President`s Daily Diary, December 13, 1966

*^^ ^^^
^^ December
The White House Dav_
13, 1966 *
Snowed, starting about 9 a.m. , large wet flakes (photographer's dream picture snow
' Temperature stayed in low 30s *""''Y ^'^'^ ""^ by)
but not
. Breakfast joined by Mrs. Johnso n eating her breakfast on a tray i n his room
Marvin Watson, Jake Jacobsen, and the doctors in
Walt W. Rostow (Pl)
- To oval office--walking pyer w/ Jake Jacobsen and Marvin Watson--entering w/ MW
Secretar McNamara ^__-—___-Ernest F. Hollings —— —
Senator-elect /HM-JEtM^^--OFF THE RECORD
(fm South Carolina) _}
(When making the appointment, Senator Hollingssaid he wanted to report to the Presiden
on his two-week tour of Vietnam before making any public statements. He returned t
Washington early Tuesday morning. )
Secretary Robert McNamara (b-1)
Datr December
The White House p^
13, 1966
Activity (inctude visited by) tt
Sen. Everett Dirksen OFF
(to discuss a personal matter)
Harry McPherson
Pics taken by Kevin Smith
The President while meeting w/Sen. Dirksen
asked for charts prepared by Bureau of Budget
that Schultze had submitted .^
Situation Room ^_^-,^-—
Secy John Gardner (to
Charlie Schultze in
discuss puBlic impacT and reaction to cuts "OFF
education )
: WmiE HouM Date
o e-jPresident
/m \at (Piace)
began his day
' .
^- Tetephone
""^ f
In Out
^r t Expend.
White House n^.
13, 1966 :.
(tnctude vtshed by) ture
12:08p 12:13 p j
OFF THE RECORD* j Institute
Bator (to discuss "see me" memo on the timing of the Bundy/East-Ws
/ 12:14p _______
_____ The
President to the Cabinet Room for National Security Council Meeting
I ^.-Vice
President Humphrey___^
The purpose of the meeting CIA Driecto r Helms The
President in general approved the positions
was to review the problems Secretray of Defense McNamara the
Secretaries will take in Paris and voiced hi
-coming Up this week during Deputy Secretary of Defense Vance
oppinions^ Brom Smith:MJDR:Mary S
the NATO Ministers MeetingAssistant Secretary of Defense McNaughton /^^
Acting Chairman Johnson ^t
ii Paris. JCS
< -Acting Secy of State KatzenbaDh
Briefing papers to ^HHHH Assistant Secy of State Leddy^
gH]]H]nSiT RooMActing
Secretary of the Treasury Barr
USIA Director Leonard Marks
I *
Bill Moyers "*
) Walt
Rostow ^
Bromley Smith
Francis Bator
} 1—
12:25p ] !
I :
Date December
The White House ^
13, 1966
Activity(inc!ude visited by) ture
The President, ^j^ to his oval office, pausing to look at the pics of Freckles' puppies
and announcing that Luci's dog had four puppies--w/
C^*" Secy Robert McNamara
<__. Under
Secy Katzenbach
Walt Rostow joined
Palmer Hoyt--Editor of the Denver Post-- Here
in just to shake hands.
The Vice President
Sir Robert Menzies
to have lunch with David Bunn and
The President walked to the mansion w/ the Vice President and Sir Robert Menzies
Mary S handed him his briefing as he left--the President asked for a box of Australian
pictures of the trip to be brought over to him at the mansion.
The President arrived at the second floor of the mansion
joined by Secretary McNamara
Under Secy of State (Acting Secy) Nicholas Katzenbach ^
LUNCH w/ The Vice President
Sir Robert Menzies, former Prime Minister of Australia
^Secretary McNamara
Under Secy Katzenbach
Walt Rostow ;
Date_ December
The White House Day_
j13, 1966
Activity (inctude vt sited by)
The President walked along the porch to the Oval Office w/
Sir Robert Menzies
-' The Vice President
He asked for a photographer to come up immediately.
General Eisenhower's nurse--talked to General Schultze
The President gave Sir Robert Menzies an Asian Medal in a box--
the President went to the Fish Room w/ ____
The Vice President
Sir Robert Menzies and joined _-____^___
Senator Russell Long .
Joe Califano
Marvin Watson
Gardner Ackley
Charles Schultze
Under Secy Joe Barr
Chairman Wilbur Mills
?**"= '
n^tt- December 13, 1966
The White House Tuesday
Activity (inctude visited by) tur
Day j
The group to the Cabinet Room--The President greeted Jake Jacobsen in the hall
between the Fish Room and the Cabinet, asked if he knew Senator R. Long, and proceeded
to the cabinet room for meeting OFF THE RECORD w/ "HI
The Vice President
^ Chairman
Wilbur Mills
Senator Russell Long _____
Gardner Ackley
Charles Schultze
Under Secy Joe Barr
Joe Califano
Okamoto in for pictures--
President returned to the Oval Office
On the way, Mary S handed the PresidenT a note that Cong. John Race had called and
asked to be called back. The President told Marvin Watson to see that he talked to him.
___ The
White House Day
December 13, 1966
Activity (inctude visited by )
Marvin Watson
The President came out to mjdr's desk, read some of the papers on her desk, and
took a stack of papers into his office
The President called Mary S in to help him work his desk.
George Christian
George Christian
The President to the Cabinet Room to rejoin the group in there--
D^ December
The White House Tuesday
13, 1966
Activity (inctude visited by) ture
The following was announce d today in the morning briefing:
The President accepted the resignation of James M. Nabrit, Jr. , as Deputy
Permanent Representative of the United States to the U. N. to be effectiv e
January 15, 1967.
The President approved five recess appointments to the temporary grade of
Major General for Marine Corps Officers:
Brigadier General John G. Bouker, Fleet Marine Forces in Atlantic
Brigadier General Dorm J. Robertson, Deputy Fiscal Director,HdqMC
Brigadier General Lowell E. English, 3rd Marine Division, Fleet Ma
ine force
Brigadier General William G. Thrash, Hdq MC
Brigadier General Hugh M. Elwood, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, FMF
The President to his oval office from the Cabinet Room--stopped to read some papers
on mjdr's desk, ^
The President read a note from mjdr: "General Schulz called to say General Eisenhower
awakened at 4:15--Your letter was there and he read it then. "^
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg, NYC (b-1)
George Christian (Pl)
Ambassador H enry Cabot Lodge, (b-2)
Beverly, Massachusetts _________
The White House Day
n Activity
December 13, 1966
(inctudr visited by) tui
George Christian
Marvin Watson (Pl)
. Marvin Watson (Pl)
Bill Mo yers (PlO
Mrs. Johnson
Califano (pl) Bob Kintner ^——-^——
Ambassador Goldberg in New York ( b 3) ___
Senator Frank Church (In New York in Amb. Goldberg's suite) (b4)
(Courtenay Valenti called. Pres said he'd have to call her back, he had folks with him.
Marvin Watson in, joining the Pres, Christian and Kintner in the Lounge
Califano joined
. to mansion
" Courtenay Valenti "
Datr December
The White House -
13, 1966
Activity (inciude visited by)
Honored guests in the second floor oval room--other guests in the East Room
The President to the Blue Room for pictures
The President returned to the second floor
The President and Mrs. Johnson with the guests of honor went down the staircase
to the Fast Room _
To the State Dining Room for Black Tie Dinner
REMARKS by the President
Coffee served in the hall
Entertainment in the East Room v
in -
Dancing the hall ,
The President to the apartment
Mrs. Johnson to the apartment _
The President retired _
Date December 13, 1966 **
The White House Day_
Achvity (inc!ude visited by) ture
Guests at the Black Tie Dinner for the Arts Council (from SW Gate List):
The President & Mrs. Johnson
Mr. Tyler Abell
Miss Betty Beale , Hall Syndicate
Mr. Leonard Bernstein , Conductor. N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra
Mr. & Mrs. Livingston L. Biddle, Jr. , Dep. Chrm, National Council on Arts
Miss Kathryn Bloom, Dir. , Arts & Humanities Prog. , Office of Education
Rep. & Mrs. Frank T. Bow, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. David Brinkley, NBC
Hon. & Mrs. McGeorge Bundy , Pres. , The Ford Foundation, NYC
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Bush-Brown, Pres. , Rhode Island School of Design, Providen :e
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Califano, Special Assnt to the President
Mr. & Mrs. Lesli e Carpenter, Mr. --columnist; Mrs. --Press Secy to the First Lady
Mr. & Mrs. Richar d L. Coe, Mr. --Washington Post; Mrs . --Christine Sadler. McCall'
Mr. & Mrs. Rene D'Harnon court, Dir. , The Museum of ModernArt, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Diebenkorn, Jr. , Painter, Santa Monica, Califarnia
Mr. Edward K. Ellington, (Duke) , Musician, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph IMxMx Ellison, arthur, NYC '
Mr. Paul Engle, Poet, writer, teacher, Iowa City , -4H)H<KB* Iowa
Jules Fisher
Mr. Y Mrs. John Fischer, Editor, Harper's , iiKxX NYC
Mr. Justice & Mrs. Fortas
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Gallagher , Gen. Mgr. , Associated Press
The Secretary of HEW & Mrs. Gardner
Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Philip deWitt Ginder, Mrs. --Jean Dalrymple--NYC Light Opera Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Green, Mr. --writer and producer; Mrs. --actress Phyllis Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Halperin, M?emt&Adi Kentfield, California
Mr. & Mrs. T . Fdward Hambleton, Theatrical producer, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. R. Philip Hanes, Jr., Prs., Arts Councils of America, Winston-Salem, N
Mrs. Rebekah Harkness, Founder & Dir. ; Rebekah Harkness Foundation, NYC
Datr December
The White House Day
Activity (include visited by) ture
13, 1966
The Rev. Gilbert Hartke. O. P. . Dir. . Speech & Drama Dept. , The Catholic Univ. of Am
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hills, Pub. , Detroit Free Press
Hon. & Mrs. Harold Howe. II, Commissioner on Education
The Vice President & Mrs. Humphrey,
Sen. & Mrs. Jacob K. Javits, New York —__^__;
Miss Lynda Bird Johnson
Hon. & Mrs. Barnaby C. Keeney, Chmn, National Council on the Humanitie
Mr. & Mrs. Herman David Kenin, Pres. , American Federation of Musicians, NYC
Hon & Mrs. Robert E. Kintner, Special Assnt to the President
Miss Eleanor Lambert, Dir of Public Relations, Council of Fashion Designers of An ^rira
Dr. & Mrs. Warner Lawson, Dean, College of Fine A ts, HowardUniversity
Miss Harper Lee, Author, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor, boston Symphony Orchestra
Hon. & Mrs. Leonard Marks, Director USIA
Miss Jimilu Mason, Sculptress, Alexandria, Virginia
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maguire ______
Mrs. Robert S. McNamara, wife of The Secretary of Defense
Hon. & Mrs Harry C. McPherson, Jr. , Special Assistance to the President,
Mr. Roy MN. Meachum, Post-Newsweek Stations, Washington, D. C.
Hon. & Mrs . Bill D. Moyers, Special assistant to the President
Mr. Ralph Newman, Chicago, Illinois —_
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Paine, Jr., Mrs. --Nancy White, Editor Harper's Bazaar
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paschen, J . , Mrs. --ballerina Maria Tallchief
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Peck, actor, Los Angeles, California
Mrs. Claiborne Pell, wife of Senator from Rhode Island
Mr. & Mrs. G eorge Peppard, actor; Mrs.--actress Elizabeth Ashley, Beverly Hills Calif.
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pereira, archit ect, Los Angeles, California _——.
Mr. Sidney Poitier, actor, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Prince, Producer, NYC
Mrs. Walter Prude, Choreographer Agnes deMille
Mr. M. Philip Ramone
Hon. & Mrs. John P. Roche, X Special Consultant to the President
Y^^,^ December 13 , 1966 *
The White House Day_
Miss Diana
(inctude visited by) turf
actress, NYC
Mr. Alexander Schneider, violinist,
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Serkin, pianinst, Brattleboro, Vermont
Mr. Oliver Smith, theatrical producer-designer, NYC
Mrs. Isaac Stern. NYC
Mr. George Stevens, Sr. . film director-producer. Culver City, Calif,
Mr. & Mrs. George Stevens . Jr.
Hon. & Mrs. Roger L. Stevens, Chmn National Council on the Arts
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sweeney, Dir. , The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Taubman, New York Times
Rep. & Mrs. Frank Thompson, Jr. , New Jersey
Hon. & Mrs. Jack J. Valenti, Pres. , Motion Picture Association of A erica
Mrs. Murray Vanderbilt, NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Von Blon, Vice Pres. , Minneapolis Star & Tribune
Mr. & Mrs. John Walker, III, Director, National Gallery of Art
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Weismann, painter &Professor of the University of Texas, Aust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Willis, Chicago Tribune
The Secretary of Labor & Mrs. Wirtz
Mr. & Mrs. Otto, Wittmann, Director, The Toledo Museum of Art
t^t,, December 13, 1966
The White House __
Activity (inciude visited by) ture
Day Tuesday
Today the President announced his intention to nominate Mr. Arthur Goldschmidt to &h
be the U. S. Representative to the Economic and Social Council of the United
Today athe President also announced his acceptance of the resignation of Ambassador Jame
Roosevelt, effective December 15, from this position.