Glossary of terms and spellings for parents updated

Court Lane Infant School
Key Terms used in Key Stage 1
Key words used with pupils – (Year 1)
letter, capital letter
word, singular, plural
punctuation, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark
Key words used –(Year 2)
noun, noun phrase
statement, question, exclamation, command
suffix, prefix
adjective, adverb, verb
tense (past, present)
apostrophe, comma
Pupils are expected to use…
capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate
Commas to separate items in a list
Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular
possession in nouns [for example, the girl’s name]
Glossary of terms
Noun –A noun is a word that names people, places and objects. Proper nouns such as names
of people and places require a capital letter at the beginning of them .
Noun Phrase –A noun phrase is a small group of words that describes the noun, for example;
blue, beautiful butterfly.
Statement –A statement is a sentence that tells the reader something.
Question –A sentence that asks something, indicated by use of a question mark.
Command – A sentence that tells someone to do something.
Exclamation –A sentence that expresses strong feelings or a surprise.
Prefix –When letters are added to the beginning of a word in order to turn it into another
word, for example disappear, anticlockwise.
Suffix –A word ending, for example ‘ed’, ‘ing’, ‘s’, ‘es’.
Contraction –A word or phrase that has been shortened bu dropping one or more letters, for
example can not becomes can’t when it is contracted.
Adjective –A word that is used to describe a noun, for example yellow, fluffy etc.
Adverb –A word that is used to describe how an action is completed, for example -He ran
Verb –A word that is used to describe an action.
Conjunction –A word that links two words or phrases together. There are two main types of
conjunction, these are…
Co-ordinating –These link words or phrases as an equal pair e.g. James bought a bat
and ball.
Subordinating –When a subordinating conjunction is used it tells the reader more
about something and suggests an unequal relationship to a word or phrase. For
example –We can watch TV when we have finished.
Spellings for Year 1 and 2
Exception Words –Year 1
the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are, were, was, is, his, has, I, you, your, they, be, he, me,
she, we, no, go, so, by, my, here, there, where, love, come, some, one, once, ask, friend,
school, put, push, pull, full, house, our.
Exception Words –Year 2
door, floor, poor, because, find, kind, mind, behind, child, children*, wild, climb, most, only,
both, old, cold, gold, hold, told, every, everybody, even, great, break, steak, pretty, beautiful,
after, fast, last, past, father, class, grass, pass, plant, path, bath, hour, move, prove,
improve, sure, sugar, eye, could, should, would, who, whole, any, many, clothes, busy, people,
water, again, half, money, Mr, Mrs, parents, Christmas