Adults and Families - McHenry County Conservation District

Adults and Families
Youth 13 & under must be accompanied by an adult.
Art and Music in Nature
Cultural History
Health and Wellness
Sunday, May 1, 3–5 p.m.
Coral Woods , Marengo
Saturday, March 26, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Glacial Park, Lost Valley Visitor Center,
Fee: R Free / NR $2
A Celebration of Nature in Poetry Ages 10+
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5155
Cooking with Maple,
Dutch Oven Style Ages 10+
Fee: R $5 / NR $7
Code: 5063
Celebrate the beauty of spring with seasonal
readings along the trail in a flower-filled
woodland. Phil Denofrio, Raue Center
for the Arts, Poet in Residence and his
guests honor the season and nature by
sharing their own works and those of their
favorite poets. Share your own natureinspired works and favorites as well.
Learn to cook Dutch oven recipes with
maple syrup, then put your knowledge
to the test by cooking over a fire. Enjoy
hands-on cooking taught by the one and
only Dutch Oven Diva, Lesley Tennessen.
Leave with knowledge as well as recipes!
Awesome Art for Families Ages 5+
Fireside Stories from
the Sugaring Camp
Saturday, May 7, 2–3:30 p.m.
Stickney Run, McHenry
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5139
Listen as we begin our artistic adventure
by reading "I Am an Artist" by Pat Lowery
Collins. Discover how the process of making
a piece of art is just as important as the
final product. Learn to think like an artist
and to use all of your senses to observe and
explore the natural world during the creative
process. All kinds of art supplies will be
available for your use. Dress to get messy!
Friday, March 4, 7–9 p.m.
Coral Woods, Marengo
Fee: R $5 / NR $7
Code: 5146
Celebrate the beginning of the Festival
of the Sugar Maples event! Gather
around a crackling fire as members of
the McHenry County Storytelling Guild
share folklore from Native Americans and
early pioneers about the origins and early
days of the sugar camps. Sweet treats
and warm refreshments included!
Vitamin “N” Hike Ages 5+
Saturday, May 21, 2–3:30 p.m.
Hickory Grove Highlands, Shelter #1, Cary
Code: 5138
Recent research has shown that we all thrive
when we have frequent doses of Vitamin
“N”. Vitamin “N” is that daily dose of green or
nature that gives us an extra boost, enhances
our sense of well being, and helps us focus.
Join us for an exploratory hike in search of
that Vitamin “N”. Absorb with all your senses
the wonderful green the world has to offer.
Be prepared to hike 1.5 miles over uneven
terrain. Dress for the weather and to get dirty.
Nature Exploration
Along the Bluebird Trail
Sunday, May 1, 10–11:30 a.m.
Prairieview Education Center, Crystal Lake
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5069
Spring is an exciting time when the area
comes alive with a variety of birds looking
for the perfect nesting place. After a brief
presentation about bluebirds and some of
the birds that compete for their nest boxes,
take a leisurely walk through the hilly prairie
trails in search of these beautiful birds. A
limited number of binoculars will be available.
Benefits of Barn Swallows Ages 6+
Sunday, April 24, 2:30–4 p.m.
Glacial Park, Powers Walker House, Ringwood
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5135
Barn swallows spend more time on the wing
than most other songbirds. Swallows are
endearing birds with graceful flight that
live in or near human habitation. Discover
the benefits that these migrants share
with us as we live side by side. Dance of the Woodcock for Families Ages 8+
Tuesday, April 12, 7:30–9 p.m.
The Hollows, Large Group Campground, Cary
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Drop-In Hikes
Woodland Wildflower Walk
Sunday, April 24, 6:30–8 p.m.
Coral Woods, Marengo
Fee: Free Code: 5102
April is a time when the forest floor springs to life with the colorful beauty
of its woodland wildflowers. A hike through the woods is a wonderful
way for the family to enjoy this natural floral show. Come dressed for a
1.5 mile hike and enjoy stories and folklore about the beautiful native
flowers. This is a free drop-in program. Registration is not required.
Code: 5136
The woodcock is normally a very shy and
elusive bird. In the spring however, the
male performs a courtship display that is
a joy to behold. The performance, which
we will most likely hear more than see,
includes acrobatic flight, beautiful song
and a floorshow. Dress for the weather and
don't be late, as he is very particular about
the time and place of his performance!
Meet at the first campground.
Pre-registration for programs is required, unless otherwise noted. Register online at
Youth 13 & under must be accompanied by an adult.
Adults and Families
The FOX Club (Families Outside eXploring)
Here is a free opportunity designed to help families spend quality time
outdoors while learning about nature. Become a member of the FOX
Club and receive an exploration backpack, Conservation District site and
trail maps, fun seasonal activity ideas, a log book to journal activities, a
bimonthly newsletter and an invitation to join in on six gatherings a year,
receive hundreds of outdoor exploration ideas, and a chance to meet
other outdoor-loving families.
Join online with Code 5123. For more information,
contact the FOX Club coordinator at (815) 479-5779 x 15.
Fabulous Frogs
Mother's Day Wildflowers
Stories for a Spring Evening
Friday, May 13, 7–9 p.m.
Glacial Park, Lost Valley Visitor Center,
Sunday, May 8, 9–10:30 a.m.
Coral Woods, Marengo
Friday, May 20, 7–9 p.m.
Prairieview Education Center, Crystal Lake
Before you head to brunch this year
give Mom a forest full of wildflowers
on Mother's Day! Facts and folklore are
shared as we hike through the woods
enjoying the beauty of our favorite spring
wildflowers. Note: Picking wildflowers is
not permitted in conservation areas.
Celebrate spring with McHenry County
Conservation District and the McHenry
County Storytelling Guild! Bring your
family and friends for an evening of tales
and legends in a scenic setting. The
show goes on rain or shine! We'll gather
under the oaks outdoors or inside the
beautiful vista room if weather is foul.
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5081
Learn about frogs and toads with a
colorful slide show, then take a hike to
hear Glacial Park's amphibian chorus
sing! Be prepared for a 1.5-mile hike.
Hike When the Moon is Full
Thursday, April 21, 7:30–9 p.m.
Marengo Ridge, Shelter #2, Marengo
Fee: R Free / NR $2
Code: 5105
The full moon has always been a source
of mystery, myth and folklore in various
cultures throughout the world. Learn
more about these and sort out fact
from fantasy as we enjoy a hike under
the full moon. Along the way listen to
stories and lore of the season, the night
and the moon. Leave your flashlights at
home and let the moon light the way.
Fee: R Free / NR $2
Code: 5132
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5103
Starlit Search for Squeaks
and Sneaks Ages 6+
Welcome Home Cranes! Ages 8+
Friday, May 6, 7:30–9 p.m.
Pleasant Valley, Shelter #2 Amphitheater,
Fee: R Free / NR $2
Fee: R Free / NR $2
Code: 5067
Enjoy an evening of exploration after
dark. Learn about the habits of local
nocturnal animals as we hike the trails
by starlight. Test your nocturnal senses
along the way. No flashlights, please.
Saturday, March 19, 2–3:30 p.m.
Lyons Prairie and Marsh, Cary
Code: 5134
Welcome the sandhill cranes as they arrive
this spring. Learn about their journey
north from warmer climes. Discover more
about their life habits and why they choose
McHenry County as a place to nest and
raise their young. Come prepared for the
weather and to listen for their bugling calls!
Outdoor Recreation
Springtime Cycle Ages 8+
Sunday, May 22, 2–4 p.m.
Prairie Trail, Hillside Parking Lot, Crystal Lake
Fee: R Free / NR $5
Code: 5148
Pack up your bike and helmet and join us for a bike ride scavenger
hunt along the Prairie Trail. Upon arrival families receive a
scavenger hunt worksheet and instructions for the ride. Fun
activities, nature exploration and scavenger hunt answers
are found along the trail. Once all stations are completed
each family is awarded a prize. The scavenger hunt takes
place on 3 miles of trail round-trip. Interested participants
can also take part in an extended bike ride as time permits.
Pre-registration for programs is required, unless otherwise noted. Register online at