Who, what, where, when? (1) solution

E-news 10
September 2013
Dear SUstainers and SU Visionaries,
Greetings once again. The last few weeks have been BIG, SU-wise, for many of us.
First there was the Sustainers weekend at Coolamatong (more below). Then last weekend was the
meeting that updated SU’s ‘New Directions’ vision for camping – and a big vision it is, including as it
does the possibility of establishing a whole new arm of the work in the form of a ‘Christian leadership
school’ where year 9 students would spend a month of school time. Mark ‘Ox’ Roberts was also
introduced to the wider SU constituency as the new (since April) director of SU Camping.
And in between was the announcement that David Tolputt will be moving on at the end of the year,
leaving the board of SU with some very big ‘shoes’ to fill. The advent of Sustainers and SU
Visionaries is a direct outcome of Dave’s vision to recognise the contribution of the people who have
given so much to SU over the years in active mission and support through prayer and giving. For me it
has been a great privilege to work alongside him just a tiny bit in the pursuit of that part of the SU
Victoria ‘dream’.
John U’Ren has retired from the steering committee (how dare he!). What an amazing man - the
youngest and most energetic 80-y.o. I know. John is currently doing a ‘locum’ ministry for five weeks
in the Uniting Church down at Hoppers Crossing/Werribee/Wyndam somewhere. Thanks John for
even thinking of being involved in our little planning group. You’re an inspiration.
John’s move redoubles our interest in finding some people from the ‘next generation’ of SU leaders
to guide Sustainers. Please feel free to volunteer yourself for about four enjoyable planning evenings
a year.
I hope you enjoy catching up with some people below.
Tom Slater
(for Janet Cliff, Brian & Gail Crisp, Dirk & Connie Janssen, Tom & June Slater, Jenny Turnbull, David White)
Who, what, where, when? (1) solution
The winner of the last issue’s ‘who, what, where, when?’
competition has to be Helen Rowe, even though she
came up with a miserable lot of suggestions (see below).
No-one came up with any answers for this photo – so I am
going to award myself the prize for my guess that it is
Keith Caughey on the left. That’s it. Doesn’t anyone
know the other two? The occasion was obviously a
competition to see how many people could be involved at
one time in the simple task of making the porridge, without
watching what they were doing.
By the way, Vincent King denied that he was Keith
Caughey, so that confirms it. Must be Keith. Vincent is
the only other person I thought it could have been. He
and his wife Gillian have lived for donkeys’ years on the
Bellarine Peninsula after years of involvement in SU
Who, what, where, when? (2) solution
Meanwhile a copy of Improving your memory* is on its way to Helen Rowe, despite a disappointingly
low score for the following answer:
This is a photo of the CVS Group of 1984 (100% correct – ed). Christian Volunteer Service - a
one year discipleship school run by SU at The Masters Workshop in Church Street Richmond.
(also correct) This photo was taken outside the front door of the Workshop (yes) probably one
Wednesday at our lunch break.
Back row: ?, Graeme, Sue Power, ?, Leon, ?,?
Middle row: Elva Averill, ?,? Helen Rowe (no marks for that one!) , Tracey Farrell (Banks), Gabby
Higgins, ?. ?, ?.
Front row: Neil Kilpatrick, David White, Ian Smith. David and Ian were leaders of CVS that year.
Well done Helen. Other suggestions to fill the gaps are welcome, but not prize-worthy. There must
be dozens of apathetic old people out there who can identify the 1984 CVS group! Where are you all?
For my part, as one of those old people, I reckon it is Ian Johnson 2 from L in back row; Chris Storie
2 from L in middle row; Merle U’Ren last on RH end of middle row; and Andrew McKenzie on left of
front row. I reckon we should get all the names and arrange a reunion of the group.
* Only joking. What we have sent Helen is a copy of Daily Bread for July-Sept because it contains a
great fortnight of commentary on the letter of James by our very own Dave Tolputt.
A great weekend in August
We thought seriously about cancelling the Coolamatong weekend when we had more than 25 ‘sorry
we can’t comes …’ and less than 20 applicants, but were so glad we didn’t. The smaller group (18)
made for a more intimate and relaxed time than previous years, and it was a tonic for everyone, as far
as I can tell. Promised storms did not eventuate, the boat trip on Lake Victoria on Saturday was great,
with lunch at Point Wilson on the site of the old Barton homestead. In the evenings the log fire made
for a homely atmosphere, the meals were great, and we all enjoyed being part of the commissioning
service for Mark Roberts at Bairnsdale Baptist church on Sunday morning. Dave Tolputt’s sermon,
and his study the previous day on 1 Samuel 25 had us all buzzing, and were real highlights of the
A big ‘thankyou’ to Peter Leach and the Coolamatong staff for welcoming our small group and going
out of their way to make it a special weekend for us.
Amongst the many who couldn’t make it were Mal and Helen Rowe, who were spending time with
grandchildren in Canada; Nevil and Janet Anderson who were caravanning in Queensland and doing
some work at a couple of Bush Church Aid churches along the way; and Jim and Julie Rees, whose
travels at the time included a workparty at St Philip’s College in Alice Springs, and a few weeks
helping out a farming family on a big grazing property near Springsure, in Queensland. It had been an
exceptionally busy (mustering) and stressful time for that family, enduring pressure from a mining
company who had already staked out three claims on their productive property, which had been in the
family for generations. Julie said ‘it gave us new insight into the pressures being faced by farmers in
that situation’.
New Who, what, where, when?
This will be a cinch for a lot of people. It is so recent that most of these people must still be alive! So
come on – who, what, when, where?
Two funerals for legendary SU people naturally saw a gathering of many familiar faces. Shelagh
Wilken was an early schools staff worker and pioneer among girls’ camps. She had been brought up
in a very well-to-do aristocratic home, but couldn’t abide the English class system as a young woman
and made her way to Australia. She also served for some years as an SU Victoria council member.
Not content with raising children and assisting husband Jack on their flower farm at Silvan, Shelagh
had pursued studies in psychology, established Christian counselling centres and become a leading
light among Christian counsellors in Melbourne. Amongst those at the funeral were John and
Margaret Watson, their daughter Kerry (ex-Barwon Heads beach mission) who played the piano
brillianty, Bruce and Helen, John U’Ren, Jan (nee Swales, Val Franzen (nee Hough). and Jenny
Williams, recovering from two knee operations. We will put up a brief bio under Legends of SU on the
website when I get a chance.
Ross Langmead was another SU legend, though I’m sure he wouldn’t have thought of himself as such.
He and Alison served variously on CSSM, Theos missions and camp teams, and on his own or with
Daddy’s Friends, Ross contributed musically to SU events. I couldn’t begin to name all the ‘SU
people’ at Collins St Baptist church that day, but I did send the following brief note to my friend John
Waterhouse, who was thirsty for some news of the service.
The funeral was outstanding - for the music (all were Ross's compositions, all well sung), for excellent
contributions from Simon Holt, Alan Marr in particular, Jeanette Woods (nee Langmead) on behalf of
the siblings, Ross and Alison's kids Ben and Kia, and amazingly Alison herself, who read a wonderful
journal entry, addressed to Ross, which she had written during her last vigil with him the night before
they turned off the life support. Altogether a tremendous testimony to his great character, fatih and
Running out of room, and fearful of boring you, I’ll just give you a few names of people I have caught
up with one way or another or heard about since last news.
Howard and Jill Wilkins – pastoring Corryong Baptist 0.6, with a real community focus.
Peter Corney – a public lecture - (I also discovered there is a Peter Corney Training Centre at St
Hilary’s Kew)
• Howard and Jean Groome – living in Port Adelaide (opposite former SA and NSW State Director
Norm Bennett and Val) and battling with health issue
Ange van der Leeuw – former schools staff, working with school chaplains in NE Vic
Alan Belcher, ex Borneo Evangelical Mission who died recently
Col and Shirley Handcock – octogenarians from Benalla still flying the flag for SU
• Mal Cocking who told me he works under Prof. Robyn Pierce (Nee Gilkes) in the Maths
Department at Melbourne University School of Education. Robyn and husband David live at
Ballarat) where David has been a GP for many years.
• New to the Sustainers list is Fran Stovold, who goes back to early days at Toolangi
• SU received a bequest from the estate of Rev Dr Stuart Babbage, whose auotbiographical sketch
‘Memoirs of a Loose Canon’ makes great reading.
• Steve and Jenny Messer. Caught up when Steve was doing a ‘locum’ at our church for a few
weeks – as a result of which a great concert is coming up, and you are warmly invited to get attend.
Steve and Jenny have near enough to life-long involvement with SU.
Steve Messer and Strange Country
26 October 2013 7.30 pm
at North Ringwood Uniting Church, 14 Dickson Cres
North Ringwood
Admit one adult ($20*) child ($10)
family ($50)
(Seller to strike out which not)
* In recognition of the band’s generosity in providing that
all proceeds will go to the Pitjantjatjara Bible translation
project, an opportunity will be given for you to donate on the night as you see fit.
Please be seated by 7.20 pm. (Ample parking at shopping centre.)
Cheeky of me to include this, I know, but this is a public concert, and you’re all welcome. Lots of you
will know Steve, I imagine, and perhaps know what a great band this is. Peter York is a special guest
alongside others.
To book:
please phone Tom Slater on 0438 013 120
or email to <[email protected]>
Finally, if you have received this in the mail, and you do would be just as happy to have us
mail it to your email address, please send me an email to that effect at <[email protected]>.