Third Grade​ ​ Landform Project My assigned

 Third Grade​
Landform Project My assigned Landform: ______________________ What:​
Landform Project Who:​
All Third Grade Students When:​
All projects are due How Much:​
Major Grade (100 points) Friday, December 11th (Graded according to attached Rubric) DETAILS All Third Grade Students will need to create a 3D model of the landform they were assigned in class. Students are expected to create the model independently although they may receive assistance from an adult when using certain tools that require supervision, such as a glue gun or an exacto knife. Please make the model as colorful and creative as you can. Students must include a short, hand written report, no longer than one page, that explains and describes the characteristics of their landform and how it is formed. The students will present their projects the week of December 14th ­ 18th. If you do not have Internet access, students will have the opportunity to research their landform at school as well. Students may ask their teacher for construction paper if they need it for their project and a salt dough recipe is attached if the students would like to use this material to create their projects. We are excited to see your child’s creativity at work, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions! ☺ HAVE FUN! Sincerely, Klenk Elementary’s Third Grade Teachers Salt Dough Recipe Ingredients 1 cup salt 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup luke warm water Directions 1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour. 2. Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy consistency. 3. With your hands form a ball with your dough and kneed it for at least 5 minutes. The longer you kneed your dough the smoother it will be. Store​
your salt dough in a air tight container and you will be able to use it for days. You can ​
your creations with acrylic paints and seal with varnish or polyurethane spray. You can let your salt dough landforms air dry, however salt dough can also be dried in the oven. ​
at 200 F until your landform is dry. The amount of time needed to bake your landform depends on size and thickness; thin flat creations may only take 45­60 minutes, thicker creations can take 2­3 hours or more. You can increase your oven temperature to 350 F, your dough will dry faster but it may also brown, which won't matter if you are painting your entire project (you can also cover your dough in the oven before it turns brown). There are a few options ​
to color your salt dough​
: ​
Add powdered tempera paint to your flour, ​
add food coloring or paint to the water before you mix it with the salt/flour, or ​
add natural coloring like instant coffee, cocoa, or curry powder. Name Date 3rd Grade Landforms Project
Given 11/18/2015
This is not a landform
Detailed Labels
Project has no labels
Stands out & Appropriate color
Project has no color
Writing explains the formation of the landform
Oral Presentation
Project has no writing
Due 12/11/2015
Project displays a landform Project displays the landform Project displays the landform that is not the assigned that was assigned and other that was assigned.
contributing lanforms.
Project has many labels that Project has basic one word contribute to the Project could be understood labels
understanding of the with the labels alone
Project has 1 or two colors
Project has all appropriate color, and gives the impression of the real thing
Project has shades of the same color to show depth of the landforms
Project has multiple Project has a paragraph that paragraphs that could be read Project has a basic sentence helps the reader to alone and the reader would describing the landform
understand the formation of have a firm understanding of the landform
the landform formation
Student has practiced the Student reads the project Student has practiced the Student is not prepared to presentation. Student is directly as written on the presentation and is ready to give a presentation
presenting from memory with lables and the notes
answer any and all questions
Grand Total and Grade
Point totals