Spry Xylitol Chewing Gum

Spry Xylitol Chewing Gum
tween teeth, and in tooth enamel.
However, these benefits are lost when
too little xylitol is used, or when it is
mixed with other artificial sweeteners.
Unlike its competitors, Spry Chewing
Gum uses no additional sweeteners, and
over 67% of the weight of each piece of
gum comes directly from xylitol.
Spry gum has so far been released in five
different size and packaging offerings, including blister packs, tubes, jars and dispensers, to meet a range of customers
with a range of needs. Consumers can
also enjoy five great-tasting flavors.
This commitment to the highest in prodSpry Chewing Gum with xylitol provides
uct excellence is the reason that Spry
the foundation for the dentist-recom-
Dental Defense products are changing
mended Spry Dental Defense System.
the way people think about oral health. It
Unlike many products touting the bene-
doesn’t use sugars or artificial sweeten-
fits of xylitol without substantiating their
ers. It uses an all-natural sweetener that
claims, Spry never compromises its com-
tastes great. Where other gums bring
mitment to natural oral health. The result
risks, Spry Chewing Gum brings bene-
is a unique, healthy, and enjoyable prod-
uct of proven quality.
Chewing a piece or two of Spry gum several times daily will help to control the ad-
verse effects of sugar consumption,
Xlear, the industry leader in xylitol produc-
while leaving the mouth feeling fresh,
tion and the creator of Spry Chewing
clean, and healthy. It changes the nature
Gum, knows how to make xylitol most
of the discussion by introducing a prod-
effective for its consumers. Studied and
uct that easily surpasses its competitors
utilized in products for over 50 years, xyl-
in the things that matter most to con-
itol is an all-natural sweetener proven to
sumers: convenience, taste, quality, and,
promote a healthier environment within
perhaps most vitally, improved oral
the mouth, particularly in the gums, be-
P.O. Box 1421
American Fork, UT 84003
Questions, comments, or concerns?
Call anytime on Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5 pm MST at 1 877 599 5327, or visit www.xlear.com
Spry Products that Delivers the Benefits of Xylitol for the Whole Family!
Spry Cinnamon Chewing Gum
Xylitol, Gum Base, Natural Flavor (cinnamon oil), Vegetable Glycerin
(humectant), Gum Arabic (texturizer), non-GMO Soy Lecithin (emulsifier),
Titanium Dioxide (natural coloring) & Beeswax (glazing agent).
Spry Fresh Fruit Chewing Gums
Xylitol, Gum Base, Natural Flavor (orange & lemon oil), Banana & Pineapple
(artificial flavorings) vegetable Glycerin (humectant), Gum Arabic (texturizer), non-GMO Soy Lecithin (emulsifier), Titanium Dioxide (natural coloring)
& Beeswax (glazing agent).
Spry Green Tea Chewing Gum
Xylitol, Gum Base, Natural Flavor (Green Tea), Vegetable Glycerin (humectant), Gum Arabic (texturizer), non-GMO Soy Lecithin (emulsifier), Titanium
Dioxide (natural coloring) & Beeswax (glazing agent).
Spry Peppermint Chewing Gums
Xylitol, Gum Base, Natural Flavor (peppermint oil), Vegetable Glycerin
(humectant), Gum Arabic (texturizer), non-GMO Soy Lecithin (emulsifier),
Titanium Dioxide (natural coloring) & Beeswax (glazing agent).
Spry Spearmint Chewing Gums
Xylitol, Gum Base, Natural Flavor (spearmint oil), Vegetable Glycerin
(humectant), Gum Arabic (texturizer), non-GMO Soy Lecithin (emulsifier),
Titanium Dioxide (natural coloring) & Beeswax (glazing agent).
Spry Gum combines the tooth
friendly properties of xylitol in
a great tasting gum that also
helps to improve salivation
and overall oral health.
F E AT U R E S & B E N E F I T S
• Sweetened only with xylitol–over
67% of total product weight is xylitol
• All-natural ingredients
• High xylitol content ensures efficacy
-other sweeteners can effect efficacy
of xylitol
-strengthens tooth enamel
• Five great tasting flavors
• Refreshing taste
• Xylitol naturally increases salivation
• Useful in moisturizing the mouth
• Dentist & hygienist recommended
• Consumer acceptance and consumers
will specifically look for Spry
• Not harmful if swallowed
• Five convenient size offerings
To find out more about what Xlear Inc., can do for the health of your family, please call 1 877 599 5327