aLt . tr d:W{. yrt { { ,le*`

ilore counting problems.
t. You arc part of a group ot 13 peoplewaitingto buy tickets for the next movie aboutthg x-Men.
Tho theatermanagordccldg! thatyou wlll all loamona llno with thc order pickedat hndom.
Of couFe, tbat moans that all possible waF th. line can be formed arc equally likely to be the
final ordo.. How manywaF can the lino be formed,and what is the plobabilitythat you will
find yourself at the f.ont of the lino?
l5 psopls atta L,lJs11N(f
?acl 6f,i lterexl
/ t.
,t a F,-a-rn
ttlay The It M( c aN b!- k;rYnp71
5 0) '1 =
nu rh tuh bet Nls,
6r rJrl
1gl = b. 2"1o203oo os L.Jx/o I
6, zz7,O2 o , kt,o ot< 6,g x tJ
3 a t1\'(
/V^ S U-
2. You are tlavelling by ainlane to anothel city. Before you boatded the ai.plano, you chackod
six (6) difrerent piecas ot luggage. Sadly, two ot tho $ix piecog of luggago will be lost by the
airline, The six piocesot luggageare (t) a hat box, (2) a hrgo suftcase,(3) a smallsuitcaae,
(4) ! dufi. b.g, (5) . box ot boota, and (6) a mtkcup ct3o. How m.ny ditf.tlnt !.t! of four
llggage pieces aro pooriblg tor you to have at the end of your t ip.
thc. set is*ht sa"a- ruj^,dbssA( ftt nelt u- ulri'h
jylllt ,l^;^. o',1".doc: no/ w71/a',a,./
W ile-r oN /,/'"ln;J,
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aLt . tr d:W{.
au pwa'dlz,
3. Fo. a now "code" used by a netwo.k of sploa, evcry word in the Engliah language will bo tumgd
into a unique set of six letteF. For exrmplo. the word "hof' might be coded a3 "xoopop'. As
you can see, each lettd can tt€ used more than once. How many diffe6nt woids could bq
cod.d in thir w'y, glvcn lh.t th.l! ar! 2Gl.ttc6 in thc Engliah .lph!b.t?
six letkr GU b" uu/
Si^ctoacLl"(k c", [u *4
ua+ (kaN 5v',ce1 lQ <o|u{;n ri
f,o lwYrh5
ttore countlngprobloma(conthucd).
4. A row of lacos includo€3 plain,4 with mild sauce,5 with hol s!l.rce,and 6 with 'nfile"sauce.
Fiveof tho 18taco€wlll bo pickodat rlndom, Whati8 the probabilitythat the five leLctod
t co6 will be "mild, mild, fiio, hot, flrc" in that order? (shori,how you got your answe(
sh { 1 8 l d r o s
5. A local Pet sto|t ha! 7 cat8 and 4 dogs rv.iting to be adoptod. Each animal ia distinct fom
all of the others. Tor!9r4r, 3 pcople will come to th. store tnd adopt ono of those pets.
How m.ny pogsiblq'waytcould thc 3 rdopllon3 ocqul? (Example:Dog3,Cat6,Cae)
fu'si'nol {rr,,-fk att'or'. a"/t- 4Ly; vuat'z
t\ ary'*,a,7rfir1^
ud^#"nin , so 4Ly nvt<ut4ris ,,?z .6q1 *o*
, . . - <-- --
- ->-
l, Dr\r- wault/.V l^z scL,*2 cL, b,orr,,
11 I
Wu.(/ V
T- ;;;-
= 3)O [y"1,lhis wvUTp o ot'/fen*l -.,
6.Aemalfruraftownhastrc ffipte.'rne safetyof thetown'Bw.tcr6upplyls suspectbecause
mgrcurywagus.d in gold mining t20 years.go. Blogdt6la will be donc oD30 p.oplo from
the town to seeif m.rcury ia pis€entat unaateleveb in thei. blood. Howmanydiffsro.nt
9roup6 of 3ll pooplo .r€ poarlble fo. the study detignar3 to chooqe?
q."p h,I\" s^Y r14o.,I&,,$kw llu fn,Plot'rpana,7a/,
ol,Vts ttt41 W\4V4,
d.t(fl r{.la
tbCsa ' i,2E. ti' g'uups
( 3o a.uTossiLQ.
7. In prablom #8, 8 of tho townb tl8 pgoplc have hlgh mercu.y lovela in their blood. whtt b
the pobabillty that nono of the6e 8 people end up in tho simple ol 30 lglgctod tor study?
tt6 -8 .= lot
4TX"gow se/".1.1{",^
It'irz tot Noone\4^fl,a sa^1b
huL hi1u, nucur1 i^flurvJbol'
urrysIl^Ln c)uco,*t&v^1u to&
tb Czo
all //b
wigt fru 30 &N t0vt4(
a. 0 8 3 5