IN THE PARADISE GARDEN OF LEGENDS I CIRCOLO “G.SETTANNI” RUTIGLIANO 5th Grade Students LA ROMANTICA STORIA D’AMORE DEL MERLETTO THE ROMANTIC LOVE STORY OF THE LACE Una bellissima fanciulla, di nome Serena, è innamorata di un giovane artista povero come lei. A beautiful girl, named Serena, is in love with a poor young artist like her. Un giorno la mamma di Serena si ammalò. In cambio della guarigione la fanciulla promise alla Madonna di rinunciare al suo amore. Fece un voto alla Madonna rinunciando per sempre al suo amato. One day Serena’s mother became ill. The girl promised to the Virgin Mary to give up her love. Hoping in her mother’s recovery, she made a vow to the Virgin renouncing forever to her lover. Mentre Serena confessava al suo innamorato la sua decisione, cadde dai rami una ragnatela sul grembiule della ragazza. While Serena was confessing to her sweetheart her decision, from the branches of the tree fell out a spider web on the girl's apron. Serena copiò il disegno con il filo più fine del suo fuso; il ragazzo con alcuni rami dell’albero chiuse il grembiule fra quattro bastoncini per irrigidirlo. Serena copied the drawing with the wire thinner than her spindle; the boy with some tree branches closed the apron between four sticks to stiffen it. Il merletto realizzato dai due giovani, piacque molto alle donne che lo comprarono per abbellire tovaglie, vestiti… The lace created by two young lovers , liked a lot to women who bought it to adorn tablecloths, clothes ... Serena con i soldi curò sua madre che guarì. Serena with money cured her mother, who recovered soon. I due innamorati stavano per lasciarsi. All’improvviso cadde dall’albero una ragnatela su cui c’era scritto: ”Siete assolti dal voto” The two lovers were leaving each other. Suddenly a spider web fell out from the tree on which was written: "You are absolved from your vow” . LEUCA E LA LEGGENDA DEI DUE INNAMORATI LEUCA AND THE LEGEND OF TWO LOVERS L'Angelo del Meliso La Nuotatrice dei due mari Leucasia It is said that the meeting point of the two Ionian and Adriatic seas was dominated by Leucasia, a beautiful all white creature, half woman and half fish who can attract every creature with its divine song . One day she noticed a young shepherd boy and tried to enchant him with her voice and her beauty. The young Melisso , in love with his girlfriend Aristula, refused effortlessly the beautiful siren. So Leucasia incredulous and offended, carried a terrible revenge A day surprises the two lovers on the cliffs in a tight hug. At the sight of that hug full of feeling she arose with his tail and his breath such a strong wind to separate the boys and drag them away by making them banging violently on the rocks until you kill them. He separated their bodies at its opposite ends of the bay, so that no one could join them. The goddess Minerva from her temple saw the disaster that had caused Leucasia. For pity he transformed the bodies of Melisso and Arìstula in stone as a symbol of eternity. Since then the tip Meliso and the tip Ristola no longer able to hug , embrace now that stretch of sea. Even Leucasia was petrified and turned in the famous white city of Leuca, which takes her name. The goddess Minerva from her temple saw the disaster that had caused Leucasia. For pity he transformed the bodies of Melisso and Arìstula in stone as a symbol of eternity. Since then the tip Meliso and the tip Ristola no longer able to hug , embrace now that stretch of sea. Even Leucasia was petrified and turned in the famous white city of Leuca, which takes her name. The goddess Minerva from her temple saw the disaster that had caused Leucasia. For pity he transformed the bodies of Melisso and Arìstula in stone as a symbol of eternity. Since then the tip Meliso and the tip Ristola no longer able to hug , embrace now that stretch of sea. Even Leucasia was petrified and turned in the famous white city of Leuca, which takes her name. LE DUE SORELLE THE TWO SISTERS It is said that two young girls tired of working in the countryside moved away to seek relief from the summer heat. So they went on “Torre dell’Orso” cliff. Unfortunately one of the two sisters went too far to the sea and fell flat. The other sister threw itself into the sea to save her. The girls moved the compassion of the gods that turned them into rock. A fisherman heard the screams of the girls, but he saw nothing except two majestic cliffs coming out of the water clutching a hug. Ugh what a bore! Help! You are save girls! I love you little sister! Me too! LA LEGGENDA DEL BUCANEVE THE LEGEND OF SNOWDROP A long time ago, on a cold winter, the young prince Snowdrop fell in love with Princess Spring. He asked to King Frost, his father, for permission to marry her, but he denied because they were different. I do as I like If you're going to marry Spring I’ll… Another long winter passed and the young prince decided to delay a bit his return. He awaited the arrival of the princess Spring: the two fell in love . Snowdrop, come right here! The young man, wrapped in the mantle of white snow, with the frost crown, the sword of ice, and two beautiful blue eyes, "kidnapped" forever the heart of the princess. When the sun came alive in the clouds, Snowdrop kissed Spring, then he vanished into the mist ... and he promised that he would return the following winter. And she, alone, bowed his head and wept, and in the snow appeared a small white flower, with delicate petals, which Spring picked and clasped to her chest, happy again ... ... And since then, every late winter, a small flower blooms, that someone even calls Snowdrop to remember the promise made by the young Prince of Winter to the beautiful princess Spring.
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