(120 points!) due Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 Use your notes

Name_______________________ Date___________
Homework #s 17-28 (120 points!) due Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017
Use your notes to answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are in complete sentences. Answers should be
written in BLUE OR BLACK PEN on a separate piece of paper (Or you can type them!).
1. What were four major problems that existed in American cities in 1900?
2. Define the term Progressive Era/ Progressive Movement.
3. Besides correcting the abuses of industrialization, what were the four major goals on the Progressive Movement (internet
or textbook)
4. Define the term Social reformer.
5. Identify three accomplishments of Jane Addams.
6. Who was Jacob Riis? Why was he so important?
7. Identify the impact of Margaret Sanger.
8. Describe three major contributions of John Dewey (internet) or Lillian Wald (internet).
9. Define the term muckraker. Who came up with the term?
10. DESCRIBE two examples of Muckrakers BESIDES Upton Sinclair.
11. What book did Upton Sinclair write? What problem did it discuss?
12 Discuss the laws passed in response to Sinclair’s novel.
13. Why was President Theodore Roosevelt known as a Progressive President?
14. How did the National Park System come into existence? (Internet)
15. Describe how President Taft was a Progressive President. Why did he fail to live up to Roosevelt’s expectations
16. How can we tell that the Woman’s Suffrage Movement was success? Name two reformers that aided in this effort.
17. How can we tell that initially the Temperance Movement was a success?
18. Why did the United States pass the 16th amendment? Which problem did it correct?
19. Describe three Populist goals that were realized during the Progressive Era.
20. How did the Sherman and Clayton Anti Trust acts help to bring an end to monopolies in the U.S.?
21. Why the Federal Reserve System created in 1914?
22. Describe the three major components of President Wilson’s New Freedom domestic program.
23. How do you know if a reform movement is successful?
24. What was the background for the Plessy v Ferguson (1890) case?
25. Describe the impact of the case that was listed above.
26. Describe two ideals that Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois agreed upon.
27. Describe the methods of both Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois.
28. Describe the foreign policy of imperialism.
29. Describe three motives for United States imperialism during the late 19th/early 20th centuries.
30. How did Matthew Perry “open” Japan to trading with the United States in 1854?
31. Why was the purchase of Alaska originally called “Seward’s Folly?” Were Americans right or wrong to say this about
32. Was the purchase of Alaska an example of imperialism? Explain your answer.
33. Define the term “open door policy.” (PS it has nothing to do with immigration)
34. How did the United States factor into the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 in China?
35. How and why did the United States help cause a rebellion in Hawaii that eventually led to the annexation of the territory?
36. Why did many Americans begin to sympathize with the Cubans towards the late 1890s?
37. Define the term Yellow Journalism.
38. Explain two major causes for the Spanish American War.
39. Describe two major effects of the Spanish American War.
40. What did the Platt Amendment establish between the United States and Cuba? Is this still true today? (class and internet)
41. How did President Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine change our relationship with Latin America? Was it for
the better or the worse?
42. Describe Roosevelt’s Big Stick Policy. What is another name for this policy?
43. Why did the United States want to acquire the land necessary to build the Panama Canal?
44. What was the difference between the Big Stick Policy and Dollar Diplomacy?
45. Describe the most important thing to remember about the United States and World War I!!!!
46. List two causes for the United States entry into World War I.
47. What did President Wilson state was the goal for United States in WWI?
48. What did President Wilson come up with at the end of WWI? List some of his points.
49. Why didn’t the United States sign the Treaty of Versailles? What is this an example of?
50. Define the Espionage and Sedition Acts.
51. Describe the importance of the Schenck v the United States.
52. What happens to the powers of the Government during wartime? What happens to citizen’s rights?
53. What does every American foreign policy have in common?