone, when the dew is still
on the rose.
Plant three rows of Peas…
Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul
Plant four rows of squash…
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness
Plant four rows of lettuce…
Lettuce us be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce be patient
Lettuce really love one another
No garden is without turnips…
Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another
To conclude our garden we must have thyme…
Thyme for each other
Thyme for family
Thyme for friends
Water freely with patience and cultivate
with love. There is much fruit in your garden
because you reap what you sow.
Have a Happy Summer.
Call Marsha 737-7665
Page 10
The Temple Times
Temple Beth El Donations
In Memory Of: Irving and Rebecca
Feldman’s niece
Marilyn Rosen and Allan Hymes
In Honor Of: Judy Finer’s Special Birthday
Barbara Goodman
In Honor Of: Ellen Samuels 90th Birthday
Lori Manning Greenberg & Harlan Greenberg
Temple Beth El has Simcha Boards to celebrate
birthdays, Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, anniversaries,
graduations, weddings and honors.
If there is someone in your family or a friend
you would like to recognize you do so by
sending all the necessary details to the office.
For $125.00 you can make someone proud and
happy forever.
In Honor Of: The marriage of Jerome and
Kate Socolof
Marsha Silverman
In Memory Of: Rabbi Gerstein’s Mother
Natalie Gerstein Akins
Mollie Wertheim
In Honor Of: The marriage of Jonathan
Charles and Rita Manning
In Honor Of: The Recovery of Rhealu
Mollie Wertheim
The long hallway where Temple Beth El’s
sanctuary and office are located contains
our Memorial Boards. If you have a family
member that you would like to memorialize,
and have a memorial light lit on the week of
their yahrzeit year after year you may call
the office. The cost of the plaque is
For any questions or additional information
to honor or memorialize a loved one call the
office at 724 4751.
Temple Beth El Sisterhood
New Year’s Greetings
Please fill out the form below and send it to
Temple with your check for $10.00 to be included in our
New Year’s Greetings to friends and family.
All forms must be received by August 15th
to be printed in the September bulletin.
Sisterhood will appreciate your support and it is a mitzvah to wish
L’Shana Tovah to one and all.
Thank you in advance and L’Shana Tovah to friends and family.
Mundy and Aliza
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Send your greetings to:
Sisterhood Temple Beth El
2710 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502
You are warmly invited to join the
Officers and Board of
Temple Beth El
to bid farewell and good luck to
Chuck and Rita Manning
as they move to their new home in
Framingham, MA
Join us for lunch following Shabbat Services on
August 13, 2016
RSVP by August 8th
will pay Temple Beth El
for you to buy your groceries!!
Fill out the coupon below
with your check payable to Temple Beth El
and mail it to 2710 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13502
We will send you a gift card for the same amount!
You have not spent an extra penny and in return Temple
Beth El received a percentage from PriceChopper
and Hannford.
Name ________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
$25. $50.
$25. $50.
Thank You!!!
Page 18
The Temple Times
Temple Beth El Simcha Gram
August 2016
Lana Franklin
Ellie Neslin
Sylvia Herman
Max Kowalsky
Judy Oster
Rita Manning
Ben Hirshfield
Irving Feldman
Joyce Goldstone
Mundy Shapiro
Harry Fisher
Neil Cohen
Jonathan Orkin
Janice Sherline Jenny
Emily Levine
Heather Cohen
Stuart Hirshfield
Fred Lampert
Ethan Lampert
Jeffery Finer
Shauna Hirshfield
Max Cohen
John Brophy
Richard and Heather Cohen
Saul and Judy Finer
Ernest and Vivian Berkowitz
Kalman and Vicki Socolof
Mark and Kathy Smith
September 2016
Norman & Elaine Brown
Alan & Marsey Rosenblum
Enclosed is $1.50 per name that I have indicated. I have enclosed a check made out to the
Sisterhood of Temple Beth El for $__________ for ______ (#) of Simcha Grams
Mail to:
Rae Rosenfeld
3008 Oneida Street
Sauquoit, NY 13456
Due by the 15th of the month
I have printed my name as I wish it to appear on the Simcha Gram.
Telephone Number:
Please call the Temple Office 724-4751, if you wish to add any names to the list
The Temple Times
Page 21
Temple Beth July 2016/5776 Yahrzeit Records
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of July 2 to 8, 2016: 26 Sivan to 2 Tammuz 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday July 1, 2016
Anna Abramson*
Felipe Alperovitch*
Nellie E. Antovil*
Jacob & Mary Cohen*
Esther L. Doling*
Paul H. Friedlander*
Cora F. Kowalsky*
Ida Kowalsky*
Dr Karl.Kupfer
Anne Lobenstein
Shirley Ruth Sherman*
Florence R. Sitrin*
Howard Sitrin*
Eli Snyder*
Marcia A. Tumposky*
Rose Zinger
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of July 9 to 15, 2016: 3 to 9 Tammuz 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday July 8, 2016
Miriam Abelson*
Celia Baker*
Jessica B. Cynkus*
Bertha Dresher*
Max Dumain*
Samuel Finkkelstein*
Jessie A. Goldbas*
Sarah Goldman*
Mollie Greenberg
Bernice Baker Horowitz*
David Horowitz*
Gesy Jacobson*
Sarah Kopel
Baby Bertha G. Krohkgold*
Fran Lavine
Simon T. Levine*
Ernest Mailman*
Esther Markson*
Edward Mettelman*
Harry Morgan*
Alex Philipson*
Rita M. Robinson
Ruth Rosenthal*
Emil Schott*
Bernard C. Shefts*
Hermine Sherman*
Jennie Smith*
Martin Smith*
Edward Aryey Walker*
Inez Amdorsky Wishman*
Marion Wolhandler*
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of July 16 to 22, 2016: 10 to 16 Tammuz 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday July 15, 2016
Milton A. Abelove*
Anna Berger*
Jerrold D. Berkeley*
Herbert H. Bernstein*
Rachel Lena Boff*
Aron M. Brooks*
Helen Brooks*
Edward Cohen*
Myron Cohen*
Howard Cramer
Manuel Freeman*
Bertram Goldberg*
Arthur L. Goldman*
Harold Goldstone*
Fred I. Grossman*
Jonah E. Haven*
Harry P. Kahn*
William N. Kahn*
Lillian S. Kamino*
Nathan LeBlang*
Ann Magno
Florence Goldstone Myers*
Joseph Nelson*
Sadye E. Nusbaum*
Richard A. Philipson*
Herbert Philipson*
Max Rockford*
Gertrude Rothschild*
Sarah Savett*
Roslyn Savlov*
William Schwartz*
Bessie Sherman*
Shirley Ruth Sherman*
Rose Sitrin*
David M. Solomon*
Pincus Targer*
Florence Wineburgh
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of July 23 to 29, 2016: 17 to 23 Tammuz 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday July 22, 2016
Leo Abelove*
Harris Abramson*
Sarah Kirshtein Beisser
Samuel Berman
Samuel Berman*
Bessie Brill*
Harold Burger*
Taube B. Cramer*
Jonathan D. Derminio*
Joseph Feinberg*
Sophia Block Freeman*
Pierce Goldberg
Allen Goldstein*
Renna Goldstone*
Esther L. Harris*
David Howard Harris*
Hyman (Hy) R. Herman*
Sandra Sugarman Jocknowitz*
Arthur S. Kahn*
Hilda Kahn*
Louis Kaplan*
Mathew Klein*
Estelle Klion*
Hugo Lobenstein*
Julia Melzer*
Leah Mettelman*
Bessie Finer Meyers*
David Nathan*
Avis Joan Reines
Fritzi P. Rizika*
Sarah Rothstein*
Allen H. Samuels
Nathan Savett*
Harry N. Savett*
Dr. Jacob Savett*
Sadie Savlov*
Sol Shattan*
Morris Sherman*
H. Samuel Slater*
Gertrude Smith*
David N. Wilcove*
Page 22
The Temple Times
Temple Beth August 2016/5776 Yahrzeit Records
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of July 30 to Aug 5, 2016: 24 Tammuz to 1 Av 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday July 29, 2016
Albert Abraham
Sallye Abramson*
Anna R. Bartnick*
Beatrice Burke*
Ray Cone*
Harry Copeland*
Dr. Irving Cramer*
Edith Edelman*
Syra Friedlander*
Leah Friedman*
Moses A. Goldenson
Stephen P. Goldstone*
Julius Grossman*
Gisella Grossman*
Adolph Jacobs*
Fannie Krulik*
Manuel J. Mansky*
Albert Morris*
Louis Movsh*
David Myers*
Edith Potash*
Anne Schainuck Robbins*
Jack Rosen
Abraham Rossky*
Morris Rudolph*
Leon Sack*
Bessie Cohen Siegel*
Wolf Smith*
Rachel Sumberg*
Charles Wineburgh*
Rachael Lewis Wolfe*
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of August 6 to 12, 2016: 2 to 8 AV 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday August 5, 2016
Betty Cohen Alpert
Harry 'Doc' Arlen*
Anna Bernstein
Abraham S. Braverman*
Harry Cohen*
Lillian Shapiro Cramer*
Sheva Gilbert*
Sarah Glickstein*
Aaron Goldstone*
Joseph Gray*
Melvin Hollander*
Morris B. Horowitz*
Julius Kaletsky*
Larry Kall*
Rebecca Karinsky*
Julius Levine
Jane Lindey*
Eva Marmelstein*
E. Michael Meyer*
Elizabeth Newberger
Bella K. Perlman*
Ethel Cohen Rosen*
Sarah Samuels*
Maurice Snyder*
Isidor Speiller*
Morris Vyner*
Freda Haven Wallace*
Nathan Wilcove*
Tina L. Wolfe*
Celia Woloshin*
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of August 13 to 19, 2016: 9 to 15 Av 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday August 12, 2016
Hanna Arlen*
Frances Barth*
Ruth E. Cummins
Esther Fox*
Amy Kolwalsky Gaudin
Morton Goldstone*
Anne Gross
Anna Belle Weiss Harris*
Sadie Kopel*
Ida Nusbaum*
Joseph Philipson*
Carlotta Krohn Posternak*
Ruth Robbins*
Ann Heiten Rosenberg*
Louis Rubin*
Jennie Rubin*
Joseph Segall
Joseph Simons*
Charles T. Sitrin*
Bertha Snyder*
Shirley Kaplan Tannenbaum*
Herri B. VanLeeuwen
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of August 20 to 26, 2016: 16 to 22 Av 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday August 19, 2016
Bessie H. Abelson*
Martin Benson*
George Bernstein*
Johanna R. Braverman
Harry Caplan*
Alfred Cohn*
Harry S. Demell*
Lillian Lenchner Goodfriend*
Pearl Hymes*
Anna Lee Kamin*
Nathan Katzman*
Meyer Kleiman*
E. Michael Meyer*
Hyman Philipson*
Sadye Rockford*
Rose Rudolph*
Theodore H. Silverman*
Anna Sladusky*
Joseph Sonneborn*
Fannye Stone
Jacob Tumposky*
Esther Winnick*
Moses A. Winnick*
Ida Yatkowsky*
The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of August 27 to Sept 2, 2016: 23 to 29 Av 5776
These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday August 26, 2016
Harry Barsky*
Dr. Gerald D. Berkowitz*
Lazarus L. Berman*
Solomon Bernstein*
Sheva Cramer
Harry Cramer*
Rae Smith Franbkman*
Rachel Friedman*
Jack Glover*
Diane K. Goldman*
Rose B. Grossman*
Dr. Alfred Heymann*
William B. Leventhal*
Anna F. Marans*
David Mettelman*
Nancy Frances Meyer*
Jacob (Jack) Philipson*
Esther Rose Pleeter*
Nathan L. Potash*
Martha Root*
Edward L. Rosenthal*
Goldie H. Rosenwald*
Rose L. Sherline*
Leon Sperling*
Minnie Stern*
Max Sucolovsky*
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Temple Emanu-El /
Temple Beth El
2710 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502-6194
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Utica, NY 13502
Permit No. 317
Temple Emanu-El
A Reform Congregation which seeks to unite
the riches of Jewish tradition with modern openness.
2710 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502
Fax 315/724-8014
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: templeemanuel-utica.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TempleEmanuElUtica
Rabbi Cassi Kail
E-Mail: [email protected]
Temple Beth El
A Conservative Congregation Established for
the Worship of God, the Study of Torah and the Practice of Righteous Deeds
2710 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502
Fax 315/724-6883
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: tbeutica.org
Cantor Kalman Socolof
E-Mail: [email protected]