User Guide Elkem Materials Mixture Analyser – EMMA Contents Chapter 1. EMMA – Size Distribution Analyser ............................................... 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2 EMMA – for refractory castable design ..................................................................................... 2 EMMA – for high performance and self-compacting concrete ............................................... 3 The abilities of EMMA......................................................................................................................... 3 Further help and assistance ................................................................................................................ 3 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2. The software ................................................................................ 5 Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Development and Design.................................................................................................................... 5 System Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 5 Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 5 How to run EMMA .............................................................................................................................. 6 Chapter 3. How to use EMMA........................................................................ 7 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7 How to make a material library .......................................................................................................... 7 Input Option 1 – Inputting data by typing-in each value individually: ................................................ 8 Input Option 2 – Import values from an Excel spreadsheet by cut and paste: ................................. 13 How to make changes in the material library ................................................................................... 16 How to make a recipe ....................................................................................................................... 16 Improve your recipe ......................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 1. Other features of the EMMA software ..................................... 28 The ‘Options’ window ....................................................................................................................... 28 Utilising EMMA Graphics .................................................................................................................. 29 Appendix 2. A description of the Andreassen Model. ................................... 31 Appendix 3. Method of estimating density of a castable. ............................. 34 EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 1 Chapter 1. EMMA – Size Distribution Analyser Introduction EMMA is a software that calculates and displays the particle size distribution of a mixture of components. It was originally developed for designing self-flowing refractory castable compositions at Elkem. Today, particle size distributions of different building products, ceramics, concrete etc. are investigated by this tool. Even when the flowability is not the issue, efficient particle packing may be desired for these products, increasing mechanical strength, reducing liquid addition during processing, etc. Independent of consolidation method, models for making efficient particle packing are applied. EMMA – for refractory castable design A castable is in the simplest case a mixture of raw materials from the grog, sand, gravel or aggregate to the superfines like microsilica which has submicron particle size. The significance of a proper particle size distribution has been widely recognised in the latest years. A precise grading of the particle sizes enables us to make a castable which is easily mixed and placed and also has the desired mechanical properties. It has been shown, that a castable with a particle size distribution that follows this model, the castable will be either self-flowing or vibratable, depending on the chosen q-value (assuming constant water addition and a well dispersed system). We have found that q=0.25 is the approximate limit for self flow contra vibra flow. A qvalue lower than 0.25 gives a self flowing castable, this may be done by adding the sufficient amount of superfine material. With microsilica in the composition packing efficiency is improved. In EMMA we construct composite particle size distributions of the raw materials. By manipulating the particle size distribution, we have shown that you may predict the flowability of the mix. For refractory producers EMMA is a useful tool. You may for instance reduce the number of components by using open ended fractions that overlap. Castables can be made according to a predetermined PSD or some well performing mixture may be repeated with other raw materials. If a milled fraction for some reason has changed characteristics, it is relatively simple to adjust the recipe so that the desired PSD is maintained. Determination of factors affecting changing flowability in production is a typical problem, which may be approached by a closer study of the particle size distribution. The ability to control the particle size distribution is important also in quality control and production. More flexibility of raw materials choice and reduced costs of the raw EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 2 materials are major concerns of the refractory producer. By supplying tools like EMMA, Elkem provides a benefit to producers. EMMA – for high performance and self-compacting concrete Optimise your concrete mix design – EMMA is an easy-to-use computer program that helps people optimise & refine their concrete mix designs. The user inputs the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) of their sand, gravel & cementing materials and EMMA predicts the optimum blend of those materials to make the best concrete. The system accommodates the full range of concrete types: self-compacting to roller compacted and conventional strength to ultra high performance. Calculate the CO2 impact of your concrete mixture – Once you’ve optimised your concrete mixture for particle packing performance, EMMA can calculate its CO2 loading. To reduce the carbon footprint, you can try and replace high CO2 materials such as Portland cement, with low CO2 materials, such as silica fume. The abilities of EMMA EMMA is applied in the investigation of the particle size distribution of a combination of materials, each with known particle size distributions. You create your own library of particle size distributions for different materials. You can then determine the particle size distribution for any combination of these materials. After the quantity of the individual materials have been entered, the distribution is given in numbers as well as presented in a graphical format. This graph is compared to the Andreassen model. EMMA is the successor of the software package named SizeDist which only runs on x-l. Version 5.0, English Version. EMMA is called language independent because it is no longer dependant on this underlying program. With EMMA you may use the particle size distributions from laboratory work or from the datasheet. This is possible in the Interpolate panel as you create your own material library. Further help and assistance A ‘Welcome to Emma’ flash video is available at Elkem invites you to use the e-mail address [email protected] for comments and ideas for further development of this software. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 3 Disclaimer When you install the program and every time you start EMMA a disclaimer will be shown. This is a general, standard disclaimer to protect Elkem AS from litigation in the case of material failure. Elkem AS holds no responsibility for the use or misuse of the program. Our advice to newcomers to particle size analysis is to always follow up by experimental testing and use general experience in mix design and material properties. Together the results have shown to be remarkable. The disclaimer: The information given in EMMA and this Users guide is based on many years of research and field experience and is accurate to the best knowledge of Elkem AS. However, due to the numerous factors that can affect the performance of the final product, such as concrete or mortar, Elkem AS offers this information without guarantee and accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damages from its use. Another disclaimer is shown when downloading EMMA from the Internet: This Computer Program and accompanying Manual are intended for guidance in planning and designing concrete mixtures with specific properties in the fresh state. These items are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of their content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. Elkem AS shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this computer program and its documentation. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 4 Chapter 2. The software Environment The EMMA application is a standard software application built for running on Microsoft Windows operating systems or compatibles. It is a stand-alone package that is not dependent on other plug-ins or modules. The software uses English in all menus, tips, buttons etc. Development and Design The main modules of EMMA were developed using the software development tool from Inprise; Borland Delphi. It was compiled and built in a 32-bit code environment, using Borland Delphi 4 and Microsoft Windows as the platform. System Requirements Compatible with Microsoft Windows® operating system (Windows Version 3 to present) Installation EMMA can be downloaded from the Elkem website, Once downloaded, unzip the file into a suitable folder on your computer. Click EMMA.exe to run the program. The Setup program welcomes you with Disclaimer Information. Read the information and select the button OK to go to the next dialog screen. You are greeted with a welcome to the Setup program. Press "Next" to continue the installation. The "Choose Destination Location" window gives you the opportunity to specify an alternative target directory for installing EMMA. When clicking "Next" you can select if you want to backup any older EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 5 EMMA files on your PC. If you choose to make backup copies of the replaced files, please select a destination directory. In the next dialog screen, you can select and deselect the components you need to install. First time users should select both the EMMA Program Files and the User Documentation. You should also select the appropriate Material Library for your application, i.e. Concrete or Refractory. Click "next" again to perform the actual installation. Press "Finish" after EMMA has been successfully installed. How to run EMMA After installation, you may run EMMA by selecting its icon from the Start Menu. You will find this by clicking on the Start Menu button, selecting "Programs", "EMMA" and then "EMMA Size Distribution Analyser". If you look in the C:/Program Files/EMMA folder you will see the installed files. You can also run the program by clicking on EMMA.exe in the C:/Program Files/EMMA folder. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 6 Chapter 3. How to use EMMA Introduction When you start EMMA, you will see an open Materials In Library and Active Recipe Folder. Some typical materials are already available for you in Materials In Library. In the Active Recipe Folder a ‘Fused Alumina Castable’ recipe is already saved for you as an example of a refractory castable mix. How to make a material library Start by adding your materials to the library – Click the ‘materials library’ icon located at the top of the ‘materials in library’ column. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 7 A blank ‘materials library’ record will open. Data values can be entered by either (1) typing-in each value individually or (2) importing values from your Excel spreasheet in a cut and paste procedure. These two options are explained below. Input Option 1 – Inputting data by typing-in each value individually: Begin by clicking on 'new material' and write in the name of the material. It is essential when entering numerical data into the EMMA program that you use a decimal separator that is consistent with your current computer settings, i.e. use either decimal point or comma, whichever is set as your computer’s current default. It is also essential to enter a particle density value. Particle density is a mandatory requirement because EMMA needs the particle density to calculate particle packing. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 8 Fill in as much or as little data for the other fields as you wish: name, CO2 content, origin, price etc. (Note: If you intend to review the CO2 content of your recipe, then you must enter a CO2 value for every material you intend to use in your mix). Next, click the 'interpolate panel' button. Do not enter anything into the panel on the right (‘Distribution data’). Input the data for your material – sieve size and percentage passing – note the sieve size is in microns. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 9 Next, press the calculate distribution button next to the panel - EMMA will transpose your interpolation data to the ‘Distribution data’ panel on the right. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 10 At this point you can review the d50 box, which EMMA has calculated for you. If no value is shown, click on the button next to the box to 'recalculate' the d50. This is the mean value of your material grading and can be used as a check test - it will correspond to an aggregate size at the 50% value on the 'distribution data' grading. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 11 Now click 'Save material'. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 12 You will see that the material is now in the library column on the left. The panel will stay open for further input – click on ‘new’ and start with your next material. Repeat this for all your ‘components’ - all coarse aggregates, all fine aggregates, cements, pozzolans, fillers, pigments etc. In the standard library there are already some “generic” materials. Note that you can make a personal or project materials library by pressing the “New library” button. Input Option 2 – Import values from an Excel spreadsheet by cut and paste: To import data, first open the Material Library and click ‘Import Materials’. A dialog appears that enables you to import values from MS Excel using the conventional Copy-Paste facility. Below is a description of how to prepare and execute the import. First you need to ensure your spreadsheet data is in a format that is compatible with the EMMA program. To do this, make sure: • The first column holds the generic sieve sizes, and the next and subsequent columns hold the percentage passing values • The first row in the cell range specifies the names for each material • The second row in the cell range specifies particle density values for each material • All cells must have valid values. Numbers must be of true numeric formats, and must be specified in ascending order. Percentage passing values should be formatted to 2 decimal places • Your sieve sizes must be listed in microns rather than millimetres. To do this, multiply the fraction with 1000, for example a 1 mm sieve should be defined as 1000 micron • You may import as many materials as you wish. But each import must consist of one sieve size column and at least one column for material data. Note that only one sieve size column can exist for each import An example of a correctly formatted table, suitable for importing to EMMA, is shown here: EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 13 To perform the import, mark the cell range that you wish to import then Copy the range into the clipboard. Note that the top row in the range you select must specify the material names. The leftmost column must specify the generic sieve sizes. The range selection may include all the materials you wish to import. Your range selection must not include any empty columns or rows. Having selected your range and Copied it to the clipboard, next step is to return to the EMMA program and to the import dialog, shown here: EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 14 Check ‘Accumulate before interpolation’ if you want Emma to accumulate the distribution values before it interpolates into the standard matrix Click the button ‘Paste From Clipboard’ After reading the data from the clipboard, EMMA will present the matrix data to be stored in your material library. Inspect the data and make sure they are correct, see here an example screenshot: Click ‘Import To Library!’ and EMMA will integrate the new materials into your material library. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 15 How to make changes in the material library Select the material you want to change from the list. Make any required changes (this may be necessary when PSD or density values need to be updated, a new material supply with different properties is received, etc). Press save each time you have altered a material. If the Remove button is used, the material is deleted from the library. How to make a recipe Once you have saved your materials into the library, you can use them to compile a recipe (either a refractory castable or a concrete mix). Click on the 'New recipe' box at the top of the screen. The program will prompt you to enter a file name. Enter your choice of filename then click ‘Save’. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 16 A new blank recipe record will open. Fill in any suitable description details for your recipe. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 17 Then you take the cursor over to the materials library, either double click or ‘drag and drop’ your selection of materials, one by one, into the recipe box – into the column ‘Material name’. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 18 Then put in the weights (quantity) of each material for your recipe. The additives like dispersant, retarder, accelerator is typically below 0.1 wt% of Recipe. They may be added as powder or in a solution. Usually the additive is not accounted for in the particle size distribution curves displayed in EMMA. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 19 EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 20 Next, enter your desired water quantity for your recipe. (The box for this is towards the top left of the screen). Water amount is added to the dry mixture and comes in addition to the 100 wt% of dry material. The PSD curve in EMMA Graphics shows the dry materials, so you may view graph even if the Water Quantity is not entered. You can now see that the program has calculated the volumes and density of your recipe. (The CO2 value for the recipe will also be shown, provided you assigned a CO2 value to each of your materials when you saved them into the library.) Note: If your quantities do not add up to 100, you may do this by Normalize Quantities button (represented by the “!” graphic) on the left side in Materials In Composition. When it adds up to 100, each number under Quantity is wt% of material in the mixture. The program calculates the volume percent of each fraction. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 21 Once you have your mix in the table, look at the bottom of the screen. There is an option to select either the Andreassen Model or a Modified Andreassen Model. For this example, we are going to use the Andreassen Model. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 22 Also at the bottom of the screen you can see ‘q-value’ and ‘Maximum particle size’. For the maximum particle size you should enter the maximum size of the aggregate in your recipe – this will help EMMA to draw a graph later using a suitable scale. Note that unit value is microns. For the ‘q-value’ you should enter a value appropriate to the type of mix you are designing. The qvalue gives the slope of the target line on the graph. 0.30 is the default value. There is no hard correlation between the q-value and rheological properties, however the following points are informative: • • • • • • The higher the q-value, the steeper the slope and the mix will be more coarse and less workable. At lower q-value, the fines content will be increased and the mix more workable. A q-value of less than 0.36 is necessary for optimum particle packing. Good free-flow in mortar results when the q-value is less than 0.25 For self-compacting concrete 0.28 has been found beneficial For a self-flowing refractory mix, the q-value should be in the range of 0.21-0.25 in order to obtain self-flow at minimum water addition using enough fine materials such as Microsilica. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 23 In the example screen shot shown below, a q-value of 0.34 was selected as an example, being a suggested concrete mix with target slump of 130mm. You may find that you require a different qvalue because of the materials you are using – and it may be necessary to put in some mixes that you have practical experience of, to calibrate a suitable q-value for your application. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 24 Now you can review a graph of your recipe. (The graph size can be viewed full screen by clicking the button up on the top right.) Once you have chosen a suitable q-value, click on 'View graph'. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 25 The straight red line is your target (perfect particle packing based on the Andreassen Model), the irregular line (blue) is the particle packing of your recipe. When your blue line is above the red target line, you have too much material of that size, - when below, you have too little. If you place the cursor on the line at such a point, it will tell you what size of material it is. You then click on the 'close' button, and you are back to your recipe box. Improve your recipe You can now start to optimise your mix by adjusting your particle distribution to better fit the Andreassen curve. Try changing the quantity of a material in your recipe and then review the effect on the graph. (Note – you could also use the ‘Preview graph’ option, to view the graph alongside your recipe). You may want to make changes of the materials in the composition. Materials may be entered or removed from the recipe on the left side of Materials In Composition. An experienced technologist will be able to use EMMA to adjust their recipe until it reaches an optimum compromise of particle packing, CO2 content and economic cost. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 26 Remember to ‘Save’ the recipe. Graphs can also be saved by clicking the appropriate button. Note that EMMA only reviews the particle packing – other concrete mix parameters such as dosage and action of superplastciser will have to be determined in the real mixture you make in the lab, to get the optimum flow characteristics required for the project. EMMA can also be used to ‘reverse engineer’ mixes already in use. ‘Good’ mixes, designed previously, can be fed into the program and checked to see just how good they are – or to determine a specific q Value (by matching the target line to the mix line, rather than the other way around). EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 27 Appendix 1. Other features of the EMMA software The ‘Options’ window The options window may be opened from the Options button on the Tool bar. In the General Settings tab, selecting the ‘Display Recipe Filename Caption’ option gives the recipe filename shown above Recipe Details. Buttons are shown above the Materials in Library and Active Recipe Folder if ‘Draw Extra Environment Graphics’ is chosen. Material library tab – Materials may also be stored in different libraries, for instance one for all alumina raw materials, one for the cements available etc. Your matlib.dat. may easily be copied by a copy-paste operation of the file. If you want to establish a second material library, start by creating a new dat.file in your EMMA folder (or in another folder). In Options you then enter the path to the new file in Material Library in Use and press OK. You may exchange files with your co-workers, and build up a number of libraries. The Calculation Module tab shows the model being used. The Andreassen model, which is displayed in Default Calculation Module. You also have access to Modified Andreassen (see Appendix 1.) In the Default Calculation Module you may change from Andreassen to Modified Andreassen model. When you choose this alternative, three Module Parameters are shown: Q-Value, Max Particle Size and Min Particle Size. All three parameters may be altered to change the shape of the graph. Default value for q-value are set to 0.30 and Max Particle Size 8000 in EMMA. This may be changed in Options. This function is useful when you are designing different mixes with the same q-value and maximum particle size. Values for q and maximum particle size need to be entered before the View Graph function is used. For example, entering a value of zero would result in an error message: "Cannot calculate with zero values in model. Reconfigure values in calculation model for recipe." Active Recipe Folder tab – If you have made a number of recipes, you may want to save them in different folders. If you want to establish a second recipe list, start by creating a new recipe folder (like Recipes already in EMMA). In Options you then change to the new recipe list and press the OK button. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 28 Utilising EMMA Graphics Preview window: The EMMA User have access to a preview window. Press the Tool bar preview to see it. A small window of the EMMA graph is displayed simultaneously with the recipe. When you modify your recipe, the effect on the cumulative particle size distribution curve is shown. As the program is calculating, you read "working" in the preview window. To look at the preview window is optional. Press at the x in the right, upper corner, and the preview window is not shown anymore. Press the tool bar for it to re-appear. Press Open in the preview window , and you see the graph displayed full screen. The EMMA Graphics window shows the (CPFT) Cumulative Percent Finer Than (vol%) as a function of (Particle Size) in a double logarithmic plot. The axis have set values at 1,10,100,1000,10 000, 100 000 for the x-axis (Particle sizes 1 micron to 100 mm) and 0,1,1,0,10,0 and 100 (Percentage Pass) for the y-axis. When you press the 100 000 button in the lower, right corner, the maximum particle size changes to 10 mm. For refractory castable mixes, the maximum particle size is usually lower than 10 mm. For concretes maximum particle sizes up to approx 50 mm = 5 cm exists. Under Graphics on the left side y-axis or x-axis values may be shown in more detail. Press Y, to see yaxis values. Press y again, to return to normal view. Values (Percentage pass/Particle Size) may be read along the distribution curve. Series Width – Increase this value (2,3..) and the thickness of the curves increases. It makes it easier to fix values with the pointer, but usually the Series Width is held at 1. Selection Panel – To read the actual values of your PSD curve, it is recommended to use the pointer. When you point at the PSD curve, a small hand appears. You can read Particle Size and Percentage Pass in a small window that temporarily is shown. To make a note of values, use the Selection Panel button. Size and Pass will be shown to the right of the graph when you click on a selected point. Tip: Mark the same 3 or 4 points for the Selection panel (example 5 micron, 50 micron, 500 micron, 5 mm) for different recipes. This data is helpful for comparison between recipes. Zoom function – To take a closer look, make a window within the graphical sheet by using the left hand button on the mouse. To go back to the standard magnification, press the Reset button. The Mode button gives the graph on full screen. By pressing the Save button, the graph may be saved as a Bitmap file (BMP). Your graphs are saved in EMMA together with the recipes, so it is not necessary to save the graph. However, if you want to do EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 29 further work on the graph lay-out (for presentation etc), it is possible to save the graph in a separate Bitmap file. When you press Print you are asked "Do you want to print composition details in addition to the recipe graphics?" Press Yes and the recipe and graph will be printed out. If you set Paper /Size to A4 and Orientation to Landscape in the Print Setup window, you get the print-out over a full, horizontal A4 page. The calculated values of the PSD may be studied by opening the Calculation Matrix button in the Tool bar (or clicking on System /Composition Matrix from the Menu bar). The EMMA Composition Matrix window has been used as an aid by the programmer. The calculations are in accordance with the Andreassen Model, which is given in Appendix 2. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 30 Appendix 2. A description of the Andreassen Model. At Elkem we have investigated the effects of varying the particle size distributions in refractory castables. Some of the ideas may be found in the following references: • • B. Myhre and Aase M. Hundere, "The use of particle size distribution in development of refractory castables " Presented at the XXV ALAFAR Congress, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, Dec. 1-4 1996. R. M. German, " Particle Packing Characteristics", Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, N.J. 1989. In EMMA the particle size distribution of a combination of materials chosen by the user is compared to the Andreassen Model. Andreassen suggested in 1931 that optimal packing occurs when the particle size distribution can be described by this model: CPFT = (d/D)q*.100 -q* means q is the exponent Where CPFT is the Cumulative (Volume) Percent Finer Than, d is the particle size, D is the Maximum particle size, and q is the distribution coefficient. By computer simulation, it has later been shown that 0% voids (i.e. 100% packing) is possible if q is equal to or less than 0,37. (ref. D.R. Dinger and J.E.Funk:Interceram 41 (1992) 5, pg. 332-334.) In EMMA the following calculations are performed; When the PSD and the density of the different components are available, the first step is to calculate the volume of each component i (Vi), by the use of the amount Ni and the density di. Because the amount is converted to absolute volume, it may be entered either as percent or as weight. The weight unit should of course comply with the unit used in the density. Vi = Ni /di The volume fraction Xi of a mixture of n components may then be calculated: EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 31 n Xi = Vi / Vi i=1 Then for each component, multiply the CPFT for each size class with the corresponding volume fraction. This gives the contribution from each size class of component I to the PSD of the entire mix. CPFTi mix = Xi * CPFTi Then add up the CPFTi mix for a given size class for all components to give the composite CPFT for that size class. n CPFT mix = CPFTi mix i=1 By now, each size class should have a corresponding composite CPFT, CPFTmix, that contains elements from all components. The composite PSD is given as the graph in EMMA. A distribution with a large fraction of fines can be described by the Andreassen Model with a smaller q-value than a distribution with a smaller fraction of fines. Packing theories deals with the packing of elements or volumes. If all elements are of the same density, the volume percentage is proportional to the weight percentage. However, in the experimental setting materials of different density are often combined, therefore, in order to apply the theories it is important to transform the weights, which are natural to work with in the laboratory, into volumes. In SizeDist the calculation of the volume percentages is automatic in order to present the correct particle size distribution. Because of the q-value in the exponent of the Andreassen model, the model is normally presented in a log/log plot. The q-value can then be found as the slope of the plot. Modified Andreassen Model: To deal with the problem of infinite distribution of the Andreassen distribution, a modified version that links the Andreassen and the Furnas distribution has later been developed. This is called the modified Andreassen distribution and is shown here: CPFT = (dq*-dmq*/Dq*-dmq*) EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 32 q* means q is the exponent. Where CPFT is the Cumulative (Volume) Percent Finer Than, d is the particle size, dm is the minimum particle size of the distribution D is the Maximum particle size, and q is the distribution coefficient (q-value), The modified Andreassen equation takes into account a minimum particle size, whereas the Andreassen distribution suppose an infinite distribution towards smaller and smaller particles. On a logarithmic plot, that of Andreassen gives a straight line, while the modified equation gives a downward curvature. It is seen when the superfine fraction (like microsilica or superfine alumina) are removed from a particle size distribution following the Andreassen distribution, the resultant particle size distribution follows the modified Andreassen equation. When self-flowing mixes are to be designed, one should apply the Andreassen equation. Reference article "Effect of finest fractions (SiO2 and /or Al2O3) in alumina based ultra low cement castables” was presented at Acer’s April 14.-17., 1996 and is available upon request to Elkem. One experiment was set up for a ULCC based on fused alumina with 9 wt% fine alumina and 8 wt% microsilica. Comparison of flow was done on the reference, a mix without the microsilica and a mix without the fine alumina. Water was added until vibra-flow values of 90% was achieved (ASTM C230 for flow cone). The reference needed 2.7 wt% water, while the mix free of microsilica needed 6.0 wt% water and the mix free of fine alumina needed 3.7 wt% water. Removal of fines below 1 micron is detrimental with respect to the flow properties of these castables. Examples when Modified Andreassen may be applied include: vibratable castables, mortars and selfcompacting concretes. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 33 Appendix 3. Method of estimating density of a castable. The density of a castable can be expressed as: d = i (di * vi)/100 where d is the density of the castable, di is the density of material i, vi is the volume percentage of material i. A castable for practical purposes must be of good castability. The flow value* with vibration is a good indicator of castability. If the flow value is above 120, one would expect negligible amounts of trapped air when using vibration while casting. We can therefore make the following assumption: 1. All porosity is caused by the water addition. In addition, we assume that: 2. The water is removed completely after dehydration. 3. The water is substituted by air with approximately zero density. 4. Shrinkage of the castable after dehydration is negligible. These assumptions imply that the volume percent of added water can be used as an estimate of the porosity. This is the estimate for the porosity given in EMMA. Density of the material before water is removed is called Green Density. When estimating the density of the castable, the volume percentages used in the above formula must be calculated with water added, to account for the porosity caused by water. However, since the water is assumed to be substituted by air of zero density, the contribution from the water in the sum will be: dwater * vwater (after dehydration) dair * vwater = 0 * vwater = 0 EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 34 Our estimate of the density of the dehydrated castable will therefore be the sum on top of this page (called Dried density in EMMA), where the volume percentages for each material is calculated as if water were one of the materials. The contribution from water in the sum is however zero. 1 A.H.M. Andreassen and J.Andersen, Kolloid Z. 50 (1930) 217-228. * The flow-values are measured by a standard method. Freshly mixed castable is filled into a cone (ASTM C230 Flow testing) placed on a vibratable table. The cone is removed and the castable is vibrated for 15 seconds at a double amplitude of 0.75mm. The flow-value represents the percentage increase of the diameter of the castable. EMMA User Guide Version 2 Page 35
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