April 15 - Black Mountain Presbyterian Church

The news of
Black Mountain
Presbyterian Church
from April 15 through
April 28, 2012
Mariella Provost is the catalyst for all these hand knitted hats sent to
Barbara Nagi and Jessi Stitt in Malawi. Thank you to all the talented
knitters who spend hours knitting for the children in Malawi.
Work and Worship of the Church
Sunday, April 15
8:30 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Church School
Confirmation Gathering
Worship Service
New Members Lunch
Long Range Planning
Middle School
Monday, April 16
10:30 a.m. Adult Handbells
6:45 p.m. Committee Meetings
Tuesday, April 17
7:00 p.m. Prophets
Wednesday, April 18
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sharing The Word
NC Higher Ed. Board
Presbytery Resource Center
Chancel Choir
Sunday, April 22
8:30 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Church School
Confirmation Gathering
Worship Service
Service of Hope and Healing
Monday, April 23
10:30 a.m. Adult Handbells
6:00 p.m. Girl Scouts
Tuesday, April 24
2:30 p.m. PW Bible Study
3:45 p.m. PW Coordinating Team
7:00 p.m. Prophets
Wednesday, April 25
11:30 a.m. Sharing The Word
6:30 p.m. Child Protective Task Force
7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir
Friday, April 27
7:00 p.m. Women’s AA meeting
Tuesday, April 19
5:30 p.m. Thursday Night Live
Friday, April 20
7:00 p.m. Women’s AA meeting
Sharing The Word
Bible Study
Resumes on
Wednesday, April 18
Aubry Katharine French arrived on
Wednesday, March 28th at 3:20 p.m.,
weighing in at 7 pounds and 12 ounces.
Happy ThankYou BMPC family!
15 Laura Williams
16 Renee Raines
Corey McClintock
Allie Brandon
17 Nick Patton
Toby Nix
18 Margaret Peery
Brianna Beaupre
Pearl Hall
19 Joy Minnick
20 Ann Bell
Dear Creators of the “Presbyterian Stations of the Cross”
My devotional reading this morning spoke about the importance of
experiencing the whole of Holy Week to truly appreciate the “surprise”
of Easter. I was able to do so more intensely as I visited each station you
created. They will help me to continue to feel the emotion of this week each
day. Thank you for your hard work, your creativity and your dedication.
Alice Schweitzer
Thank you for your faithful food donations to the Swannanoa Valley
Christian Ministry. During the spring and summer months, donations
tend to decrease, but the requests continue. Without the generosity of
many caring churches, organizations, businesses, schools, and individuals
as well as grant and fund raisers, the Ministry could not operate. The
SVCM team is grateful for your continued support.
Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries
Gale Hussey
Carla Sperry
21 Vance Stiles
22 Mary McElrath
Keegan Peterson
23 Glenn Bannerman
Thomas McElwee
Taylor Hunnicutt
24 Margaret Fouse
Next Window deadline:
Susan Hensley
at12:00 noon
25 Jim Field
27 Samuel Baraki
Merrilyn Butterworth
Monday, April 23
Please send articles to:
[email protected]
Lee Raines
28 Tom Campbell
Danielle Rogers
Chloe Stiles
Church School
Biblical Perspectives
Faith Builders
Reformed and Reforming
Christian Doctrine by Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr.
Young Adult Life Lessons
Fellowship and Bible Study
DONATE your nicer items (household
The preparation for Easter morning takes
many hands and hours. Leila Cox and
Gayle Shelton are shown here working
hard in the Sanctuary.
things, decorations, furniture) to JACOB'S WELL,
an up-scale secondhand shop sponsored by St.
James Episcopal, where your treasures will be
sold at commensurate prices, and the money
donated to SVCM, Habitat, Women's Correctional
Ministry, and the Black Mountain Pastoral Care
and Counseling Center.
To donate call Barbara Wall at 669-9101 or
273-0951. To shop, visit Jacob's Well at 106
Broadway (across from Tyson's) Saturdays, starting April 14, from 10 to 3 p.m. Thank you!
Did You Know...
Many abusive men are concerned about the effect
of violence on their children and the children of their
partners. Some may be motivated to stop using
violence if they understand the devastating effects
on their children.
(Rothman, EF, Mandel, D, & Silverman, J. 2007.
Abusers’ Perceptions of the Effect of Their Intimate Partner
Violence on Children. Violence Against Women)
Thursday Night Live
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Notice we are meeting the third Thursday in April instead of the second, so
that we can give Easter week a rest from
too much busy-ness!
Our program in April will be something new that we haven't done before.
We are calling it "Getting to Know Each
Other Better." We especially want as
many of our newer members to plan
to be there this month so we can all get
to know them more than just by face
or name! We think everyone will enjoy
playing the "get acquainted" games we
are planning.
The meal will be a potluck dinner. For
those missionaries who may have put in
recipes in our Centennial Cookbook from
their foreign country, we are hoping for
some unusual dishes – maybe not Ruth
Ansley's Howler Monkey stew, though!!
And some of you who put in delicious
other recipes, bring one of them to help
advertise the church cookbook. If enough
new members express interest in having
one of our cookbooks we may be able to
order an additional twenty-five.
Please begin to sign up the first week
of April. A sign-up sheet will be on the
volunteer's desk beginning April 2.
There is also a sign-up sheet for the
Talent Show coming up on Friday, May
11. Sign your name and indicate your
talent you will bring to the program,
whether it will be a piano solo or a
painting or a sweater you have made!
Confirmation News
There are nine youth participating this spring
in the confirmation class. Each youth has a
Covenant partner that meets with them to
share faith stories, pray together, and study the
Catechism. Please pray for these eighth graders and high schoolers as they examine their
faith together: Emily Beaver, Joy Drummond,
Grace Drummond, Caroline Roy, Caleb
Holladay, Carlos McDaniel, Randy Shaffer,
Brianna Beaupre, Sydney Adams.
Room in the Inn Observations
the week they are here and which they really
enjoy and appreciate.
Tonight Barbara Gaw and her friend came
over and gave them foot bath/massages and
Tomorrow is Wednesday so almost half
over already. It goes fast once it starts! “
And this was written by Libba Fairleigh, a
first-time overnight volunteer:
“How do 14 women share one bathroom?
This was my biggest concern the night
that Suzanne Money and I stayed with the
participants at Room In the Inn. I took the 1:00
a.m. to morning shift for staying awake and
I had a firsthand experience of the grace and
consideration the women gave to each other
throughout the late night and early morning. No
one stayed in the bathroom for too long; there
were no pleas outside the door of “hurry up”
or “you’re taking too long.” In fact, the women
were incredibly considerate of each other. My
favorite guest was the first up. By 4:15 a.m. she
was dressed, her day-pack by the door, and she
was ready for the day. As we visited for the next
hour, I was awed by her strength, her insight into
her life, and her appreciation of Room In the Inn.
Thank you BMPC for this gift to the community
and for this opportunity to volunteer. “
If you would like to learn more about
Room in the Inn, contact Yvette Ballard or
Scottie Cannon. We soon will be recruiting
volunteers to help the Black Mountain
Methodist Church host the women during
their hosting week in July.
Submitted by Scottie Cannon
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped
make our March 18-25 hosting week for Room
in the Inn a success. Two volunteers – one “old”
and one new – provide a glimpse into how the
week went.
Mike Ballard wrote the following in a midweek e-mail to Berry French. Mike is husband
and right hand man to our church’s Room in
the Inn Coordinator Yvette Ballard, and has
been Coordinator himself in the past. Mike
and Yvette were there every day...
“The group of women this week are a lively
and fun group – you know us, we jumped right
in! We will probably be full with 12 women all
week. When I picked them up Sunday night the
director told me there is a waiting list which
is strange with the warm weather. One of the
women has a service dog which is the first
time we have had that situation that I know
of. Dinner with the youth group went well
on Sunday and Craig, Jane, Meagan and her
fiancee led them in cooking a great meal. One of the women that was also with us
in October got a place of her own yesterday
morning but she wanted to say good bye
to us so she spent last night also. One of the
other women will be getting a place of her
own later this week so the program continues
to work and help. Yvette has been going to
the church house by 6 am each morning
and I have been meeting her there late in the
afternoon. She has been going to bed by 8:30
each night! Last night we took them to the Kiwanis
Thrift Shop which we usually do on Monday of
Youth News
All 6-12th graders are encouraged to be part of Youth Group
on Sunday nights from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. at church (unless
otherwise noted). Join us for these events coming in April.
April 13-15
HS Camping Trip. Meet at church at 4:30 p.m. on Friday.
Return to church by 2 p.m. on Sunday.
Sunday, April 15
MS only – 5:30-7:30 at church
Saturday, April 21
MS & HS Mission with Manna Food Bank
Meet at church at 12:30 p.m.. We will return at 3:30.
Sunday, April 22
Community-wide service of Hope and Healing ,5 p.m.
April 28-29
MS camping at Rockmont
Prophets of Praise
in Concert
at West Asheville
Presbyterian Church
The Prophets of Praise have been invited
to present a concert at West Asheville
Presbyterian Church on April 29
at 7 p.m. The concert will be a
fund-raising event for Asheville Habitat
for Humanity. The Prophets, and
individuals and small groups within the
ensemble, will present music of many
styles and genres, typical of their Sunday
morning music leadership at FirstLight.
Thanks to Kent Smith, pastor, for this
gracious invitation; it’s a first for us!
Berry will be away on paternity leave in April. Please Contact
Beth Gunn [email protected] with HS questions and
Kent Patton [email protected] with MS questions.
Painting the Picture:
Forces that Shape U.S.
Foreign Policy
Toward Israel-Palestine
Attention Missionaries
Speaker: Helena Cobban
Monday, April 16
7-9 p.m.
The Mission and Service Committee would like to
feature “Missionaries in Our Midst” on the Mission
bulletin board. Anyone who has served at least a year
on the mission field is asked to drop a photograph by
the church office or get Lisbet to take a picture ASAP.
Many thanks!
First Congregational United
Church of Christ
20 Oak St. Asheville
FREE Public invited Free parking
News from the Education Wing
The Education hallway is alive and very busy
through out the week and on Sunday Mornings.
The Weekday School has been taking registrations
for the fall and are almost full. If you know of anyone with a 4 year old who is looking for a preschool,
have them give Alice a call.
Sunday mornings are a lot of fun on the
Preschool hallway. We are having approximately
5 infants and 4 toddlers in the nursery each week.
Our Extended Session has between 10 and 18 in it
each week. We are very thankful for all the volunteers that help us to make this a happy, fun and safe
place for our children to experience God's love.
Please drop by the Education Wing and see the
beautiful Butterflies that were designed by Fred
Barkley and made by Gene Schimpf. They are hanging outside on the wall at the end of the building.
They welcome everyone to our Education wing
with beauty and life.
Palm Sunday
FirstLight in
the Courtyard.
Your staff and Council (Session) have been very
aware of the pain and heartache that so many
students, families, and school professionals
have experienced this year in both Buncombe
County and Asheville Schools. In particular,
we are thinking about the events at Owen
Middle concerning the arrest of a teacher for
his behavior with students and the death of
Kori Goodson at Owen High. But we know that
Asheville Middle and Asheville High School
have also had traumatic events this year. As one
school counselor told me earlier this semester,
we have not needed this many crisis teams in
our schools in a long time.
So in response, we are hosting a worship
service for Hope and Healing on April 22
at 5 p.m. We are focusing on inviting youth,
school professionals, and those who love all
of them. We will have the service here in our
Fellowship Hall. We are working with Aimee
Wallis Buchanan of Asheville Youth Mission to
design a service that will work particularly well
for middle school and high school youth. We
are trying to get the word out to the community,
because we really hope that everyone will feel
welcome, regardless if they are part of this
particular congregation or not. We hope that
YOU, members of BMPC, will feel welcome.
The worship service will include stations for
prayer and reflection, music, a brief sermon, and
space for both lament and hope. And through
it all, we will anticipate God's healing that is
surely already at work.
–Shannon JK
April 21
Spring Presbyterian Women
Gathering at Hickory
Registration is due April 14
April 24
Bible Study with
Florence Shelor 2:30
Coordinating Team Meeting
3:45, all new officers that
will be installed in May
are invited
The North Carolina Presbyterian
Historical Society will hold its Spring Tour
of historic sites and churches on Friday and
Saturday, April 13-14, in Charlotte, NC.
It will include a guided tour of the new
Billy Graham Library and visits to a
number of historic Presbyterian churches
– Pleasant Hill, Steele Creek, Providence,
and Philadelphia, as well as the James
K. Polk Historic Site. All are welcome! For
more information, please contact Program
Chairman Tony Brewer at 919-776-8091,
[email protected], or check
the website at www.ncphsociety.org.
New Members – Joined on 3/26 and 4/15
Sheldon and Mary Jo Adams with their children
Sydney and Lucas come to us from the Baptist church
tradition. They have lived in Black Mountain for quite a while
and are involved in this community. Sheldon works for the
US Postal Service and Mary Jo is a case manager. Sydney is
a student at Owen High School while Lucas attends Owen
Middle. As a matter of fact, the Adams' teens are the primary
reason the family discovered BMPC. They began coming to
Youth Group in the Fall and decided this was going to be their
church. And we are thrilled that their parents agreed! Their
family also includes Huckleberry Hound, who is 4 years old.
Kathy Barnett, daughter Jenny and grandson
Cameron came at the invitation of their neighbor Ken
Scott Jr. They are fairly new to this area and currently live
in Asheville. Kathy is a teacher who loves being outside in
nature. Jenny is an eighth grader who joined her mom in
the Inquirer's Class. And Cameron is a bundle of energy who
loves going to church and coming to see Ms. Patton. We are
so glad to receive this family into this congregation. Their
warm smiles immediately make you feel at home.
Patricia (Pat) Botsford makes four generations of the
Botsford/Wilson/Williams family to be a part of this church
family! Pat comes to us from Calvary Presbyterian Church in
Asheville, where she and her retired clergy husband Ron, have
been active for years. Pat has been in Black Mountain for quite
a while and decided to join BMPC after her granddaughter
Brittany and new great-grandson Keaton became a part of
this church last year. Pat enjoys completing word puzzles and
is already active in Presbyterian Women. She loves being able
to worship with 4 generations of her family and being able to
attend activities without driving into Asheville.
Linda Caldwell is glad to be back in this area and a part
of this congregation. She said she feels very much at home
here at BMPC. Linda and her husband Vestal have lived in 8
states and in the country of Germany two different times. So
she is very glad to be "settled." Linda was baptized into the
Presbyterian tradition. She is a retired US Air Force child and
youth specialist and is currently the military liaison for North
Carolina through Childcare Aware of America. In her "free
time," she and Vestal enjoy traveling. And we enjoy having
her back home!
Jonathan and Vicky Bricker with their daughter
Cassidy are also glad to feel at home here. They are both
educators. Vicki is a teacher with Asheville City Schools,
specializing in teaching those who are deaf or hard of
hearing. She is fluent in sign language. Jon is an instructor
at AB Tech Community College. One of his true passions,
though, is music. In particular, he enjoys playing the guitar
and the bass. Jon converted to Christianity from Reform
Judaism when he was in grade school up in New York.
Vicky was a cradle Presbyterian whose great-great-great
grandfather helped to found 1st Presbyterian in Haw River,
NC. Cassidy is a wonderfully effusive 5 year old who loves
to sing and tell stories and enjoys Kindergarten. The whole
family looks forward to getting involved here at BMPC and
are particularly grateful for the way this church is involved in
our community.
Katie French and baby Aubry (and Rev. Berry French)
Katie was quite a trouper during the new member class
(she was 9 months pregnant), even coming to the Session
meeting just two days before Aubry was born in order to
officially join! Katie grew up at First Presbyterian Church
in Orlando, FL, which is where she and Berry eventually
met. Before getting married, Katie worked in the sailing
profession. She and Berry both love to travel and do it every
chance they get. Katie graduated last Spring with her MBA
and is the VP for sales for a furniture company. She hopes
to get involved in mission, youth ministry, and spending
time with older adults here at BMPC. Aubry is a delightful
2 week old little girl who will soon discover how great (and
interesting) it can be to grow up as a preacher's kid.
John and Ellen Gibson were members here at BMPC in
the past. Ellen's family (Begley) is also one of those "several
generations at BMPC" families. They are both in education.
Don't be surprised if you hear "There's Mr. Gibson!" yelled
enthusiastically by some of our primary school students. He
is their PE teacher! Outside of school, John enjoys hiking,
playing instruments, and wood-working. Ellen enjoys
crafting, cooking and camping. They are parents of adult
children and are thrilled to announce that they will be
new grandparents next September. We look forward to
celebrating that special moment with them as their church
family again. We are glad to have them home.
Clay and Lynn Harmon are newer Ashevillians, having come
from the great state of Texas! They were at The Woodlands
Community Presbyterian Church in The Woodlands (outside
of Houston), where Lynn was very active in music ministry
and Clay worked as a geophysicist. They both have a fantastic
sense of humor and are quick to laugh. When asked if there
was anything special they wanted to let us (new church
family) know about them, Clay wrote that "my wife finds my
perfection irritating!" I only wish we had a written retort from
Lynn. Clay is a choir widower since Lynn has already joined the
chancel choir. So find Clay and sit with him. We are so glad to
have the Harmons as a part of this church family.
David and Rachel Hekking and their daughter Emma
Grace are also folks who have jumped right into life here at
BMPC. David plays guitar with the Prophets of Praise Worship
band at First Light and Rachel has already volunteered with
Room in the Inn. They are new to Black Mountain, but have
family in this area. They wanted to get here so badly that
they left their jobs and stepped out in faith. As Rachel wrote,
"we moved here from Tennessee to raise our daughter in
a beautiful kind of place that we fell in love with when we
visited in the past." They had to leave good friends, but are
excited about making new ones with whom they can share
life. Rachel comes from a Baptist church background while
David great up in the Catholic tradition. Emma Grace is a third
grader who enjoys reading. Welcome them to BMPC!
Elizabeth Mailander and her sons Abraham and Connor
come to this church family via Gladys Brooks. Gladys is
Elizabeth's mother. The Mailander family is currently living
with Gladys while they build their home in Asheville. They
come to us from the Washington DC area and are transferring
their membership from the historic Old Presbyterian Meeting
House. Elizabeth is an ordained Presbyterian elder who has
also served on the Board of Davidson College. They decided
last year to move down here to the Black Mountain/Asheville
area and are glad that they did. The boys have been involved
in Logos on Wednesday nights and have added a great deal by
their participation. Abraham is five years old and Connor is in
the third grade. We are so glad to have them as an active part
of this congregation.
Jaime and Emily Munn are folks with some BMPC history.
Jaime's daughters attended our Weekday School when
they were young and Pat Tuttle always made it a point to
invite them to church. He grew up going to Montreat each
summer which eventually led him to going to college here
in the valley and deciding to make his home here. Emily is
an ordained Presbyterian elder who grew up in a tight knit,
vibrant family community that taught her how to live out her
faith in action. Emily is a soon-to-be nursing student and
Jaime teaches at WD Williams. They both enjoy dancing. Ask
them about the Prancing Ponies! They both want to be a part
of a congregation that emphasizes service and justice for all
people. We hope we can be that kind of place with/for them.
Virginie Pomeroy with her daughters Maddie and Reid
will soon be joining BMPC. Virginie is a nurse who works
with the Mission Healthcare System. She and her husband
John sent their kids to our Weekday School, which was their
first introduction to this faith community. They have been in
Black Mountain for a while. She looks forward to discerning
where her spiritual gifts intersect with a need in this church's
life. She has a heart for service and looks forward to getting
more involved here at BMPC. Great note-- both Virginie and
her daughter Maddie were baptized in July of 2009 by our very
own Rev. Dan Davis (ordained Baptist minister) Virginie is glad
to be making BMPC their family’s church home. And we are
glad too!
Cheryl Wilson is another part of the Botsford/Williams
family! She is mother to Brittany, grandmother to Keaton, and
daughter of Pat! Cheryl has been a part of this congregation in
her past but has most recently been a part of Faith Community
Church here in town. Cheryl is passionate about the work of
ABCCM and is very grateful for her work there as the volunteer
and special events Director. When she is not cuddling with
her new grandson, she enjoys reading. She is also glad to be
joining with four generations of her family in worship. We are
glad to have her back as a part of this church family!
Juliana Steccone comes to us as an Affiliate Member. Juliana
is a first-year student at Montreat college. She is a very active
member of 1st Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, CA. She
plans on majoring in religion and is very interested in seminary.
Juliana is on the Montreat College Softball team and also helps
some with our middle school youth program. We are glad to be
a second church home for Juliana.
Pastor Shannon talks with
the Weekday Kids about
love as shown through foot
washing. Every two weeks
Shannon has this special
morning time with the
Weekday School. Pictured
here is Bryce Clark with
Pastor Shannon