Sure Signs of Crazy Multiple Choice 1. Sarah says “If my dad and I

Sure Signs of Crazy Multiple Choice
1. Sarah says “If my dad and I were the kind of family who stood out on our front lawns making friends
with the paperboy or waving across the street as we a watered our plants, we’d know plenty of
interesting people.” What keeps Sarah and her dad from meeting people?
a. They move fairly often.
b. Sarah’s father is an English professor.
c. Sarah has an unusual fascination with learning new words.
d. All of the above.
2. Why does Sarah keep two diaries?
a. She has a nosey friend who goes through her things.
b. She is afraid that what she writes in her “real” diary will hurt her father’s feelings.
c. She uses one diary to write letters to a boy she likes.
d. She writes one journal to give to her mother.
3. Why doesn’t Sarah want to spend the summer at her grandparents?
a. She feels like she is old enough to stay by herself.
b. There is nothing to do at her grandparents.
c. Her grandparents don’t understand her interests.
d. All of the above.
4. What does Sarah have in common with Finn?
a. They both deliver pizza.
b. They both talk to plants.
c. Neither one of them have had a “first” kiss.
d. They share a fascination with words.
5. Who does Sarah feel closest to at the beginning of the book?
a. Her grandmother
b. Her aunt
c. Her plant
d. Her friend, Lisa.
6. What does Sarah dread most about 7th grade?
a. She will have to live with her grandmother.
b. She has to complete a genealogy project.
c. She is the only girl without pierced ears.
d. She needs new clothes and shoes.
7. Why does Sarah start writing to Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird?
a. Her English teacher, Mr. Wistler, assigned a summer project to write to a character from a novel.
b. She admires the way Atticus handles tough situations.
c. She wants to win a green Ipod.
d. All of the above.
8. How does Sarah’s father disappoint her?
a. He won’t talk to her about her mother.
b. He drinks too much.
c. He won’t let her get her ears pierced.
d. All of the above.
9. How does Sarah figure out something is not right at Mrs. Dupree’s house?
a. Mr. Dupree slams the door on his way to work.
b. Mr. Dupree’s car hasn’t moved in several days.
c. Mrs. Dupree can’t stop eating apples.
d. Mr. Dupree gives her a pen he has made from pink wood.
10. What two demands does Sarah make of her father?
a. He must stop drinking and take her to see her mother.
b. He must stop drinking and move to a new town.
c. He must let her get her ears pierced and take her to see her mother.
d. He must start dating and talk to her about her mother.
Sure Signs of Crazy – Key
1. a
6. b
2. b
7. d
3. d
8. d
4. d
9. d
5. c
10. a