Anti Static Coating

Anti Static Coating
What is Anti-Static Coating?
It also known as electrostatic dissipative coating and it is an electrically-conductive coating that is
designed to reduce or prohibit a static-electrical charge and its effects.
In addition, reducing static electricity also causes dust would not be able to stick on the surface of
coated substrates easily.
Substrate Applicable
-Polycarbonate -Zeonex / Topas
Resist electrostatic charge/dust reducing
Anti-Static coating is used to decrease or prevent a static-electrical charge because electrostatic charge
can cause an undesirable adhesive power and a resultant shabbiness. Subsequently, it also has 106109ohms floor resistance range to protect equipment and this coating covers a conductivity range
which suitable for dust control and electrostatic painting. Next, it also can reduce shock to people.
Not same as other coatings methods, Anti-Static Coatings would not affect transparency of coated
object. Next, it also a particle-free and release any harmful gases.
A coated object mostly can increase its lifetime. The coating layer can withstand the environment
elements such as rain, UV-light from Sun, wind, humidity, and so on.
Color Stability
This coating method can make sure colour of coating layer is same and balance.
This coating provides the dust repellence coating or provides the ability to reduce the static force
which builds up in the lenses. It has the range from -6 to -9 ohm/sqmeter.