A TANGLE OF KNOTS When is Talent only rewarding? If you wield it

When is Talent only rewarding?
What was the brand name of Mason’s
Where was Miss Mallory’s Home for Lost
What was Cady’s Talent?
What was the name of the Bakeoff ?
How many years did Cady win first place in
the Bakeoff?
What kind of cake was Cady going to bake for
the Bakeoff?
What kind of frosting for the cinnamon cake?
When Cady was brought to Miss Mallory’s as
an infant what did Miss Mallory say about
Cady’s hair?
Where were Adoption Days always held?
What was Miss Mallory’s Talent?
Over the years, how many families was Cady
sent to live with?
What did the sign on the Lost Luggage
Emporium door read?
What the Emporium’s motto?
What was the title of the latest Victoria
Valence mystery the Owner was reading?
In one short week what was to happen to the
renters of the rooms in the Emporium?
What did Marigold Asher treasure most in the
What is the name of Will’s pet ferret?
What was Mrs. Asher’s Talent?
What could Mrs. Asher do in 8 city blocks?
What was Mr. Asher’s job?
How many times could Mr. Asher fold a piece
of paper?
What did Mr. Asher have a soft spot for?
What did Will have a Talent for?
What was Zane’s Talent?
If you wield it well.
St. Anthony’s
Poughkeepsie, New York
Talent for baking.
Sunshine Bakers of America Annual Cake
Cinnamon cake, three layers.
Chocolate buttercream with a hint of spice.
There was a braid woven into it, twisting in
and about and around itself like a crown.
Talent for matching orphans to families.
Face Value
Every last one of them would have lost the
thing they treasured most in the world.
Her Red Talent Bracelet.
Knit an entire afghan.
Head Librarian at the local high school.
Twelve times.
Orange Nougats
Going missing
Perfect spitting.
Where did Marigold get her Red Talent
What happened to V when she was crossing
the highway that foggy morning?
What did she lose when she had a stroke?
What book was Zane reading?
What was the name of the Principal who told
Zane that he was a delinquent?
What was in the envelope from the Sunshine
How did Cady come to be at Miss Mallory’s
What was Will riding in when he was in the
walls of the apartment building?
What caused the hole in the Asher’s
Why had Toby been going to the airport
every day for a decade?
What was Amy’s Talent?
Why did Ms. Mallory think Toby had come to
the orphanage?
When the Ashers moved in with Cady what
kind of cake did Cady bake for Marigold?
What did Mrs. Asher knit for Cady?
What did Mrs. Asher say was what a parent
really wants from their child?
When V recognized the Emporium property,
what did she remember what it used to be?
How many St. Anthony suit cases did the
Owner have?
Where did Marigold hang her red Talent
bracelet every night?
Who did Mrs. Asher say was her responsible
What kind of material thing did Sally like to
What was in the empty jars the Owner had on
his bookshelf?
What Talent did Owner believe was the really
only one?
At the State Fair.
She had a stroke.
Her words. She couldn’t speak a word.
Face Value
Principal Piles
Three tickets
There had been a batch of misfiled paperwork
and a fire at her previous orphanage.
An outmoded dumbwaiter.
A hot air balloon crashed into it.
He purchased cast-off luggage that no one
claimed so the contents could be resold at the
Licking envelopes.
To adopt Cady.
Lime pound cake.
A red apron.
The child’s happiness.
Darlington Peanut Butter Factory
Over her bedpost.
Something shiny.
His collection of Talents.
The Talent for appropriating other people’s
What did a Talent look like when Owner put it
in the jar?
What did Will see Owner picking his teeth
In what country did Toby get married?
What was Owner hoping to find in the blue St.
Anthony suitcase?
What happened when Cady tried to snap
closed the top of the blue suitcase?
What had the man in the gray suit told Cady
about Fate?
Where did Will fall asleep?
What was the mailwoman’s name?
What sound did the door to the Emporium
What was in the suitcase Marigold mailed off
to New Jersey
Where did Marigold find her red Talent
What was Miss Mallory’s conundrum?
What did Miss Mallory find in the blue
What expression did Zane think his parents
would think of him?
What was on the wall in Toby’s bedroom?
How many years had the Owner been looking
for his mother’s recipe?
Where did the giant take Will?
What was the Owner’s real name?
What was the secret ingredient to his
mother’s peanut butter recipe?
Describe Mrs. Asher’s hairpin.
How much money is Mrs. Asher’s hairpin
Over half a century ago what was the
tremendous paleontological find in Northern
Clean, condensed and opaque, like an ice
His mother’s hairpin.
His mother’s peanut butter recipe.
The Perfect Peanut Butter recipe fluttered out
of the ripped lining.
It’s the way we deal with what Fate hands us
that defines who we are.
Inside a blue suitcase.
In a blue suitcase.
Where to plant the hybrid plant that was a
cross between a petunia and a pansy, on the
petunia side of the house or the pansyside.
A small black ceramic bird.
A framed illustration of Mrs. Asher’s hairpin.
To the Poughkeepsie Museum of Natural
Mason Darlington Burgess
She had Talent.
Beige, cracked, knobby, as wide as a rib of
celery and as long as a pencil.
An extinct bird – the Jupiter bird.
What was so important about the Jupiter
Where does the answer to the Jupiter Bird
ever being able to fly?
When Mrs. Asher dropped Marigold off at the
Lost Luggage Emporium, what had crawled up
on the back of her car?
When Toby saw the book Marigold had what
happened to him?
When Will thought he heard Sally saying clickclick-clack, where was he?
What happened to the Owner’s “ice cube”
when it got trapped in Marigold’s bracelet?
Who caused the hot air balloon to crash into
the Asher’s apartment and how did it
Why was McDermott getting a new principal?
How did Ms. Mallory gain entrance to the
convention center?
Who was V?
What was the Owner’s real name?
What was Toby’s real name?
It was the largest bird ever to walk the planet.
In a single bone – a toe bone.
A ferret.
He turned into a chameleon.
On a train to New York City.
It shrunk into her skin.
Zane. His spit hit the man piloting the
Because the present principal was “deemed
unfit to head the school”.
She gave the woman with the chef’s hat the
black ceramic bird she’d found in the suitcase.
Victoria Valence, author of Face Value.
Mason Burgess