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Committee Directors
Ahmed Mustafa
Contemplating the future is always an encouraging prospect for me, always has been. It is what
we use to shape our aspirations and ambitions. Having started the Model UN journey from Alevels, there have been several life changing experiences for me; many with lessons to be
learnt. It is a process of self-improvement, one which cannot prosper without failure. The
United Nations Federation awaits you. An organization formed in a world torn by war. A body
striving for change and unity. One prioritizing space travel and colonization. Its ambitions are
bold, yet incomplete without your presence at the conference.
Save the Federation, Salvage the future.
Committee Directors
Hurmat Kazmi
Hello, and welcome to the Futuristic General Assembly at MUNIK 2017. My name is Hurmat
Kazmi and I am extremely excited to serve as the Committee Director for one of the most
innovative, challenging and intellectually stimulating committee at MUNIK. Currently, I am a
Sophomore in the Social Sciences program at IBA and I intend to major in Political Science.
Outside of MUNIK, I am passionate about theatre, reading and writing and I am a book and
movie critic for the Express Tribune.
I am excited for meeting you all and to hear your multifaceted views about the topics we have
chosen this year. As FGA is one of the most exhilarating ventures in recent MUNs, I am looking
forward to a lot of creativity, engaging discussions and contentious and substantive debate. If
you have any questions or concerns about the topic areas, FGA in particular and MUNIK in
general, please do not hesitate to contact me at any point leading up to MUNIK 2017.
See you all in January.
Assistant Committee Directors
Abdullah Zahid
My name is Abdullah Zahid I have been a part of the MUN
Community for over four years now. MUNIK has always stood
out as one of the best conferences that Pakistan has to offer
and within my three year witnessing of MUNIK, it has grown to
be South Asia's biggest Model UN. I believe this edition of
MUNIK shall be the best one yet due to the sheer amount of
talent present within both the Directorate as well as the
Hope to see you all in January
Hammad Anwaar
My name is Syed Hammad Anwaar and I am a student here at
IBA. Being a former ARMY brat; I'm extremely versatile (socially
that is) and quite approachable. I am an enthusiastic speaker
who takes a lot of interest in complex topics and platforms to
speak upon; much like this one. Striving for perfection and
stability in life and society are the goals which I hope to achieve
through this wonderful opportunity of being a part of MUNIKVIII.
I wish you all the best, Godspeed.
As the 21st century progressed, intolerance and violence kept spreading throughout the World.
Far right movements around the World gained more influence and power in some of the most
powerful and influential countries all around the World. Prime examples are the Brexit
movement in the United Kingdom and the democratic elections in the United States of America
which resulted in the victory of the Republican Party; with Donald Trump at its helm.
From 2016 onward till 2020, policies implemented by such democracies proved to be reflective
of conservatism and a product of fear among the populace. Over the years, European nations
implemented a policy of anti-immigration and a complete ban on refugee intake. The policy
proved to be an unpopular one among Muslim countries and Arab nations alike. The policy
resulted in mass deportations of refugees settled in Europe and forced resettlement of people
in the Syrian Arab Republic- a nation torn by civil war.
Resulting resistance groups sprang up throughout Europe, intent on causing harm and chaos in
various cities along the continent. From 2018-2022, various explosions had been registered
across Europe in the cities of Madrid, Paris, Marseille, Manchester, London, Frankfurt, Milan,
Rome, Prague, Budapest, and Amsterdam. The lack of effort to crackdown on these resistance
groups and end the bloodshed in Europe lead to severe mistrust against the European Union
and a greater emphasis on national sovereignty and unity in the face of external dangers. Old
alliances were reformed and given more significance such as that between Austria and
Hungary, and the Balkan states.
The mass deportations to Syria also further fuelled the dormant civil war in Syria. The violence
and bloodshed had subsided owing to the lack of resources and will-power on either side to
register a final blow. The resettlements, however, reignited the hate and violence which
effectively ruled out any hopes of peace in the Levant.
The result of a rise in right wing politics put globalization on the back-foot as countries were
increasingly prioritizing their own interests and not looking toward international globalization
or cooperation. Such actions threatened the fabric of international cooperation and efforts
toward eradicating global issues such as poverty, illiteracy, hunger, and disarmament. Pollution
was also left largely ignored which caused numerous problems in the form of adverse effects
for climate change. Global average temperatures registered a continuous rise resulting in the
melting of polar ice caps and the sinking of low lying islands and areas around the World. As a
continuation of the impact of global warming, areas such as the Sahara Desert were becoming
increasingly uninhabitable for the people living in them. In time, countries such as Norway,
Sweden, Finland, Maldives, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Egypt were declared at risk of
becoming uninhabitable.
In a famous speech by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, he shed light on the significant
unrest globally and its implications.
“It is as if history is repeating itself. One century ago, the same level of fear and unrest was
instilled in the global populations as it is today. There are wars being waged on religious and
ethnic differences. Social problems are at a rise and despite the best interests and efforts of the
UN in combating such problems, I must say we are simply not doing enough.” -UN Secretary
General, 2022.
In the following year a number of famous speeches were made which were documented and
observed as catalysts to an eventual World war.
“War has always been a conflict of ideologies. It is not preventable. Every hundred years, there
must be war against those who continue to oppress, against those who continue to resist and
those who continue to uphold tyrannical ideologies without surrender. It is time we made our
voices hears. Rest assured, any war the USA fights in will be for the sake of humanity, for the
sake of good.” -Donald Trump as president of the USA in 2024.
“It is as if history is repeating itself. Soon the World will be plunged into another World war,
one which will see the current structures destroyed and add to the suffering of millions. As
always, the United Kingdom will not be the instigator of war but will fight against the
oppressors of the war and, resilient as ever, will not yield.” -British Prime Minister Theresa May,
“There are countries which can do all the wrong but show themselves as the champion of
democracy and justice. Under that umbrella, they can get away with the tyranny of millions. It
is time we put a stop to this injustice. It is time we make a stand for all that is right, for all that is
just.” -Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2026.
The following years witnessed the World preparing for war. Defence spending for countries
such as USA, UK, France, Russia, Pakistan, India and Azerbaijan increased tenfold. There was
economic stagnation as governments refused to invest in further capital projects into
infrastructure and development. The stock market suffered as a result of the lack of confidence
by investors. The global stock market crashed in 2030, close to 100 years after the Great
Depression of the 1930’s. This phenomenon, termed the ‘Second Great Depression’ saw
countries merging with each other and re-establishing borders for the sake of joint cooperation.
Products of such actions included the bankrupt Caribbean Alliance and the Central African
Indications were there that history was repeating itself and the World was gearing up for
another major war, however one with the possibility of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons
and missiles which would result in a more catastrophic result for the masses. The United
Nations was failing to maintain peace and stability and its diplomatic efforts were ridiculed and
criticised for incompetence. There was, at that point in time, no positive outlook on the future.
Mass hysteria followed as people feared the end of the World with the one great war.
In 2040, small scale attacks had initiated on a number of borders. The Azerbaijan and Armenian
conflict lead the way with attacks from either side, with the Pakistani and Indian militaries
following suit. Soon, Israeli military forces began invading Jordan, Syria and Lebanon as a means
of expanding their authority over weakened Arab states and putting a stop to terrorist factions
of ISIS once and for all. The invasions were criticised and countered by Arab militaries of Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Iraq moving toward the West.
In June 2045, the Pentagon was attacked as part of a campaign by the Islamic State against
America. This was followed by attacks on French, British and German army bases in their
respective territories. The attacks were condemned by the West which in retaliation bombed
Islamic State bases in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. The airstrikes and bombing campaigns
inflicted heavy damage on property and resulted in thousands of civilian casualties. The
resulting public protests and outcry saw Arab militaries turn on the West and declare open war
against them. This action was also seen as a response to years of actions by the West to
provoke Arabian states; actions including deportation of immigrants and support for the Israeli
invasion of Arab countries such as Lebanon and Syria.
After a hundred years of functioning as a forum for diplomacy, dialogue and global peace, the
United Nations was disbanded and discontinued in 2045. The World was in a state of war once
THE WORLD WAR 2016 – 2045
In the build up to the second World War, a number of key events took place which shook the
financial, economic and social establishments as aforementioned. A number of details have
already been presented above. The following is a summary of the remaining.
Donald Trump becomes US President. Signs a No First Use policy regarding Syria with President
Putin. The ISIS remains unchecked and without US training and troops to oppose them, their
influence hugely increases.
This increase culminates in a successful assassination of Bashar Al Assad, after which ISIS
effectively takes control of half of Syria which the Free Syrian Army, though continuing to
oppose, makes no further effort to regain.
The US and Russia sign a deal to intervene and form an Allied Front with prominent members
being NATO, USA, Russia and China.
However new evidence comes to light before this Allied Front could deploy forces. It was found
that Saudi Arabia has signed a deal with the New Sunni Caliphate operating out of Saudi Arabia.
Tensions escalate between the West and the Middle East as a result.
Meanwhile India is undergoing a drought. Indian government as a result blocks the Pakistani
water heads of River Chenab, Ravi and Indus (Direct violation of the Indus Water treaty)
As a result, border tensions escalate between India and Pakistan. China appears to support
Pakistan due to its vested economic interests in the Deep Sea Ports.
With the increasing tensions between Muslim nations, The Organization of Islamic Co-operation
comes together and forms a United Front. This is of immense historic importance as this deal
states that an attack on one member of the alliance will be considered an attack on all states.
Tensions continue to escalate as nations across the globe scramble to join sides. Both sides
unanimously agree not to use Nuclear weapons and/or chemical weapons.
The climax is reached in August 2045 as the Allied forces took advantage of the 75 year
celebrations of OIC and attacked on multiple fronts.
Early Years: 2045–2046
August 2044:
The Allied Forces attacked the OIC on multiple fronts. The most massive attacks occurred in
Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The Islamic countries were caught off guard and suffered heavy
casualties. The Allied forces gained control over key areas within Muslim bases.
December 2044:
The CAS states (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia) launch a joint initiative to attack
Russia as far as Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. This attack proved successful as most of Russian troops
were deployed in Afghanistan. The loss of such a major food port caused a mass starvation. The
OIC agreed to release Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk only if Russians agreed to withdraw from the war.
March 2045:
The Allied forces gained considerable ground in Turkey. Refugees started to flow freely into
Lebanon and even war-torn Syria. The OIC responded by giving Russians an ultimatum. Feb
2045- Russia Forces given ultimatum by CAS. Russia withdraws from the war.
August 2045
Special UN session called in Geneva. UN Resolution 3452 passed granting India the privilege of
P5 +1
October 2045:
Indian forces deployed to Kashmir. American Fleet despatched to Indian Ocean.
Jan 2046:
The American fleet begins to block trade between South Asian OIC states with the Caribbean
countries. As a result, individual Caribbean economies began to falter. A Caribbean Union was
formed to ensure survival of individual islands. The Caribbean Union remained impartial to the
war thereafter.
March 2046:
After a few border skirmishes, the Indian forces tried to take Kashmir by force. However, they
were caught off guard by the Afghan army which attacked and took control of Indian territory
all the way up to Delhi.
Climatic Impact: 2046-2047
Indian forces were in full riot since they were being attacked on the Western and North
Western border by Pakistani forces as well as Chinese forces. Similarly, Pakistani armed forces
fighting in the northern areas were also under pressure due to massive incursions of armed
forces and civil combatants from Afghanistan. As a last resort, both Pakistani and Indian high
command detonated nuclear warheads along their borders with Afghanistan and China
respectively in order to put an end to enemy invasions. Massive loss of life was followed by
disasters on a natural, social, agricultural and environmental level.
The immediate effect of that was on the Ozone Layer. With the deterioration of the Ozone
Layer, areas of the Saharan desert became too hot to survive in. The second effect was on the
Scandinavian nations which also began mass campaigns to evacuate citizens in anticipation of
the polar ice melt
One nation not to respond quickly to rising sea levels was the USA. Majority of the US fleet at
the time was stationed in the North Atlantic and was sunk with battleships capsized owing to
tsunamis caused by rising sea levels. Without the US fleet to sustain its’ troop deployment:
Australia and New Zealand withdrew from War.
The loss of such allies coupled with the neutrality maintained by Russian Federation greatly
weakened the Allied Forces who then began to look to South America as a potential ally.
The first country to switch sides in the war was Central African Republic. The CAR left the OIC
and went over to the Allies. The Allies responded by increasing the number of troops in Uganda
and Cameroon. With the help of these troops, the CAR was able to extend control over a much
larger area.
The Allied troops then began to embark on a rapid aggression campaign. All neutral countries
were asked to either join the Allied forces or go against them.
The result of the aggressive campaign by the Allied forces, combined with the generally bleak
and apocalyptic outlook of the future and the massive destruction the war had caused so far,
lead to one of the most noteworthy phenomenon of the war termed the ‘Sovereign Genocide’.
Sovereign Genocide: 2047-2049
“It was always predictable in the years of late, especially in the last decade or so. What with the
economic crisis, the financial chaos, all the destruction caused by the war, the end of the UNO.
Simply put, the World is heading toward a new order, an evolution. And when such processes
take place, there is change in the structures which one can only think impossible on an ordinary
day. This is the team when the extraordinary seems predictable.” -Pope Luis Antonio Tagle,
The aggressive tactics of the Allied forces in World War 3 knew no limit. They were ruthless and
tyrannical in their attacks and manoeuvres. The war was a full scale war between nations,
between nations and terrorist factions, between religions, and a war of attrition. The result was
genocidal for several nations around the World which, simply put, seized to be nations.
There was financial turmoil and disaster, economic disaster, natural disaster and other
phenomenon which collectively resulted in nations seizing to exist on the global map. The
citizens were displaced, the cities lay to ruin, the history eventually forgotten. The sovereign
genocide was one of the prime events which shaped the new World order. The following is a list
of amalgamations and obliterations which occurred during the two-year period and even after
the war ended:
All Caribbean and Central American countries merged into the Caribbean Alliance due to
economic bankruptcy.
All central African countries merged into the Central African Republic due to its
increased military force and poor outlook of the other countries.
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The Sahara region eventually became uninhabitable with the nations being removed
from the map.
The Syrian region eventually became uninhabitable due to mass destruction during the
The Maldives sank as a result of rising sea levels.
Austria and Hungary merged into the pre-WW1 Austro-Hungarian Republic.
Czech Republic and Slovakia merged into Czechoslovakia.
The Balkan states merged back into Yugoslavia.
Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar merged into Thailand owing to financial bankruptcy.
The Scandinavian and Baltic states sunk as a result of the rising sea levels.
The phenomenon, declared genocide owing to the countless nationalities seizing to exist, the
many people killed and affected in the process, lead to a realization. A realization that the
World would not be able to survive in the current state of affairs. There needed to be change.
There needed to be a structure in place which could serve as a singular voice of all nations in
the World. One which could effectively monitor development in the World, restore economic
progress, reinstate financial structures, and have the authority to implement any plan it passes.
The third world war changed the world as we knew it. The most immediate effects that we saw
were geographical. The most drastic changes occurred in South East Asia, due to the fact that
radioactivity has driven most of the population of India and Pakistan into refuge into
surrounding states of Afghanistan, China and CAS. However, the effects of this war were also
seen in the African region. The use of chemical weapons by the remnants of the Free Syrian
Army led to an outbreak of a deadly virus which was not catered to due to escalating tensions
between Allied and OIC forces. This unsolved problem has since then escalated into grand
proportions with the lives of millions being at stake.
Another issue that has arisen is that of global warming. With mankind ignoring the warnings of
the scientific community and going around polluting the planet as before, we have seen a
global warming translate from a threat to a problem. What caused an exponential acceleration
in this phenomenon was the use of nuclear weapons in the subcontinent. This caused thermal
pollution levels to increase causing the Ozone layer to be deteriorate. This was accompanied by
polar ice melt in the Arctic leading to a huge rise in the sea levels. The Baltic Sea, fed directly by
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polar ice caps, was the one which was the most affected. As a result, the Scandinavian countries
of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway to entirely submerge under water.
Hence moving into 2060, several large tracts of land have been made completely uninhabitable.
These regions include the Saharan Desert, the submerged Scandinavian countries and the
radioactive wasteland that remains in the Subcontinent. The major countries of the world,
which were already weakened by World War III now had to deal with the issue of settling these
huge number of refugees. However, this was by no means the only problem faced by these
nations. They had to address the problems of fighting the diseases spread out in the North
African region and how best to provide food for the worlds populations now that major food
baskets of the world were uninhabitable.
A major issue that arose due to the above mentioned reasons is that resources became scarce.
As a result, many lesser developed nations saw anarchy and chaos rule the streets. Mercenary
bands became increasingly common and due to the mass proliferation of weapons, many
mercenary groups became better equipped than the governments.
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World War 3 drained the finances and the technological resources of major world powers to
the extent that now these world powers are no longer able to deal with the mass refugee
problem occurring from the warfare. And when that problem is compounded by the fact that
Global warming is actively changing the worlds landscape, the individual countries give up on
fighting the problems altogether. It was due to this issue that the major countries of the world
came together to form the United Nations Federation in 2050.
The UNF was founded as an umbrella organization into which all the existing nations of the
world would pool in their economical, technological and military resources to combat the major
problems of the world as a united front rather than as individual nations. Therefore, as default
UNF became an organization which had control of the worlds resources and due to its
amalgamated resources, it began to tackle these issues.
The first task that the UNF undertook was to ensure that it could succeed where the UNO had
failed i.e. World Peace. To this end, the UNF began by ensuring that all nations ceded control of
their WMDs and gave up most of their troops to the UNF’s private army. The UNF then began
to divide the countries into zones which would make monitoring and accountability easier and
more through.
The second step that UNF did was to ensure that it took control of the numerous space stations
that had popped up during WWIII. With these space stations, the UNF began to look to make
the nearest celestial bodies (Moon and Mars) inhabitable. During the WW, countries like the
USA and China had managed to make military bases on these planets. It fell on to the UNF to
develop this a step further and to develop these bases to habitable colonies. This task fell onto
the huge pool of Scientists that UNF had at its disposal.
The UNF, unlike the UN follows the a very basic mandate. This mandate, known as the Prime
Directorate, lays down the basic reasons for which the UNF was formed and the problems that
are the most pertinent.
The World in 2099
The world has greatly developed from the apocalyptic landscape that we witnessed at the
formation of UNF in the 2050s. There is now hope. The world is looking at the future not with a
view of how to survive but are now looking to thrive. However, this is not to say that the world
is at peace. Indeed, even now, the UNF faces several problems that need to be addressed in this
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Approaching the 22nd century, the world is a radically different place than the 21st. No longer
are the issues that plagued us in 2001 important. However, that is not to say that the world is a
better place to live in. In the status quo, the problems have grown but so have the means to
combat such issues. To this end, the UNF has convened in 2099 to develop Century
Development Goals.
By definition, these goals highlight some of the basic and most pertinent issues faced by the
world as of right now. Highlighting and setting these issues would not be the only task faced by
the committee. What the delegates need to agree is how exactly these issues are going to be
quantified and resolved in a timely manner. This is especially important given the volatile
nature of some of the problems.
Century Development Goal # 1 – Combating Climate Change
Through this, the Committee will take on a more environment oriented approach and will
discuss possibilities of limiting destruction and damage to the Earth. Environmental laws,
conservative efforts and solutions to tackle problems such as rising sea levels, relocation,
humanitarian aid structure among others will be focused on. The third world war caused many
regions to deteriorate and inevitably become uninhabitable. Regions like the entire Asian
subcontinent and some parts of the Middle East are all barren whereas the Scandinavian region
has sunk under water. Two basic problems regarding the Economy rise that suggest; the
absence of trade of particular goods has disturbed the equilibrium of marketing causing
markets of countries in trade with the destroyed regions to collapse, Europe had a great deal of
trade with the Asian subcontinent of spices and fabric but the absence of these goods has
created problems. Apart from trade stocks and business were readily affected by the war and
its aftermath as complimentary companies of the market started to cave in.
Now the UNF seeks to counter these problems with utmost efficiency and least collateral
damage which may result in creation of more obstacles in the future.
Century Development Goal # 2 – Artificial Intelligence
With advancements in Technology and significant improvements in artificial intelligence, the
case of rights for these individuals and sects must be decided. That is one of the most important
tasks of the committee which not only incorporates the solutions but how to enforce them as
well. Furthermore, the advancement in AI is somewhat beneficial to humans as most problems
of minor concern are being dealt with by AI. AI is readily evolving and is understanding society
better but there is evident uncertainty in the response of AI towards change and humans in the
mere future. The AI community is now a big part of society but sanctions regarding their
abilities regarding strength and intelligence have been imposed by the UNF. Other than such
basic quarrels, the problem of authority rises; whether is it recommended to include the AI
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Community in the legislature of the Government of countries or even in the Unilateral Ruling
body that is the UNF.
Century Development Goal # 3 – Uninhabitable Zones
As we have discussed in the timeline before, the world is now no longer the same place. The
Saharan Peninsula, the Scandinavian regions along with the sub-continent is now uninhabitable
owing to multitude of reasons ranging from the nuclear warfare to the decaying ozone layer.
This causes a lot of problems for the existing nations and the UNF because now what we have
are nations which have been crippled financially because of the influx of refugees escaping
these zones. A further problem is that the subcontinent was a very fertile food basket and as
such was a huge contributor to the world trade, not only in food but also in raw materials like
steel, cotton and various products. Now, because these regions can no longer be habitable, the
UNF needs to come up with a sustainable way to deal with these areas in a way that the
remaining mankind can benefit from these nations.
Century Development Goal #4 – Armies without Borders
The problem with so many regions that have been amalgamated into singular unions like the
Central African Union is that these countries are now so vast and lack so many basic necessities
that people are very dis-satisfied with their governments. From this dissatisfaction stems a
genuine desire in the people to force change by themselves. The WWIII caused a massive
increase in the stores of conventional weaponry in nearly all countries involved in the war.
When you combine these two individual facts, what you get is a large and increasing amount of
rogue armies that operate without laws of any kind.
This committee needs to discuss as to how these individuals are catered and brought back in
the folds of the mainstream society.
Century Development Goals #5 – Governing Celestial Bodies
We have discussed how the UNF, at its inception, took control of the space bases that the
nations had developed on the moon for WWIII. Focusing on space exploration and looking for
life sustaining planets due to the decaying of the Ozone Layer. In the 30 years since, UNF has
formulated a life sustaining eco habitat at Moon, with a smaller but just as effective colony at
Mars. These colonies have largely come about as a result of the scientists and infrastructure
provided by USA, Russia and China. The problem now is that even after about half a decade of
life outside earth there is still no existing law and order on these bodies. These bodies are
governed largely by the laws of the Earth but the UNF is called upon to enforce these laws and
Micro Manage. It is up to this committee to decide upon a government of these planets which
would be responsible for maintaining law and order. We should also keep in mind that the
above mentioned three countries i.e. USA, Russia and China also are claiming these celestial
colonies as an extension to their natural borders on Earth. It’s up to this committee to answer
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whether even countries will be established on these planets. Secondly Delegates must answer
what sort of a government is to established on planets and whether or not it will report to UNF
or not.
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The current United Nations Organization operates under a very strict and binding UN Charter
which basically dictates the extent to which the UNO can operate on a variety of issues.
However, with the advent of WWIII and the subsequent dissolution of United Nations, all those
charters need to be revamped. This committee of the UNF would be focused on settling a
mandate for the UNF to end the grey areas that exist in this new world order.
Some of the grey areas that exist in the status quo are as follows;
The UNO had very clear restrictions when it came to the issue of transnational breaches in
security. No intervention in domestic matters was allowed and the only time peacekeeping
troops could be deployed was if the UNSC passed a resolution stating so. However, the UNF is
different from the UNO in the sense that the UNF actually has a very able military operating on
ground, air and even space. This leads to several problems regarding accountability which
needs to be catered to. The committee needs to decide what restrictions need to be imposed
upon the UNF. Furthermore, a framework for intervention will be needed.
The United Nations Organizations defines Sovereignty as the authority of a state to govern itself
or another state.
The problem that now arises is that to what extent can nations exercise their own control over
their own territories. The fact that the UNF now has an army and space fleet raises several key
questions. Firstly, Delegates must compile a proper definition of sovereignty keeping in mind
that Space is now habitable. Secondly, the delegates must come up with a framework through
which the boundaries and the mandate of the UNF can be properly evaluated.
International Co-operation
One of the basic functions of the UNO was to achieve international co-operation in solving
international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
However, we have seen that the creation of the UNF itself is very controversial and the power it
wields are even more so. The question that arises is that when a certain organization is
illegitimate in the eyes of certain countries, so how do these countries come under the
umbrella of the same organization and all with it. The delegates will be need to well versed in
diplomacy to solve the issue of how to bring all the remaining countries in the world to one
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Geneva Conventions
The Geneva conventions establish the basic human rights that all countries recognize. However,
there was a vast majority which chose to ignore them and carry out violations of the
conventions for e.g. child labour, sex trafficking.
The problem that arises before the committee now is that the UNF finally has the means to
impose these conventions upon these nations, to what extent can it actually use force without
infringing upon the sovereignty of a country.
Closing Note: The Future
Events leading up to the third World War were portraying an apocalyptic, disastrous vision of
the Earth and its future. People and governments were giving up on hope, they were giving up
on development and social structures were becoming largely ignored. The future was not
perceived to be promising, fulfilling, satisfactory or in any way progressive. There now stands a
chance to seek salvation. And that is the United Nations Federation.
More to follow.
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Bloc Positions
Countries and Members
Recent History
Minimally affected by the third World War. However, has a huge refugee
problem due to the Indo Pak Nuclear conflict.
Hosted the third World War as part of the Caucasus region. Considerable
losses but currently recovering.
Hosted the war. Badly affected and no longer controls Nagorno Karabakh
region. Currently recovering.
Opposed to the UNF World order and currently lobbying for greater
sovereignty for countries along with greater military control.
United in 2051 after the war. Left the European Union in 2035.
Badly affected by climate change with all tropical forests destroyed.
Remained in European Union until it’s dissolution in 2042. Committed
member of the UNF.
One of the biggest allies of the UNF. Argues for greater resource pooling in
order to combat problems.
Badly affected due to climate change and global warming.
One of the main parties in the war. Eventually settled for a ceasefire.
Founding member of UNF and contributed greatly to space exploration and
Was badly hit by the economic recession following WWIII. Greatly
benefited from the formation of the UNF
Gained complete control over its land after Turkey was busy in the war.
The UNF military prowess keeps the Turkish army at bay
Caribbean Alliance
Several smaller countries united due to struggling, debt filled economies
which collapsed before the war.
Stands against the idea of a peacekeeping body like the UNF having its own
military. Is a committed member, however.
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One of the main parties of the war. Successful in military occupation of
Israel. Post war unification with Libya, Sudan, Tunisia and Algeria.
Allied with Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar
South Korea
Unified with Brunei and Singapore
Sri Lanka
One of the main parties in the war and fought alongside China against
India. Faced massive damages and economic loss. One of the founding
members of UNF.
Badly destroyed in the war against Pakistan and China and resorted to
detonating nuclear weapons along border to stop enemy invasion.
Struggling to recover.
Unified with Greece.
Formed from unification of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro,
Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia.
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Main parties in the war. Economy challenged with a massive refugee crisis.
Main participant in the war and faced massive destruction on home soil.
One of the founding members of UNF with heavy funding for space
exploration. Lays claim to have the colony on the moon as part of its
South Africa
Central African
United nation formed from all the central African nations.
Started the chain of countries leaving the EU. Lost most of its navy in the
war and chose to be confined to the island. Opposed to UNF and promotes
nationalism and greater sovereignty.
Kingdom of Saudi
Greatly affected by the war and closed its borders. Opposed to UNF
formation and for reform in the structure. Calls out for greater
independence per country.
North Korea
Not affected by the war and opposed to UNF.
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