8:30 and 11:00 Traditional - First United Methodist Church

*Affirmation of Faith
An Order for the Christian Worship of God
November 6, 2016
Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve
All Saints Sunday
All Saints Day
Liturgical Color: White
Pre Service Music (11:00 only)
“Set Me As a Seal”
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, a seal upon your arm for love is strong as death”
Welcome and Announcements
The Prelude
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
arr. Held
*Call to Worship
Leader: We give you thanks, O God, for all the saints who ever worshiped you
Whether in brush arbors or cathedrals,
Weathered wooden churches or crumbling cement meeting houses
Where you name was lifted and adored.
People: We give you thanks, O God, for hands lifted in praise:
Manicured hands and hands stained with grease or soil,
Strong hands and those gnarled with age
Holy hands
Used as wave offerings across the land.
Leader: We thank you, God, for hardworking saints;
Whether hard-hatted or steel-booted,
Head ragged or aproned,
Blue-collared or three-piece-suited
People: They left their mark on the earth for you, for us, for our children to come.
Thank you, God, for the tremendous sacrifices made by those who have
gone before us.
Bless the memories of your saints, God.
May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith,
dedication, worship, and love.
Written by Safiyah Fosua
*Processional Hymn
*Passing of the Peace
Time with the Children (11:00)
“For All the Saints”
UMH # 711
(All children under 12 years are invited to the front. Afterwards, during second service only, children ages 3 thru
kindergarten are invited to children’s church and will be escorted to room #113. Parents may pick them up there
after the service.)
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Naming the Saints:* see insert
Betsy Adams
Holly Coyne
Jean Alsobrooks
Betty Cox
Jean Biggerstaff
Maude Crawford
Raisa Bilousova
Mary Sue Dickson
*Hymn of Preparation
*Gospel Lesson
LaNelle Lawton
Willie Little
Ann Loftis
Mary Stewart
“I Sing a Song of the Saints of God”
John 11: 30-36
Sue Stewart
Rebecca Taylor
Louise Walker
Lowanna Wullschleger
UMH # 712
# 935
The Apostles’ Creed
“ I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our
Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and
the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.”
*Gloria Patri
“Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
The Anthem
“Angels Carry Me Home”
The Chancel Choir
The Giving of Tithes & Offerings
*The Doxology “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise
Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen” UMH # 95
Prayer of Illumination (in unison)
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are
read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us this day. Amen.
Scripture Reading
Hebrews 11: 1-2, 8, 23, 29-30, 32-38b; 12: 1-2
# 1050
“The Cloud of Faithful Witnesses Cheering Us On”
Rev. Wilkes
*Hymn of Commitment
“Shall We Gather at the River”
UMH # 723
“How Great Thou Art”
UMH # 77
During the closing hymn, the congregation is invited to come forward to light a
candle in honor of any loved one you would like to remember today in thanks.
The altar will then be open for a time of prayer and thanks.
*The Benediction
*The Recessional
“Irish Blessing” (8:30 only)
May the road rise to meet you; May the wind blow at your back;
May the sun shine warmly on your face; May the rain fall softly on your field.
And until we meet again, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen
*The Postlude
“When I Can Read My Title Clear”
arr. Pethel
At the end of the service, ministers and congregation will proceed to the All Saints
Memorial Park to dedicate the new memorial bricks for the following persons.
Betsy Adams
Maude Crawford
Willie Little
Lottie Pope
Jean Alsobrooks
Odis Deaton
Ann Loftis
Mary Stewart
Nancy Bass
Phyllis Faris
Nell Meek
Rebecca Taylor
Barbara Caldwell
Ed & Ebb Finegan
Jean Parham Jessie Thomasson
Betty Cox
Tom Jackson
James Pope
The flowers are place on the altar today to the Glory of God and
in honor of Larry Beamguard for his dedication to God’s people,
given by James and Micheal Yoder.
Budgeted to date
Received to date as of 10/30/16
for General Operations
Spent to date as of 10/30/16
2016 Financial Update
$ 573,936
Contact pastors or Shirley Davis @ 222-3496 or [email protected] to add to joy and prayer concerns:
$ 478,405
$ 483,185
Total amount Connectional Ministry Apportionments Needed for 2016 $ 68,113.00
Amount of Apportionments paid to date $ 34,056.64
UM Apportionments are a vital part of our outreach and ministry to the wider world. This supports our Missions
around the world. The World Service Fund, our UM World Missionaries, Africa University Fund, General Church
Administration Fund, Ministerial Educational Fund, Congregational Development, our SC Conference Ministries &
Outreach, UM Retiree Benefits, SC College Funds, Camps and Retreats, Campus Ministries, Episcopal Fund,
Spartanburg Methodist College among others.
Peace, Rev. Wilkes
Most of you give through the Sunday morning offerings but below are some other ways to give if you so choose.
Electronic Debit Giving: The card reader is now available in the lobby. Touch any key to begin and then follow
the posted directions. Be sure to leave a receipt with your name printed on it in the locked black receptacle.
This is the only way your offering can be posted to your contribution records. A second receipt is also offered for
your personal convenience.
Also takes Discover, American Express & Apple Pay.
Direct Draft Giving is now available for free: We are now offering the opportunity for automatic draft from your
bank to our bank, Clover Community Bank. Please pick up and/or hand in your authorization for Direct Draft form
from Shirley in the office, or put in the offering plate. This method has proven to be an effective and timely way to
regularly give to the church. "I am an electronic giver" cards are in the pews for your use if you choose to use this
method of giving.
Giving On-Line: Giving to FUMC is now available online through our website: www.cloverfumc.org.
Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of FUMC.
Reverend Tommy Wilkes, Senior Pastor – [email protected]
Reverend Brandon Lazarus, Associate Pastor – [email protected]
Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus
Reverend Meg Wilkes, Minister of Christian Educ. & Spiritual Formation – [email protected]
Jon Valentine, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries – [email protected]
Cheri King, Director of Music Ministries – [email protected]
Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator – [email protected]
Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary – [email protected]
Natasha Bilousova, Pianist
Tracie Kite, Sexton – [email protected]
Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator
Sue Gover, Lay Leader
Ray Reavis, David Edwards, Renee Gallien, Conference Lay Members
Wonderful Wednesday Dinner ~ November 9 Sponsored by: Forever Young & Friends
The menu: Chicken Pie, green beans, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, bread and homemade desserts.
Recent Concerns: Edith Jenkins, (Starr Wray’s mother), Hope Millward & family, Karen Stallings & family,
Larry Beamguard, Joe Killian, Mike Bono, Randy Flora, Becky Lyda, Lisa Ramsey (friend of Shelly
Pierzinski), LeAnn McCoy (friend of Drew Ogle), David Douglas, Sandy Chapman, Devin Pierzinski, Elizabeth
Sukkert, those suffering the devastation of hurricane Matthew, Mary Jane Dulin, Bobby Perry (Elaine Jones’
brother) Michael & Marianne Traynor (friends of Barbara Ogle), Dave Jones, Margaret Pendleton, Eloise
Mallen, Naurice Smith (White Oak, York)
Military: Lt. Col. John E Gossett, III, Lt. Col. Nicholas S. Hare, Senior Chief Martin Johnson, Major Blair
Preston, 2nd Lt. Rion Cartin, LCPL Chris Propst, M.Gy. Sgt. Terry Kenneth Lowman, Jr.
MEETINGS for Charge Conference: SPRC at 5:30pm and Charge Conference at 6:00pm today.
Coins for Christ: It is estimated that the average home has $28.00 in loose change (a lot of pennies)
in drawers, desktops, couch pillows etc. For a family of three that equates to $9.33 per person. We
would love you all to take some time to search your cars, cushions, drawers etc. and fill up our coin
jugs over the next few Sundays. Make it a family scavenger hunt - see who finds the most! We greatly
appreciate your support. This is truly an additional offering to help lift up our stewardship campaign
and continue to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Honoring our Veterans: On Sunday, November 13th, at the 11:00 worship service FUMC will honor
all Veterans who are present for the morning worship. We will also honor the veterans and their family
members with a lunch following the 11:00 service. In order to plan for the meal, please sign up on the
sheet located in the church lobby prior to November 7th if you plan on attending the luncheon.
During our Veterans’ moment, we will be holding a special recognition for our Korean and
Vietnam Veterans. If you are a member of our church and a veteran of the Korean or Vietnam War,
please contact Dennis Cameron at 803-627-0650 or [email protected] prior to November 2nd.
Honor Our Veterans: Please place a flag beside the brick of veterans in the All Saints Memorial Park
to honor them this Veterans Day. Flags to place by bricks will be available in the Meditation Chapel
during the Wednesday night supper on November 9th and Sunday morning, November 13th. They will
also be available in the Volunteer Office November 8th – 11th. Everyone is encouraged to come view
the flags and remember these brave men and women to whom we owe so much. The flags will remain
until November 16th at which time they will be collected to be reused.
Rebekah Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 8th, at 7:00pm at the church with Hope Long as
Esther Circle will meet on Monday, November 14th, at 10:00am. After a short meeting we will travel to
Rock Hill to visit our members, Evelyn Stanton, Lois Johnson and Elsie Adams. We will eat together
at Jackson’s Cafeteria. If you have questions please call Windy Bartee, 803-222-7533.
Handbells! Want to play handbells for Christmas? The first meeting will be next week, Sunday,
November 13th, in the handbell room during the Sunday School hour. We will decide the best time for
everyone to practice at that point. Beginners welcome!
Youth, Children and Tweens
YOUTH MEETS TONIGHT! Jr. High will meet at 6:00pm in the youth room and Sr. High will meet at
7:00pm in youth room.
BIG, TWEENS, and Youth at 6:30pm right after the Wonderful Wednesday meal.
BIG (Believers in God) - Preschool in the nursery classroom
Kindergarten through 3rd grade in the BIG classroom
TWEENS - 4th, 5th, and 6th graders welcome!
Meeting again this year in the 5th grade Godly Play room
YOUTH - Junior and Senior High Youth together in the youth room upstairs.
“Come Follow the Star!” Join us for the annual Children’s Christmas program on December 4th at
6:30pm. This year the Chancel Choir will also be a part of the program! Come Follow the Star with us!
Don’t miss….”An Afternoon of Music” A piano and organ recital by:
John Austin King - Piano
Alex Wilson - Organ
November 13th, 3:00 in the sanctuary.
The Food Project Ministry: Next week’s 2nd Sunday donations are: cereal-1 box or grits -1 bag/box
or oatmeal- 1 box or pancake mix – 1 box. Thank you for your continued support.
UMM Shopping Spree – please support or participate in this fantastic annual event! Everyone that
participates in this event leaves knowing how the hands and feet of Christ have been extended that
day. Our annual shopping spree brings us close to our community by providing a day of outreach to
our wonderful younger students in the Clover school district that may not experience Christmas as we
do. We provide them with a hot breakfast, pictures, chaperoned shopping for their family members,
wrapping, a true Christmas story in our sanctuary and then a special surprise – gifts of their own.
Children are receiving new shoes, clothing, hygiene items, books and toys. And through the love,
support and partnership of our Food Pantry a bag of food and certificate for a ham or turkey. Our gift of
serving 30 children on December 10th will be a lift to your spirits with glory and honor to God. You can
help in the following ways: 1) Serving breakfast, 2) Chaperone, 3) Wrapping, 4) Fitting shoes, 5)
Funding (it cost $100 to sponsor a child). Please consider joining us on December 10th from 8:00am
to 12 noon. Even if you can only come for part of the time. We are usually short on Chaperones.
There is a sign-up sheet on the table by the elevator. If you have any questions, please contact Geoff
Dubiski at [email protected] or 518-229-8600.
Operation Christmas Child: Since 1993 Samaritan’s Purse has delivered more than 135 million giftfilled shoeboxes to children in over 150 countries and territories. We have shoeboxes in the lobby for
you to use to share in this mission. Pick up one and fill it with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and
send it off to a child in another country. Please return your boxes by November 19th
Forever Young & Friends…..A copy of the Forever Young and Friends fall activities flier is available
for you to pick up ~ anyone interested in Forever Young events please feel free to take a copy.
Fliers are located on the table in the lobby right outside the Missions and Fellowship Center. Our next
planning and visioning gathering, "Meet and Eat" is November 17 at 10:30am in the Steve Camp
classroom. We will go out for lunch in Clover!
On November 9th, Forever Young will sponsor our Wonderful Wednesday Meal with another
FAVORITE dish, sure to satisfy your palate! Come join us for dinner at 5:45 to enjoy delicious
Chicken Pie ~ with green beans, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, bread and your choice of a homemade
Please be sure to SIGN UP so that we will have enough for everyone!
Anyone with Forever Young and Friends who can help with set up, preparation, serving and
clean up, please plan to arrive by 5:15. If you have questions about helping call Suzanne 704860-3025.
Forever Young will be assisting with our Great Day of Service this year by working together with the
UMW through a contribution to the cost for Health Kits and putting these kits together on
November 19th. Time TBA ~ please mark this date on your November calendars.
One Great Day of Service
On November 19th, we will participate in our 2nd annual One Great Day of Service. One Great Day of
Service is an opportunity for as many members of the congregation as possible to spend part of their
day in service to others. Members may choose one or more of the projects listed below:
1. The Food Project. (8:15am – 10:15am) The food project provides food, extras and prayer to needy
families in the Clover area. In the month of November we also give out Turkeys.
2. Romine Project. (8:00am – 2:00pm) Although the main work of the Romine Project ended in
February, the house is still in need of a covering over the back porch to protect from water.
3. Clover area clean up. (10am – Noon). We will do a trash pickup up along the church’s designated
route (Bethel and Kings Mountain streets.)
4. Health Kits/Samaritan’s Purse Kits. (10:15am – 12:15pm) We will put together kits for overseas
5. Grace Through Goodies. We will be putting together bags of goodies to give to area service men
and women as well as others in our community.
6. Mobile Home roof cool seal. (9:00am – 11:00am) This will be part of the work crew for the Romine
project. (Since it is in close vicinity.) As this project involves going on the roof, be so advised.
Please Circle the Project(s) you would like to participate in
The Food Project. (8:15am – 10:15am)
Health Kits/Samaritan’s Purse (10:15am-12:15pm)
Romine Project. (8:00am – 2:00pm)
Mobile Home roof cool seal. (9:00am-11:00am)
Clover area clean up. (10am – Noon).
Grace Through Goodies. (9:00am – 11:30am)
Name:_____________________________ Email/Phone _____________________________
As part of the Great Day of Service on Saturday, November 19th, at 2:00pm we are planning a
Blessing of the Animals Service. Bring your pets. As a gift to those who would like, Dr. Karen
Stallings is offering a free nail clipping for your dog.