Livonia Transition Program

Livonia Transition Program
Overview of Program
The Livonia Transition Program addresses the vocational needs of students with disabilities
between the ages of 18-26 years. Students spend half of their day in the classroom learning
daily living and job readiness skills. The other half of their day is spent at a job site where
students have the opportunity to learn job skills in a real life situation. While on the job site,
students focus on demonstrating competencies in the Universal Work Skills (essential work traits
which are deemed necessary for successful employment). Students have varying levels of
ability, experience and interest and jobs are sought by creating the best possible match. Training
conditions are governed by the Department of Labor guidelines. The partnership between
businesses and school is facilitated by a teacher from the school. Related instruction,
consultation, evaluation and advisory services are supplied by the coordinator.
Livonia Transition Program
Job Exploration
semester 1
Job Exploration focuses on job planning and job preparation. Students will perform vocational
exploration activities in order to focus and clarify their understanding of career options. Students
will examine the world of work, assess their interests, values and skills and explore a variety of
jobs. Students will identify appropriate work habits and behaviors including attendance,
punctuality, safety, communication, teamwork and following directions.
Financial Literacy
semester 1
Financial Literacy is a course designed to help students understand how money works in the
world: how someone manages to earn or make it, and how that person manages/uses money.
Students will learn facts about money, such as the value of cash (coins or bills), plastic (debit or
credit card) and how to balance a checkbook. They will also learn terms and vocabulary related
to money. They will practice making a monthly budget, shopping, counting money etc.
Modern Technology
semesters 1 & 2
Livonia Transition Program
This is a semester course designed to prepare students for the technological
world. In this class the main focus will be placed on 21st century skills in
which students can highly benefit from. This class is designed to teach
students appropriate behavior while using technology as a tool in the
classroom and in life. To accomplish this goal, students will identify and
develop skills using technology such as the computer, internet and cell phones. Keyboarding,
Microsoft Office (word, powerpoint), internet safety and email are some of the skills covered in
this class
Daily Living
semester 1
This course will focus on gaining skills related to adult readiness for daily living skills related to
independence in the home, family and community at large. It will focus on the student's goal and
provide a general knowledge base of skills necessary to live as independently as possible. Some
topics include budgeting, accessing the community, staying updated on news & current events,
maintaining a household, healthy living, and generally living independently.
Student Advisory
Full Year
This year long class is divided into a morning session and an afternoon session. It is designed as
a time to meet with the student’s case manager to work on universal work skills and prepare for
the job sites. The afternoon session is a time to debrief after work, evaluate their job experience
as well as work on IEP goals and objectives and evaluate themselves.
Livonia Transition Program
Safety & Wellness
semester 2
This class will be a quick touch up to FLASH (Family Life And Sexual Health) as well as talking
about medical needs, over the counter medicines, exercise, nutrition, mental health etc. Almost
everything you need to know to stay healthy as an adult. In addition, we will discuss safety
issues for adults.
Job Readiness
semester 2
This class is designed to help prepare students to seek employment and to learn the skills to be
successful workers. Students will learn the vocabulary words necessary to complete a job
application, complete a variety of job application forms and complete a simple resume. Students
will identify interview behaviors, create responses for general interview questions and participate
in a mock interview. The class focuses on developing specific transferable skills and behaviors
including accepting feedback, interpersonal skills, problem solving, self-organization and
Living Independently
semester 2
Livonia Transition Program
This is a semester course in which we focus on gaining skills related to adult
readiness for independence in the home, family and community at large. It
will provide students with a knowledge base of skills necessary to live as
independently as possible. Some topics include budgeting, accessing the
community, staying updated on news & current events, maintaining a
household, healthy living, and generally living independently.
Name _______________________________________________
Please select 1 classes in each area you would prefer to take.
Semester 1
____ Financial Literacy
____ Job Exploration
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____ Financial Literacy
____ Modern Technology
____ Daily LIving
Livonia Transition Program
Semester 2
____ Safety & Wellness
____ Modern Technology 2
____ Independent Living
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____ Safety & Wellness
____ Job Readiness