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DO HOt SEND OUI: p,~/;+~I'l:ltf} FIRE PR O TEC TIO N D ISTRIC T N O .1 O F TH E PA RISttO F ST.M A R Y Franklin,Louisiana FinancialStatem ents D ecem ber31,1999 CO N TEN TS Exhibit IndependentA ccountants'Reporton the FinancialStatem ents Pa a~ 1 G eneralPurpose t"ina n cialStatem ents Bala n ce Sheet-A llFund Typesand A ccountG roups Slatem enlofR evenues,Expeudilm 'es, and Changes in Fund Balance G over n m entalFund Type -G eneralFund Statem entofR evenues,Expenditures and Changes iJ~Fund B almace -B udget (GAAP Basis)and Actual-GeneralFund N otesto the FinancialStatem ents 4 5-11 Supplem entary Infnrm ation Schedule oft'xpeuditures Com pared to Budgel(G AA P Basis) Supplem enlallnfonnation Schedule Com pensation Paid Board M em bers Schedule of C om pensalion Paid B oard M em bers 15 A ttestation R epo11.s IndependentA ccom ltants'Reporton A pplying A greed-U pon Procedures 17-21 LouisianaAttestation Questionnaire 22-23 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporat ion Certifiod Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsuhants Inzerelh ,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation Cerlified Public Accountanls ~ G regory J.h~zerella,CPA Bm bara M .reldm an,M BA,CPA [ric J,Broussard,CPA 1.I)avid Brady,CPA Julie VV.Potlrciau,(PA M EM BIRS A M ERICA N IN S]I1LJ'IE O F CER]IfliD PU BII( A(CO U N]A NIS lO UISIANA S()CIETY O F CER1IfIE[) PLIBIIC AC( C)LJN]AN'IS ]ir a 1 I;.Viator.( PA To the ConunL,;sioners ofFire Protection D istrict N o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Framklin,LouM ana W e have com piled the accom panying general purpose f inancial statem ents of the Fire Protection D istrictN o. 1 of the Parish of St.M ary,a com ponent unit of the Parish of St.M ary, Franklin, Louisiana, as of and for the year ended D ecem ber 31, 1999 as listed in the table of contents, and the accom panying supplem entary inform ation w hich is presented only for supplem entary analysis purposes in accordance w ith Statem ents on Standards for A ccounting a nd Review Services issued by the Am erica n Institute ofCertif ied Public A ccountants. A com pilation is lim ited to presenting in the form of f i nancial statem ents and supplem entary schedules inform ation that is the representation of m anagem ent. W e have not audited or review ed the accom panying f inancial statem ents and supplem entary schedules and, accordingly,do notexpressa n opinion orany otherform ofassurance on them . In accordance w ith the Louisiana G overnm entalA udit G uide and the provisions of stale law ,w e have issued a report,dated June 27,2000,on the resultsofouragreed-upon procedures. IN ZERELLA ,FELD M AN ,BR_AD Y . B R O U SSA R D A N D PO U R C1A U CERTIFIED PU BLIC A CC,O UN TAN TS June 27,2000 ~~ 35]wentyAq~eutRoad ~ P.O .Box 9408 ~ New Iberia,LA 70562-9408 ~(337)364-3866 ~ Fax (337)364-3872 ~ if [email protected] ExhibitA Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisiana A llFund Types and A ccountG roups B alance Sheet D ecem ber31,1999 A C C ()UN T GRO UPS G eneral Fixed G O V ERN M EN TA L FUN D S G eneral Fund A SSETS Cash and cash equivalents C ertif i cates ofdeposit R eceivablcs Land,buildings,and equipm ent TO TA L (M EM ORANDUM ONLY) A ssets 585,055 426,782 585,055 426,782 80,774 80,774 _ ~1 092~611 TO TA L A SSETS __ _ $ 307.566 __ 307~566 .~.~ 307~. 56 _6 $~ _~ 400 ~!'/7 _ L1AI3ILIT1ES,EQUITY,AND O TH ER CREI)ITS 1.1A B ILITIES A ccounts payable 612 $ 612 612 TO TA L LIA I~ILITIES 0 612 307,566 307,566 EQUITY AN D OTHER CREDITS hw estm entin generalf ixed assets FUN D B A LA N CES U nreserved D esignated forA cquisition ofbuilding U ndesignated 1,091,999 0 TOTAL EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS 1,091,999 1,091,999 0 307,5(;6 1,399,565 TOTAL LI/d3II,1TIES,EQUITY AN D O TItEI~CR ] [, 'D ITS 5; _ _ L_ 09_2~61 _! ~ :~ Q7 jS~;6 $ L4.~)OATZ See A ccountants'Com pilation Report The accom panying notes are an integral partofthese f inancialstatem ents. Page 2 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A Professiona!CorporalJon Certified Public A(courdants ~ BusinessConsultants ExhibitB Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisiana G ovenm m ntalFunds Statem entofRevenues,Expendituresand Changesin Fund B ala n ce Forthe Y ea r Ended D ecem ber31,1999 G eneral Fund REV EN U ES A d valorem laxes Intergovem nml~talrevenues O thergrants Interestearnings $ 93,423 15,750 48,861 158,(134 TO TA L REV EN U ES EX PEN D 1TU RI~S C urrent G eneralgovernm enl 24,893 6,247 0 Public safety C apitaloutlay 31,140 TO TA L EX PEN I)ITU RES EXCESS (DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUES 126,894 O V ER EX PEN D ITU R ES 0 OTHER FINAN CING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS (DEH CIENCY)OF REVENUES A N D O TH ER SO U R C ES O V ER EX PEN D ITU RE S A N D O TH ER U SES 126,894 FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT)AT BEGINN ING OF YEAR FUND BALAN CES (DEFICIT)AT END OF YEAR 965dO5 ~1,0_ 9L95)_9 See A ccountants'C om pilation R eport The accom panying notes are an integral partofthese f inancialstatem ents. Page 3 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion CeIlified Public Accountants ~ BusirlessConsullanls ExhibitC Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisimm G over n m entalFund -G eneralFund Statem entofRevenues,Expendituresmad Changesin Fund Balance-Budget(GAAP Basis)and Actual Forthe Y earEnded D ecem ber31,1999 V A R IA N CE FA V O RA B LE B U D G ET A C TU A L $ 104,400 $ 93,423 15,700 43.000 15,750 48.861 50 5.861 TO TA L tU~;V EN U ES 163J 00 158034 _(5,066_) EX PEN D ITU R ES Current G eneralgovernm ent Public safety C apitaloutlay 27,100 15,500 223.000 24,893 6,247 0 2,207 9,253 223.000 265.600 31.140 234.460 ~1Q2,500) 126.894 229,394 0 0 (102,500) 126,894 229,394 971.100 965.105 IU ~V EN U ES A d valorem taxes lntergoverm nentalrevenues Interestea r nings TO TA L EX PEN D ITU RES [UNFAVORABLE) $ (10,977) EXCESS (DEFICIEN CY)OF REVEN UES O V ER EX Iq~N D IT U R ES _ OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 0 _ EXCESS (DEFICIEN CY)OF REVEN UES AN D O THER SOU RCES O V ER EXPENI)ITUIU~S AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT)AT BEGINNING OF YEAR (5,995) FUND BA1,ANCES (DEFICIT)AT END OF YEAR ~ 86~699 ~ 99L9 99~ _ $_ _ 2Z3,39~ See A ccountants'Com pilation Report Tim accom panying notes are an integral partofthese f inancialstatem ents. Page 4 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Cellified [)tl[dic Acfounlarlls ~ |: }usinessConsultants Fire Protection D istrictN o.I ofthe Parish ofSt.M my Franklin,Louisia na N otesto the FinancialStatem ents N ote I -Sum m ary ofSig!lif icalltA ccounting Policies _ _ The Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary w ascreated underthe provisionsofPart 1, Chapter 7, Title 40 of the Louisimla Revised Statutes of 1950, mad other constitutional mad statutoD,authority supplem entalthereto. The purpose ofthe Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish of St.M ary,is to acquire,construct, im prove, m aintain and operate fire protection facilities and equipm ent, including the cost of obtaining w aterforf ire protection purposes,and allpurposesincidentalthereto. There have been five Conunissionels appointed by the St.M ary Parish Council The Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary shallcom prise allofthe territmy w ithin W ard 2 of the Pm'ish of St.M ary, State of Louisiana, lying to the south a n d southw est of the centerline ofthe G ulf]ntracoastalW aterw ay. There are no em ployees as ofD ecem ber31,1999 The follow ing is a sum m ary ofcerlain signif icantaccounting policies A B asis ofPresentatio~ 3 The accom panying generalpurpose f i nancialstatem ents ofthe Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 of the Parish of St. M ary have becra prepared in conform ity w ith generally accepted _ ._ accountiW principles (GAAP) as applied to gover n m ental units. The Gover n mental Accounting Standa r dsBoard (GASB)istheaccepted standard-setting body forestablishing governm entalaccounting and f i nmaeialreporting principles. B ~ R A~q~iti! ~gEnti _ty _ _ A s the gover n ing authority of the pa r ish, for reporting purposes, the St. M ary Pa r ish Councilis the f ina n cialreporting entity for St.M ar y Pa r ish. The f inancialreporting entity consists of (a) the prim ary governm ent (parish council),(b) organizations for which the prilnar y governm entisf inancially accountable,and (c)otherorga n izationsforwhich nature and signif icance of dm ir relationship w ith the prim ary governm ent are such thatexclusion w ould cause the reporting entity'sf ina n cialstatem entsto be m isleading orincom plete, Page 5 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Certified Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsultanls Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisiana NotestotheFinancialStatements(Continued) G ovennnental A ccounting Standards Board Statem ent N o. 14 established criteria for determ ining w hich com ponent units should be considered part of the St. M ary Parish Council for f inancial reporting purposes. The basic criterion for including a potential com ponent unitw ithin the reporting entity is f inancialaccountability. The G A SB has set forth criteria to be considered in determining f inancial accountability. ]'his criteria Appointing avoting m ajority ofan organization'sgoverning body,mad The ability of the parish council to im pose its w ill on tbat organization and/or The potentialforthe organization to provide specif ic f inancialbenef its to or im pose specif ic f inancialburdenson the parish council. Organizationsforwlf ich the pa r ish councildoesnotappointa voting majority but are f iscally dependenton the parish council. O rganizations for w hich the reporting entity f inancial statem ents w ould be m isleading if data of the organization is not included because of the nature or signif i cance ofthe relationship. Because the parish councilappointed a governing board,and this board has to accountfor iscalm atters,the districtw as determ ined to be a com ponentunit of the St.M ary Pa f r ish Council, the f inancial reporting entity. The accom pa n ying f inancial statem ents present information only on the funds m aintained by the districtmad do notpresentinform ation on the parish council,the generalgover n m entservices provided by thatgovernm entalunit,or the otherpovernm entalunitsthatcom prise the governm entalreporting entity, C Fund A ccounting The districtuses funds and accountgroupsto reporton its f inancialposition and the results of its operations. Fund accounting is designed to dem onstrate legalcom pliance and to aid inancialm auagem entby segregatiug transactions relating to certain governm entfunctions f or activities Page 6 nzerella,Feldm an, Brady, Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation Certifk'd Public Accountants ~ BusirlessConstlltants Fire Protection D istrictN o.l ofthe Parish ofSt.M a ry Fra n klin,Louisia na Notesto theFina n cialStatements(Continued) A fund is a sepa r ate accounting entity w ith a self-bala n cing set of accounts. O n the other hand,an accountgroup is a f inmacialreporting device designed to provide accountability for certain assets and liabilities thatare notrecorded in the funds because they do notdirectly affectnetexpendable available f inancialresources. Funds ofthe districtare classif ied as govermnentalfunds. G overm nentalfunds accountfor the districl's general activities, including the collection and disbursem ent of specif ic or legally restricted m onies,the acquisition or construction of general f ixed assets,mid the servicing ofgenerallong-term debt. Cun'ently,govenm lentalfundsofthe districtinclude: G eneral Fund--the general operating fund of the district and accounts for al inancialresources,exceptthose required to be accounted forin otherfunds. f D B asis ofA ccountin 'Fhe accounting and f inancial reporting treatm ent applied to a fund is determ ined by its m easurem entfocus. The governm entalfunds a r e accounted forby using a cur r entf inancial resourcesm easurem entfocus. W ith thism easurem entfocus,only currentassetsand cur r ent liabililies a r e generally included on the balance sheet. Operating statem c,nts ofthese funds present increases and decreases in net current assets. The lnodif icd accrual basis of accounting is used by the governm ental funds. U nder the m odif ied accr u al basis of accoullting,revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual(i.e.,when they becom e both m easurable and available). "M easurable"m eansthe a n aountofthetransaction ca n be determ ined and "available" m eans collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafterto be used to pay liabilitiesofthe currentperiod. The gover n m entalfundsuse the follow ing practices in recording revenuesand expenditures: R evenues A d valorem taxes are recorded in the year of assessm ent. Interest incom e on investm ents and on ad valorem taxes are recorded when ear n ed. Gra n ts and other revenue are recorded w hen received. I: ,xpenditures Expendituresare recorded w hen the related fund liability isincurred Page 7 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Cedified I'ublic Accountanls ~ [IttsinessConsultants Fire Protection D istrictN o.] ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Fral~ lin,Louisiana NotestotheFinancialStatements(Continued) The D istrictuses tile follow ing budgetpractices Annually,t h e Board ofComm issionersadoptsa budgetfortile GeneralFund. The budget practices include public notice ofthe proposed budgetand a public hearing on the budget. A ll budgeting appropriations lapse at the end of each yea r , Total expenditures m ay not legally exceed appropriations by m ore than 5% . To am end the budget,the board shall adopt a budget am endm ent in a n open m eeting to ref lectsuch change. The GeneralFund budget is prepared on t h e m odified accr u al basis of accounting aud includes original adopted budgetam ounts and allsubsequentam endm ents. The B oard does notuse a system ofencum brances, F Cash and ('ash Equivalem sand Investm ents Cash includes am ounts in dem and deposits,interest-bearing dem aud deposits,mid m oney m arketaccounts. The Fire Protection D istrictN o. 1 of the Pm'ish of St.M ary considers all highly liquid debtinstrum ents purchased w ith a m aturity ofthree m ont h s orless to be cash equivalents. U nder state law ,t h e district m ay deposit funds in dem mld deposits,interestbearing dem and deposits, m oney m a r ket accounts, or t im e deposits w ith state banks organized under Louisiana law and national banks having their principal off ices in Louisiana. Under state law , t h e district m ay invest in United States bonds, lreasnr y notes, or ccrtif i('ates. These are classif ied as investm ents iftheir originalm aturities exceed 90 days; how ever, if the original m aturities are 90 days or less, they are classif ied as cash equiw dents. G A d V alorem Taxes R eceivable Receivables are w ritten off directly to bad debt expense w hen t h ey are detennincd to be uncollectible. Bad debt expense under the allow ance m ethod w ould not be m aterially different. It Fixed._ A ssets Fixed assets are recorded as expenditures at the tim e pr o 'chased or constructed, and t he related assets are reported in the general f ixed assets account group. Public dolnain or inf i'astructures are not capitalized. N o depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. A llf ixed assets are valued atlf istoricalcostorestim ated costifhistoricalcostis not available. Prior to Januar y 1,1990,the St.M ary Parish C ouncilw as governing authority of h e D istrict,and did notm aintain generalf t ixed assetrecords. A s such,generalf ixed asset Page 8 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation ().!)lifted Ptlblic Accotllllanls ~ BusinessConsultants FireProtection D istrictN o.1 of' the Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisiana NotestotheFinancialStatements(Continued) recordshave been com piled by the B oard ofCom m issionersusing estim ated acquisition costs ~ aad_l .Lqt )_!).v D esignaled fund balancesrepresenttentative plans forfuture use off ina n cialresources TotalNlem orandunlColum n on B alance Sheet The total colunm on lhe com bined balance sheet is captioned "M em orandum Only" to indicate lhatitis presented only to facilitate f inanciala n alysis. D ata in thiscolum n doesnot present f inancial position in conformity w ith generally accepted accounting principles. N eitheris such data com parable to a consolidation. N ote 2 -Cash and Cash Ef luivalents _ At Decem ber 31, 1999, tim District has cash and cash equivalents (book bala n ces) totaling $585,055 asfollow s: $ 584,555 H ibernia B a nk Petty C ash 500 $.585~0_55 These deposils are slated atcost,w lf ich approxim ates m arket. U nder stale law ,these deposits m ust be secured by federaldepositinsurance orthe pledge of securities owned by the f iscalagen t bank. The m arketvalue ofthe pledged securitiesplusthe federaldepositinsurance m ustatalllim esequal the am ounton depositw ith the f iscalagent. These securities are held in the nam e ofthe pledging iscalagen f t batik in a holding orcustodialbank thatism utually acceptable to both parties(GASB Category 3). AtDecem ber 31, 1999,the districthad the following ba n k bala n ce ateach oftile inancialinstitutions: f H ibem ia B ank B ank bala n ce C ertif icate ofdq' ~osit Totalon deposit FD 1C coverage Pledged cow :rage $ 585,219 180.000 765,219 _ (100,000) (_ 732,236) $..(6go_!z) Page 9 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Certified Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsullanls Fire Protection D istrictN o.Iofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,l,ouisi~m a NotestotheFinancialStatements(Continued) Even though the pledged securities are considered uncollateralized (Categor y 3) under the provisions of G A SB Statem ent N o. 3, Louisiana R evised Statute 39:1229 im poses a statutory requirelnent oll the custodial bank to advertise and sell the pledged securities w ithin 10 days of being notif ied by the districtthatthe f iscalagenthasfailed to pay deposited fundsupon dem and. N ote 3 -Levied Taxes A d valorem ta~:es attach as an enforceable lieu on property as ofJanuar y 1 ofeach year. D uring the currentf iscalyear,taxes w ere levied by the D istrictin O ctober mad w ere billed to the taxpayers in N ovem ber. Billed taxes are due by D ecem ber 31, becom ing delinquent on Januar y 1 of the follow ing yem . The taxes m'e based o11assessed values determ ined by the Tax A ssessorof St.M ar y Parish and are collected by the Shcriff. For the year ended D ecem ber 31, 1999, taxes w ere levied on property w ith assessed valuations totaling $7,61!),288 and w ere dedicated asfollows: Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary 15j. 6n3j!l ~ Totaltaxeslevied were $93,423 N ote 4 -R cceiw ~bles The follow ing is a sunm aary ofreceivables atD ecem ber31,1999 C lass ofreccivables A d valorem {axes G eneralFund $ A ccrued intereslreceivable Total 80,694 80 Page 10 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation Certified Public Accotlntants I BusinessConsullaats Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary t, 'ranklin,Louisi~m a NolestotheFinancialStatements(Continued) N ote 5 -Chant,es in G eneralFixed A ssets A sunm lary ofchangesin generalf ixed assets follow s Baildings Equipm entand furniture Land and hnprovem enls Tota B alance January l, 1999 A dditions I)eductions B alance D ecem ber 31, 1999 $ 30,000 $ $ $ 197,895 79,671 ~;307~566 0 0 0 0 197,895 79~671 0 L __3_O_L~66 0 0 $ _9.. $- 30,000 _ Page 11 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporallon Certified Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsultants Supplem entary Inform ation lir a |Ezz ! m ~ -mm~ Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporat ion Page 12 Fire Protection D istrictN o.1ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisiana G overnm entalFund -G eneralFund Schedule ofExpenditures Com pared to Budget(GAAP Basis) Forthe Y earEnded D ecem ber31,1999 V A RIAN CE FA V O RA BLE A CTU A L EX PEN I)ITU ItES C urrelit G eneralgovernm ent B ank Charges D ues Electric ]nsurance M iscellaneous O ffice Expense A ssessor'sPension "relepbone ProfessionalFees O utside Services D irectors'Fees $ Totalgeneralgoverm nent Public safety Com m unication G roundsmid Buildings M aintenance Prevention Services Public Safety Equipm ent Tzaining Tr a cksand Pum psM aintenmlce W aterSupply ltealth and Safety Totallm blic safety C apitaloutlay TOTAL EXI'ENDITURES _ _ 100 $ [UN FAVORABLE 70 505 64 415 969 3O 600 90O 5,000 1,000 1,000 3,500 1,200 3,000 9,000 1,800 95 836 4,585 31 1,047 3,448 1,482 2,719 9,000 1.620 ~ _100 24,89_3 2,207 2,000 208 1,792 3,500 0 2,500 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 2,589 500 1,450 0 1,500 911 0 0 1,050 3,000 500 1,500 1.000 15.500 6,247 9.253 223.000 0 223,000 L 265~60 ~ (47) 52 (282) 281 0 180 (500) _ __ ~=3 ~114~ ~ 234~_ 46.Q See A ccountants'C om pilation R eport Page 13 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady, Broussard and Pourciat. A ProfessionalCorporation Ceoified Public A(counlanls ~ BusinessConsultanls Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Franklin,Louisimia Supplem entalInform ation Schedule Forthe Y earEnded D ecem ber31,1999 Com pensation Paid Bor e d M em bers The schedule of com pensation paid board m em bers is presented in com plim~ce w ith H ouse Concurrent R esolution N o.54 of the 1979 session of the Louisioaaa Legislature. M em bers ofthe governing boards of f ire protection districts m ay be paid a per diem of thir(y dollars for attending m cctings of the board, not to exceed tw o m eetings in any one calendar m onth, as provided by Section 1948 ofTi(le 40 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statute of 1950,asmncnded. Section 1948 ofTitle 40 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statute of 1950,asam ended,also providesthatif a m em ber is elected secretary or treasurer or secrctm2c-treasurer of the board, he m ay be com pensated ~)dditionally forsuch off ice. See A ccountants'Com pilation Report i Page 14 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A Prof(!ssionalCorporation Certifiod I'ublic Accounlanls ~ BusinessConsultants Fire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M a ry Franklin,Louisiana Schedule ofCom pensation Paid Board M em bers Forthe Y earEnded I)ecem ber31,1999 C O M PEN SA TIO N PA ll) I"O B O A R D M EM B EP,S $ 360 P.obela A uerbach I~ .ichard Legnon N icky B egtmud H azelA nderson D onna Schottest 330 360 240 330 SL 6 _ZQ C O M PEN SA TIO N PA 1D TO SECRE TA R Y ~6~0o0 R obcrtA ucrbach C O M I)EN SA TIO N PA Il) TO TR EA SU RE R R ichard Legnota See A ccountants'C om pilation R eport il Page 15 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Celtified Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsultants A ttestation R epm as Page 16 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation (~erLified ~~ublic Accounlanls ~ Business Consultants (,regory J.Inzerella,CPA M IIM [IER. q AM ERICAN INS [IIU'I[ O I CE, qTIFIfD PU BLIC ACCO UN1AN [S B~ll). ~la M .reldm an,M BA,C I'A [ri( J.Broussar(I,(PA J.DaviclBrady,CPA Julie W .I'ourciau,CPA IO UISIANA SO CIE'IY O F CEI~TIFIED PUBIIC ACf O UN]AN]S lina B.Viator.C PA IndependentA ccountants'R eport on A pplying A greed-Upon Procedures To the Com m issionersofFire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Pa r ish ofSt.M ary W e have perfbrm ed the procedures included in the Louisiana Governm ent A udit G uide and enum erated below ,w hich w ere agreed to by the m a n agem ent of Fire Protection D istrictN o. 1 of the Parish of St.M ary and the Legislative A uditor,State ofLouisiana,solely to assislthe users in evaluating m anagem ent's assertions aboutFire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary's com pliance w ith certain law s and regulationsduring the year ended D ecem ber31,1999 included in the accompa n ying LouisianaAttestation Questionnaire. Thisagreed-upon proceduresengagem ent w as perform ed in accordance w ith sta n dards established by the A m ericm~ Institute of Certif i ed Public A ccountants. The suf i ciency ofthese procedures is solely the responsibility & the specif f ied users of the report. C onsequently, w e m ake no representation regarding the suf i ciency of the f procedures described below either for the purpose for w hich this repor t has bee11 requested or for any otherpurpose. Public Bid Law Selectallexpenditures m ade during the year for m aterials a n d supplies exceeding $15,000, 1. or public w oJks exceeding $100,000, and determ ine whether such pu r chases were m ade in accorda n cewith LSA-RS 38:2211-2251(thepublicbid law). N o expenditures w ere m ade during the year for m aterials and suppliesexceeding $15,000. Page 17 ~()5 [wellly Arpel~lRoad ~ P.O .Bo>:9408 ~ New Iberia,LA 70562-9408 ~(337)364-3866 ~ Fax (337)364-3872 ~if([email protected] To the C om m issioners ofFire Protection D istrictN o.1 oftl~e Parish ofSt.M ary CodeofEthicsforPublicOff i cialsand PublicEmployees 2. Oblain f i'om m a n agem enta listoflhe im m ediate fam ily m em bers ofeacllboard m em beras def ined by LSA-RS 42:1101-1124 (thecode ofethics),and alistofoutsidebusinessinterestsofall board m em ber'sand em ployees,asw ellastheirim m ediate fam ilies. Ma n agem ent provided us w ith the required listincluding the noted inform ation. 3. O btain f i'om m a n agem ent a listing of all em ployees paid during the period under exam ination. Ma n agem Ent provided us w ith the required list. ThEir w ere no em ployees. 4. D eterm ine w hether may of those em ployees included in the listing obtained f i'om ma n agelnent in agreed-upon procedure (3) were also included on the listing obtained f iom m anagem entin agreed-upa n procedure(2)asim mediatefam ily m em bers. Asnoted in agreed-upon procedure(3),there wereno employees Budgeting O btained a copy ofthe legally adopted budgetand alla n aendm ents. Ma n agem ent provided us w ith a copy of the original budget. N o am endm entsw ere m ade to the budgetduring the year. 6. Trace the budgetadoption and am eladm en~.sIo the m inute book. W E traced the adoption of the original budget to the m inutes of a m eeting held on D ecem ber23,1998 w hich indicated thatthe budget had been adopted by the com m issioners of Fire Protection D istrict N o. 1 of the Parish of St. M m3' by a una n im ous vote. N o am endm entsw ere m ade to the budgetduring theyear. Page 18 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A Prol'essionalCorporalion Certified Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsultants To the Cotm nissioncrs ofFire Protection D istrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M alT 7. Com pare the revenues and expenditures of the f inal budget to actual revenues and expenditures to determ ine if actual reva l m es or expenditm 'es exceed budgeted a n m unts by m ore than 5% . W e com pa l 'ed the revenues and expenditures of the f inal budget to aclualrevenues and expenditures. A clualrevenues and expenditures foltl~e yeardid notexceed budgeted a l nounts by m ore than 5% . A ccounting and Reporting Random ly select6 disbursem entsm ade during the period underexam ination a l ld (a) Iracepaym entsto supporting docum entation asto properam ountmid payee W e cxalnined supporting docum entation for each ofthe six selected disbursem ents and found that paym ent w as for the proper m nonnt and m ade to the correctpayee. (b) dclerm ine if paym ents w ere properly coded to tim correct f ir ed a l ad generalledger account,and: The paym ents w ere properly coded to the correct fund and general ledgeraccount. (c) delerm inewhetherpaym entsreceived approvalfrom properauthorities Each of the disbursem ents w ere traced to the district's m inute book w here lhey w ere approved by the f if llcom m ission. 9. M eetings Exam ine evidence indicating that agendas for m eetings recorded in lhe m inute book w ere posted oradvertised asrequired by LSA-RS 42:1through 42:12 (theopen m eetingslaw). Page l9 nzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporation Ce~lifiod Public Accountants ~ BusinessConsultanls To the Com m issioners ofFire Protection D islrictN o.1 ofthe Parish ofSt.M ary Fire Protection D istrict N o. 1 of the Parish of St M ary is only required to post a notice of each m eeting oJ]d f ile accom panying agenda on the door of the district's office building. A lthough nlanagem enthas asserted thatsuch docm nents w ere properly posted, w c could f lied no evidence supporting such assertion other than an unm arked copy ofthe notices and agendas. . D ebt 10. Exam ine bank deposits for the period under exmnination and determ ine w hether may such depositsappearto be proceeds ofba~ks loans,bonds, orlike indebtedness. W e inspected copies of all bank deposit slips for the period under exam ination and noted no depositsw hich appeared to be proceedsof bank loans,bonds,orlike indeN edness . Advances a~2d Bonuses 11. Exam ine payrollrecords and m inutes forthe yearto detem ~ine w helherany paym ents have been m ade to em ployeesw hich m ay constitute bonuses, advm~ce,orgifts. A reading of the m inutes of the district for the year indicated no approval for the paym ents noted. A s noted in agreed-upon procedure (3),there were no payrollrecords which would indicate paym ents to em ployees w hich w ould constitute bonuses,advances, orgifts. ib Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Celtified Publk:Accountanls ~ BusinessConsultants Page 20 To the Com m issioncrsofFire Protection D istrictN o.I ofthe Parish of Sl.M ary This report is intended solely for the use of m mlagem ent of Fire Protection D istrictN o. 1 of the Parish ofSt.M ary and the Legislative A uditor,State ofLouisiana,and should notbe used by those w ho have notagreed to the proceduresand taken responsibility forthe suff iciency ofthe procedures for their ptuo~oses, ttow cver,this report is a m atter of public record and its distribution is not lim ited. IN ZERELLA ,FELD M A N ,BRA D Y , BR O U SSA RD AN D PO U R CIAU CERTIFIED PU BLIC A CCO U N TA N TS June 27,200( Page 21 Inzerella,Feldm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporallon Certifiod Public Accountants ~ Businc,ssConsullal~ts LO U ISIA NA ATTESTATIO N Q UESTIO NNA IRE (ForAttestation Engagem ents ofGovernm ent} ~ 0~ . , 'Dnle Transm illed ll~F~o re l la , [~e (Audilofs 12- 3 1-9 9 In connection with yourcom pilation ofourf inancialstatem erds aso|[dateland forthe yearthen ended and as required by Louisiana R evised Slatule 24:513 and the Louisiana G overnm e, 'f la!A ~,'ditG uide, w e m ake Ihe follow ing representations to you. W e acceptlullresponsibttky totoureornpf iance w ith Ihe follow ing law s and legulalion and Ihe inlernalcontrols overcom pliance w ith such law s end regulalions W e have evalualed ourcom pliance w fh the (ollow il~g law s and regulations priorto m aking these . represenlalions. 0 3 -0 6 --20 0 0 These representations are based on the inform ation available to us as ot (date of com pletion/tepeesetf latior,s), Public B id Law Iis Irue Ihatw e have com plied w ill) Ihe public bid law , LSA-RS Title 38:2212,and,w here applicable, Ihe egulations ofthe D ivision ofA dm inistration,S tate P urchasing O ltice .. Yes[7"] No ( ] C ode of Elhics for P ublic O fficials and P ublic En]ployees tis true It)atno em ployees orofficials have accepted a~ylhing o!value, w hetherm the t 'orm ofa service oan,orprom ise,f lor a anyone thatwould conslitule a violation ofLSA-RS 42:1101-1124/ Yes[,/] No t ] IIis b'ue Ihatno m em berofthe im m ediate fam ily ofany m em berofthe governing aulhi 3rily, orthe chief execulive ofthe gover n m entalenlily,has been em ployed by the governm enlalenlity afterA pril1, 1980 undercircum stances thaiw ould conslilute a violation ofLSA-R S 42:1119 / Yes[~"] No[ I W e have com plied with the state budgel#lg requirem ents oftile LocalG overnm entBudgetAct(LSA-RS 39:1301-14)orthe budgetrequirem ents olLSA-RS 39:34, / Yes[~/'] No [ ] Pagc 22 Inzerella,Fe|dm an,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A ProfessionalCorporalion Certified Public Accauntants ~ BusinessConsuhants Account ing and Reporting Allnon-exem p(governm entalrecords are availabte as a public record end have been retained tot at leastthreeyears,asrequired byLSA-RS 44:1,44:7.44:31,and 44:36. / Yes[-I/] No t ] W e have filed ourannua financialstatem ents in accordance w ith LSA -R S 24:514.33;463.and/or39:92 as applicable Yes ~ ,/]]'N o W e have had curfinancialstalem ents audited orcom piled in accordance w ith LSA-R~ 2/4:513 Yes[.. /']No [ M eetings W e have com plied w ith the provisions oftile O pen M eetings Law,provided in RS 42:1 th/ough 42:12 Yes[,, /] No ( ] D ebt Itis trtJe w e have notincurred any indebtedness,otherthan creditfor90 days orless to m ake purchases it',the ordinary course ofadm inistration,norhave w e entered into any lease-purchase agreem ents, w ithoutthe approva~ofthe S tate Bored C om n~,ission,as plovided by Article V II,S ection 8 ofthe 1974 Louisiana C onstitution,A dicle V l,Section 33 ofthe 1974 Louisiana Constitution,and LSA -R S 39:1410 60- 1410.65. / Yes[A No[ ] A dvances and B onusea Itis true w e have notadvanced w ages or salaries o em ployees orpaid bonuses in violation ofA dicle V II.Section 14 ofthe 1974 Louisiana Constitution LSA-RS 14:138,and AG opinion 79-7/29. Yes[. 4/) No t ) W e have disclosed to you allknow n noncom pliance ofthe foregoing law s and regulations,as w ellas any contradictions to the foregoing representationS. W e have m ade available to you docum entation relating 1o the ' ioregoing ~aw s and regulations. W e have provided you w ith any com nlurf icatiorls from regulatory agencies orothersources concer n ing any possible noncom pliance w ith the foregoing law s and regulations,including any com m unications received betw een the end ofthe period underexam ination end the issuance ofthis report. W e acknow ledge ourresponsibility to disclose to you any know n noncom pliance w hich m aY occur D ate D ate Date Page 23 Inzerella,Feldm al~,Brady,Broussard and Pourciau A professionalCorporat ion Cerlifk'd Public A((ountanls ~ [: ;usinessConsultants
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