Agenda 1/18/12 Warm up Difference between instantaneous speed

January 18, 2012
Agenda 1/18/12
Warm up
Difference between instantaneous speed and
average speed
Photo Finish
Growth of the oil slick
How high is Larry one second after he begins his fall?
What is the value of t when Larry hits the water?
What is average speed over final second?
What is average speed over final half second?
Can he do the dive?
January 18, 2012
What is the difference between average speed and instantaneous speed?
A guy throws a ball up with an initial speed of 40 ft/sec from the top of
a building 200 feet high. The following equation maps the ball's height
off the ground at any time t.
h(t) = -16t2 + vt + h
Use the above situation to find the average speed of the ball from 2 to 3
seconds after it is hit.
Use the above situation to determine the instantaneous speed of the ball
at 3 seconds.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
1. How long did it take for speedy to finish the race?
2. What was Speedy's speed at the instant the photo was taken.
3. Is there an instant that Speedy was going at exactly 10 meters per second?