QUALITY INFORMATION DOCUMENT For the Global Ocean Wind Products WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Issue: 1.3 Contributors: Abderrahim Bentamy Approval Date by Quality Assurance Review Group : under review Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 CHANGE RECORD Issue Date § Description of Change Author Abderrahim Bentamy 1.0 2013-07-16 All Creation of the document, Wind QUID split up from the SIW QUID. 1.1 1/9/2015 Change format to fit CMEMS B. Hackett graphical rules. Introduce all Validated By Abderrahim Bentamy L. Crosnier references to CMEMS. 1.2 05/10/2015 all Update of the validation results 1.3 26/01/2016 all Update of the determination Abderrahim Bentamy and validation of L4 V5 wind products © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Abderrahim Bentamy Abderrahim Bentamy B. Hackett Page 2/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Table of contents Executive summary ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Products covered by this document ................................................................................................................ 4 Summary of the results .................................................................................................................................... 4 Production Subsystem description ......................................................................................................................... 6 L4 Global blended ocean wind ........................................................................................................................ 6 ValidatIon framework ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Procedure .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Result summary ................................................................................................................................................ 9 © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 3/ 13 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Products covered by this document This document describes the quality of the newest version of the global ocean near-real-time 6hourly L4 wind product (WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_004). It is a new dataset that contains 6-hourly blended wind fields estimated from scatterometer wind vector observations, SSMIS wind speeds, and NWP wind forecasts. The wind variables include 6-hourly averaged wind speed, zonal and meridional wind components and wind stress amplitude. The input (scatterometer and retrievals) L2 scatterometer observations are made available by the operational Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) of EUMETSAT, SSMIS are from Remote Sensing System (RSS), and NWP data are from European Centre of Medium Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The product is produced by IFREMER and distributed by the CMEMS Ocean and Sea Ice Thematic Assembly Centre (OSI TAC). The resulting wind fields are identified as the L4 dataset CERSAT-GLOBLENDED_WIND_L4-V5-OBS_FULL_TIME_SERIE, and hereafter in this document as V5. The previous version of the product is a blended scatterometer-based analysis; it is identified as dataset CERSATGLO-BLENDED_WIND_L4-V3-OBS_FULL_TIME_SERIE and hereafter in this document as V3; it’s quality is documented in issue 1.1 of this document. Product Product description WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT _OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Global ocean blended wind L4 Production unit, PU Dissemination unit DU SIW-IFREMERBREST-FR SST-CNR-ROME-IT Table 1 : Product summary Summary of the results The investigations of the quality of the objective method, used to estimate the gridded wind fields, the resulting blended wind estimates, and of the operational procedure are checked as follows: Characterization of the error relied on the objective method used to estimate global gridded wind fields from swath observations. It is performed using synthetic data derived from numerical model (ERA Interim) interpolated onto satellite swaths. No systematic departure is found between ERA Interim analysis and 6-hourly averaged winds derived from the synthetic data based on the use of the objective method. The correlations between the two sources exceed 0.97. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 4/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Determination of L4 V5 wind product accuracy through comprehensive comparisons with 6hourly winds from available moored buoy data. The latter are derived from various buoy networks: NDBC/NOAA (Atlantic, Pacific oceans), UK Met Office and Météo-France (Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea), TAO (Tropical Pacific), PIRATA (Tropical Atlantic), and RAMA (Indian Ocean). Comparisons are performed for November 2015. The biases for wind speed as well as for wind direction are quite low. The associated standard deviations do not exceed 1.70m/s and 30°, respectively. The scatter and vector correlation coefficients for wind speed and direction are higher than 0.80 and 1.80, respectively. Assessment of L4 V5 wind product quality based on comparisons with spatially and temporally collocated ASCAT retrievals. The former are performed over global ocean to characterize L4 and ASCAT wind speed and direction agreements. The comparisons indicate that blended wind speed and wind components are in good agreement with the remotely sensed ones. The main aim of such comparisons is to highlight how the blended analysis retrieves the remotely sensed wind observations derived mainly from ASCAT. Collocated data are used for comparisons purposes. The overall statistics characterizing ASCAT and blended collocated data comparisons indicate that the biases are close to zero and the standard deviation (std) values are less than 1 m/s. The correlation coefficients exceed 0.95. It is noticeable that zonal and meridional components have similar behaviours. Furthermore, ASCAT and blended exhibit better agreements than those drawn from ASCAT and ECMWF forecast comparisons. Quality control of each netcdf file geophysical content is performed based on the calculation of the statistical parameters characterizing the difference between L4 wind speed and direction data and the related ECMWF forecast. Only files such as differences between L4 and ECMWF data indicate significant discrepancies are checked. The statistical parameter time variabilities are quite steady. For instance, wind speed bias, standard deviation, and correlation are of 0.20m/s, 1.10m/s, and 0.97, respectively, along the study period. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 5/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 PRODUCTION SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION L4 V5 Global blended ocean wind The regular (in space and time) wind fields are estimated from near real time scatterometer and radiometer data in combination with ECMWF analysis. The remotely sensed winds are derived from available ASCAT scatterometers onboard Metop-A and Metop-B satellites. The radiometer winds are from the special sensor microwave imager sensor (SSMIS) onboard defense meteorological polar satellites (DMSP) F16 and F17. The scatterometer as well as radiometer are provided in near real time by SAF OSI (KNMI) and RSS, respectively. They are extracted based on ftp procedures. The scatterometer data are provided as L2b products including backscatter coefficients measurements and the associated radar parameters as well as wind retrievals. SSMIS winds are provided as L2b products. Both L2b products are quality controlled prior any analysis. Based on the objective method used to estimate daily ASCAT and QuikSCAT gridded wind fields (ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cersat/products/gridded/MWF/L3/ ), L4 winds are calculated from l2b products in combination with ECMWF forecasts. The analysis is performed for each synoptic time (00h:00; 06h:00; 12h:00; 18h:00 UTC) and with a spatial resolution of 0.25° in longitude and latitude over global ocean. The method details may be found in (Bentamy and Croizé-Fillon, 2011).1 Figure 1 shows zooms of L4 V5 wind products estimated over the Arabian Sea and occurring during November, 1st 2015. 1 Bentamy A., D. Croizé. Fillon, 2011: Gridded Surface Wind Fields from Metop/ASCAT Measurements. Inter. Journal of Remote Sensing, 33, pp 1729-1754. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 6/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Figure1 : Examples of L4 wind products estimated from ASCAT-A, ASCAT-B, SSMIS F16, SSMIS F17 L2b retrievals for four epochs of November , 1st 2015: 00H:00 UTC (top/left), 06h:00 UTC (top/right), 12h:00 UTC (bottom/left), and 18h:00 UTC (bottom/right). Color indicates wind speed amplitude in m/s. Panels show tropical cyclone “Chapala” occuring in the Arabian sea. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 7/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 VALIDATION FRAMEWORK Validation is a continuous on going activity to characterize accuracy and quality of the delivered sea ice and wind products. It is mainly be based on operational data, but can be supported by campaign data Each PU is responsible for validation of their products. The OSI TAC Validation activities are for the most based on what is already implemented at the partners’ institutes and has shown to be useful. Description of validation data and procedures and link to validation results for each product are given in the next sections. Procedure The subsystem performance and associated product quality are scientifically assessed in the following way: Determination of L4 V5 wind products accuracy through comprehensive comparisons with 6hourly winds from available and valid moored buoy data. The latter are derived from various buoy networks: NDBC/NOAA (Atlantic, Pacific oceans), UK Met Office and Météo-France (Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea), TAO (Tropical Pacific), PIRATA (Tropical Atlantic), and RAMA (Indian Ocean). More than 170 buoy raw data are routinely collected, investigated, and collocated in space and time with monthly satellite estimates. The main statistical parameters, including the first four conventional moments and the linear regression parameters, will be estimated and provided. The differences between buoy and V5 wind products are investigated according to geographical locations (e.g. off-shore, coastal, highlatitudes, mid-latitudes and tropical areas). For further assessment of V5 product accuracy, statistics related to buoy and V3 comparisons are provided too. Scatterplots and the related statistical parameters (bias, rms, correlation, linear regression coefficients) illustrating the comparison between L4 V5 global ocean wind and available and validated buoy wind speeds and directions. At global scale the quality of each L4 V5 blended wind product is monthly assessed based on comparisons with spatially and temporally collocated ASCAT (when available) retrievals. The former are performed over global ocean to characterize V3 and scatterometer wind speed and direction agreements. Determination of global maps of differences between 6-hourly satellite wind product and the associated ECMWF analysis. Maps illustrate the bias, rms difference and correlation coefficient spatial patterns for wind speed, zonal, and meridional components. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 8/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Time series of differences between 6-hourly satellite wind product and the associated ECMWF analysis. They deal with bias, rms difference and correlation coefficient for wind speed, zonal, and meridional components. Summary of the results characterising L4 V5 wind product (wind speed, zonal and meridional components) and ECMWF analysis. Quality control of each netcdf file geophysical content is performed based on the calculation of the statistical parameters characterizing the difference between L4 V3 wind speed and direction data and the related ECMWF analysis. Only files such as the difference frequency exceeding three times of standard deviations is higher than 10% will be checked. According to the finding, the blended wind field could be reprocessed. Result summary L4 V5 and NDBC buoy wind Comparisons The quality of the resulting wind fields is investigated trough comprehensive comparisons with 6-hourly averaged wind estimated derived from buoy measurements. Comparisons are performed for coastal buoy (located less than 50km from coastline) and for offshore buoys. Figure 2 illustrates the results obtained from collocated, in space and time, offshore buoy and L4 V5 wind data occurring during November 2015. Table1 and Figure 2 indicate that for offshore comparisons, no systematic departures are depicted and for most wind variable bins, the collocated data are close to the perfect line. The associated errors are lower than 1m/s and 20° for wind speed and direction, respectively. The significant bias is found for buoy wind speeds less than 4m/s. Indeed, L4 V5 wind speeds tend to be slightly overestimated compared to in-situ data due to differences in spatial representation and binning. Table 1 summarizes the related statistical parameters: mean (Bias) and standard deviation (Std) of buoy minus blended data, scalar and vector correlation coefficients (Cor) for wind speed and direction, respectively. One should notice that for wind direction vector correlation is provided in Table 1. The overall statistics indicate that the 6-hourly satellite wind fields compare well to averaged buoy data. The rms differences do not exceed the scatterometer specifications, for wind speed and direction, respectively. For in-situ and scatterometer winds higher than 3 m/s no significant bias trend is found. The wind direction bias is relatively small. The results obtained from comparisons performed based on the use of collocated coastal buoys are lower than those found for offshore buoys. Therefore, L4 V5 winds should be used with caution in near shore areas. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 9/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Table1: Statistical parameters characterizing differences between 6-hourly averaged NDBC buoy and blended wind speed and direction estimates for November 2015. Std and Cor stand for standard deviation and correlation, respectively. Statistics are provided for L4 V3 and V5 products. Wind Speed Wind Direction Length Bias (m/s) Std (m/s) Cor (scalar) Bias (deg) Std (deg) Cor (Vector) L4 V5 5573 -0.06 1.26 0.94 -2 15 1.88 L4 V3 5125 -0.03 1.16 0.95 -1 16 1.87 L4 V5 1500 0.23 1.30 0.93 -2 16 1.86 L4 V3 1065 0.22 1.38 0.91 -3 17 1.86 OffShore(>=50km) Coastal(<50km) Figure 2 : Comparison of 6-hourly wind speeds (left column) and wind direction (right column) from L4 V3 winds versus offshore NDBC buoy winds. panels on top show comparison results for the buoy wind speed binned in 1m/s and 20° bins. The dashed blue line indicates the results obtained for the 1m/s binned blended wind speeds. One standard deviation values estimated for each bin are also shown. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 10/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 L4 V5 and ASCAT L2b wind Comparisons Surface winds retrieved from scatterometer measurements represent the state of art in global wind vector estimations. Therefore, ASCAT retrievals are used to assess and evaluate the blended wind vector estimates at global scales. The main aim of such comparisons is to highlight how the blended analysis retrieves the remotely sensed wind observations derived mainly from ASCAT. Collocated data are used for comparisons purposes. The bias and rms differences between collocated ASCAT wind observations and the blended wind analyses of wind speed, zonal and meridional components, estimated during November 2015, are shown in Figure 3. The overall statistics characterizing ASCAT and blended collocated data comparisons indicate that the biases are close to zero and the standard deviation (std) values are less than 1 m/s. The correlation coefficients exceed 0.95. It is noticeable that zonal and meridional components have similar behaviours. More specifically, the std differences of the three variables (wind speed, zonal, and meridional components) exhibit low values (lower than 1m/s) over the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian trade wind regions, where the wind is quite steady. The highest std values are found are at high latitude and especially north and south 40° where surface wind is more variable. At these mid and high latitudes the std values are about 1-2m/s for wind speed, while for zonal and meridional components they are about 1.5–3m/s. Through the three std patterns, we can notice a band of high rms values located north of the equator in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and in the Gulf of Guinea. This may be related to a misplacement of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in the blended wind fields. However, the sampling length of collocated data from ASCAT and blended winds is minimum over this band. Indeed, between the equator and 10°N, the sampling length is about 30 whereas is more than 70 elsewhere. Some high std value regions are depicted too and especially for both wind components. For instance, over the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Gulf Stream current) the std values may exceed 2m/s for both wind components. This is mainly related to storm tracks characterising surface wind condition during north hemisphere winter. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 11/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Figure 3 : Mean (left) and standard deviation (right) wind differences between collocated ASCAT retrievals and L4 V5 estimates during November 2015. The left panels indicate the wind speed (a), zonal wind component (b), and meridional wind component (c) biases. The corresponding L4 V3 andare ECMWF (Longrespectively term quality std distributions shownwind in d),Comparisons e), and f) panels, . control) The quality control of geophysical content of each L4 V5 wind file is performed based on the calculation of the statistical parameters characterizing the difference between V3 wind speed, zonal, and meridional wind component 6-hourly data and the related ECMWF analysis. Figure 4 shows time series of difference (blended – ECMWF) biases (top) and the related standard deviations (middle), and of correlation coefficients (bottom). Times series are shown for wind speeds (red colour), zonal component (blue colour), and for meridional component (black colour) for November 2015. The statistical parameter time variabilities are quite steady. For instance, wind speed bias, standard deviation, and correlation are of 0.40m/s, 1.40m/s, and 0.93, respectively, along the study period. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 12/ 13 QUID for Global Ocean Wind Product WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT-OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Ref: CMEMS-OSI-QUID-012-004 Date : 26 January 2016 Issue : 1.3 Figure 4 : Time series (1st - 30th November 2015) of statistical parameters characterizing Blended and ECMWF wind comparisons over global ocean. Top through bottom panels show time series of biases (Blended –ECMWF in m/s), standard deviations (m/s), and correlation coefficients, respectively. © EU Copernicus Marine Service – Public Page 13/ 13
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