:i, ■ ■ '■ f« b , Mt. C a V lL ^ J E lF E N S E i b ; ^ u r 'G o m « i t o h i t y attonsfpiHBinergpncy services H ........................................................... I W a ih w jM M y i t J '.Mrftampton^^Bof^ygrd. Burns, , . - national GD [■ 'i STORE lyhO^hai ,turne4^ tor Son'off W a ._____________ „_____ sicfiuh of 121129 "Ehiflsh T ^ l d 1 a n |: the graia^sbn Of ’Hdfedtivd Billj ^ ‘ ___ _ services have and vvhl Gray. uSe'Whisae "signals to -alert thelr« iei:sonnel. All pubHc s^nais, such is fw s t& a tm ? ’ The time to be concerned about civil;..defehse is when the nation • is at peace. We live in troubled' times and should be ready for what ihay come. ■ •' , . ' . • ' ' ' "Here ht€-tfieliMdiah;Cir;^aidr^^ ^ - is m iM e She..wprlced at^ the S il i^liear,iunch, distributing gifts and are in Workin#drder. ^#^sting in gehetal relaxing ctiores rad Stations 6^0 1240 on ydi '''they Upon hearing a steady blast - dfoir the patients Conelcad . . . Cbneiran is a .sys'iPfioni-three to five ; *1minutes, . j- 1 turn oao A Girl Scoyt Ndighorhopd Asso«fation meetiiig \^as“ held .January industry apd the . gpyerbment, 31. Committee menlbem-of^ Troop; wdrkihg together to bring^ou of aiinouncements. *A warbling or fluctuating tone iNo. 68 and *No. 145 helped with ficial lnformation_an<L-f:^idI d e ?pf“di)arations. fense instructions in t^ijigs bf frbm three to five minutes, tells ybu attack is imminent. Go to the emergency.- P o n t use the tele hdst possible shelter immediately. ^ row nie Troop 218 members are phone] Members of all services of celebrate thek Take Cover Signal . . . This may birthday^ Leaders be a wailing |tone of short blasts Greece civil defense have been are Mrs. Frank Womer, Jr';, Mrs. for three minutes on sirens, whis iristructed to go to their pos Bobt. Miller and Mrs. Ross P.eri- tles, horns or similar devices. It irhmediately, unless evacuation is means that an attack is imminent. ordered. If that is the situation, Sneak Attack . . . No warning the police will control trj^ffic and Intermedipte Troop 366 at . bright flash]. Turn off all ap help residents to get to the places tended the Twelfth Night Cere- pliances^ in your home. Go -fo pre designated.-^--,; f, — monry at Clark Park. Later they The wardens'and welfare serv pared shelter or drop to the floor, went to Mrs. Ekstrand’s house get undOr a bed or under a heavy ices will go immediately to the for cookies, and hot chocolate. designated areas to make arrange table. If you are at work, obey of ments for housing of refugees. Tntermedia.te Troop 151 is work ficials. Go to the assigned shelter The Town Garage at 647 Long ing on^second class badge'and tre or drop to the floor or get under Pond Road and the Treatment fo il badge requirements. * The a desk of , work bench. Plant at 1100 Latta Road will If you bre at school, obey the members have invited Brownie be used as assembly points for Thjoop 668 to teach them a^ance. teacher. Qbo to the assigned shel trucks, shjovels, bulldozfers and Isolde Hoeim Is coming to a meet ter or drop to the floor—out of aiiy such heavy equipment. in g to tell them all about Ger line of windows. Bury your face Drug stores in the town have in your aripsl If you are outdoors, many. The leaders are Mrs. 'Wil lard Roller, Mrs. Rita Walker and obey police officers and wardens. been designated as first aid sta1 Go- to the nearest shelter or build tidns. They are; Mrs. Beverly Lauder; , Cramer Drug Store, 560 Stone ing, drop to the ground or dive Intermediate Troop 145 is work for cover. Bury your face in your Rdad, Cornell Drug Store, 3727 Dewey ing for- the child care badge, with Ailenue. ^ Mrs. Carl Brodt assisting. They If yO|U are driving, pull up tp TDewey Avenue Pharmacy, 2910 are also working for the folk danc in g badge. The troop has invited the side of the road. Shut off Dewey Avenue, the motor. Open the car window^. Key Drugs, 3800‘ Dewey Avenue. •the Girl Scouts, from , the ^aden Ridge Drugs, 1950 Ridge Road S k e e t SettIgm eht:.rtdv^P cele- Go to the nearest shelter-, or drop ■brate intomactfoiis^^niimth. The to the floor of the car and bury West. . leaders are Mrs. ^Timothy Keady, ybur face in yoUr arms. Additional first 'aid statiohs will Seven-Day Food Supply . . . be' set up where needed. M fs. Willard MyerFahd Mrs. Lew Soups, milk, canned, meat, fish, is'K ohl. .. At the -s^resent time, Gfi^-eece baby food, raisins, chocolate, cere has three secondary aid stations, Winter camping and sports als -and dried foods. all staffed and ready to operate. w ere a reality for Senior Scouts Other Necessities—Wpter, car They are: . ^ and 'Mariners of Troop 82 last bonated drinks, canned heat, Hoover Drive School, Hoover weekend. The girls camped at matches, cpn opener, -flashlight, Beechwnod in Pioneer Lodge and old newspaper, battery radio, blan Diive. St. Charles School, 3003 Dewey In the Eastwood leahtos on Janu- kets, first aid kit and jack knife. A\fenue. . ary 18 and 19. Patrol leaders were The Town of Greece is divided Mother of Sorrows School, 4922 Susan Stephans, Ann Stork and into 10 precincts or districts, with M t Read Boulevard. • Linda Myers. four division headquarters located The public information staff will These girls attended the ' Win as follows; post bulletins so the btJblic will ter camp— Carol Benson, Carol Greece Town Hall, 2505 Rjdge know the situation throughout the Cange, Barbara Glasser, Linda Road West. Myers, Margery Rapp, Suzanne Barnard Fire Dept., 3084 Dewey Churches in Greece will be Spaine, Susan Stephans, Ann Avenue. usld as shelter and feeding staStork, Linda Walker, Susan Deni North Greece Fire Dent., 3564 son, Winifred Perkins, Nancy Latta Road. W Roos and Joan Rouse. ~ ^ a d d y Hfll School, 1801 Latta ' Whether you’re away or at home. •• Protect Your Valvables in <i SAFE DEPOSIT BOX Everyone has-valuable papers and jewelry which would Jje difficult.dr expensive to replace. Keep yours in a Safe Deposit Box at Lincoln Rochester. Protection from loss, theft and lire for as little as $5.50 box rental a >^ear includin^ tax. jtent yours n o w .RIDGE-DEWEY OFFICE . 535 Ridge Road West LAKE AVENUE OFFICE . . . 1495 Lake Ave. L incoln R o c h e st e r TRUST COMPANY • MBMBKRFSpEBAPRESERVE SYSTEM' GLASSES CARVE A Htchci^ymrwse? Bank Annolitices New Appointments Arrangements, have been made with Chief MUton H. Carter of John W. Remington, president the Greece Police Department to The English department recent 'send one of his radio PoUce cars of ,Lincoln-Rochester Trust Com pany, has announced the appoint to each division headquarters. Act ly held a retirement party for Miss Nellie Bitz, who since 1942 companying each radio car, will ments for five officers and the has hen director of all assembly be four auxUiary motorcycle po election of one new officer in” connection with a realignment of programs, graduation exercises lice. The division headquarters are functions. and senior plays. She was pre Joseph L. Hock^nos, vicelocated near first aid stations, sec sented with a gift by the departr ondary aid stations and other ideht, has been appointed ment. -loan effieei^ and manager of the ineluded--h«±ldiBgs--te-be used by civil— de=^ Guests at the par^ commercial loan division. Leon fense in time of disaster. Principal Elmer Snyder, Suydi If public utilities fail, the police- Roy A. Ely, assistant vice-presi Ffiel, vice-principal.I, Ann Turula, Mrs. Jessie Baity, Matthew Hoff cars win be able to receive and dent, has been appointed assistant transmit emergency information. manager of the conmierclal loan man, and _Pr. Alfred Goetz. Mrs. Ann Brown has been ap When a message is received at a division. Ward S. Ward, vice-president, radio car, it will be taken to the pointed to simceed Miss Bitz, service for which it is intended has been appointed senior credit Masami Mori, an English teach by an auxiliary motorcyclb police. officer and manager of the credit er in Yasoka, Japan, visited All services have motorcycle po and loan administration division. John W. Gabel, assistant viceMarshall High on January 20. He lice assigned to take messages arrived in Rochester on January from the service to the radio car president, has been d'ppointed' 7, for a three-week visit in Roch for transmission to the control assistant manager “^of Ihe-jerediL ester schools. a center, located at the Town,Hall. and loan administration division. O. Kenneth Cooper, vice-presi The international teacher edu The control center is tinder the cation program committee a n ^ supervision of N. N- Raymond Kraft, dent, was appointed customer re ions officer, succeeding Swayne lations the Department'Of Health Educa- '■(jg^a^andant, and chief of ,-P. Gdodenoagh who has refifedi tion are sponsoring Mr. Moris tions,' George Badgerow. H. Burgatt, assistairt visit. Thg G reeee^ ivil Defense^Dffice~n7^^”^ has sbt up a quick caU list, hfead- vice-presidejnt, has been appointe'd olBU i ed by the deputy county director, persdhtiel q , William_D- Sulliv,att-4vas~elected-^ Supervisor- Gordon A. Howe, and Resident Administrator •^'Walter L. Whele- vice*presldent and appointed op-, SerfvUe With R?&E erations officer at the njain office. han. A fterthey have been notified; •V^Uliam S chaefer'of 224 South Drive has retired from the Roches aU civil defensd services wiU be ter Gas & Electric Corporation fiotified immediately. *All 'Servihe heads follow, their 'chain of com , West Ridge PTA will hold Tts after 22 jyears of servic|He has been c o n n e c t^ with the mand, so th^t one person ♦m|^e!S; ljalent|ne b^zagr. in the schpoj. general xSdihfenaiffee department nd'inore fh |n four telephone callsi gymnasium February 14, starting If'telejphohe service is not avail- at 7 p. na. ^ as a mechanic. lOHN MfiRSHSLL cti#. 2il447 ■ y«ilentrii^ Ddilce Set Well they shouldn’t! Nose pads may leave a slight m ark—but never a permanent one. And ' y o u r nose should never b e irritated by glasses. Of course, your nose Has irregularities that are ' different from anyone’s else. That’s w hy you’ll find we study it carefully. M aybe we’ll place one nose pad higher than the other or shape Qne pad differently. l t ’» extra attention to “little things” like this th a t make W .& P . glasses as comfortable to wear as they are technically accurate for your eyes. ASK Y0U« lYI PHYSlCIAir ABOUT OUB, WORK, W H itP lE Y f P A U L ; ------ PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS «~SENECA HOTEL ARCADE ^ ^ W E L V E C O R N E R S . 1790 M O N R O E AVEJJJJfg 'm NORTHGATE PLAZA r 3?00 DEWEY_AVENUE,. ■" V ,._4^
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