American Mineralogist, Volume 65, pages 936-939, 1980 PeretaiteoCaSboOu(OH)r(SO 4)2. 2}I2O, a new mineral from Pereta, Tuscany, Italy Snvro MENcHETTI NIcoLA Crpnntt. I stituto di Mineralogia dell' Universitd Via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy Pnoro Onr-eNot Istituto di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell'Universitd Via S. Maria 53, 56100 Pisa,Italy AND CESARE SABELLI CNR Centro di Studio per la Mineralogia e le Geochimica dei sedimenti I stituto di Mineralo gia dell' Univ ersitd Via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze,Italy Abstract Peretaite,a new calcium and antimony sulfate mineral, occursas aggregatesof colorless tabular crystalsin the antimony-bearingvein at Pereta,Tuscany,Italy. It is monoclinic, space gtoupC2/c,with a: 24.641, densityis D : 5.598,c: 10.180A, B:95.95". The calculated 4.06g cm-3. The cleavage{100} is perfect.Crystalsare alwaystwinned (100).Peretaiteis biaxial (+) with mean refractive index 1.841.The five strongestlines in the X-ray diffraction 3l l0.OO. pattern are(d rn A, t, tttc4:12.191002oo;6.1221 400;3.1024 512;3.0667 8Cf/;2.451 On the basisof the wet-chemicalanalysis,the IR spectroscopy,the TGA spectrum,and espe'2H2Q. cially the structuredetermination,the chemicalformula is CaSboO+(OH)r(SO4), Introduction In a paper dealing with a new find of klebelsbergite (Cipriani et al., 1980),some of us pointed out that a new mineral is present among the accessory minerals of the antimony-bearing vein at Pereta, Tuscany, ttaly. Further study fully confirmed the thesis. The new species,CaSboOo(OH)r(SOo)r.2HrO, is named peretaite for the locality. Both the mineral and the name have been approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, IMA. Type specimensare depositedin the mineralogical museumsof FlorenceUniversity (regionalcollection, #164/l) and PisaUniversity. Occurrence and paragenesis columnar stibnite. Crystals of peretaite associated with acicular crystalsof klebelsbergiteafe shown in Figure l Other associatedminerals are stibnite, qrrartz,calcite, pyrite, valentinite, kermesite,sulfur, and gypsum. Aggregatesof klebelsbergitecrystals and rarely of peretaite are often red from incrustations of valentinite. Unlike klebelsbergite, which was found rather abundantly in the fissuresof the stibnite veinlets, peretaite occurs closer to the boundary with limestones.The mineral, as well as klebelsbergite,has apparentlybeenformed by the action of sulfuric acid on stibnite; the sourceof the calcium in peretaiteis likely the limestoneof the countrv rock. Chemistry The environment where peretaite was found has qualitative Preliminary analysesof peretaite were been describedby Cipriani et al. (1980).Peretaiteoc- made with an oRTECX-ray microanalyzer and an curs, in small quantities, as aggregatesof tabular ARL sEMe electron microprobe. However, since the crystalsin the geodesof a deeply silicified limestone crystalsdecomposeunder the electronbeam, microfrom "Calcare Cavernoso,"and also in the cavitiesof probe resultswere considerednot reliable for a quanw3-wx/80/0910-0936$02.00 936 937 CIPRIANI ET AL.: PERETAITE Table 2. X-ray powder diffraction-data for peretaite; d values are inA r/1o dobs dcalc 100 12.19 12.254 21 16 Table I Chemical analysis of peretaite. All values are weight percent sb2o3 68. 31 69.09 6.58 6 .44 so3 18.78 17.62 Hzo 6.33 CaO 6.0 ' l0 0 . 0 0 (1) Tdo^l (2) From naro+:i ana l vfi 31 110 11 9 1 0 2.0682.066 2.010 1'l 4.851 4.758 111 2.059 2.059 5 4.08 4.085 600 2.058 5 3.68 3.688 510 2 3.55 3.556 11 3.51 3.516 1.878 1.878 3 3.38 3.381 5 3.35 3.354 -602 312 820 11 1 0 -8 0 4 6 0 4 -2 2 4 1.817 0 2 4 1.858 1.859 8 0 4 11 511 I 10 0 0 4.-16 -5 k 2.449 4.85 16 h 2.451 2.451 400 -1 dcalc 1.860 -10 0 4 10 2 0 5 1.844 1.844 A 1.110 1.710 -14 0 2 3.31 3.316 3 . 10 3.098 3 1.699 'l 4 1.684 1.684 -11 't .700 3 3 2 67 3.06 3.064 800 A 4 3.03 3.O29 602 2 1.668 1.668 4 2.967 2.968 710 1 1.609 1.609 -12 2 2 14 2.814 2.876 512 2 1.604 1.604 020 2 1 .582 12 2.799 2.799 '1 .582 -s 3 2 14 0 2 -5 1 6 3 1 6 13 2.727 2.129 220 2 1.556 1.556 5 2.696 2.698 o21 2 1.549 1.549 8 2 4 20 2.532 2.532 -204 6 1.532 1.532 16 0 0 1 1.511 1.5'tO -16 0 2 4 1.397 1.396 z-)31 004 17 1 0 to Ca, o,Sbo,rS'roO,uHr86on the basis of 16 oxygens, or ideally CaSbi*O.(OH),(SO,), ' 2H,O from the structural results and the infrared spectrum. Indeed, both the structural determination and the IR spectroscopy gave clear indications, the first without any doubt, on the presence ofsulfate groups as well as of H-bonded water molecules and hydroxyl groups. CrystallograPhy (1) Oxide 5 -451 200 deSs 4 24 titative determination, especially for sulfur. Therefore a wet-chemical analysis was perfoflned. About 20 mg of purified material was dissolved in I :5 HCI and diluted to 25 ml with distilled water. Calcium was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, using a Perkin Elmer 303 instrument. Antimony was determined by alternating current anodic stripping voltammetry, on hanging-drop mercury electrode in lM HCl. Total sulfur was potentiometrically titrated with Pb(ClOo), and an oRIoN 94-82lead ion electrode. The water content was inferred from a TGA spectrum. The result, given in Table l, corresponds 5.45 6.121 I,/Io s 't2 Fig. l. Crystals of peretaite associated with acicular crystals of klebelsbergite; the largest crystal is 1.5 mm long (photo P. B. Scortecci). 6.12 hkl 99.15 ta ca l results X-ray single-crystal study (Weissenberg camera and single-crystal diffractometer) indicated Laue symmetry 2/m. Systematic extinctions are consistent with the space groups A/c or Cc. The former, however, is the correct one from the structural study (Menchetti and Sabelli, 1980b). All the examined crystals appeared to be twinned with (100) as twin plane. The X-ray powder diffraction pattern (Table 2) was obtained by means of a Philips diffractometer, with CoKc radiation, NaF as internal standard, and 0.25o per min scanning speed. Indexing was per- 938 CIPRIANI ET AL.: PERETAITE Fig. 2. Typical habit of a peretaite crystal. formed on the basisof single-crystaldata and taking into accountthe intensitiesof the reflectionscollected for the structural study. In the powder pattern there is a systematicenhancementof the intensitiesof ft00 reflectionsbecauseof a preferential orientation due to the {100} cleavage.The unit-cell parameters,determined from powder data by means of leastsquarescalculations,are;a:24.641(2\, b : 5.598(2), c : 10.180(l)A, F : 95.95(l)'.', Peretaitecrystalsappearflattened(100) and sometimes elongated[001].Two typical habits of peretaite are shown in Figures 2 and 3. The observedforms are {100}, [310], fl10] , {r22}, {00U, {010}, QrO], {20U, {302}, and {601}. The largestcrystalshave dimensionsup to 5 x 2 x 0.5 mm. indentation hardness(VHN) with a l5-g load is between 170and 190kg mm-'. Crystals are optically biaxial positive (+) with a very large axial angle. The value of 2Ea measured with a universalstage,usinghemisphereswith refraction index of 1.649,is nearly 102". The optical plane is parallel to (010). By the prism method [(100) n (310)la first index of refractionof 1.841(l)was measured. The correspondingvibration direction makes an angleof about 28" with the 6 axis.A secondindex of 1.935(1)wasmeasuredfor a vibrationdirectionalmost parallel to c. The mean index of refraction calculated from the Gladstone-Dalerelationship,using the ideal chemical formula, the calculated density, and the constants given by Mandarino (1976), is 1.841. The TGA spectrum (taken under nitrogen atmosphere)showsa weight lossof about 67o,which is attributed to a dehydration reaction including both HrO and OH. The tracing is not very sharp;however, it seemspossibleto identify two successivestepsin the temperaturerange 2W-240"C. This temperature is about 60-70'C lower than that found for the corresponding effect in klebelsbergite.In the latter, however, only OH groups are present. Physicalproperties Crystalsof peretaiteare transparentand colorless, with vitreous luster and [l00] cleavage.A density >3.8 g cm-' was determined by the heavy-liquid method; crystalsseemto float in Clerici solution with a density of about 4.0 g cm-3.The calculateddensity (for the ideal formula) is 4.06 g cm-'. The microI Lattice parametersusedin the crystal structuredetermination are those measuredwith a single-crystaldiffractometer.They are a : 24.66s(4), 6 : 5.6006(9), c : 10.185(l)A,F : 9s.98(l)'. Fig. 3. Another frequentlyencounteredcrystalhabit. Sometimes the fqrm {001) is lacking. CIPRIANI ET AL.: PERETAITE WAVELENGTH (PM) N z o o 2 = o z E F 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 FREAUENCY (CM-1) Fig. 4. Infrared absorption spectrum ofperetait€. The infrared spectrumwas obtainedfrom a potas- inversion center in the structure of peretaite and to sium bromide disc containing peretaite. The pellet more strict selectionrules. was heatedat l20oC for two hours. The spectrum, taken from 4000 to 400 cm-', is shown in Figure 4. Acknowledgments The sharp absorptionat 3310cm-' due to the O-H We thank the sAMIN SpA Company (F. Principato) for samstretching mode supports the presenceof hydroxyl pling permission,G. Sbrana and V. Schettinofor obtaining and groups, with H-bonds strongerthan that of klebels- interpreting the infrared spectrum,and A. Bencini, P. Cellini Lebergite,which has the samepeak at 3435cm-'. The gittimo, and G. Piccardi for the chemicalanalysis. occurrenceofa very broad band, ranging from 3500 References to 2500 cm-' with a maximum at about 3000 cm-', and of a weak band at 1640cm-', indicatesthe pres- Cipriani, N., S. Menchetti and C. Sabelli (1980) Klebelsbergite and another antimony mineral from Pereta, Tuscany, Italy. ence of water of hydration with strong H-bonds. In NeuesJahrb. Mineral. Monatsh..223-229. klebelsbergitethe correspondingpeaksare absent:in Mandarino, J. A. (1976)The Gladstone-Dale relationship-Pan the structureof this mineral there are no water moleI. Derivation of new constanrs.Can. Mineral., 14, 498-502. cules (Menchetti and Sabelli, 1980a).Of the SOI- Menchetti, S. and C. Sabelli (1980a)The crystal structureof klestretchingvibrations, v., vr, and rr4were observed,at belsbcrgite,Sb4O4(OH)2SOa.Am. Mineral., 65,931-935. ( 1980b) pereraite, CaSb+Oa(OH)z and _ frequencies slightly different from klebelsbergite. (SOa)2.2H2O: its atomic arrangementand twinning. Am. MinThe presenceof z, (at 975 cm-') showsthat the suleral., 65,940-946. fate tetrahedronis distorted.In addition rrrappearsas a single peak and z, showsfewer structuresthan in Manuscript received, April 2, 1980; klebelsbergite:this may be due to the presenceof the acceptedfor publication, April 22, 1980.
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