BCAA Bargaining Bulletin #2: Your Bargaining Committee

BCAA Bargaining Bulletin #2: Your Bargaining Committee Disappointed in BCAA's Heavy Handed Attitude | COPE 378
BCAA Bargaining Bulletin #2: Your Bargaining Committee
Disappointed in BCAA's Heavy Handed Attitude
Friday, September 26, 2014
To: COPE 378 Members at BCAA Service Locations
The Bargaining Committee met with BCAA on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
While we had hoped that the bargaining would be productive and fruitful discussions about how to work together, we were
sadly disappointed in the reaction of BCAA at the bargaining table.
They have a chief negotiator, Jay Sharun, who has been hired to bundle the Employers proposals and speak on behalf of
the Employer at the table.
Unfortunately, actual bargaining has been nearly non-existent. We have gone through all the non-monetary items and
achieved a few minor corrections in the collective agreement. However, Mr. Sharun, on behalf of BCAA, has rejected any
and all significant proposals put forward by your bargaining committee, even those which you as members have advised
us are the most important concerns.
In his bargaining bulletin of September 15, 2014, Adam Charania is quoted as stating “BCAA acknowledged the solid
working relationships that have been fostered in recent years and committed to continue working together to achieve
mutually acceptable collective agreements”.
However, their approach at the bargaining table this week was totally inconsistent with the tone of that email. The
Employer did not want to talk about each of the monetary issues you had asked us to bring forward. Instead, they handed
the bargaining unit a Settlement Package to review, which held serious concessionary proposals.
We must be clear, BCAA’s proposals mean less security for you and your family.
The bargaining committee will be setting up a series of meetings to explain what has been tabled by the employer and
what has been left off the table by their refusal to address your concerns.
Our goal remains clear: get a fair deal which works for you and BCAA.
Please watch for these very important meetings, and please make every attempt to attend.
In solidarity,
BCAA Bargaining Bulletin #2: Your Bargaining Committee Disappointed in BCAA's Heavy Handed Attitude | COPE 378
Your Bargaining Committee:
Paul Bachin, Executive Councillor
Annie Chan, Executive Councillor
Carrol Edwards, Union Representative
Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union
2nd floor, 4595 Canada Way Burnaby, BC, V5G 1J9
tel: 604 299 0378 toll free: 1 800 665 6838 fax: 604 299 8211
email: [email protected]
web version: http://www.cope378.ca/bargaining-committee-disappointed-bcaas-heavy-handedattitude