Year 3 to Year 5 - The Essington Weekly Bulletin

YEAR 3 to YEAR 5
5th May 2017
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 9th to 11th May
Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
Friday 12th May
Mother’s Day Breakfast,
Morning Tea, and Plant
Tuesday 23rd May
ICAS - Digital
Year 5, 7 and 9
Wednesday 24th May
Year 4 to 6 House
Tuesday 30th May
ICAS - Science
Year 3, 5, 7 and 9
From the Head of Junior
School: Year 3 to 5
It has been lovely to be out
and about around the Junior
School this week with the
Dry Season just around the
corner and students and
teachers enjoying the cooler
weather and breezes! While
it has been another short week with the
observance of May Day on Monday,
students have been fully engaged with their
learning and have continued to work hard to
produce some outstanding pieces of work
that they should be proud of.
With the arrival of the Dry Season, we also
welcome some of our most anticipated
events of the year. This weekend, students
are very much looking forward to the
Seabreeze Festival being held on Saturday
6th May at the Nightcliff Foreshore. I wish all
Dance Fitness, Junior School Choir, and
The Essington School Darwin
Mums, Grandmas, Aunties and Carers are invited
to school to share in a Mother’s Day Breakfast and
Morning Tea, to celebrate and enjoy the company of
the wonderful and inspirational Essington community!
Friday 12th May
(a Middle School SRC Event - for more info contact Sara
Materazzo or Gemma Boyle)
7.00am – 8.30am
School Canteen - only $5
8.30am – 10.30am
School Library
Raffle prizes. Please bring a plate of morning tea to
share, and a $2 donation for tea and coffee.
(For info - contact: Ruth O’Brien on 0419 801 894)
Junior Strings Ensemble students who are
performing at the Festival this year, all the
best and I hope to see you down there!
Friday 2nd June
Music Recital
Monday 12th June
Queen’s Birthday Public
The House Cross Country event at the East Point Reserve
was a huge success last week.
Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination. ~ Roy M. Goodman
Year 3 to 5 Report
On Thursday, the Junior School
students celebrated International Star
Wars Day with a ‘May the Fourth Be
With You!’ Star Wars Quiz at lunchtime
in the Library. Congratulations to all
students who participated in the
activity – it was fantastic to see
students working together in teams
and having so much fun in a whole of
Junior School event. The costumes
were impressive, and the students’
knowledge of Star Wars was even
more so! A very big thank you to all the
students and staff for their expert
coordination of this exciting event, and
for making it such a success.
Next week will be another busy week
with the Junior School celebrating
Mother’s Day, and the Years 3 and
Years 5 students participating in
National Assessment Program Literacy
and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.
NAPLAN takes place annually in the
second week of May, and covers
reading, writing, spelling, grammar and
punctuation, and numeracy - I wish all
students undertaking NAPLAN this
year all the best.
danger in this area. The safety of all
students at our school is paramount,
and we thank you for your cooperation
and assistance in helping to keep our
school a safe place for students and
Contact Details
To ensure the highest duty of care is
maintained for all our students, our
central records system is updated
constantly to ensure that we can
contact you throughout the day in the
case of an emergency. Please ensure
that the school has your current
contact details including phone, email
and postal address, and at least one
emergency contact for your child/ren.
Please forward any updates to your
contact information to
[email protected]
Dylan Ngere, Lachlan McAllister,
Misha Davison
4B: Kaitlyn Pham, Michael Heron
4C: Aman Kalro, Ethan Christrup
4D: Aiden Cluney, Hannah Oliver
5A: Freya Wills, Lorentz Falhammar
5B: Jovianne Tan, Rohan Samjowan
5C: Lewis Van Buchem, Naite Pet
Specialist Awards
 Music: Ismahan Belarouci, Joseph
 Art: Isabella Demazi-Chapman,
Amelie Geddes
 Indonesian: Dakota Robinson, Noa
Sakabe, Mirsab Sufyen
 EAL: Ryosei Hayashi, Tomoka
 Sport: Year 3C Class, Year 5B
Class, Bruno Falhammar, Hayley
Messenger, Mia Archibald, Noah
I look forward to seeing you out and
around the school next week, and if I
can be of any assistance, please catch A big Happy Birthday to the following
me before or after school or send me
students who celebrated their birthday
an email and we can schedule a
this week:
suitable time to catch up:
Raito Kuwano
[email protected].
Nithula Muthumala
Kelly Mackrow
Rossiter Street Carpark
Super Stars of the Week
Ryan Carpenter
As we strive to ensure the safety of all  Year 3: Maggie Leach
Alexander Machray
students, particularly at drop off and
 Year 4: Chloe Fleming
Jovianne Tan
pick up times, we ask for your support  Year 5: Samuel Ricketts
Lucas Cova
of our car parking guidelines. All pink
Archie Burraston
parking bays in our Rossiter Street
Kelly Mackrow
Merit Awards
carpark are reserved for Preschool
Archie Burraston
Congratulations to our Merit Award
families. Our white parking bays are
Jovianne Tan
recipients this week. Keep up the great
reserved for our younger Junior School work:
students whose parents walk them to
Susannah Scaturchio
Class Awards
the classroom. The Rossiter Street
3A: Ryder Maannson, Yaelle Morse Acting Head of Junior School:
carpark is not a ‘Kiss and Go’ zone,
3B: Jayden Wong, Lawrence Owens Year 3 to 5
and should not be used as a
3C: Isabella Theodosiou, Oomung
thoroughfare as this is what
contributes to the congestion and
From the Principal/CEO
A Busy Start to a Busy
The first three weeks of
the new school year, with
three four day weeks and
public holidays, has
given us a busy and disrupted start to
the new school term. In this period, we
have had Parent Teacher Discussions,
Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp,
Interschool Debating Competition,
House Cross Country and Interschool
Cross Country, and ANZAC Services,
to name a few of the cross school
events occurring. With community
events such as the Nightcliff
SeaBreeze Community event, our
Music, Dance and Singing students
will be busy preparing and performing
at this and other community events.
Carnival (on Thursday 25th May). Our
Middle School Tokyo Tamagawa
School fourteen-day tour also leaves
on Wednesday 24th May.
In the week of 8th May, we have the
first of our Year 6 Camps to Litchfield
National Park, our Mother’s Day
Breakfast and Morning Tea (on Friday
morning 12th May), and also NAPLAN
Assessments for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Our Essington Cannons Basketball
Club, with its 160+ members, has the
final weeks of the Challenge Season
coming up and the Finals.
In the week of 22nd May, we have
ICAS Science Assessments at some
year levels, our Year 4-6 House
Athletics Carnival (on Wednesday 24th
May), and Years 7-12 House Athletics
The Essington School Darwin
We will finish the term with a
spectacular Dance Showcase in the
last week of the term (21st – 23rd
There will be many other activities
along the way in the different sections
Principal/CEO Report
of the school, so it is very much a time
when diaries and calendars need to be
watched to track the various events
for pedestrian drop off and is a staff
only carpark. Please drop students off
in Chrisp Street in front of the
Essington Education Centre building.
Mother’s Day Breakfast Events
On Friday 12th May in the Library we
will host a Mother’s Day Morning Tea
(8.30-10.30 am) in the Library for our
Preschool to Year 5 parents, and at
the Canteen we will host a Mother’s
Day Breakfast (7-8.30am) for our Year
6 to 12 parents. Our staff and students
have enjoyed planning for these two
events, and I encourage our mothers
and grandmothers to come along and
enjoy these mornings with our
mothers, teachers, and students.
Planning for Our School Fete
Our School Fete Planning Committee
is gearing up for our big School Fete,
the Nightcliff Twilight Community Fair,
now only 11 school weeks away.
Again we will also run our NT
Children’s Book Fair on the same
afternoon: Saturday 19th August. Many
class groups have already started
planning for their class stalls. Funds
from the Fete this year will go to our
School Library to continue to build our
collection of books and resources. In
the next three weeks you can expect
to be contacted about your class’ stall
for the Fete.
Our Student Representative Council
members will be conducting a
Mother’s Day Plant Sale, and selling
potted plants for students to present to
their Mums for Mother’s Day. Potted
plants include flowering plants and
Walk and Wheel Day – Friday 16th
We are keen to encourage our
students to walk or ride (or skate) to
school for a healthy start to the school
Preschool Child Care Centre
day. As you may know, all four schools
“Exceeding National Standards”
in the Rapid Creek/Nightcliff precinct
Our Preschool Child Care staff and
conduct Walk and Wheel Days on the
leadership team work hard to provide
same day each term to encourage
our young children with the best
their students to walk or ride to school.
experience we can. It is very pleasing Students who are dropped off are
when their achievements are
asked to be dropped off one block
acknowledged externally by those who from the school on these days (and
assess child care centres. Recently I
ideally on other days) to walk the short
received the report from the assessing one block distance to school. Our next
authority after our recent annual
formal Walk and Wheel Day is on
review. We were thrilled to be rated as Friday 16th June…. but we encourage
“Exceeding National Standards” on all our students to make every day a walk
four criteria, with no areas requiring
any improvements. We are the first
centre in the Northern Territory to
receive such a rating, and this is our
second year in a row on this rating.
Congratulations to our Preschool Staff
and Leadership Team on striving to be
the best for our children.
The Essington School Darwin
Student Representative Council
Thursday 11th and
Friday 12th May
A beautiful gift for Mum,
potted flowering and herb plants.
100mm Flowers $4.00
125mm Flowers $6.00
125mm Herbs
Near the Junior School Stairs
12:00pm - 1:00pm and 2:30pm - 3:00pm
For information on cybersafety, prepared by the
Australian Federal Police through their Think U
Know program, see
This site provides information and tips for parents.
The CyberReport Team of the Office of the
Children’s eSafety Commissioner can also assist
and follow up concerns:
and wheel day (especially now the
great weather has clicked in).
Students riding to school are asked to
wear a helmet (as the law requires) for
their own safety.
David Cannon
Drop Off and Car Parking
We need to remind parents to not use
the Rossiter Street Carpark as a drop
off zone as this is needed for
Preschool parents. Middle School
students should be dropped off in the
Kiss and Go Zones on the footpath,
and preferably on Chrisp Street.
We also ask Middle School parents
not to use the staff carpark at the back
of the Essington Education Centre
building off Chrisp Street as a drop off
zone as this carpark is not designed
Jaedon, Shainthra, Noa, and Kara learning how to program robots in the
Year 4/5 Robotics Extension group.
The Essington School Darwin
General Notices
Music Notices
Hamish Martin, Cello Tutor, will be
travelling overseas and will be returning in
Term 3. We are very pleased to have
organised a replacement for Hamish, and
welcome John Lynch. Not only is John a
musician, but he is also a sailing
instructor at the Darwin Sailing Club.
Lessons will take place on the same day and at the same
time in the Music Centre.
Melanie Gray, Vocal Tutor, is a country singer and
songwriter, and we are very fortunate to have her teaching
Vocal lessons through our Academy of Youth Arts NT
Music program. Please note that Melanie has vacancies if
your child is interested in taking singing lessons.
If you require any assistance with Instrumental and Vocal
lessons, please email [email protected].
Music Star of the Month
- Helen San
The Music Star of the Month is awarded
to a musician for their hard work and
extra effort that they put into their Music
studies. Music Star of the Month for May
goes to Helen San. Helen has shown
incredible progress in her bow control
and violin tone production. She has
dedicated herself to developing this
technique greatly this last term. She is a
motivated student who applies herself to
learning the art of violin playing. She is progressing very
well in learning to read and understand the music
language. Helen should be highly commended for her
Seabreeze Festival
A reminder that our Junior School Choir and Junior String
Ensemble will be providing entertainment at the
Seabreeze Festival on Saturday 6th May from 4.004.30pm. We ask all participants to arrive a 3:40pm at the
music stage at the end of Chapman Road on the Nightcliff
Foreshore. Students will need to be dressed in their choir/
band outfit .Vests will be handed out on the day. There will
be other music groups performing before and after, and
we invite parents and children to come along and join in
the fun.
Performance Opportunities
2017 NT Song of the Year Awards
It is time for Musicians across the Territory to get your best
tracks ready because entries are open for the 2017 NT
Song of the Year Awards. The Awards are a celebration of
Territory musicians, and provide a platform for NT
songwriters to showcase their incredible talents to a
national audience. Entries for the NT Song of the Year are
due in Friday 26th May. For more information on the NT
Song of the Year head to:
Italian Idol Singing Contest
An opportunity exists for any of our singers who would like
to enter the Italian Idol Singing Contest which will be
taking place at the Italian Festival on Saturday 3rd June.
Grand Prize Winner will receive $300, second place $100
and third place $50! The contest is open to all ages. The
performance is only to be sung in Italian language. A
contestant may perform a solo, duet or as a group. Closing
date is Friday 20th May (Week 5), and the cost to enter is
Leanne Bakker
Music Administration Coordinator
Sports Notices
students MUST attend 2 out of the 3 trial days, and be
the correct age.
School Sport NT Development Camps
If you are interested in any of the Camps
below, please collect forms from Ms Foley. 12Y & Under TOUCH FOOTBALL Selection Trials
TRIALS - Touch Football
16 & Under Netball Development Camp
Date: June 16th to 18th
Host: School Sport NT in conjunction with
16 May
3.30 – 5.00pm
Fannie Bay
Netball NT and Interstate Team Officials
17 May
3.30 – 5.00pm
Venue: Darwin Basketball Stadium/YMCA Palmerston/
Touch Grounds
18 May
3.30 – 5.00pm
Marrara Indoor Stadium
Age of Participation: 16yrs and under at 31 December 2017 (born no
12Y & Under BASKETBALL Selection Trials
earlier than 2001). Minimum age is 13yrs (born no later than 2004).
Forms Due: 12th May.
15 & Under Touch Football Development Camp
June 23rd to 25th
School Sport NT in conjunction with Touch
Football NT and Interstate Team Officials
Venue: Fannie Bay Touch Grounds Darwin
Age of Participation: 15yrs and under at 31 December 2017 (born no
earlier than 2002). Minimum age is 13yrs (born no later than 2004).
Forms Due: 12th May.
Darwin Region Team Trials
If you are interested in any of the Trials below, please
collect forms from Ms Foley.
To be eligible for selection in the Darwin Region Teams,
TRIALS - Basketball
23th May
24 May
25 May
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
Pacific School Games – Swimming Nomination Forms
All those interested in nominating for the PSG 2017
Swimming Squad, nomination are due 30th September,
PLENTY OF TIME! Please see Ms Foley for a form ($10 to
Angela Foley, Director of Sport
The Essington School Darwin
General Notices
Drowning Prevention:
Learn to Swim Lessons (Infant - Adult)
Junior Squads, Adult Squads, Private Lessons
Bookings essential - lessons start NOW.
Lessons Times:
Mon - Fri: 8am to 6pm, Sat - Sun: 8am to 2:30pm
NT SWIM SCHOOL: Phone: 8948 1000 mob: 0498 100 050
Email: [email protected]
Life Saving Skills / Patrol and IRB
Nippers (aged 5-13), Cadets (aged 17-17)
Board and Ski Paddling, Surf Boat Rowing, Surf Swimming,
Sprints and Flags
At the Junior School Student Representative Council’s ‘May the
4th Be With You’ Star Wars Quiz yesterday.
Phone: 8945 0447
Email: [email protected]
Daribah Road, Brinkin - Casuarina Beach
Year 4 and 5 students made the most of being outdoors at the
House Cross Country event at East Point Reserve.
The Essington School Darwin
General Notices
House Notices
House Cross Country
We held a very successful House Cross
Country event at East Point on Thursday.
We had excellent weather conditions for
this time of year. It was very overcast with
threatening skies but we did not have any
rain. The students ran some terrific times,
and it was great to see everyone getting in and
participating. We designed a challenging two kilometre
course at the far end of East Point which involved running
on a variety of terrain.
gain the most with 200, followed by Gunn Frillnecks on
166, and Wickham Skinks on 156.
It was great to see some parents down there supporting
their son/daughter, and giving the event a really good
feeling. The big thank you to all staff involved which
allowed the event to run extremely successfully and
The next major House event for Term 2 is the House
Athletics Carnival. Year 3 students are scheduled on
Friday 9th June (Term 2, Week 8), and Year 4-5 students
will participate in the Year 4-6 House Athletics Carnival on
Wednesday 24th May (Term 2, Week 6). Year 4-5 students
In the Year 4 section, we had 85 students complete the
course. The winner of the girls was Pia Cowan and for the will receive their permission notes shortly. If you are able
to assist with the Athletics Carnival, please get in contact
boys, Darcy White. Darcy’s time of 8.45 minutes is the
quickest time any student has completed the 2km course. with me.
Each student who participated gained points for their
The House Notice Board is located in the Auditorium. It
House. The Top 10 also gained bonus points, and as a
result, the Wickham Skinks compiled the most points with contains information about record holders, House Results,
overall winning House Shields, House Captains and Vice222, followed by the Gunn Frillnecks on 200, and Flynn
Captains Honour Board, and all upcoming events. If you
Geckos on 134.
have any issues or queries on House activities, please do
We had 62 Year 5 students participate, and they recorded not hesitate to contact me in the Outdoor Education Office
by either Phone: 8985 0121 or email
some fantastic times. The winner of the girls was Hayley
Messenger who backed up her win from last year, and the [email protected].
boy’s winner was Lorentz Falhammar. The House points
for Year 5 were pretty close but the Flynn Geckos were to
Spencer Harvey, House and Outdoor Education
Darcy White (Gunn Frillnecks)
Lorentz Falhammar (Gunn Frillnecks)
Benji Engels (Gunn Frillnecks)
Hunter Roomes (Wickham Skinks)
Max Menzies (Flynn Geckos)
Samson Bament (Flynn Geckos)
Pia Cowan (Gunn Frillnecks)
Hayley Messenger (Flynn Geckos)
Annabella Tyrell (Wickham Skinks)
Mia Archibald (Flynn Geckos)
Antonia Kafamanis (Flynn Geckos)
Ashley Parsons (Gunn Frillnecks)
The Essington School Darwin
The Essington School Darwin