the 2013 Deerwood Foundation newsletter

Stewart Ackerly
Bob Calhoun
Tod Campbell
Henry Damon, executive director
Damien Davis
Cosby Hall
Phil Harrison
Henry Kegan
Bill Lee
Jim Noyes
Denny O’Brien
Tom Riehl
Dave Schowalter
Graham Shafer
Jim Vose
Len Thomsen, ex officio
The Deerwood Foundation Newsletter vol. 20, fall 2013
Auction - 2013
This year’s auction, held as usual during parents’ weekend, once again reflected the generous spirit
of the Deerwood community, with its contributors, bidders and volunteer help. An impressive $14,641
was raised from the twenty-six items donated by camp and 22 campers, parents, alumni and camp
Many thanks to the following for their contributions to the auction:
Barbara Adams
Carter Gray
Cynthia Johnson
Stephen Newman
Suzie Swindell
Bob Calhoun
Drew Gray
Dave Little
Caren Parker
Dan Thomsen
Henry Damon
Reid Gilligan
Liz Mathews
George Pisano
Louis Dougherty
Molly Hathaway
Jeannie Maddux
Will Pisano
Kay Fisher
Brooks Johnson
Peter Mumford
Biff Sutcliffe
We appreciate gifts of any size, shape, or value. No matter what you give -- auction items, boats,
stock, money -- it all helps the Deerwood Foundation support campers.
Consider giving on line. You will find the link at our website:
Our Twentieth Year
The Foundation provided support to 26 campers this summer, one of whom was full time. That number
put us just over our target of an average of 13 campers each session. We have maintained our
connections with the local schools as well as with the Boys and Girls Club of Worcester, the
Immokalee Foundation, and the Denver Public Schools. We also renewed our relationship with the
Deep Creek Middle School in the Bahamas. HOWEVER we still ran a deficit, though substantially
less than last year’s. The Board continued to affirm its support for maintaining our level of
camperships at not less than ten percent of the camper population, or 26 single session equivalents.
number of awards yearly
total value of awards
average award
95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13
95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13
95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13
George & Deborah Adams
James C. Alban III 10
Anonymous (2)
Baltimore Comm. Fnd.
Bob Calhoun 18
The Campbell Foundation
Tod Campbell 5
Chip Crothers 20
The Davidson Foundation 5
Fidelity Charitable Fund
Douglas Gernert
William & Phyllis Gill 5
Robert & Diana Harding 10
Edgar Harris 15
Philip & Catherine Harrison 5
Katherine & Rick Lesch
Bill & Linda Lee 10
Josh & Kara Levinson
Helen Mathieson
Bill & Janet Maynard
The Neel Foundation
Jim Noyes 15
Denny O’Brien 20
Michael Perlis
Pitcairn Trust
Michael/Virginia Ranger 5
Rich Family Foundation 10
Jim & Patty Rouse 5
John & Amy Scott 15
Eric Shaw
The Shearwater Foundation 5
Cosby Hall
Hugh Sloan 15
Andy Smith 10
Thomas Stepp
The Sutcliffe Family
Peter & Laurie Thomsen
Rodney & Nicole Twells 5
The Vose Foundation 10
Colston Young 5
the numbers represent years of BBC contributions, in 5 year increments
Ferris Thomsen, aka the Big
Buck, coaching at Princeton
As the Foundation finishes its twentieth year, I am amazed at how far it has come since Len, Chip Crothers,
Denny O’Brien and Tom Swindell first talked about the idea some time after Buck’s memorial service in June
of 1994. Thanks to the support of the Thomsen family and the generosity of hundreds of alumni, parents, camp
staff and friends of Deerwood , the Foundation has a solid financial base and the goal of giving out 26+ grants
annually. As the Foundation moves into its third decade, we are facing some challenges that will require your
support. The Foundation Board has established a goal of providing assistance to between ten and fifteen
percent of the campers each session, not because camp needs applicants, but because the Foundation was set up
to allow a wide range of boys to experience Deerwood, not just those whose families could afford it. This
means awarding at least 13 grants each session just to reach our minimum goal. Two years ago we ran a deficit
for the first time, as we did again this year, though it was much smaller. We have taken steps to generate more
income from our endowment and are expanding our fund-raising efforts.
Here are a few quotes from campers and parents which reflect some of the impact camp has had:
“This summer at Deerwood has been a great experience for me, with learning better sportsmanship to learning
new skills and being a better swimmer. Deerwood has been great to me.”
“I am so happy that I went to Deerwood. I have to say my best memory was probably running the loop run. I
was so excited to go on the Lafayette day trip, and one of my best memories at camp was getting through that
last little bit then running to the top and enjoying the view.”
“You just don’t get this kind of experience anywhere else in the world.”
“On this trip (to camp), I expected to learn how to be independent and I sure got that. All the decisions I made
there in NH were all on me not depending on anyone. Deep in my heart I sincerely thank you for this one in a
lifetime experience.”
“I want to thank you for the amazing opportunity you gave me to go to Deerwood for a session. I possibly had
one of the best times of my life! I had so much fun at camp; I made new friends, tried new things. At camp I
also overcame my fear of drowning.”
“Words cannot express how much it meant to us that our son was able to attend Camp Deerwood this summer.
It really was the experience of a lifetime for him; he absolutely flourished there.”
“The Camp Deerwood experience by our students has been phenomenal. The camp experience results in our
students becoming much more outgoing and they exhibit much higher self esteem and confidence. The kids
benefit tremendously from meeting other kids from all over the country.”
“I want to take a moment to thank you again for the wonderful opportunity that you provided to my son. He
had an incredible time and learned a great deal. Not only skills like metalworking, camp craft, climbing and
sailing, but life skills. These are tougher to come by, but stay with you. Deerwood is a remarkable place.”
In memoriam
With the passing of “Chip” Crothers this spring, The Deerwood Foundation
lost one of its founders, and one of its most ardent and loyal supporters. Chip
first came to Deerwood at the age of 7 and he was then the youngest camper
to attend. Chip spent a total of 13 summers at Deerwood as a camper, a workboy and a counselor. He served on the Foundation Board for nineteen years,
was President of the Board and a perennial member of the BIG BUCK CLUB.
We will miss his experience and his wisdom.
Continuing the profiles of members of our board, begun two years ago:
Cosby Hall - Cosby came to Deerwood in 1986 and has been there all but two summers ever since. After five
summers as a camper and one as a CIT, he took a year off, returning as a waterfront counselor, then a camp-craft
and trip counselor, before coming to the middle office. Cosby admits to having lost track of how many years he has
been at camp, but confesses to still loving it. Cosby joined the Board in 2008. When not at Deerwood, Cosby is a
sixth grade social studies teacher at Norfolk Academy in Virginia, where he also coaches soccer and basketball.
Dave Schowalter - Dave was at Deerwood from 1979 through 1984. He admits that his first Presidentials trip in
1979 got him hooked. After summers as a CIT and JC, Dave finished his Deerwood experience as a trip counselor.
Dave continues to hike in the White Mountains both summer and winter. Dave joined the Board in 2008 and is in
his second year as Board President. Dave is the Director of Business Development for Alden, a fluid flow
consulting company working in the energy, environmental, and process industries.
Graham Shafer - Graham was at camp for nine straight summers, starting in 1986. After three years as a camper,
one as a CIT and one as a JC, he became a sailing counselor. Graham left the waterfront in 1991 for a summer as a
work-boy. Legend has it he gave a new meaning to that term, and he returned to sailing for his last summer.
Graham joined the Board in 2008, and has been instrumental in setting up the Foundation’s web page, as well as
establishing our on-line payment option. Graham is a partner at OnMessage Inc. and OnMessage Sports, a political and
sports opinion research and advertising agency based in Alexandria, VA and Annapolis, MD.
Phil Harrison - Phil was a camper from 1977 through 1981, having learned of Deerwood from his uncle, Sandy
Wieland. Phil’s son Charlie was a camper for seven years and Phil has two brothers and four cousins who were at
Deerwood. Phil joined the Board seven years ago in 2006. Phil’s professional background is in banking, finance,
and real estate development. Most of his present time is spent serving on a number of non profit boards.
Stewart Ackerly - Stewart came to camp in 1995 and spent three years as a camper. After a CIT summer in 1999,
he returned for five summers as a swimming counselor. Stewart also helped out in the middle office during those
summers. He is now an associate at Williams & Connolly, a law firm in Washington, DC. Stewart joined the Board
this year.
Damien Davis - Damien was a camper from 1992-1995 and was Captain of the Blue team in 1995. At camp he
enjoyed fishing, sailing, canoeing, swimming, the wrestle raft, overnight camping trips, hiking, meals, friendships,
mountain biking, archery, and shooting. Damien works as a portfolio manager and director at an investment
management firm in Baltimore. Damien joined the Board this year.
Henry Kegan - Henry was a camper for seven years, starting in 1996. He worked in the kitchen in 2003 and was a
kayaking counselor in 2005. Henry is a consulting associate with Cambridge Associates, a Boston-based
investment consultancy. His work focuses on asset management and governance advisory for institutional clients,
including several foundations and endowments. Henry joined the Board this year.
George & Debra Adams
James C.Alban III
The Albert -Link Family
Bruce & Ann Allison
Eric & Gretchen Andersen
Howard & Leslie Appleby
Iwani Awlari
Clifford Ayers
Bruce & Dorothy Barclay
Andrew Bartlett
Susan Batchelder
Gail Beckham
Palmer & Anne Bell
Whitford Bond
Roger & Eliz. Borghesani
Walter Brewster
Deems & Jill Buell
Peter & Patricia Bullis
Jim & Rita Burgener
Bob Calhoun
Peter Callahan
Tyler Campbell
James & Linda Campbell
Tod & Susan Campbell
Ryan & Amy Carey
Peter Carey
Margaret & Robert Carignan
Anne Carroll
Brownie Carson
Wally Carson
Karyn & Bill Carter
Randy Castleman
Patricia Clifford
Susan & William Copeland
Bill Corley
Corp. Property Assoc.
Nathaniel Cram
Bill Crawford
Chip Crothers
Gus Crothers
Sean Crothers
Charlie & Eileen Cumiskey
David D’Angelo
Renny Daly
Kathryn Damon
James & Laura Davidian
Ned Dell
David Dike
James Doolittle
Scott Doty
The Dougherty Family
Anne Duvall
C. Franklin Eck, Jr.
The Englehart Family
Chester English
Georgene & Rick Fabian
Ann & Paul Feakins
Don Flanders
Don Foote
John Foster
Nicholas Fronsaglia
Stephanie Frost
Sean & Amy Furlong
George & Becky Gaffney
Peter & Joan Gambee
Michael & Cynthia Gengras
Douglas Gernert
Bill & Phyllis Gill
Hal Goetz
Charles Goetz
Brian Gonick
Chris & Martha Grant
Nick & Jean Grant
William Graves
Catherine Greenwald
David & Patricia Gregg
Alexander Griffin
Ralph deGroff
Sheila Halligan
Robert & Diana Harding
George & Jane Hardy
William & Margaret Hardy
Christopher Harris
Edgar Harris
Neal & Carroll Harris
John & Susie Harrison
Randy & Donna Haselton
Porter Hayes
John Henry
Christopher & Susan Herrick
Philip & Catherine Harrison
Carl Hilgenberg
Roslyn Hooley
Robert Hopkins, Jr.
Shelton & Eliz. Horsley
Thomas Horst
Rich & Jane Howe
Janet Hunter
Gil Hutzler
Ray Ix Jr.
R.R. Jackson Jr.
Leland & Marion James
Marnie & Jay Jarrett
Brooks & Emily Johnson
Edward & Mary Jones
Steve Kamp
William & Lea Kelsey
Sandy Kelsey
Daniel & Susan Kemp
Matt Kimerer
Bryan Koerber
David & Karin Kuhns
Ken & Kristin Krongard
Thomas & Leeann Leahy
Bill & Linda Lee
Katherine & Rick Lesch
Harry Lengsfield
Josh & Kara Levinson
William Lewis
Mark Lindblom
Keith Lister
Scott & Jessica Lister
Paul Lowney
Eric & Carol Lusty
The Thomas Maddux Family
Andy & Ann Mathieson
Helen Mathieson
Barbara McCleary
Jay & Anne Merwin
Carey Morrissey
Phil Mount & Nancy Wilking
William & Emilie Mules
Tam & Lauren Murray
Karen Nash-Goetz
Amy Nonnenmacher
Jim Noyes
Denny O’Brien
David & Margaret Owens
John & Barbara Palmer
Andrew Parker
Randy Parker
Craig Payne
Michael Perlis
Theresa Peters
Lawrence Phillips
Al & Ellen Pierce
Katherine Pisano
Richard & Nancy Pisano
Shawn Pistor
Carl & Tracy Pohlhaus
Daniel Ragsdale
Hampton & Evelyn Randolph
Michael/Virginia Ranger
John & Kathryn Rector
Alan Reeder
Miriam Reeder
George Reyolds
Tom & Melissa Riehl
Ronald & Barbara Rintala
Tim & Jennifer Robson
John & Anne Rollins
Thomas Rollins
Skip Roesser
Jim & Patty Rouse
John & Michelle Rutledge
Louis Sarkes
Carol Schmidt
Eric Schmidt
Dave & Beckley Schowalter
John & Amy Scott
Steven & Linda Scott
William & Lori Seuch
Jeff & Lesley Seymour
Graham Shafer
Eric Shaw
David & Deborah Shertzer
Christopher Shinkman
John & Kate Sieber
Singing Eagle Lodge
John & Nancy Sivright
David Slaughter
Hugh Sloan
Victoria & John Smart
Andy Smith
Bob & Sue Smith
Bryan Smith
Deidre M Smith
Lorne Smith
Henry Smyth
Henry & Susan Sokol
Willis Spear
Thomas Stepp
Susan Stevens
The Stifler Family
David & Catherine Stockwell
Pamela Stone
Andrew Strehle
Peter & Lindsey Strong
Elizabeth Sullivan
The Sutcliffe Family
Biff & Jannine Sutcliffe
Ted Sullivan & Faith Taylor
Tom & Pattsy Swindell
Dave & Ellen Taylor
Richard Taylor
Dan Thomsen
Lorne & Alex Thomsen
George & Mary Ellen Thomsen
Peter & Laurie Thomsen
Roszel & Dorothy Thomsen
Tim Thomsen
Steve & Barbara Townes
Jeffrey Townes
Ray & Caroline Tripp
Monica Tucker
Charles & Deborah Turner
Frank Turner
Rodney & Nicole Twells
Judy & Stephen Urbanczyk
Rob & Betsy Veidenheimer
Tim & Ellen Voelkel
Chris von Rumohr
Charles & Jane Walcott
Craig & Virginia Walton
Tom Waterhouse
Peter Waxter
BoBo & Colleen White
Edward Wight
Bruce & Tracy Wilhelm
Joseph & Joanne Wingard
Van Wolf, Jr.
Colston Young
Bill & Francie Zimmerman
Stephen & Wendy Zinn
Alban Family Fund
Auchincloss Family Fund
The Campbell Foundation
The Davidson Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Trust (2)
France-Merrick Foundation
The Ginko Foundation
The Neel Foundation
Owens Charitable Foundation
Pitcairn Trust
The Rich Family Foundation
Jim & Patty Rouse Found.
The Shearwater Foundation
The Vose Foundation
Matching Gifts:
The Keith Campbell Found.
for the Environment
NPO Gateway
T. Rowe Price
In Memory of:
Tony Frost
David Mercer
David Perry
John Pistor, Sr.
Ferris Thomsen Sr.
Tommy Thomsen
Zack Tripp
Reunions and Slideshows
Monday, Nov. 4th - 7:00 PM
Amy and Andreas Nonnenmacher
41 Blueberry Hill Road
Redding, CT 06896
[email protected]
Sunday, Nov. 10th - 4:30 PM
Susan and Ben Brake
301 Elm Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
[email protected]
Monday, Nov. 11th - 7:00 PM
Brantley and Michael King
7321 Brightside Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21212
[email protected]
Tuesday, Nov. 12th - 7:00 PM
Sheila and Marc Boyle
88 Chestnut Street
Concord, MA 01742
[email protected]
Monday, Nov. 18th - 4:30 PM
Dan Ragsdale
The Browning School, 52 E. 62nd St.
New York, NY 10065
[email protected]
Wednesday Nov. 13th - 4:30 PM
Tracy and Bruce Wilhelm
2689 Claythorne Road
Shaker Heights, OH 44122
[email protected]
Tuesday, Nov. 19th - 7:00 PM
Christina and David Lavallee
17 Devon Road
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
[email protected]
Thursday, Nov. 14th - 7:00 PM
Page and John Englehart
90 Myrtle Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
[email protected]
Wednesday, Nov. 20th - 7:00 PM
Lindsey and Peter Strong
2 Danes Way
Wenham, MA 01984
[email protected]
Wednesday, Nov. 20th-7:00 PM
Bob and Elizabeth Biddle
287 West Laurel Ave.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(773) 852-1883
[email protected]
Thursday, Nov. 21st - 7:00 PM
Leann and Tom Leahy
76 Main Street
Yarmouth, ME 04096
[email protected]
We hope you will be able to join us at one
of these gatherings. Feel free to bring a
friend and please notify the host by e-mail
or phone to get directions and to inform
them as to how many will be coming with
you. We look forward to seeing you!
Please consider a gift to the Foundation. It will help a boy attend Camp Deerwood this summer.
cut here and return to: The Deerwood Foundation, 16 Dee Rd., Lexington, MA 02420
Name_________________________________________________ LEVEL of YOUR GIFT (check one):
_____ $50 (Ritz)
Address_______________________________________________ _____ $100 (Waldorf)
_____ $250 (Ty)
_____________________________________________________ _____ $500 (Alumni)
_____ $1,000 (Big Buck Club)
Email_________________________________________________ _____ $5,000 (Squam Lake Club)
Years at Deerwood______________________________________ _____ other ________________
______ I would like to include
Feel free to include some alumni news for the winter Antler.
The Deerwood Foundation as a
The Deerwood Foundation is a 501-(c)3 non-profitNo goods or services provided.
beneficiary of my estate.