Middle Years: John bought a shirt on sale for 25% off the original

Welcome to the Carranballac Corker. This is the weekly Family Learning Activity Page. Discuss the challenges and place your completed
sheet in the box near the office. The correct winning entries will be drawn at the whole assembly on Monday mornings.
Word of the Week: Write a definition for the following.
Thermometer: _____________________________________________________________________
Last Week’s word: Square Number – a number that results from multiplying an integer by itself.
Middle Years:
Early Years:
John bought a shirt on sale for 25% off the
original price and another 25 % off the
discounted price.
If the final price was $16, what was the price
before the first discount?
Family Fun Activity
Make a family cookbook. Have every family member choose several of their favourite recipes and type
them up. Make sure you include pictures for your recipes.
You could make copies to pass out as gifts at Christmas.
Due: Friday 2nd December