November 2016 - St. Matthew`s Episcopal Church

St. Matthew’s
Rev. Orin Cummings
Sherry Minzey
Admin. Assistant
Ron Stockton
Music Director
Jim Minzey
Mark Muller
Senior Warden
Yael Abouhalkah
Junior Warden
David Macey
Linda Gerding
Dave Chullino
George Miller
Clerk of the Works
Service Times
4:00 p.m. Saturday
Service Rite II
11:00 a.m. Sunday
Rite II
Dear Saints,
I invite you to take a closer look at Jesus in the Gospels and you will
see how He reveals God’s plan for all people, especially the poor,
physically, emotionally, economically and spiritually marginalized, and
oppressed. His stated purpose was:
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).
Thus, each encounter with Him reveals a generous God whose aim is to
seek and save the lost.
Jesus’ first miracle saved a couple’s wedding from becoming a major
embarrassment when the wine ran out. In the nick of time He turned
water into wine and saved the day (John 2:1-11).
On another occasion, Jesus reached out to an immoral Samaritan
woman by Jacob’s well. She had no idea who He was, but by the end of
their casual meeting, she was convinced that He was the promised
Savior and asked Him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be
thirsty” (John 4:15).
She came empty and left fulfilled with the gift of living water. With a new
found freedom, she returned to her city to tell everyone what Jesus had
done for her. He did what no one else could do for her and He can do
the same for you.
The Gospels provide a unique perspective of God. In Jesus we meet a
God who loves sinners like Matthew, Zacchaeus, the woman caught in
adultery, lepers, foreigners, occupiers like the Roman centurion and a
host of others including those who denied Him. Jesus loves you just as
much and wants to turn your life around too.
Continue on page 2
9349 E. 65th Street, Raytown, Missouri 64133
Phone: 816.353.4592
Email: [email protected]
From the Rector continued.
You will be surprised by what Jesus Christ can do for you when you take seriously God’s Law
which convicts and the Gospel that sets free. Of all the things in the world, nothing has more
power to save you from whatever you are troubled by like God’s Word – incarnate, written, and
Some people have great difficulty believing that God would become human, appear in print and
show up in human speech. But that is precisely where God choses to meet us because we
cannot behold the transcendent God who said to Moses, “You cannot see my face; for no one
shall see me and live” (Exodus 33:20).
Thus, we pray: Dear God, grant me faith to see you, love you, serve and honor you always.
In Christ’s service,
Fr. Orin
Daughters of the King
Fall Retreat for the Daughters of the King was on Saturday, October 8, 2016. This was held at The Church
of the Good Sheppard in N. K. C. The Service of Installation for Father Galen Snodgrass, as Chaplain of the
Western Missouri Diocese, the Province VII Charter was performed. There was a presentation and
discussion on the Episcopal Missionary/Relief efforts in Haiti. And a presentation and discussion on
Episcopal Services in the K. C. Community. The K. C. Community Kitchen, at 8th and Paseo, serves meals
daily with 2 shifts daily Monday thru Friday. The kitchen serves approximately 750 meals a day, requiring
30-40 volunteers. The focus is on homeless and low-income families. Food, clothing and job training are
provided. Job training is mentored by a social services person through a step program with graduation.
Volunteers are always needed. information is available at Episcopal or K. C. Community
Kitchen. Linda Batson and Kay Gutierrez were both in attendance.
Interesting Fact: In a 2011 Harvard Study, meditation practiced for 27 minutes daily for 8 weeks affects
the area of the brain associated with self-awareness and compassion literally causes it to grow. The area
of the brain associated with stress will shrink.
Pray for our country and the up-coming election.
Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United
States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the
rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. AMEN Taken from: The Book of Common Prayer, p. 822.
Linda Batson, President
"The Light of Christ" DOK Chapter
Sunday Oct. 9, 2016 ~ 2:00 p.m.
On Oct. 9, 2016 at Central United Methodist Church, the following parishioners made up the ST.
MATTHEW’S CROP WALK TEAM: Darrel and Beth Cook, Linda Gerding, Yael
Abouhalkah, Beci Bosley and Atsuki, their foreign exchange student from Yokahama,
Japan. We were blessed again with a beautiful Fall afternoon, and lots of participants from
various churches gathered to walk for those who are hungry. The St. Matthew’s Team has been
faithful to represent our Parish in its efforts to donate to help in the fight against world hunger.
St. Matthew’s Team raised $280.00 this year. A BIG THANKS goes to the very appreciated
generosity of the following:
Yael Abouhalkah & Beci Bosley
Jason & Christina Brooks
Darrel & Beth Cook
Linda Gerding
George & Jeannie Miller
Jane Petrie
Dave & Francis Macey
Mary & Charles Cease
Joy Devin
Rick & Judy Roberts
Patti McGill
Janie Matson
“THANK YOU St. Matthew’s Parish”. By supporting the Crop Walk, the opportunity
to help “eradicate extreme poverty and hunger” worldwide, has been met.
As always, we pray for those less fortunate, hungry, and in need: “Oh God, to those who have
hunger, give bread. And to those who have bread, give hunger for justice.” (Latin
American prayer)
Linda Gerding
Crop Walk Chair-2016
Service & Outreach Commission
L-R: Linda Gerding, Beth Cook, Darrel Cook, Atsuki, Beci Bosley, Yael Abouhalkah
Please especially remember for the Thanksgiving month of November, those in our community
who are not as fortunate as most of us at St. Matthews. Won't you please pick up an extra item
or two when you shop for your Thanksgiving dinner: Cranberry sauce, turkey gravy, stuffing,
green beans, instant mashed potatoes, canned sweet potatoes, and canned fruit are just a few
Frozen turkeys may also be purchased and taken to REAP to be kept in their big commercial
freezer and distributed before Thanksgiving. Cash donations also allow REAP to purchase
turkeys. "Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together" –Goethe
Thank you,
Linda Gerding
St. Matthew’s Service & Outreach Commission
Wednesday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m.
Blue Ridge Trinity Lutheran Church
The REAP Christmas Store will soon be here. For those of you not familiar with the
Christmas Store, REAP gives its clients the opportunity to "shop" for Christmas gifts for
family members at no charge to them. This allows the clients to enjoy a Merry
Christmas in difficult times.
The REAP Christmas Box will be in the Narthex for collections
during the month of November. Items will need to be delivered
by Dec. 5, 2016. It has been suggested that the "wish" list be sent
out early so supporters will have more time to get their donations
together. Attached is said list.
Action Toys
Infant Toys
Stuffed Animals
Dolls & Clothes
Building Toys
Small Radios
Cars & Trucks
Caps, Gloves & Mittens
Costume Jewelry
Billfolds & Purses
Toiletries & Cosmetics
Men’s Belt & Gloves
Writing Tablets & Pens
Houseshoes & Slippersocks
Watches & Calculator
Can Opener
Towels, All Sizes
Sheet & Blankets
Decorative Items
Crockpots & Coffeemakers
(No Clothing Please!!!)
Cash or checks payable to REAP may also be donated by using the available envelopes in
the narthex and placed in the offering plate.
Linda Gerding
Service & Outreach Chair
Wah-oo the Monster Mash Party was a Smash!
Just look at these great photos from our Halloween Bingo Party on October 22. It was fun
spending the evening with our friends from Blue Ridge Trinity.
Contestants from BRT and St. Matthew’s participated in a Best Costume Contest with Sherry
Minzey winning the Lighted Jack-o-lantern as the prize.
Congratulations to all the bingo game prizewinners from both churches and especially Virginia
Sembower who won the Blackout Game for the $100 cash prize.
Our group thanks our guests for attending this get together and making it a smash. We depend on
those who did the planning and advertising for the party. Our gratitude to our sound tech, greeter
and MC. As always, we count on our great cooks for the yummy snacks, drinks and kitchen help.
We acknowledge the special men (George Miller, Dave Chullino & Darrel Cook) who joined us
to help with the decorating and clean up. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes and let us
barrow Halloween decorations.
Ladies, please remember November 12 at 11:30 a.m. is our holiday luncheon at Los Cabos in
Independence. For your reservation, contact me at 816-808-2912.
Nancy Anderson
E.C.W. President
Monster Mash Bingo Party!
Fr. Orin blessing the animals.
November 20, 2016
The annual Stewardship Campaign gets underway this Sunday with all
active households receiving their packet. Please read carefully the
contents and pray about your decision to pledge for 2017. We ask that
all pledges be brought in on Commitment Sunday, November 20. If you
will not be present then, you may mail or bring your pledges to the
office at any time prior to Commitment Sunday.
Please pray and wisely make your decisions on Time, Talent and
To everyone who participated in the
lovely celebration for Fr. Orin’s
installation on September 27, thank you.
After the service, we all gathered
downstairs in Parish Hall for cake, punch
and coffee.
Thanks to all who set up, served and
helped clean up.
All was appreciated.
Pat Whitmore
Blue Ridge Trinity Lutheran Church
Messenger/Calendar Deadline
November 21
Please support the Metro Lutheran Ministry
Christmas Store that serves the Greater
Kansas City area. Over 1,000 families are
reached through this ministry. It will be held at
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Westport the
week of December 3 from 9:00 a.m. each day
of that week. Sales from Candy are used to
purchase gifts for the store.
FYI: Articles must be turned in
no later than the 21st due to
Order forms are available on the Narthex table.
Orders must be in by November 20.
Thank you for your support!