“Cornwall has a glorious long coastline and miles of lovely leafy

We are asking ALL businesses in Cornwall to help us by pledging their support
for a new anti-littering campaign for Cornwall – we want to remind ‘one
million’ people living, working in and visiting Cornwall that litter is ugly, dirty
and harmful to our beautiful county.
“Cornwall has a glorious long coastline and miles of
lovely leafy lanes where no one would expect to
see plastic bags, empty bottles, cans and crumpled
paper napkins left behind by careless people…I
urge all businesses to please get on board and help
spread the word ‘Don’t drop your litter in our
beautiful county.”
Rick Stein, Patron of Clean Cornwall.
How does it work?
Show your commitment as a business to the Clean Cornwall Anti Littering
Campaign by pledging £100. By signing up to the pledge, Clean Cornwall
commits to you and you commit to us.
And what will Clean Cornwall commit to you?
 We will give you our logo and our special Clean Cornwall map for your
website – clearing showing your stakeholders how you are a supporter.
We will also thank you on our website, including your logo.
 We will provide you with a special Clean Cornwall sticker for your
 Suggested social media messages reminding people to #stoplitter and
not to leave it behind.
Why should you, as a Cornish business, get involved?
This is a simple, effective and in-expensive way to demonstrate to your
customers and stakeholders that you are committed to your local
environment and Cornish community. This is your chance to take action for a
cleaner Cornwall.
“We are the county to make a difference.”
Chris Riddle, Show Secretary, of Royal Cornwall Showground.
Where does my £100 donation go?
This specifically helps fund ongoing litter picks, educational work and
activities to drive a countywide anti-littering message.
And you’ll be in good company: businesses already supporting Clean
Cornwall include Cornwall Rural Community Charity, City West Commercials,
Kelly’s of Cornwall Ice Cream, Rodda’s, St Austell Brewery and Rick Steins.
“We see our role in this as a strong and impactful
way to reach many people and are proud to be
part of this powerful pledge.”
Kim Conchie, Chief Executive of Cornwall Chamber of Commerce.
How to get involved:
Simply email [email protected]