Yearly Curriculum Overview - Stivichall Primary School

Thematic Curriculum
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Wriggle and Crawl
Towers, Turrets and Tunnels
Poetry based on Bonfire Night
Creating their own Traction Man story
Instruction Writing
Newspaper articles
Interview writing
Drama activities
Traction Man by Mini Grey
The Lonely Beast by Chris Judge
A study of Roald Dahl
Zog by Julia Donaldson
Range of non-fiction texts based on castles
Adventure story
Newspaper articles
Information booklets
Non-chronological reports about animals
Writing in role as a character
Persuasive writing
Poems to Perform by Julia Donaldson
Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke
Books about famous explorers e.g. Captain
Grace Darling story
A Boy and A Bear in a Boat by Dave Shelton
Zeraffa Giraffa by Dianne Hofmeyr
One Day on Our Blue Planet in the Savannah
by Ella Bailey
Lifecycle texts
Number – value of digits, counting, 10 more/ 10
less, read and write two-digit numbers.
Addition and subtraction – add and subtract a
one-digit number to or from any two-digit
number, addition and subtraction facts to 20
Multiplication – count in steps of 2, 5 and 10,
represent multiplication sentences with arrays
Fractions – find halves and quarters of shapes,
knowing 3 thirds makes a whole
Measures – Recognise metres and centimetres as
units of measurement for length and heights.
Compare measurements.
Geometry – identify and name a range of 2D
shapes and their properties.
Statistics – Venn diagrams
Number – multiples of 10, rounding numbers to
the nearest 10, estimation.
Addition and subtraction – finding the
difference between 2 numbers, mentally adding 3
one-digit numbers.
Multiplication and division – relate division to
multiplication, link doubling to the 2 times table,
solve division problems practically by sharing.
Fractions – fraction notation, find halves,
quarters and thirds of amounts.
Measures – litres and millilitres, drawing and
measuring to the nearest cm, solve problems
using measures, telling the time to the nearest 5
Geometry – describe position using mathematical
Statistics – Tally charts and block diagrams.
Number – Counting on and back from any number
crossing the 100s boundary. Number sequences.
Addition and subtraction – Use inverse
operations to check answers. Add and subtract
2-digit numbers mentally.
Multiplication and division – Know the
multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times
tables and the corresponding division facts.
Fractions – Find halves, thirds and quarters of
groups of objects. Solve problems involving
simple fractions.
Measures – Temperature. Time intervals.
Comparing totals of combinations of coins.
Geometry – Repeating patterns.
Statistics – Pictograms
Royal banquet or create own fortress
Boat race
Wriggle and crawl themed day
Year 2
Key Books
Key Stage 1
Land Ahoy
Thematic Curriculum
Make a Catapult
As Scientists we will identify and compare
the suitability of a variety of everyday
materials to make a knight’s suit of armour
or a castle. Our investigations will help us to
understand materials and their properties,
finding out about how solid objects from
some materials can be changed by squashing,
bending, twisting or stretching.
As Historians we will learn about life in a
castle and compare this to modern day life.
The history of local castles, such as
Kenilworth, will be studied. Whilst learning
about structures, we will study celebrated
engineers such as Sir Frank Whittle and
As Geographers we will carry out a local
field study of structures in the area and
create maps of these. Research will be done
into the locations of key castles from
around the world.
As Design Technologists we will investigate
how suitable a castle structure is to defend
the castle from attack, and design our own
structures to hold small objects.
As Artists we will explore shape and
composition whilst making sculptures using
natural materials. Creations from artists
such as Barbara Hepworth and Andy
Goldsworthy will be used as inspiration.
In Computing we will design our own e-books
Win a Pirate Quiz/ Build a Ship/ Make a
As Scientists we will find out about and
describe the basic needs of animals,
including humans, for survival (water, food
and air). When learning about healthy living
and survival, we will learn about how the
importance of exercise, eating the right
amounts of different types of food, and
hygiene. Exploring boats will help us to
develop our knowledge of materials and
their suitability for different purposes.
As Historians we will learn about the lives of
significant individuals who have contributed
to national and international achievements
such as Grace Darling.
As Geographers we will use simple compass
directions and locational and directional
language to describe the location of
features and routes on a map.
As Design Technologists we will explore and
use mechanisms (e.g. levers, sliders, wheels
and axels) to make a boat with a moving
As Artists we will explore colour, shape,
line, form and space to create our own
pirate flags.
In Computing we will learning about and
creating algorithms.
As Musicians we will learn sea shanties and
traditional songs sung by sailors.
Make a Kite/ Grow Vegetables
As Scientists we will learn about life cycles
and explore and compare differences
between things that are living, dead and
things that have never been alive. Habitats
of plants and animals in our local area will be
observed. A variety of plants will be named
and studied whilst finding out about the
characteristics they need to grow. We will
compare living things in our environment
with things living in the African Savannah.
As Historians we will investigate changes of
our local environment within living memory
and how it has developed.
As Geographers we will investigate the
climate and physical and human features of
our local environment and compare them to
the African Savannah. Using maps and
atlases, we will naming the different
continents, oceans and capital cities.
As Design Technologists we will make food
from different countries, with couscous as a
basis and understand where food comes
As Artists we will study colours and
patterns of traditional fabrics from Africa,
making our own fabrics using batik.
In Computing we will create and debug
simple programs.
As Musicians we will play tuned and untuned
Thematic Curriculum
on computer software.
As Musicians we will be learning the Hairy
Scary Castle song and looking at percussion
instruments, including how we can make
music with our bodies.
Community Link: Possible castle visit. Study
of a local engineer. Local environment field
Community Link: RNLI talk. Possible visit to
Draycote Water or someone from sailing
club to visit school.
instruments listening to recordings of
African music as inspiration.
Community Link: Community members help us
celebrate the food, traditions, clothing etc.
of different cultures. Habitats in the local
area – Memorial Park.