God was good - the sun shone on us! __yiV__^^^^^^

God was good - the sun shone on us!
^ k 4
Though there was such o stiff breeze
that the
kippers had to be
flipped inside the church!
We made paper boats
then floated In a
• which we decorated,
paddling pool ~ until the
paper became waterlogged, and they sank!
Some of the grown-ups, who s h o u l d have known better (!) became
very childish and over-excited by the water games! (See
W e made jellyfish out of carrier-bags and string, and
)oats out of slices of melon and orange . . . because we
' H i s h e d up with the story of Jesus's
^ ^ k ,
beach with His friends, when he s e n t
them out to teach people how to be God's friends. . .
so w e h a d a b a r b e c u e , t o o l