Document Capture - Daily Usage for End Users

Document Capture for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Daily Usage for End Users - Version 4.07
Document Capture - Daily Usage for End Users - Version 4.07
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INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
SCAN, OCR PROCESS & IMPORT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
RECOGNIZE & REGISTER .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
RECOGNIZE DOCUMENT LINES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
STATUS E-MAIL TO APPROVER ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
DOCUMENT ARCHIVE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
DOCUMENT SEARCH ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
Document Capture - Daily Usage for End Users - Version 4.07
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Document Capture is an add-on for Microsoft Dynamics NAV that enables you to import, recognize, register, approve and archive documents.
By using an advance template and document analysis, you can extract and register information from imported files with Document Capture. For
example, with a purchase invoice document you can create a purchase invoice or update a purchase order in Dynamics NAV. Afterwards, you can
at any time access the document.
Document Capture also uses an extended version of the existing approval workflow in Dynamics NAV, enhanced with extra functions and options
that allows you to show and process approval entries, such as purchase invoices, without the need to have the physical document at hand.
This manual introduces the basic configurations for Document Capture to import, recognize, register and archive documents. The approval workflow
and other processes associated with the web approval portal for approval of approval entries are also included.
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To OCR process files, you import documents by scanning into the scan folder or placing a PDF into the PDF folder (via a connection endpoint or
manually). The Document Capture service uses the connection endpoint of a document category to connect, check and download attachments to
e-mails of an e-mail account. Before you can import files into Dynamics NAV, the Document Capture service will OCR process the files with the
ABBYY service.
You can sort documents you want to scan and import into Dynamics NAV into the following pile options:
Single page Documents (front)
Documents consisting of a single page where Document Capture scans only the front of a page.
Multi page Documents (front)
Documents consisting of several pages where Document Capture scans only the front of a pages.
Single page Documents (front and back)
Documents consisting of a single page where Document Capture scans both the front and the back of a page.
Multi page Documents (front and back)
Documents consisting of several pages where Document Capture scans both the front and the back of a page.
To import files into Dynamics NAV with Document Capture, use the function Import Files in the Scanning & OCR card located on:
Departments – Document Capture – Scanning & OCR.
Use the function Refresh to know when the Document Capture service has OCR processed a file and it is ready for import, which occurs in the
background and takes approximately five seconds per page. Note that you can only import files to document categories that allow scanning files.
In the field, Scanner, you can specify an identified scanner and a document pile option.
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You recognize and capture field values, and register documents on the document card and the document journal, where you also can view an
image of the document simultaneously. The purchase invoice image below is an example of what the PDF image looks like inside Dynamics NAV,
with a couple of orange and blue boxes around captions and values.
The document journal is located on:
Departments – Document Capture – Document Journal – Edit Journal.
The field captions is the text related to a field value and helps Document Capture to find the correct value of a template field. For example, the field
caption for the amount incl. VAT is equal to Total Amount and the field caption for the amount excl. VAT is equal to Sub Total. Document Capture
identifies and encapsulates field captions with an orange box.
The value of the template field is the actual value you want to transfer or use somehow when you register a document, which can be of different
type, such as a text part, a date or a number. For example, the value for the amount excl. VAT is equal to 4,500.00 and the value for the amount
incl. VAT is equal to 5,625.00. Document Capture identifies and encapsulates template field values with a blue box.
Every template field of a document has a caption and a value. The first time you import and recognize a document belonging to a source ID,
Document Capture searches for the captions from a range of the most frequently used terms for each template field. For example, to find the
amount excl. VAT, Document Capture searches for the captions Amount excl. VAT, Net Amount, VAT Basis, Sub Total etc., and if a caption is found
then Document Capture searches for the value either to the right or under the caption. When you import a document belonging to a source ID that
you have previously imported and recognized, Document Capture searches for the values by searching for the captions and their positions from
previously imported and recognized documents.
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You can manually correct captions and values identified and encapsulated by Document Capture by choosing the template field to correct and then
encapsulate the correct parts on the image, with the right button to mark captions (orange) or the left mouse button to mark values (blue).
You can register documents after the field values are recognized and considered as valid. The below text explains the process of registering purchase
invoices from the document journal in Document Capture, other type of documents may have a different process or conditions to be registered.
The document journal contains four sections used throughout the recognition and registration of the document:
The list of documents (blue). The document journal shows each document on a separate line and when you choose a document from
the list, Document Capture updates the list of template fields and the document image.
The list of header template fields for of the enabled document (green). When you choose a document from the document list, Document
Capture shows the template fields of the enabled document on the template field list.
Comments of the enabled document (yellow). You can update the document comments by recognizing and validating template field
An image of the enabled document (red). From the image, you can identify and encapsulate captions and values.
Document Capture has automatically identified the vendor of the first document in the image (D000001) as Lewis Home Furniture (vendor no. 40000)
from the VAT registration No. on the image. Document Capture has linked to a template to the document with help of the source ID recognized
(T000001). When you recognize a vendor for the first time as a source ID with the function Recognize Fields, Document Capture asks if you want to
create a source template for the vendor. Document Capture also updates the list of template fields on the document journal and recognizes the
values on the document. The status of the document is set to OK if all the captured values are valid. Before you can register a purchase document,
you need to assign a G/L account to post the amount by choosing the lookup of the template field G/L Account No. and then choosing a valid G/L
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You can choose to assign the G/L account as the default G/L account for the source template by choosing Yes on the confirmation message.
Document Capture assigns the G/L account to all documents using the same source template.
You can specify different G/L accounts used for different amounts retrieved from the document from by running the function Translations and then
choosing Show Accounts for Amounts. From there you can also specify different dimension values for each purchase invoice line.
When the status of the document is OK, you can register it by running the function Register, and then Document Capture searches the purchaser
to assign the purchase document. If Document Capture does not find the purchaser, you need to choose an option on how to retrieve it.
Select Purchaser from List
Document Capture shows a list of all the purchasers to choose. For subsequent purchase invoices of this
source ID, you need to choose a purchaser manually.
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Use Purchaser from Vendor (XX)
Document Capture retrieves the purchaser from the vendor. For subsequent purchase invoices of this source
ID, you need to choose a purchaser manually.
Always use Purchaser from
Vendor (XX)
Document Capture retrieves the purchaser from the vendor. For subsequent purchase invoices of this source
ID, Document Capture uses the same purchaser.
Setup default Purchaser Code
Document Capture shows a list of all the purchasers to choose. For subsequent purchase invoices of this
source ID, Document Capture uses the same purchaser.
When you complete the registration of a purchase invoice document, Document Capture shows the newly created purchase invoice in Dynamics
NAV. From the purchase invoice card of Document Capture, you can view the purchase invoice and an image of the document, and you can now
approve or post.
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You can capture, recognize and register document lines when processing a document. Document Capture converts the vendor item number of the
document line to a type you specify, such as a G/L account, item, fixed asset or an item charge.
Document Capture can only identify well-formatted document lines in the document image with values placed in separate columns. Each column
on the document lines have their own template fields in the same way as on the header. For example, you can configure them as required, or apply
rules for the field values to comply. When you recognize document lines, Document Capture applies several checks, configured on the template, to
validate the document lines. For example, a check whether the sum of all document lines tallies with the amount excl. VAT of the document.
You can recognize document lines from the document card located on:
Departments – Document Capture – Document Journal – Edit Journal – Card.
The document card contains five main sections:
General document information (blue)
The list of template header fields for of the document (green)
An image of the document (red)
The list of template line fields for of the document (black)
Comments of the document (yellow)
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Before you can recognize document lines, Document Capture needs to know the position of the columns. You can specify the captions of the
columns by choosing a template field and then encapsulating the caption on the document image with the right button and then running the
function Recognize Fields.
Document Capture identifies and creates all lines in the list of document lines, from where you can change field values before you register the
document. If there are discrepancies between quantity, unit cost, discount and amount in a document line, Document Capture does not change the
status to OK and you need to correct the error before you can register the document. You can register the document by running the function
Register on the document card or the document journal. Document Capture creates a line for each of the document lines.
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You can send reminder e-mails to approvers when you send a document for approval. If you assign five documents to the same approver, you can
configure Document Capture to either send a reminder e-mail for each approval entry to the e-mail of the approver or group the reminders into a
single e-mail. Document Capture sends reminder e-mails via an SMTP server and are therefore not visible from the Sent Items in the e-mail client.
You can send reminder e-mails to approvers by using the function Send Status E-mail to Approvers located on:
Departments – Document Capture – Send Status E-mail to Approvers.
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Document Capture archives all imported documents and you can find them in several ways, even after you register or post the documents. For
example, you can find documents of posted purchase invoices running the function Navigate.
You can access the document of a posted purchase invoice and its PDF file from the function Navigate located:
Departments – Document Capture – Posted Invoices – Home – Navigate.
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You can perform free search texts on all imported documents and it is not restricted to the information transferred when you register or post the
document. You can view the document with the function Show Document and the PDF file with Show PDF File. Document Capture searches through
all the text parts contained in documents when you perform a document search.
The document search is located on:
Departments – Document Capture – Document Search.
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