i 2016 FOREWORD It has been six years since the first edition of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Code of Conduct was promulgated. Since then, it has not undergone revision and review to gauge if the professional and ethical standards declared have lifted its members to a higher standard to place PDEA to a level of unquestioned credibility and integrity. As agency-specific Code of Conduct, revising and enhancing to clarify and ensure compliances with the standards of ethical behavior expected of its members that includes creed, custom, ceremony, tradition, courtesy and social decorum that have been recognized by the organization and its members are the objectives of the second edition of this Code. As the lead agency in the enforcement of law on dangerous drugs and controlled precursors and essential chemicals, or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165), the PDEA must be seen as a professional, dynamic, excellence-driven and accountable government organization. It behooves then that every member of the PDEA must be honest, act and behave with integrity, professionalism and live according to the tenets of professional and ethical standards. This second edition, known as PDEA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards, is intended to help the Agency uphold the highest standard of integrity and accountability in public service. In the performance of their duties and responsibilities, all PDEA members must be guided by the principle that a public office is a public trust that all public servants must, at all times, be accountable to the people. In the continuing efforts to professionalize the PDEA, utmost commitment to the Code of Conduct is expected from every member of the Agency. Winning the hearts and minds of the public is of vital importance to the PDEA since it is tasked to eliminate the drug problem that has caused, and continue to cause, serious damage to our society. ii iii iv v VISION By 2020, we are highly credible and competent agency leading the citizenry for a drug-free country. MISSION As the lead agency in the enforcement of the anti-drug law, the PDEA: Suppresses the supply of dangerous drugs; Implements Dangerous Drugs Board policies; Controls and regulates the legitimate use of dangerous drugs and controlled precursors and essential chemicals; Supervises the anti-drug activities of other drug law enforcement agencies; and Coordinates the participation of all stakeholders in the anti-drug campaign. CORE VALUES Professional – We are committed to act with integrity in the performance of our duties, be proficient and reliable, and provide quality service to our stakeholders. Dynamic – We endeavor to be actively responsive with the changing trends and needs of the Agency. Excellence Driven – We strive to exceed expectations and deliver results of the highest quality. Accountable – We take full accountability and responsibility for all actions and conduct in a manner that would earn the respect, trust and confidence of the people. 1 ARTICLE I PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Section 1. Title – This Code shall be known as the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards, or briefly, the Code of Conduct or the Code. It is the revision of the first PDEA Code of Conduct of 2010. Section 2. Declaration – All members of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency shall abide and adhere to the provisions of this Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards. This Code shall apply to all PDEA members regardless of the nature of their appointment, designation, job description or employment contract. PDEA members shall include the members of command group, directors, personnel or employees of PDEA, consultants, and detailed personnel, who serve in PDEA regardless of the nature of their appointment, designation, job description or employment contract, except confidential informants or action agents working for the Agency. They are also referred to as “colleagues”. The officers and officials of PDEA shall mean the members of the command group, directors, chiefs of office or unit, chiefs of divisions, team leaders and their assistants whether appointed or designated, Section 3. Foundation – All PDEA members in the performance of their duties shall fully abide by this Code. This Code is anchored on the divine and moral precepts, existing Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and relevant provisions of the Revised Penal Code, RA 6713 (Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees), RA 3019 (Anti-Graft Practices Act), RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), 2010 PDEA Code of Conduct, and other related special laws ARTICLE II CORE VALUES All members of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency must conduct themselves by exemplifying the core values of the Agency in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. They must be professional, dynamic, excellencedriven and accountable public servants. Towards this end, a truly competent, credible and dedicated workforce of PDEA shall be developed to enforce the antiillegal drug law without fear and favor, undertake prevention, control and elimination of dangerous drugs and illegal chemical conversion of controlled precursors and essential chemicals, promote peace and ensure public safety, and encourage community participation in the national anti-illegal drug campaign. 2 ARTICLE III PDEA MEMBER’S CREED Section 1. The PDEA Member’s Creed – To be a member of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency is a noble profession and demands from its members specialized knowledge and skills and high standard of ethics and morality. In this regard, the members of the PDEA must adhere to and grow in harmonious relationship with God, fellowmen, and stewardship over property and environment, and trustworthiness as their own Creed above the self. a. I believe in God, the Creator of all, who is Love and Merciful Supreme Being. I shall love Him above all, pray and seek His guidance in the performance of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times. b. I believe in selfless love and service to fellowmen. With dignity I shall serve the public, my family and colleagues. I respect the dignity of human being, the sanctity of marriage and family life, the rule of law, and the duly constituted authority. Towards this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen and follow lawful orders from my superior officers over and above my personal interest and convenience. c. I believe in the responsible dominion and stewardship over all things and environment. I shall use public property for public services and interests only at all times. I shall protect the environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. d. I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must be trustworthy, seek the truth and adhere to it in the exercise of my profession. ARTICLE IV PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND ETHICAL STANDARDS Section 1. Professional Conduct – All members of the PDEA shall conduct themselves in accordance with the PDEA core values and member’s creed. PROFESSIONAL – They shall: a. Uphold the Constitution, pledge faithful allegiance to the legitimate government, respect the duly constituted authority and be loyal to the service. b. Implement the mandates of PDEA as declared in the anti-illegal drug law without fear and favor. c. Uphold public interest over and above personal interest, and conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the lawful orders, policies, strategic directions, doctrines, protocols, manuals, and regulations of the Agency. They shall accept new places of assignment, duties or work, and shall be punctual 3 in reporting for work or official activities, and check out late when necessary, giving priority or preference to public service over personal or family convenience. d. Act with honesty and integrity and in accordance with professional standards and/or laws and regulations that have application to the duties and responsibilities they perform on behalf of the Agency. e. Perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public welfare, and shall refrain from engaging in any activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as public servants. DYNAMIC – They shall: a. Adopt creativity and pro-activity in dealing with changing trends, difficult situations and in implementing changes to address the needs and challenges of the Agency and its workforce. b. Innovate, apply and improve best practices, professional and technical knowledge and skills, and use of available technology in drug law enforcement leading to successful anti-illegal drug operations and prosecution of drug offenders. c. Implement effectively and efficiently PDEA’s strategic directions, policies, plans, and programs, and improve them continuously to address the changing needs of times and the challenges in drug law enforcement. d. Instill positive values to colleagues to effect positive change in their character, and respect their rights and views as well as those of the clients. e. Practice culture of sustained cooperation and engagement with stakeholders in the enforcement of anti-illegal drug law and the strategic execution of drug supply and demand reduction strategies nationwide. EXCELLENCE DRIVEN – They shall: a. Internalize the vision, mission, goals and core values of PDEA and conduct themselves consistent with in the performance of duties and in carrying out the mandates of PDEA. b. Seek self-improvement through career development and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or recommendation or initiate petition presented by citizens in their behalf, or any form or interference or intervention from politicians, high-ranking government officials, prominent citizens, persons affiliated with civic or religious organizations with regard to their assignments or reassignments, promotions, or other personnel movement in PDEA. 4 c. Build common understanding with colleagues in the execution of orders, policies, objectives, and processes to achieve excellence and the highest level of professionalism. d. Provide support services or opportunities to their colleagues to empower them to develop their own personal and spiritual growth as well as capabilities to excel in their performance. e. Deliver prompt and improved quality service to everyone without discrimination regardless of age, sex, social/economic standing, education, ethnicity, religious belief and party affiliation in accordance with the existing laws and regulations. ACCOUNTABLE – They shall: a. Respect and protect human dignity and uphold the human rights of all persons, and observe the use of force as allowed by law. b. Obey lawful orders and be courteous to the members of command group, directors, chiefs of office or unit, division or section chiefs within the chain of command or authority in the organization. They shall also be courteous to their colleagues, all clients or stakeholders of PDEA, including confidential informants or action agents working for the Agency. c. In accordance with the Doctrine on Command Responsibility, the Service/Regional Directors shall, with assistance from their deputies and division chiefs, be responsible for the effective supervision, control and direction of their personnel and see to it that all government resources are managed, expended or utilized in accordance with laws and regulations and safeguard against losses through illegal or improper disposition. d. Prevent and report unauthorized use of public property for personal convenience or gain and that of their families, friends, or relatives, and be responsible for the security, proper care and use public property issued or entrusted under their care and custody. e. Guard the confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized disclosure, including confidential aspects of official business, special orders, communications and other documents, roster or any portion thereof of the PDEA, contents of criminal records, identities of persons who may have given information to the Agency in confidence and other classified information on intelligence material in accordance with the manual and/or agency circular issued on the matter. f. Ensure a reasonably safe, healthy, clean and orderly working environment in all the offices, facilities or establishments under the management, control and stewardship of PDEA according to acceptable standards. 5 g. Submit to drug test, life-style check, investigation, searches and inspection by authorized personnel or investigators of PDEA, and take full responsibility for their actions and decisions. Section 2. Ethical Standards – Ethical Standards refer to established and generally accepted moral values. Ethical acts to be observed are the following: a. Morality – All PDEA members have moral duty to exhibit high standard of morality and decency and to set the examples to their colleagues. In no instance shall they be involved in the illegal drug trade as users, pushers, protectors/coddlers, owners, operators, or financiers in any illegal drug den, dive, resort and tiangge, house of ill-repute or other places devoted to vices; nor violate any of the unlawful acts defined by the anti-illegal drug law; nor shall they patronize such places, nor tolerate operations of such establishments in their respective areas of responsibilities. In their marriage life, they shall faithfully love their family. b. Judicious Use of Authority – All PDEA members shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty. c. Judicious Use of Proper Channel or Venue – All PDEA members shall observe and make use of the mechanisms in the Agency established for the purpose of airing, expressing, and resolving their grievances, disagreements, disputes, or complaints against their colleagues requiring the attention of the Agency, its officials or officers. All anonymous complaints or messages in any medium alleging wrongdoing without verifiable details and evidence against the member of PDEA shall not be tolerated and acted upon. d. Integrity – All PDEA members shall consistently uphold and conduct themselves in accordance with their unbending professional and ethical standards and member’s creed even in times of tempting and difficult situations. e. Justice – All PDEA members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of others so that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as human beings, as parents, children, citizens, workers, leaders, or in other capacities and to see to it that others do likewise. f. Humility – All PDEA members shall recognize that they are public servants and not masters of the people. Toward this end, they should perform their duties without arrogance. They should also recognize their own inadequacies, inabilities and limitations as individuals and perform their duties without attracting attention or expectation of the applause of others. g. Orderliness – All PDEA members shall apply and follow appropriate procedures in accomplishing their tasks to minimize waste in the use of time, resources and effort. h. Perseverance – Once a decision is made, all PDEA members shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even in the face of internal or 6 external difficulties, and despite their disagreement to the same which might weaken their resolve to follow the course. i. Respect in Diversity – In implementing the National Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign, the PDEA ensures that all personnel possess the knowledge, attitude, skills, and awareness to properly interact and relate with people coming from the diverse cultural landscape in the country to avoid actions that may be offensive, biased and discriminatory. j. Non-discrimination – The PDEA members shall ensure fairness in dealing with their colleagues, stakeholders and the public they serve regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. ARTICLE V PDEA STAND ON BASIC ISSUES Section 1. PDEA Stand on Basic Issues – The deployment and employment or leadership decision requires the organization and its members to bare their stand on the following basic issues: a. PDEA Image – The image of every organization affects the esprit de’ corps, morale and welfare of members and sense of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the PDEA shall work to attain the highest level of competency and integrity of PDEA and its workforce, and prevent uncalled for actions that will place the Agency in a bad light. b. Career Management, the key to professionalism – The PDEA shall formulate a stringent policy and strictly implement the human resources development system, compatible to the equitable distribution of procurement, fair promotion, rationalized approach in assignment, skills development, immediate grant of reward and award, and decent living upon retirement. c. PDEA Management Leadership – The effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective in managerial capabilities and competent leadership of the men and women who run the PDEA organization. It is therefore a “must” that these capabilities, competency, merit and fitness be the primary basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for employment and deployment purposes. d. Equality in the Service – The PDEA shall provide judicious and equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one’s worth in the service following the rule and merit and fitness system. It shall institute a system that provides opportunities for training and schooling for qualified members to enhance and upgrade their skills and knowledge, and to prepare them for future responsibilities in the Agency. e. Delicadeza – In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity of PDEA, all members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self- 7 interest in keeping with the time-honored principle of delicadeza. The PDEA also expects from its former members to keep and honor delicadeza by refraining from defending or patronizing violators of anti-illegal drug law being lawfully charged or prosecuted by PDEA. f. Lifestyle – The PDEA shall endeavor to promote lifestyle for every member of the organization that is simple, yet credible and dignified life and shall set good examples to subordinates and fellow members. They must be free from greed, corruption and exploitation. For this purpose, the PDEA shall implement lifestyle check for all its members. g. Political Patronage – All PDEA members shall refrain from resorting to political patronage to influence the leadership, giving them advantage in assignment, awards, training, promotion, favorable outcome of the investigation of their cases, and other personnel movements, and the like. Resort to political patronage for personnel shall be treated without preference or approval. Political patronage for personnel includes any endorsement, interference or appeal from elected officials or politicians to influence or change the decision of the leadership, or recommending or appointing authority on matters mentioned in this paragraph. h. Human Rights – All PDEA members must respect and protect human dignity and man’s inalienable rights to life, liberty and property. i. Freedom of Religion – The PDEA recognizes freedom of religion, a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. j. Other Employment in the Exercise of Profession – Unless otherwise provided by law, no PDEA officer appointed by the President shall engage directly or indirectly in any private business, vocation, or profession or be connected with any commercial, credit, agricultural, or industrial undertaking without a written permission from the Executive Secretary. Other officers or members of PDEA shall not engage directly or indirectly in any private business, vocation, or profession or be connected with any commercial, credit, agricultural, or industrial undertaking without the written authority from the Director General, as the head of the Agency. This prohibition, however, will be absolute in the case of those officers and employees whose duties and responsibilities require that their entire time be at the disposal of the Government. Furthermore, that if a PDEA officer or employee is granted permission to engage in outside activities, the time so devoted outside of office hours should be fixed by the Director General to the end that it will not impair in any way the efficiency of the PDEA officer or employee. k. Administration of Oath – The members of PDEA who are authorized to administer oath of official documents or subscribe the affidavits or reports under oath of PDEA shall only apply to the organic lawyers of PDEA. Acting 8 as notary public they shall obtain the license from the proper authority and PDEA shall shoulder the cost of their requirements to secure the license as the notary public for PDEA. l. Issuance of Subpoena from PDEA – The officers or officials authorized to issue the subpoena pursuant to Section 84(c) of R.A. 9165 include the Director General, and as a delegated authority, the Deputy Directors for Operations and Administration, the Service Directors of Legal and Prosecution Service, Investigation and Intelligence Service, Internal Affairs Service, and Compliance Service of the National Head Office, and the respective Regional Directors within their areas of jurisdiction, as well as the Director (Head) of Special Enforcement Service. ARTICLE VI CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND NEPOTISM Section 1. Conflict of Interest – The PDEA expects that its members will perform their duties conscientiously, honestly and in accordance with the best interest of the Agency. Members must not use their positions or the knowledge they gained from their positions in office for private or personal advantage. A conflict of interest may arise when a PDEA member takes action or has interest that may make it difficult for him/her to perform his/her responsibilities objectively and effectively to the PDEA. Regardless of the circumstances, if a PDEA member senses that a course of action he/she has pursued, or is presently pursuing, or is contemplating to pursue may involve him/her in a conflict of interest with PDEA management or in the performance of his/her official duties, he/she shall immediately communicate all the facts to his/her supervisor or head of office and terminate it at once in favor of official duties. Section 2. Nepotism – It is favoritism that is based on kinship. Nepotism is generally frowned upon and deemed a negative practice because it implies that the person getting the job, promotion or property is usually not qualified enough to have it. a. The rule on nepotism prohibits the hiring in PDEA of an immediate family member or relative within the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity of the recommending or appointing authority, or the chief of bureau or office of the persons exercising immediate supervision on him/her. This prohibition also applies to the common law wife or husband, any of her or his family members or relatives within the civil degree of affinity and consanguinity. b. Consistent with this rule, the original appointment of the officers and employees of PDEA shall comply with the prohibition against nepotism, and 9 shall be based on the merit and fitness standards set by PDEA consistent with the law. Any appointment in violation of this policy is void. c. In the movement of personnel, PDEA shall: c.1. Avoid appointing or assigning personnel who will be under the supervision of his/her relative or immediate family member within the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, who is the appointing authority or head of the office, service or unit. c.2. Stress that employment of immediate family or relative in the same office, service or unit of the Agency can cause serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and employee’s morale. c.3. Impose restrictive employment of spouses in one office, service or unit. The same shall apply to brothers and sisters. c.4. Provided, however, that the personnel movement in the exigency of service or for the betterment of the office/service or unit, or service of PDEA, the directors, chiefs of office or unit, division or section chiefs or personnel to be reassigned or transferred who may have a relative or immediate family member thereat is not prohibited. Provided further, he/she should not give preference or favoritism in the employment of his/her relative over the other personnel under his/her supervision. c.5. Provided, finally, if after the transfer or reassignment of the said officer, superior, director or personnel in the same office/service or unit, his/her relative is or becomes the source of the problem or conflict thereat, the latter shall be transferred or reassigned to another office/service or unit within the Agency without loss of seniority rights or emoluments being received. d. Full disclosure shall be made in the appointment of personnel who are exempt from the rule on nepotism to the Civil Service Commission (CSC). ARTICLE VII PERSONAL OR SEXUAL HARASSMENT Section 1. Meaning – The PDEA prohibits all forms of harassment, personal or sexual, by fellow employees or employees of outside contractors or visitors with business in PDEA. This includes any demeaning, insulting, embarrassing or intimidating behavior directed at any employee related to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age, pregnancy, religion or any other legally protected status. a. Personal Harassment – Any conduct whether verbal or physical that is discriminating in nature based upon another person’s race, color, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, physical or mental 10 disability, age, sex, or sexual orientation. It is discriminatory behavior directed at an individual, that is unwanted or unwelcome and cause substantial distress in that person and serves no legitimate work related purpose. b. Sexual Harassment – Any conduct, comment, gesture or contact of a sexual nature that one would find unwanted or unwelcome by any individual, or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by that individual as placing a condition of sexual nature on an employment or career development. An act, or a series of acts, involving any unwelcome sexual advance, request or demand for a sexual favor, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, committed by a government employee or official in a work-related, training or education related environment of the person complained of (CSC Resolution No. 01-0940 re: Administrative Disciplinary Rules on Sexual Harassment Cases) Section 2. Absolute Ban – The PDEA specifically bans unwelcome sexual advances or physical contact, sexually oriented gestures and statements, and the display or anecdotes of sexually oriented pictures, cartoons, jokes or other materials. It also prohibits retaliation against any employee who rejects, protests or complains against sexual harassment. Section 3. Zero Tolerance – The PDEA has a zero tolerance policy with regard to such personal or sexual harassment. The commission of it by any member of PDEA shall cause his/her immediate removal from the service provided due process of law is observed. Appropriate action and measures against the visitor or the person not belonging to PDEA who commit the same shall be enforced. ARTICLE VIII GIFTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND FAVORS Section 1. Prohibition – PDEA members must not accept entertainment, gifts, or personal favors that could, in any way, influence or appear to influence their decisions in favor of any person or organization with whom or with which the Agency has, or is likely to have dealings. Similarly, PDEA members must not accept any preferential treatment under these circumstances because their position with the Agency might be inclined to, or be perceived to, place them under obligation to return the preferential treatment. PDEA members are therefore prohibited to: a. To receive tips, gifts or anything of monetary value for assisting or transacting and asking assistance from the Agency. b. Accept any and all kinds of invitation from stakeholders and other persons that will undermine the performance of their own or colleague’s functions; 11 c. Solicit or accept any gift, gratuity, discount, favor, loan, share percentage or service under circumstances from which it could reasonably be referred that the main purpose of the donor is to influence their own or colleague’s performance of official duties. Section 2. Exceptions – The PDEA, however, recognizes the following exceptions: a. Gifts provided by the Director General of PDEA or by the fellow officers and employees as a reward or incentive for achievement and success in the field of work and accomplishment of assignment, or in case of birthdays and other special occasions being recognized by the country in general; b. Gifts given by the counterparts during acquaintances, seminars, trainings and workshops locally and abroad; c. Gifts in the form of food and in kind with a limited/nominal value, especially those that must be consumed immediately and given as tokens of appreciation, provided that no PDEA member or officer has solicited directly or indirectly for the said gifts; and d. Gifts or donations given to PDEA as an agency or organization in support of its legitimate anti-illegal drug operations and campaign as well as office operations. Section 3. Allowable – Likewise, it is not prohibited to: a. Give or accept nominal value (not exceeding 20% of the officer’s or employee’s basic salary) of gifts as token to or from his/her fellow employees or officers appropriate to occasion during which it is given; b. Contribute or receive from fellow officers and employees emergency contributions or assistance of a reasonable value or amount in cases of death, illness, calamity and other similar situations; and c. Avail of commercially reasonable loan made as part of the ordinary transaction of the lender’s business. ARTICLE IX CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Section 1. General Statement – The PDEA adopts the generally acceptable customs and traditions based on the desirable practices of the service. These shall serve as inspiration as the PDEA endeavors to attain its goals and objectives. Section 2. Definition of Terms: 12 a. Customs – Established usage or social practices carried on by traditions that have obtained the force of law. b. Traditions – Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation to generation with the effect of an unwritten law. c. Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others. d. Ceremony – A formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper to special occasion. e. Social Decorum – A set of norms and standards practiced by members during social and other functions. f. Protocol – A system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations. Section 3. PDEA Customs of Courtesy – The following are customs on the courtesy of the PDEA: a. Courtesy Call – The following are the customs on courtesy calls: a.1. Courtesy Call of Newly Assigned/Appointed Member – PDEA members who are newly appointed pay courtesy call to the Service Directors and members of the command group in the national head office. For newly assigned or reassigned member, he/she pays courtesy call to his/her chief of office or unit, division chief and to other key personnel thereat for accounting, orientation and other lawful purposes. a.2. Christmas Call – PDEA members pay a Christmas call to the chief executives of the local government units in their respective areas of responsibilities. a.3. New Year’s Call – Deputy Directors General, Service Directors, Regional Directors, Chiefs of Offices/Units, and Assistant/Deputy Directors, Division Chiefs and other key officers stationed in the National Head Office pay a New Year’s Call to the Head of the Agency, while all the officers or personnel stationed in the regional offices pay their New Year’s Call to their respective Regional Directors. a.4. Promotion Call – newly promoted PDEA members call on their head of office or unit. On this occasion, they are given due recognition and congratulations by their peers for such deserved career advancement. a.5. Exit Call – PDEA members pay an Exit Call on their respective superiors and officers in the office or unit when relieved of the said office or unit, or reassigned to another office/service or unit, or transferred to another government agency. 13 a.6. Courtesy of the Post – The host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the command or unit. a.7. Respect for superiors, supervisors and officers – PDEA members recognize the practice of respect for members of the command group, directors, supervisors, and other officers of PDEA and the privileges attached to their positions or designations regardless of their current stations or places of assignment. Section 4. PDEA Customs on Ceremonies - The following are the PDEA customs on Ceremonies: a. Flag Raising Ceremony – The PDEA members honor the flag by raising it and singing the National Anthem before the start of the official day’s work. During the flag raising ceremony, the PDEA Hymn (Tungkuling Alay) and the Civil Service Hymn are sung by the present members. b. Flag Retreat Ceremony – At the end of the official day’s work, the PDEA members pause for a moment to observe the lowering of the flag. c. Half-Mast – The flag is raised at half-mast in deference to the deceased PDEA members who died in the performance of duty. d. Turn-Over Ceremony – The relinquishment and assumption of office is publicly announced in a Turn-Over Ceremony by the outgoing and incoming Service or Regional Directors in the presence of the Director General or his representative. e. Anniversary – The birth or institutional establishment of the Agency or Office is commemorated in an Anniversary Ceremony. f. Oath Taking/Swearing In Ceremony – The official ceremony in which newly-hired or appointed personnel/officials of the Agency take their oath of office and commitment to fully abide by the Code of Conduct in the presence of members of PDEA. g. Awarding Ceremony – Awards and decorations due to deserving PDEA members in recognition of their performance or valuable contributions, or meritorious dedication of service while being a member of the Agency, and due to untiring support and contributions of NGO partners and exemplary operational accomplishment of counterpart law enforcement agencies in support of the anti-illegal drug campaign and advocacy are recognized in the Awarding Ceremony. It includes Operation “Private Eye” awardees and awardees in other category of awards conferred by PDEA where holding a formal ceremony is fitting. h. Retirement Ceremony – The officials or officers of PDEA who are retiring from the service are honored in a ceremony. This extends to other members who retire or are retiring from their service in PDEA. 14 Section 5. PDEA Customs on Social Decorum – The following are the PDEA customs on social decorum: a. Proper Attire – PDEA members always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with the occasion. b. Table Manners – PDEA members observe table etiquette at all times. c. Social Grace – PDEA members conduct themselves properly in dealings with other people during social functions. d. Good Grooming – PDEA members shall take care and maintain their personal image and grooming through proper hygiene in their hair, nails, breath, and body odor, and wearing of clean, proper and neat clothing and presentable wardrobe. e. Uniform/Appearance – Disciplined PDEA members are best exemplified by those who are neat in appearance and wearing the prescribed office uniform. In this regard, they shall observe proper dress code and uniform guidelines of the Agency when performing official functions or business. In their manner of carrying themselves, they shall walk with humble pride and dignity Section 6. Other PDEA Customs: a. Visiting the Sick – PDEA members who are sick in the hospital, residence or any place of confinement are visited by their Head of Office and immediate supervisor or other officers in the office/service or unit they are assigned in order that their needs are attended to. b. Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members – When a PDEA member dies, the survivor officer assigned or designated shall render maximum assistance to his/her legitimate bereaved family until all benefits due shall have been received by the latter. c. Visiting Local Officials, Heads of Offices, Religious Leaders – The PDEA Officers visit Chief Executives of local government units, Heads of Offices of national or local government agencies, and religious leaders in their area of assignment to establish or maintain rapport and cooperation between them and the PDEA. d. Athletics – All PDEA members indulge in physical fitness activities supported or sponsored by the Agency to ensure that their proper physical appearance and bearing are maintained with the waistline measurement always smaller than the size of their chest as shall be prescribed in guidelines that PDEA will issue. The Agency will allow its personnel to engage in physical fitness activity at least twice a week during office hours. 15 e. Happy Hours – Usually on Friday or in any other day suitable for the occasion, PDEA members gather together within the PDEA facility or in an agreed place for a lighthearted jesting or airing of minor gripes. Section 7. Tradition – The following are the PDEA traditions: a. Spiritual Beliefs – The PDEA members are traditionally religious and God-loving person. They attend religious service together with the members of their family. b. Valor – The PDEA members exemplify the tradition of valor by sacrificing their limbs and lives in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. c. Patriotism – The PDEA members are traditionally patriotic by nature. They manifest their love of country with pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the Constitution. d. Discipline – The discipline of the PDEA members are manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and through and spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical, and legal norms. e. Genteelness – The PDEA members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified in appearance, and sincere in their concern to their fellowmen. f. Word of Honor – The PDEA member’s word is their bond. They stand by and commit to uphold it. g. Duty – The PDEA members exemplify themselves as dedicated public servants who perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and selfsacrifice. h. Loyalty – The PDEA members are loyal to the organization, country and people as borne by history and practice. i. Camaraderie – The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the organization, extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PDEA member’s deep commitment and concern to one another. ARTICLE X IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS Section 1. Commitment – In order to ensure adherence to this Code by the members of the PDEA, the following shall be observed: 16 a. All PDEA members shall take upon themselves that the intent and spirit of this Code are honored and upheld at all times. b. All members of the PDEA shall take an oath that they shall commit themselves to this Code. The oath of commitment shall be done upon entry into the PDEA, upon promotion to the next higher position and upon assumption of office/position. c. Directors, Heads of Offices/Regions, their Deputies, Division Chiefs and Team Leaders shall set the example and be responsible in the observance of this Code. They shall ensure the personnel under their direct supervision continue to study, read and internalize the provisions of the Code. d. To continue the internalization of the Code, the member’s creeds, vision, goals and core values shall be allowed to be recited and the professional and ethical standards shall be reviewed in the presence of the members during the ceremonies for the members of PDEA. e. In case of conflict in the practice of customs and traditions on one hand and performance of duties in the other, the latter shall prevail. Section 2. Propagation and Development – Propagation and development of this Code is a command policy and its implementation thereof is a command responsibility of PDEA officials and officers of all levels. a. The PDEA organization shall be structured to reinforce values and standards of this Code. b. All PDEA members shall be issued upon entry into the service copy of this Code which shall be considered an accountable property. c. The Code shall be internalized by all members and institutionalized in the PDEA. It will be part of the curricula of all PDEA academic courses and will be interpreted in moral value programs conducted through regular information and education activities. d. There shall be continuous appraisal and study on the effectiveness of this Code consistent with the growth and dynamics of performance standards and professionalization of the PDEA. e. This Code shall subject to review initially three (3) years after its effectivity and every five (5) years thereafter, or sooner if the need arises, for possible revision and/or modification. Section 3. Monitoring – There shall be sustained effort to monitor and improve faithful compliance with the Code by the members regardless of their stations or work assignments. a. PDEA members shall be morally and duty bound to advise fellow members to refrain from violating this Code. 17 b. To aid the respective heads of offices or services in their monitoring, they are authorized to organize or change membership at their own level a “peer panel” composed of three members with the highest ranking officer as the Chairperson responsible to monitor, record, investigate and evaluate conformity and non-conformity of any member under their offices or services. The panel shall immediately call the attention of any member who is or has been failing to meet the standards of the Code from time to time, and shall perform counseling, mentoring and giving advises and courses of action that said member will have to meet in developing his/her conduct with the level of standards demanded by the Code. After activity report of the panel shall be made to the head of that office or service every month or as may be further prescribed. c. The formal creation and functioning of “peer panel” is not a substitute and is without prejudice of the command responsibility of the head of office or service to perform the tasks required of him/her in the Code to commit, directly supervise, monitor, examine, coach and mentor, and ensure the proper compliance with the Code of the members and other officers or members of peer panel under his/her supervision recognizing that setting himself/herself as the example is the best practice. d. Compliances and violations of the Code by any member shall be included also in the Moral Renewal Action Plan (MRAP) report to AHRSPDEA every month by the immediate supervisor or higher officer having jurisdiction over him/her. The AHRS-PDEA shall thoroughly review the MRAP reports from all offices or services and make recommendations in writing to the head of office or service either for commendation or improvement of the conduct to be consistent with the Code, and monitor the progress of compliances by making follow up for written report from the head of office or service. e. The respective heads of office or service is authorized to give commendation with token, award, testimonial, recommend for promotion at their own level for the personnel under their supervision for the faithful observance of the Code as may be recommended by the “peer panel” or Division Chief concerned, or AHRS-PDEA. For commendation with token, award, testimonial, recommendation for promotion for the Directors who consistently conduct themselves in conformity with the Code shall be recommended by the head of AHRS-PDEA or members of Command Group, or members of TWG on the Revision of PDEA Code of Conduct to the Director General. f. In cases where erring PDEA members are found to be incorrigible or have committed violation of the Code amounting to an offense punishable by law, proper report shall be made to the head of office, copy furnished the Command Group and IAS-PDEA by the head of office or service or any member of PDEA for appropriate disciplinary action. g. A head of office or service who has been failing to meet the professional and ethical standards/member’s creed demanded by the Code or consistently 18 fails to implement or uphold the Code in his/her office or service, shall be handled by the Command Group and shall be reassigned or required to undergo schooling and/or subjected to disciplinary action as recommended to the Director General by any member of the Command Group. h. A breach of the Code by any member of the Command Group amounting to an offense or violation of law shall be reported to the appropriate authority by any member of PDEA for appropriate action of the latter. Section 4. Interpretation – When clarification or interpretation of the provision of the Code is called for, the TWG on the Revision of PDEA Code of Conduct shall be convened or consulted, or shall issue the request for clarification or interpretation with approval of the Director General. The approved clarification and interpretation with number, date and subject as reference shall be considered as forming part of the Code. Section 5. Appropriations – The fund allocation necessary for the effective propagation and development, and revision of this Code shall be provided and released upon approval of request by the Director General. Implementation and monitoring of the Code shall form part of the plan, activity or program of every office or service with corresponding monthly budget. Section 6. Penalties and Administrative Functions – The penalties of the commission of acts/practices in violation of this Code shall be in accordance with the Revised Penal Code, RA 6173, RA 3019 and other special laws. For act or omission which merely requires administrative sanctions, the applicable punishments as provided in the rules and regulations promulgated by the PDEA and Civil Service Commission shall be applied. Section 7. Amendment – Any amendment to or revision of this Code may be proposed to or by the TWG on the Revision of PDEA Code of Conduct. No amendment shall be valid unless it is ratified by a simple majority of the members of the PDEA in a manner determined by the TWG on the Revision of PDEA Code of Conduct. Section 8. Repealing Clause – This PDEA Code of Professional and Ethical Standards of 2016 edition shall supersede and replace the first edition of PDEA Code of Conduct in 2010 in its entirety. Section 9. Effectivity – This Code shall take effect after validation by a simple majority of the members of the PDEA and confirmed by competent authority. Approved on May 30, 2016, PDEA National Office, Quezon City. UNDERSECRETARY ARTURO G CACDAC JR, CESE Director General 19 Technical Working Group on Revision of PDEA Code of Conduct Chairperson ATTY. GIL T. PABILONA Director, LPS Vice Chairperson ATTY. JACQUELYN L. DE GUZMAN, JD Director, AHRS Members DIR III SALOME DR JOSE-AZNAR Director, FMS ATTY. ROSELYN A. BORJA, CPA Director, IAS DIR III EMERSON L. MARGATE Director, POS DIR III ISMAEL G FAJARDO, JR., PhD Director, SES DIR III ERWIN S. OGARIO RD, RO-NCR DIR III RANDY R. PEDROSO Director, IIS DIR III JEOFFREY C. TACIO Director, PECIS Acknowledgment We would like to acknowledge the valuable contribution of the following officers and employees in the preparation of the Second Edition of the PDEA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards ATTY. CZAREANAH DG. AQUINO-ISIDRO MR. ARNELLO A. NOVICIO MR. DANIEL DONOVAN M. CONCEPCION MS. BEVERLY A. FORTALEZA
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