High lipids

Hyperlipidemia means high
lipids or high fats in the
blood. The liver makes these
fats on its own. These fats
also come from the foods we
eat. Lipids travel in the blood
and form plaque. The plaque
sticks to the inner walls of
the arteries. This causes the
arteries to clog. Heart disease
results from this plaque
build-up. To help lower the
risk of heart disease, people
with diabetes need to control
blood sugar levels and lower
blood fat levels.
OBJECTIVE: Explain the standard lipid
profile and ways to improve lipid levels.
How often should you be tested and what are your
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests adults have a
lipid profile at least once a year. If the results show levels in the low
risk group, the lipid profile can be done every two years.1
The lipid profile consists of: total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (LDL),
triglycerides and HDL cholesterol (HDL). The ADA has not set a
goal for total cholesterol. For people with diabetes, the LDL (also
known as “bad” cholesterol), should be below 100 mg/dL. A high
LDL level may increase the risk for heart disease. Triglycerides should
be below 150 mg/dL. Triglycerides are the main form in which
fat travels in the blood. The goal for HDL (also known as “good”
cholesterol), should be greater than 50 mg/dL in women and greater
than 40 mg/dL in men. HDL may help the body get rid of plaque.2
How can you improve blood fat levels?
A medicine called a "statin", plus diet and exercise are the first
treatments to lower high blood fats in diabetes patients.
Your body makes LDL (“bad” cholesterol) from two types of fats
in the diet. Saturated fats include fatty meats, whole milk dairy
products (whole milk, butter, cream, sour cream, cheese or ice
cream) and coconut or palm oil. The other fat is trans fats. They are
in many fried foods, baked goods (cookies and crackers) and stick
margarine. To lower your LDL cut down on foods high in saturated
and trans fats. Choose lean meats, fish and poultry. Try low fat or
fat-free dairy products. Cook with monounsaturated fats. These
include olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil.
The first step to lower triglycerides is to control blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar levels are high, the sugar goes to the liver. Then,
the liver uses sugar to make triglycerides. If needed, lose weight,
increase exercise, limit carbohydrate intake and lower your fat
intake. These can help lower your triglycerides. Too much alcohol
can raise triglycerides. It may help to avoid or limit alcohol intake.
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HDL (“good” cholesterol) levels may be harder to
increase at first. If needed, lose weight, stop smoking
and exercise more often. This can help. In many cases,
though, medicines are needed.
Important steps to take
• Speak to your doctor about having your lipid profile
checked. Keep a record of your results. You can track
your progress.
• Meet with a dietitian to learn how to lower your fat
intake. Check with your doctor to see if you need a
referral to a dietitian.
• Speak with your doctor about starting an exercise
• If taking medicines to lower blood fats, take it as
ordered. Let your doctor know if you are having any
side effects.
How can your doctor help?
1. Which of the following are not
measured in a lipid profile?
a) LDL
b) Triglycerides
c) Total cholesterol
d) HDL
e) Blood sugar
2. True or False: To lower your
LDL, cut down on foods high in
saturated and trans fats.
3. The first step to help lower
triglycerides is to control
______ _______ levels.
Your doctor can order a lipid profile as needed. Your
doctor can refer you to a dietitian to help you make
the needed changes in your meal plan. If needed, your
doctor will order medicines. If your doctor decides to
put you on medicines, your levels should be checked
every 4 – 6 weeks until your goals are met.
1. e
2. True
3. blood sugar
American Diabetes Association: Diabetes Care Volume 37, Supplement 1, January 2014 S38