اد/ ﺳﮭﺎم ﻣﺣﻣد ﺷﺎش اد/ ﻣﺣﻣود ﻣﺻطﻔﯽ ﻋﺎﻣر د/ ﻣﺣﻣد ﻋﺛﻣﺎن اﻣﺗﺣ

‫ محمد عثمان‬/‫ محمود مصطفى عامر د‬/‫ سهام محمد شاش اد‬/‫اد‬
‫امتحان نبات الفرقه األولى ساعات معتمدة‬
Benha university
Faculty of Science
First year
Date: January,10, 2013
Botany Department
Time: 1 H
Answer the following questions:
------------------------------------1) Complete
( 17 marks )
---------------1- The pigments of Chlorophyta are localized in ........................
2- Sexual reproduction among green algae may be ................., ..............or ............
3-Algae include plants which have not differentiated into............ ,............ or ......
4-Sexual reproduction of Volvox are ................... in which the gametes are
differentiated into ......................... and .....................
5-Cell wall of Diatoms chemically composed of ................. and ..............
6- The filamentous forms of bacteria are called ..................
7- Bacteria have no .............. nucleus, thus they are ............................ organisms.
8- Bacteria reproduce asexually by means of ................................ and ...................
9- Some heterotrophic bacteria live in a ...................... relation sharing benefits with
other living organisms.
10- Heterocyst are the sites of ............................
11- According to the shape, viruses can be classified into ................... , .................. ,
......................... and ...................
12- Viruses contain only a single kind of ................................ either ......... or ........
13- The phage is a .................... composed of double strand of ............. and a ............
14- Viruses are .................. parasitic organisms.
15- Uredospores and teleutospores occur during the life cycle of ............................
16- Fungi lacking chlorophyll therefore they are ................................ organisms.
17- Asexual reproduction in Rhizopus takes place by .................................. while in
Aspergillus by .......................
2) Put right or wrong and correct the wrong:
-------------------------------------------------1- Agaricus is related to class Ascomycetes.
(13 marks )
2- Asexual reproduction of Aspergillus takes place by conidia. (
3- Fungi are eucaryotic organisms.
4- Viruses are protein in nature.
5- Viruses composed of DNA and RNA.
6- Bacterial cell structure have a definite nucleus.
7- Homogonous are the sites of nitrogen fixation.
8- Bacteria are unicellular organisms.
9- Volvox is a hollow sphere.
10- Spirogyra is a coenocytes filaments.
11- Diatom related to division Phaeophyta.
12- Algae are photosynthetic organisms.
13- Chlamydomonas is motile by two equal flagella.
3) Choose the correct words:
1- Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas contain
(10 marks )
( oil drops - pyrenoid)
2- Sexual reproduction of Vaucheria are
( isogamous - oogamous)
3- Food reserves of Chrysophyta includ
( leucosin - starch )
4- Bacteria which obtain their food from living organisms ( parasites - saprophytes)
5- Bacteria are generally
( unicellular - multicellular) organisms.
6- Division of bacterial cell in one plane and are arranged in chains ( diplococci streptococci )
7- Bacterial viruses contain
( DNA - RNA )
8- Sexual reproduction of Yeast takes place by ( buddind - ascospores)
9- Rhizopus structure contain
( root - fibers - rhizoids )
10- Sporangia of Albugo present in
( single - chains )
4) Write the scientific term of the following:
( 5 marks )
1- The common reproduction method occurs under favorable conditions (
2- A thick walled resting cells produced by many bacteria resist unfavorable
environmental conditions.
3- Bacteria which grow in absence of oxygen.
4- The sites of nitrogen fixation in Cyanobacteria. (
5-Asexual reproduction takes place by a protrusion appears from one side of the cell
‫ محمد عثمان‬/‫ محمود مصطفى عامر د‬/‫ سهام محمد شاش اد‬/‫اد‬
‫امتحان نبات الفرقه األولى ساعات معتمدة‬
‫نموذج اجابة‬
Benha university
Faculty of Science
First year
Date: January
Botany Department
Time: 1 H
I- Complete
--------------1- Chloroplasts
2- isogamous , heterogamous or oogamous
3- root, stem and leaves
4- oogamous.
male and femal.
5- pectin and silica
6- Actinomycetes
7- true
8- binary fision.
9- symbiotic
10- nitrogen fexation
11- spherical , rod like , cuboid and spermatozoid shaped
12- amino acid.
13- virus
DNA and protein
14- obligate
15- Puccinia graminis
16- hrterotrophic
17- sporangiospores.
||-right or wrong
1- wrong.
( Basidiomycetes).
2- right
3- right
4- right
5- rowng ( DNA or RNA )
6- rowng ( have no )
7- heterocyctes
8- right
9- right
10- right
11- wrong ( Bacillariophyta)
13- right
------------1- pyrenoid
2- oogamous
3- leucosin
4- parasites
5- unicelluler
6- sterptococci
7- DNA
8- budding
9- rhizoids
10- chains
IV- The sintific term:
1- binary vission
2- endospore
3- obligat anaerobic bacteria
4- heterocyste
5- budding