saints alive - All Saints Catholic Church

JULY 2015
Monthly chapel in the
Catholic Schools Week
Rosary Garden Blessing
Petting zoo
SAINTS ALIVE is published each month. The deadline for the Aug 2015 issue is Aug 17. The layout and format will be
adapted to the material submitted for publication. Please submit articles as attachments to [email protected]
or Word documents on disc or flash drive, if at all possible. For more details, information or to reserve a space in an
upcoming issue call Mary at 770/393-3255 ext 17.
Parish School of cReligion Notes
By Dozie Bowen
Congratulations to the 54 children who made their First
Communion this year. Thank you to their teachers and
parents who helped prepare them for this special day.
Thank you, also, to all of the volunteers who helped to
make the First Communion extra special. What would we
do without you?!!!
Thank you to Anne Marie Pepitone and her fine First
Communion Reception Committee who donated flowers,
decorated, baked cookies and poured punch. A wonderful
time was had by all of the families who attended.
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard, the
Children’s Choir, the ushers, lector and altar servers who
donated their time that morning.
A very special thank you to Bloom’s of Dunwoody for our
beautiful church flowers and for their generous donation of
the Blessed Mother’s lovely crown.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our 2015 OneWeek Summer PSR and our Vacation Bible School a huge
success!!! God bless you all!!!
Alexandra Rose Abbate
Oliver Abbott
Maria Jesus Arancibia
Aidan Charles Bankston
Anthony Bauer Beccaria
Maxwell William Bertolino
William Middleton Blake
Titus Adonis Blalock
Amy Elizabeth Burns
Emma Cagwin
Joshua Everett Cagwin
Mariana Cardenas-Suarez
Julia Carroll
Mia Alexa Chambers
Julia Carolina Del Bosque
Camila Alexandra Del Bosque
Angelica Harriet Dew
Mary McKenzie Dooley
Thank you to all of the Parish School of Religion families
who participated in Operation Rice Bowl. We collected
$909.39. A special thanks to the Powers Family who once
again baked and hosted a bake sale with their proceeds
going to the Rice Bowl collection.
First Communion Pictures and Name Banners may be
picked up in the School of Religion hallway.
Parish School of Religion is underway. Information is
available on our website, under Education/
Parish School of Religion. Please fill out one application for
each child you are registering and return to our office with
your check. Packets will not be mailed out. Volunteers are
needed for all Sessions!!!
Session Times Are As Follows:
Pre-3-Grade 5
Monday, 4:45-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 5:00-6:15 p.m.
Special Ed will be available upon request.
Back to School Blessing is Scheduled FOR Sunday, August
9 at the 8:45 and 10:30 Masses. Please bring your book
bags to be blessed and please support the Women’s Guild’s
Back-to-School Giving Tree project.
Joshua Michael Durthaler
Addison Grace Eckard
Thomas J Farrell
Agustin Fontannaz
Ellie Rose Franciscus
Hunter Scott Furr
Quinten Wages Germann
Austin Arthur Gomes
Hayden Keith Griffin
Courtney Leigh Heerboth
Caroline Teresa Hur
Linnea Katherine Ann Imhoff
Christopher Jack Janowski
Xander Kelly
Carlota Alessandra Kile
Caleb James Kufeldt
Ryan Edward Kufeldt
Henry Gerard Lehmann
Scarlett Alana McCarthy
Natalie Elizabeth McTighe
Reid Nathanael Metzger
Isabella Vittoria Mucci
Sophia Marie Nettuno
Blanca Opazo
Zachary Hayden Paulling
Payton Hannah Poltrack
Xavier Thomas Powers
Emma Ricci
Richard Raymond Rung
Valerie Sophia Sacerdoti
Andrew Alan Schemmel
Jerome Finian Sutin
Thomas Quang Tran
Reagan Lee Van Gundy
Shelby Anne Verlander
Katherine Amelia West
Our Easter Vigil New Catholics
Robert “Anthony” Ballagh, Jr.
Doug “Andrew” Barnes
Michelle “Teresa” Burke
James “Albert” Fuhs
Anthony “Michael” Gallego
James Danny “Francis” George
Donald “Damien” Hanson
Robert “Dymphna” Holloway
Sadler “Marguerite” Kirk
Scott “Mary Joseph” Panyi
Mary “Adele” Patrick
Bonnie “Catherine Victoria” Stewart
Hideo “Theodore Joseph “Tada
Saint Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary honors volunteers
All Saints Catholic Church member named Volunteer of the Year
surgery, as well as the care and concern Auxiliary
volunteers consistently display toward every patient that
enters the doors of the hospital.
Through the years, the 400-plus-member organization
has served patients and families by supporting the hospital
with donations of more than $6 million dollars. These
monetary gifts have been used to purchase hospital
equipment, furnishings for various areas, Courtesy Carts to
transport visitors on campus, the Mobile Mammography Unit
and many other items.
Auxiliary treasurer and All Saints Catholic Church
member Jean Samuelson was awarded the Volunteer of the
Year for her 16 years of dedicated service to Emory Saint
Joseph’s Hospital. Samuelson, a past president of the
Auxiliary, has volunteered in several areas of the hospital,
completed a historical review of Emory Saint Joseph’s
archives and also launched the Auxiliary alumni group.
Saint Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary hosted its annual
The Volunteer of the Year was selected based upon the
Awards Luncheon at the Dunwoody Country Club, honoring following criteria: support of the hospital and patients
volunteers for surpassing a record-breaking million-plus
consistent with the philosophy of the Sisters of Mercy;
hours of service since its founding in 1951. During the
bringing comfort and hope to those in distress; commitment
event, Auxiliary volunteers were also recognized for their
to serve the suffering; wisdom and humility in directing
years of service, individual service hours and the Volunteer efforts to do for others; and demonstrating love, kindness
of the Year award.
and faith to the community.
"Our volunteers play a major part in the grace and
Last year, Auxiliary members completed more than
healing of each patient at Emory Saint Joseph's," said guest 59,000 hours of service.
speaker Philip Coletti, the chairman of Emory Saint Joseph's
Individual service hours ranged from 500 hours to the
Hospital Board of Directors. During his inspirational talk,
top category of 22,000 hours, which were completed by
Coletti recalled the extraordinary care that his wife received volunteer Jo Appleby. During the recognition ceremony,
at the hospital 20 years ago during quadruple bypass
volunteers also celebrated 10, 15 and 20 years of service.
To All Saints Parish
Robert & Laura Abney
John & Barbara Barnett
Christopher Benne
Matthew Beucker
Andrea Carpenter
Timothy & Kathleen Carr
Maria Luisa Diego
Osazee & Ejiro Egbon
Michael & Ann Feeney
Anthony & Kathryn Gallego
Daniel & Andrea Hudacko
Jeff & Anne Marie Johnson
Thomas & Eileen MacCallum
Rachael Mwangi
Christian Kashala & Diane Nyemba
Nguessan Koffi
Irene Lartey
Tanya Rose Manibusan
Crystal Smith
James Tiffany
Brian & Irene Wilson
Liz Wnuk
Recent Baptisms at All Saints
Javier Sebastian Diego
Madison Reese Edge
Hayes Jeffrey Edlund
Molly Deanna Foster
Lily Witt Groslimond
Porter Montgomery Groslimond
Parker Anne Gibson
David Paul Hartman III
Lyla Marie Hladik
Davis Griffin Lammers
Mark Philip Lauman
Maria Eve Levergood
Francis Loraine Lovett
Decker Patrick Nosal
Reagan Elizabeth Reilly
Andersen Kate Stinger
Lawson Charles Viau
St. Vincent de Paul
"Thank You" to the 76 Parish Families who signed up to support All Saints SVdP each time they
shop at a Kroger's store. Every time they bought needed food and items for their family, Kroger's
Community Rewards Program donated a percentage of their total purchase to All Saints SVdP so we
can help feed local families in need. We have just received our 3rd Quarter check from Kroger for
$149.50. This brings our grand total so far to $485.32 !!! How do you sign up?? Go to and register your Kroger Plus card. Follow the steps under
the Community tab. When you are asked to type in the first three letters of your charity, type ALL and
you will find us (# 63578). It’s that easy! God bless you for your continued support.