Some notes on Charophyta Netherlands West and Indies, collected North in the Venezuela Columbia by J.S. Zaneveld (Rijksherbarium, As far of the I as species two know, only three papers Netherlands königlichen Chara West Berlin”, BRAUN records microcarpa H. Curaçao, be In named once MOESSL. einer Monographie Willd. zeylanica (1911), peninsula Venezuelan La In Goajira The STROOM aquatic (1939); the A. curassavica and J. the BR., (A. BR.) GROVES in last-named an of excursion to studying the 1936 and 1937 he again visited these peninsula Margarita Paraguaná off the Venezuelan and the Algae and Phanerogams Phanerogams were will be Charophyta Colombian 1940). HUMMELINCK, (WAGENAAR inland-waters also lected. recorded f. which and also der Characeen” curassavica HUMMELINCK made islands and, moreover, a.o. the island of the are recorded. WAGENAAR land and freshwater fauna. various in BR. f. that of H. The third paper is Antillanae Br. A. species species is Aruba and Bonaire with the main object Curaçao, coast, These in which another 1882), Chara more P. 1930 Mr Nitella Chara gymnopus A. Symbolae is species ap. “Fragmente viz. GROVES. J. et URBAN’s viz. REICHENB. hydropitys to are dealing with Charophyta 1858, in “Monatsbericht der from Paramaribo, (BRAUN & NORDSTEDT, now In Indies. Akademie der Wissenschaften, enumerated in the from Leiden). In the have been col- described the by VAN OOSTsubject of the present paper. As one No a result of these of which, viz. representative Though America several (cf. C. trips only fibrosa, of the species Braun, two was other are 1858; species of Chara new for the Charophyta area genera recorded from the north Braun & were Nordstedt, collected. under discussion. was detected. coast of South 1882) so little is known of the Charophyta of the Netherlands West Indian islands that it is worth publishing these few notes. Moreover, a number of 142 data ecological which gathered, were enumerated are the at same time. The specimens unnumbered an No the cf. Chara Blumea fibrosa Ac. permanent 30 As I has be to behind in ssp. regarded the Cultuurtuin Hummelinck /l, hardness out n.6 as a golden-brown As gymnopitys. 86, 1849, Abh. Kon. — Ak. This is the to its in ssp. our which came agree or as Wiss. most plants Berlin, common a that are the 0 —34 C, new probably most subspecies was forms locality can the colour of the an only be ripe oospore; are purple-black immature, the ssp. cannot be species. Therefore Africa, S. E. Asia and Japan. in Mem. no to Braun 1882, species Ac. Roy. Berlin p. 1803, Nordstedt as ceylonica var. A. in the West Indies. have been cf. and As most more or H. & J. forms of one less According distinguished, Braun & (1906). are Nordstedt plants, found in the papers which intermediate, Groves (1911) I in large, polymorphous attempt has been made to describe these be i, Braun in 197. p. forms, as of the writer, Braun & description is 272) Ssp. flaccida area. Robinson regarding all these specimens a p. case the number of forms either cf. species, under the eyes with 28 165), Chara Cur- flaccida, .whereas they C. gymnopus A. described were (1882), stagnant, probably polyphylla A. Braun in Hooker’s Journ. Bot. variability great in — certainty. C. — 299 p. of Braun in Hooker’s 1940, p. otherwise zeylanica Willdenow 1805 extensive list (Experimental Garden), i 19 (1906, In synonym. The ssp. has been recorded from N. Chara an German degrees. (Zaneveld, B. Robinson from Florida, determined with p. A. flaccida distinguished from ssp. gymnopitys by are For ssp.? flaccida (A. Br.) Zanev. in important extension of the known these of description be found in the literature to s Allen in C. known already extensive an are clayish-mud and shells, crowded with algae; already pointed tissii T. F. the to Leiden. give C. — Wagenaar HCO mg 127 Bruz. 162 trench V 1936, water with Cl/1, mg at to of exception added now 1849, p. 296. 1, 2 Curasao are (1940). ex 1940, p. Suriname, Paramaribo, and species and forms. Zaneveld IV, Bot. made formalin with the forms; these the head of the at Journ. been and various synonyms, from Rijksherbarium has attempt species cited specimen of the collections in preserved are forms; of these last-mentioned authors. Another question referred to already in Blumea IV, 1940, p. 206, 143 is provided by the into come it pointed was of Chara that of f. 1. VII, just 27 — 99 33" in — in Braun’s opinion (1858, If this will zeylanica. foliolosa has place priority name I the type, see paper species a have over refrain from to F. (T. H. Allen) in Groves J. et Antill. Symb. 41. Tank! di Aruba, linck which, preceded by is which the now. elegans 1911, p. 4) of the forms of C. not in priority. However, in (No. 3), (1898), Groves (No. one (1805) has zeylanica name J. zeylanica did I has name then the As zeylanica. decision a foliolosa be the case, to of H. & paper that this is identic with 361), prove a Chara Willdenow named p. out Willdenow’s name. after use Goudmijn Tibusji, of water stagnant C, pH 8.5 —9.0, 170 mg a Cl/1, XII 9 354 Wagenaar 1936, which is pool, for dry Humme- several HCO3/I, hardness mg months; 5.8 (im- mature). Tanki Klein Bonaire, 63 in — 28— stagnant, probably 0 C, pH 8.4 —8.6, 32 Calbas, 15 permanent 119 Cl/1, mg XI 1936, Wagenaar Hummelinck of water 102 pool a in coral limestone; HCO3/I, hardness 4.9 (plant mg large, but slender, oogonia hardly developed). Tanki Curasao, Hummelinck 70 — Koenoekoe in stagnant Hatoen, water of Hato, 15X1936, Wagenaar little pool, which is rarely a dry; together with Najas guadalupensis (Spreng.) Morong (cf. Van Ooststroom, !939, 11 of p. 707); 28—34° X 1936, pool a coral on without further 5348a Plants — grasses; 21.1. Ibid., comment, HCO3/I, hardness Mamaja, Hato, in stagnant, permanent water together with Najas guadalu- Wagenaar specimen. Ibid., Cl/1, 225 mg Hummelinck Hato, mg s.n. 1909 —To, — Bol- together with Najas guadalupensis. characterized articulations, of about the mg Tanki 27—30° C, pH 8.4—8.6, 371 Hato, 1936, dried a 404 Ibid., — and shale-detritus; limestone hardness HCO3/I, Cl/1, mg certain). not Wagenaar Hummelinck 75a Echinodorus and pensis, dingh C, pH 8.4 —8.6, 689 identification (immature; 27.1 by 10 which the last length. same branchlets, —14 1 —4 Gametangia containing ecorticate. are produced at 7—10 of All bract-cells the lowest three branchlet-nodes. This form is known from the island of Barbados and from Florida. 2. f. VII, trichacantha 1911, p. Klein 63c — water hardness the spine-cells are of (the 4.9 a pool on limestone; the diam. Venezuela, Paraguana, Estanque Hummelinck and hardness Symb. Antill. some 4.3 algae; 109 together 28 800 —1200 mg number of articulations is longer than i937> Wagenaar on limestone and marl; dorus Groves in J. et Bonaire, Tanki Calbas, 27 XI 1930, Wagenaar Hummelinck in stagnant HCO3/I, H. (A. Braun) 41. 0 —32 — with of de in the Santa Fe, NE of water of Moruy, a little Najas guadalupensis, Ruppia, are not 102 mg 10; stem). stagnant C, pH 8.7—8.9, (the posterior bract-cells Cl/1, frequently most 121 mg Cl/1, 256 ventricose and mg 18 II pond Echino- HCO3/I, inflexed). 144 These have plants ulations, of which bract-cells up half long as long to as the as n branchlets, —13 the lowest the as ripe oogonium, posterior oogonium. The form known was Gametangia produced from Western Texas, Mexican f. 3. VII, inconstans 1911, 41 p. the island ones usually the at 1st to H. (Kuetzing) Chara — in — West Key and Groves J. et Oerstediana A. as Wiss. Br. in Symb. Antill. C. et Cruegeriana Berlin, 1858, pp. 367, 368. Plants HC0 3 /1, mg hardness 163 (the lowest articulation frequently wide, however, sometimes much longer). with branchlets, 10—12 of which the lowest and ultimate of consisting 1 —3 are 7—10 articulations, ecorticate. I did entirely ecorticate branchlets. Anterior pair of bract-cells the from stagnant Cl/I, 784 long of Tanki di Hofje Savonet, 29 X 1936, Wagenaar Hummelinck 0 water of a well, together with some algae; 28—34 C, 3199 Curasao, mg Anterior and South Carolina. Boundary A. Braun in Monatsber. Kon. Ak, as artic- 9—14 ecorticate. are branchlet-nodes. 3rd 89 containing and ultimate lateral and oogonium, produced at the lowest 1 posterior —3 half ones as long. not as find long as Gametangia branchlet-nodes. Already recorded from the island of Trinidad and from Nicaragua. f. 4. guatcmalensis (Nordst.) gymnopus A. Braun ssp. 1888, 193; T. F. p. 1906, Cura?ao, 76A — in C. hardness longer long the H. & J. 5. f. 1888, Bull. Chara — p. 64 Chara — New York Bot. X 1936, Wagenaar Hummelinck 6 1/hour) of Groves Michauxii at spring in coral limestone, a 7.1 —7.3, 230 (the gametangia developed lateral The at mg Cl/1, the lowest ± 300 1 —3 incrustated). usually ecorticate. oogonia, oogonium. Hitherto known VII, 18 ± always having gametangia by 500 of branchlets is being than the as (c. water plant heavily number ulations, 1, Robinson in Bron Wadongo, Hato, branchlet-nodes; comb. 286. streaming HCOj/1, The B. with Najas guadalupensis; 28° C, pH together mg p. nov. Allen, Charac. Americ. guatemalensis (Nordst.) Gard. 4, Zanev., guatemalensis Nordstedt in Hedwigia 27, 10, consisting of 6—8 artic- Anterior bract-cells and somewhat half as posterior up plants differ from the type description in the lowest node. ones The form is to not mentioned (1911). from Guatemala and Honduras. (A. Braun) H. et J. Groves in Symb. Antill. 1911, p. 42. Margarita, Estanque Lato, W of Boca Wagenaar Hummelinck 13 — in stagnant del Rio, Macanao, water of a 20 V 1936, pond, together with 145 Najas guadalupensis and 148 HC03/1, mg Venezuela, 108 Hummelinck and 28 C, —31 C, 30—33° de Moruy, in stagnant, permanent with together pH 8.7—8.9, pH 6.8—7.1, mg 71 Cl/1, 2.9. Paraguana, Estanque — hornblende-rock, 0 few algae; hardness 50 few Cl/1, mg and algae 1937, Wagenaar in pond a Najas HC03 /1, mg 205 II 18 of water limestone guadalupensis; hardness 6.1 (ripe antheridia only). Plants with which the x bract-cells ones 10 —14 branchlets, lowest f. Gametangia A. Br. Gray in Boston A. Br. gymnopus A. Berlin, F. not ssp. produced ecorticate. Br. Antill. Willd. f. VII, V, Nordstedt America Humboldtii 1911, p. Wiss. 18 4.7 — 1845, 264 p. (the spine-cells Chara — in 1849, 1858, p. 360 Hedwigia 1888, 1, (Kuetz.) p. et 522; Chara — 1888, 64 (nomen) p. H. 27, & Chara poly- — Spec. Alg., Berlin, Wiss. p. 192; Chara — J. Groves in Symb. 42. in stagnant, permanent 26° C, algae; comb. nov. America) Domingo. Braun in Engelmann Margarita, Laguna Honda, SE of Juan Griego, Hummelinck (S. and St. Humboldtii A. Braun in Abh. K5n. Ak. 196; Charac. Allen, Hist. Kdn. Ak. var. p. Nat. Anterior the lowest node. at Braun) Zanev., (A. Humboldtii Kuetzing, var. 1882, zeylanica some articulations, of 9 —12 are oogonia, posterior and lateral Humboldtiana A. Journ. Braun in Monatsber. T. ones Key West, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti Humboldtiana polyphylla phylla containing ultimate form has been recorded from U.S.A., Caracas and the islands of 6. the /4 the length of the ripe papilliform. This and pH 6.4—6.7, shorter are 149 than Cl/1, mg the water 16 of 160 V 1936, Wagenaar pool, a diam. of the together with HCO s /l, mg stem; the hardness number of articulations is usually 9). Plants with 9—12 branchlets, containing which the lowest and ultimate as long long as as the the oogonium, oogonium. lateral and Gametangia of articulations, 8 —11 ecorticate. Anterior bract-cells 1 —2 are posterior produced ones up the at to 2nd half to as 4th branchlet-nodes. This form has Haiti, Portorico, Braun first boldtiana”. (1845) published 7. VII, f. however, was name Braun himself. tiana” has recorded from Croix, from Kuetzing, boldtii”, which by been St. It the U.S.A. this in from this used Cuba, Venezuela. form under the 1849, afterwards used follows Bahama Islands, and from the name name “Hum“Hum- by the other authors and that the name “Humbold- priority. curassavica 1911, p. 42. (A. Braun) H. et J. Groves in Symb. Antill. 146 NE Colombian S of El Pajaro, manent of water stroom, 1939, 707); p. the 26—32° C, 818 the 3 — del Pajaro, in stagnant, Cl/1, 448 mg HCO3/I, hardness times 3—4 per- Oost- as long the as stem; immature). consisting of Plants with 9 —12 branchlets, which mg 114 Wrightiana (cf. Van extraordinarily long, viz. are Laguna Goajira, pond, together with Najas a 18.9 (the spine-cells diam. of La Continent, I 1937, Wagenaar Hummelinck 21 the lowest and ultimate ones are 7—11 articulations, ecorticate. Gametangia of at lowest branchlet-nodes. This form 1864. It has detected in the island of was Cura9ao by Seemann in yet been found elsewhere. not BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allen, , T. Braun, A., 1844. Notice of the Joum. Sc. , 1871. Characeae F., 1845. and Arts 46, In pp. Engelmann, G. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 5, , 1858. Characeen aus Bull. & Nordstedt, O., — 1882. Abh. Kon. Akad. Groves, H. & Cl. Bot. 1 —64, pp. Charae of North 2, pp. 9 — 10. New York. America — The Amer. 92—93. & p. Gray, Lindheimerianae Plantae A., — 264. Berlin, pp. 349 und Mittelamerika — Mo- —368. Fragmente einer Monographic der Characeen Wiss. Berlin, 1—211. pp. J., 1898. On Characeae collected by Mr T. B. Blow, F.L.S., in the West 1911. Torrey I, Columbien, Guyana natsber. KQn. Akad. Wiss. , — 1888. The Characeae of America, Indies Characeae Nordstedt, O., — — Journ. Linn. Soc. 33, In Urban’s pp. 323—326. Symb. Antill. 7, 1888. Einige Characeenbestimmungen 30—44. pp. — Hedwigia 27, pp. 181—196. Ooststroom, rogams S. J. VAN, and Colombia Robinson, C. B., Bot. 1939- Some notes on a collection of aquatic Phane- from the Netherlands West Indian Islands, and from Venezuela Garden — Med. Bot. Mus. Herb. Utrecht, No. 1906. The Chareae of North America 4, pp. 1940. Studies on Blumea IV, No. Bull. New York the fauna of Curasao, Aruba, Bonaire and the Venezuelan islands, Vol. I and II 1940. 74. 244—308. Wagenaar Hummelinck, P., Zaneveld, J. S., — — The Hague, Nijhoff. The Charophyta of Malaysia and adjacent countries 1. —
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