Annual Report 2015-2016 - Texas Society of Health

Annual Report 2015-2016
Highlights from TSHP’s Annual Seminar
TSHP President – Shane Greene, Pharm.D., BCPS ........................................................................................................................... 3
TSHP Executive Director – Deanna Menesses, CAE ......................................................................................................................... 4
About TSHP ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2015-2016 TSHP Board of Directors - Officers................................................................................................................................. 6
2015-2016 TSHP Board of Directors - Members.............................................................................................................................. 7
Message from the TSHP President-Elect – Sidney Phillips, Pharm.D., R.Ph. .................................................................................... 8
2016-2017 TSHP Board of Directors – Officers ........................................................................................................................... 9-10
2016-2017 TSHP Board of Directors .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Meet the TSHP Staff ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Financial Highlights – Annual Report ........................................................................................................................................ 13-15
TSHP Council Highlights ............................................................................................................................................................ 16-19
TSHP Section Highlights ............................................................................................................................................................ 20-22
TSHP Committee Highlights ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
2016 Annual Seminar Highlights .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Legislative Update – Brad Shields, TSHP Lobbyist..................................................................................................................... 25-26
2016 Fellows & Award Winners ............................................................................................................................................... 27-31
TSHP 2017 Annual Seminar ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
TSHP President
– Shane Greene, Pharm.D., BCPS
Dear Members of TSHP,
In my President’s Address at the 2015 Annual Seminar in San Antonio, I asked members to consider
two key questions: How strong is TSHP? How effectively is TSHP leading both within the state and
nationally? In that address, I laid out plans to addressed these questions which included TSHP
rebranding efforts, conducting Local Chapter outreach and enhanced relationship building both
within and external to the profession of pharmacy. Through these efforts, we would evolve the TSHP
Brand to clearly define our organization and strengthen relations to advocate for the advancement
of our profession.
I am pleased to report that through the extraordinary efforts of the membership and staff, over the
last year, we have taken tremendous steps toward addressing the above questions. Within this Annual Report, you will be provided
summaries detailing the progress made over the 2015-2016 year. However, I would like to take the opportunity to highlight a few of
these accomplishments:
TSHP rebranding –The Council on Communications and Marketing, led by Christine Wicke and staff liaison Leah Cody,
developed several new logo options as the first steps toward rebranding. These designs were unveiled at the 2016 Annual
Seminar where members were given the opportunity to vote for their favorite design. The results of this voting were
forwarded back to the Council who is currently finalizing the logo design along with developing a new TSHP tagline. Look for
the new logo and tagline to be revealed at the 2017 Annual Seminar.
Local Chapter outreach initiative – I’m excited to report that TSHP conducted three visits in 2015-2016: Central Texas
Society of Health-System Pharmacists (San Antonio), El Paso Society of Health-System Pharmacists and Coastal Bend Society
of Health-System Pharmacists (Corpus Christi). Through these visits, TSHP leadership gained insight into regional issues and
was counseled on ways TSHP can bring added value to the membership of those local chapters. TSHP plans to continue this
successful initiative this upcoming year.
Lone Star Pharmacist – The TSHP R&E Foundation, in cooperation with TSHP, launched the statewide, quarterly publication,
the Lone Start Pharmacist. This publication includes articles pertaining to the entire profession of pharmacy and provides a
platform for both the TSHP R&E and TSHP to market their brands to previously untapped readers. Three editions have been
published with the fourth coming this fall.
Advocacy activity – TSHP continued to strengthen its relationship with other Texas pharmacy organizations in efforts to
prepare for the 2017 legislative session. TSHP was a key founding member of the newly formed Texas Pharmacy Summit,
chaired by Former Texas Senator (and current TSHP member) Leticia Van de Putte. Through Summit meetings, the Texas
Pharmacy community will be developing legislative strategies to advance and protect the profession and enhance patient
access to services provided by a pharmacist.
Texas Reception at ASHP Midyear in New Orleans – The Texas Reception this year was a tremendous success breaking
previous years’ records with attendance exceeding over 1,000! The success of the Texas Reception is attributed to the
generous sponsorship that we receive from our Texas schools/colleges of pharmacy, TSHP's local affiliate chapters, or local
hospitals and our industry friends. We send our sincere thanks to all whose support made 2015 another event to
Annual Seminar – The TSHP 68th Annual Seminar capped off this successful year with over 700 pharmacists, new
practitioners, technicians and students participating in the three-day event. More details of the Annual Seminar appear
later, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Council on Educational Affairs, chaired by Steven Pass, the TSHP
Sections and TSHP Staff for all of their hard work and dedication to making this year’s Annual Seminar the best ever (I may
be a little biased, but that’s ok!).
Those are just a few of the many activities that TSHP has been involved with over the last year further supporting that TSHP truly is a
strong and vibrant membership-driven society. I would like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to lead this great Society
over this last year! It has been a tremendous honor and one that I will cherish forever! But, our success would not have been
possible without the contributions and support of the Board of Directors, Council and Section volunteers and TSHP staff. I’m limited
on space, so I can’t acknowledge them all individually here, but please take the time to note those individuals on the pages that
Congratulations to TSHP for a successful year!
TSHP Executive Director
– Deanna Menesses, CAE
Dear TSHP Members,
Another year has come and gone and It is hard to believe that on January 7, 2016 I
celebrated my second-year anniversary as TSHP’s Executive Director. It has been and
continues to be an honor and a pleasure to serve you.
TSHP continued is transition in the 2015-16 year. So, what has been accomplished during
the past twelve months at TSHP? Here are just a few highlights:
Development of the Local Affiliate Chapter Agreements.
Continued commitment to develop stronger relationships between the state society and its local affiliate chapters
through our leadership visit initiative.
A RECORD SETTING Annual Seminar in Frisco, with over 1000 attendees. TSHP’s Annual Seminar continues to be
one of the best educational program, and most cost-effective, in the state of Texas!
Continued management of the TSHP Research & Education Foundation with many positive outcomes including
successful fund-raising efforts during Annual Seminar and a record-breaking attendance at Alcáldé. Hats off to Linda
Albrecht for her enduring dedication and tireless efforts to ensure the continued success of Alcáldé
I would like to thank the TSHP Board of Directors. Through their support, along with a strong cadre of Committee, Council and
Section volunteers, this past year was a great success. Many thanks to them all. I look forward to the same results-oriented
relationship with Sidney Phillips and know that the 2016-17 year will be another successful one.
I would also like to thank my staff. I’ve learned that an effective and successful leader is one who surrounds herself with the
best staff possible. And that is what we have at TSHP…the best staff possible!
I would also like thank you…the TSHP Member. Without you there is no TSHP!
I look forward to the coming year and know that together we will ensure that TSHP will become a stronger Society, and that we
will work to improve your profession and the patients you serve.
About TSHP
The Texas Society of Health System Pharmacists began in 1949 with the first annual seminar for hospital pharmacists held at
The University of Texas College of Pharmacy in Austin. Twenty-five founding members came together to form what has become
one of the leading health-system pharmacy societies in the country that fosters leadership and education in pharmacy. The
people who helped organize that first seminar included: UT College of Pharmacy Dean Henry M. Burlage, Dr. John Boenigk, of
the UT College of Pharmacy, Lewis Smith of Baylor Hospital in Dallas (the first president of TSHP), Charlotte Coleman of John
Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Cedric Jeffers of Scott and White Hospital in Temple, and Adela Schneider, the first secretary of
TSHP who later served as president of TSHP and also received an award from ASHP for writing an early history of TSHP.
8th Annual Seminar - 1956
What began as a small number of dedicated hospital pharmacists coming together to learn and discuss professional issues has
grown to a dynamic health-system pharmacy organization that includes pharmacists, pharmacy residents, pharmacy students,
retired pharmacists, educators, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy industry representatives, and others dedicated to the mission,
vision, core values, philosophy, soul, spirit, and motto of TSHP.
2015-2016 TSHP Board of Directors - Officers
Shane Greene
Texas Tech UHSC School of Pharmacy
Dallas, TX
Immediate Past President
Sidney Phillips
Director of Pharmacy
Baylor Scott and White Health
Carrollton, Texas
Larry Egle
Director, Clinical Pharmacy Services
MedAssets Advisory Solutions
Houston, TX
Lance Ray
Decentralized Clinical Staff
Texas Health Harris Methodist
Fort Worth, Texas
Steven Knight
Staff Pharmacist
Methodist Dallas Medical Center
Dallas, TX
President-Elect Designate
Treasurer-Elect Designate
Tammy Cohen
Vice President of Pharmacy Services
Baylor Scott White Health
Dallas, TX
Pharmacy Clinical & Residency Coordinator
Latresa Billings
UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX
2015-2016 TSHP Board of Directors
Section Chairs
Rowland Harris
Katy, TX
Pharmacy Management
Jeffrey Wagner
Houston, TX
New Practitioner
Adam Brown
Houston, TX
Justin Shanks
Corpus Christi, TX
Daniel Cruz
Dallas, TX
Local Chapter Presidents
Austin Area SHP
Julie Nelson
Austin, TX
El Paso Area SHP
Terrie Martinez
El Paso, TX
Metroplex SHP
Latresa Billings
Dallas, TX
Central Texas SHP
Linda Paul
San Antonio, TX
Gulf Coast SHP
Thani Gossai
Houston, TX
Panhandle SHP
M. Joe Ellison
Amarillo, TX
Coastal Bend SHP
John Evans
Robstown, TX
Heart of Texas SHP
Emory Martin
Temple, TX
Rio Grande Valley SHP
Isidro Ramirez
Pharr, TX
East Texas SHP
Toby Cooper
Tyler, TX
Lubbock Area SHP
Matthew Ries
Lubbock, TX
West Texas SHP
Pamella Ochoa
Abilene, TX
Council Chairs
Christine Wicke
Austin, TX
Membership Development
Deana Dossey
Taylor, TX
Professional Affairs
Molly Minze
Abilene, TX
Education Affairs
Steven Pass
Dallas, TX
Organizational Affairs
Aaron Bond
Wylie, TX
Public Affairs & Advocacy
Aaron Reich
Arlington, TX
Message from the TSHP President-Elect
– Sidney Phillips, Pharm.D., R. Ph.
Health-System Pharmacy continues to evolve, expand, and change for all of those
connected to it. The recent change in the pharmacist availability has seen the longstanding pharmacist shortage slowly subside and a new technician shortage begin.
Health-system pharmacy is no longer only focused on care in the hospital but also
in ambulatory clinics, nuclear pharmacy, retail pharmacies, and other pharmacy
practices connected to health-systems through ownership, relationships, or
contracts. Regulatory focus through state and national agencies has reinforced the
profession of pharmacy on patient care. Health-systems struggle with the
consequences of generic drug price inversions, changing reimbursement, an aging
workforce, and changing patient population.
During the 2015-2016 TSHP year we were able to work more closely with all other societies as we began to prepare
for the 2017 Texas legislative session. Shane, Deanna, and I participated in the Texas Pharmacy Summit as well as
the Texas Pharmacy Congress over the year. These meetings have allowed the groups to begin discussing our
stance on important issues for the 2017 legislative session. While we do not expect all groups to agree on
everything we do believe common ground can be found on many issues.
New challenges will be presented in 2016 and 2017 including a national election, new regulations at a state level,
and federal level. While pharmacy faced many challenges over the last year we also were given opportunities to
provide input to many legislative and regulatory groups. TSHP crafted responses to proposed rules and guidelines
specifically to USP and TSBP over the last year.
A Texas legislative session will begin in early 2017 that will allow the opportunity for pharmacists in Texas to
present a case for provider status. Pharmacy will need to balance not taking steps backwards by tying pharmacists
to minimally beneficially tasks but also maintaining safe and effective pharmacy operations. The evolution of the
practice of pharmacy into clinical roles will continue with TSHP leading the way in Texas.
A key focus for TSHP during the 2016-2017 year will be membership support and membership benefits. TSHP
continues to be a strong member driven organization. TSHP has to keep our members as a key focus of the society.
While long term benefit through legislation will be important making it easy for members to join and participate will
be even more key.
On April 24th 2016 I have the great honor to become the next president of TSHP. I am excited about the
opportunity to help our profession, society, and all those connected. I believe pharmacy is well positioned to not
only help Health-Systems meet the challenges but also look for opportunities to expand the profession. It is
important that all pharmacists, technicians, industry representatives, students, and others connected to the
practice of pharmacy be actively involved in the growth of the profession and TSHP. I look forward to you joining
me as we continue to grow the practice of pharmacy through-out the great state of Texas.
Thank you,
Sidney P Phillips Pharm.D, R.Ph., MBA
President Elect TSHP 2015-2016
2016-2017 TSHP Board of Directors - Officers
President Sidney P. Phillips, Pharm.D., R.Ph. is currently a director of pharmacy for Baylor Scott and White Health at the
Carrollton Texas campus. Prior to moving into his current leadership role, he worked for
Cardinal Health as a Regional Director of Pharmacy Practice and Operations Director for
Cardinal Health Pharmacy Solutions. Sidney has worked with over 20 different hospital
systems and 80 individual hospitals in Texas and throughout the United States. Sidney
grew up on a cotton farm and cattle ranch in Jayton Texas. He received his doctor of
pharmacy from Texas Tech School of Pharmacy. His pharmacy training was completed
through an ASHP accredited residency in pharmacy practice at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
in Houston, Texas and a pharmacy management specialty residency with Cardinal Health.
Sidney is currently a member in the metroplex chapter of TSHP and has been a previous
member in the panhandle, gulf-coast, and Lubbock area chapters of TSHP. He currently
serves as the vice-chair for TSHP’s Public Affairs and Advocacy council. He has previously
served as the section chair and vice-chair for TSHP’s Professional Affairs council and
Secretary for TSHP’s Management section. Sidney is the immediate past president of the
board of directors for Texas Tech School of Pharmacy Alumni Association. Sidney has
received TSHP’s Lourdes M. Cuellar Award for his service and Texas Tech School of
Pharmacy Distinguished Alumni Award.
Immediate Past President Shane Greene, Pharm.D., BCPS, is in his 13th year as a clinician-educator at the Texas Tech
UHSC School of Pharmacy’s Dallas Campus. He recently completed a two-year term as
Vice-President and School of Pharmacy representative to the Texas Tech UHSC Faculty
Senate and as the elected Department of Pharmacy Practice’s representative to the Dean’s
Executive Committee. He is also appointed to the Medical Professionals Advisory
Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Texas Department of State Health Service’s Texas
Diabetes Council, where he has been an active member since 2007. Born and raised in the
Lubbock area, Shane received his BS in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M and his
Pharm.D. from the University of Texas-Austin and the University of Texas HSC-San Antonio.
He completed residencies at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and the South Texas
VA in San Antonio. Shane has been actively involved in several professional organizations
throughout his professional career. His service to TSHP has been highlighted by six years as
an active member of the Communications Council which includes three years as
Chair/Immediate Past Chair of that Council (for which he was awarded the Lourdes M.
Cuellar Award for Outstanding Service) as well as a member of the TSHP Board of
Directors, Vice-Chair of Organizational Affairs, and member of the Editorial Board of the
TSHP Journal.
President-Elect Tammy S. Cohen, BS, Pharm.D, MS, FASHP, FTSHP is the Vice- President of Pharmacy Services at Baylor
Scott and White Health in Dallas, Texas. Her responsibilities span pharmacy practice across
many settings to include ambulatory care, inpatient and retail practice sites. She oversees
the pharmacy services of the 24 hospitals and 23 retail pharmacy locations within Baylor
Scott & White Health System. Tammy leads and serves on many multi-disciplinary
committees and has been instrumental in leading financial and operational efficiencies
that cross the organization and implementing clinical services. She has been a member of
the TSHP Board of Directors in various capacities since 2006; most recently she has served
as the chair of the TSHP Organizational Affairs Council. She is also currently a member of
the ASHP Section of Multi-Hospital Executives Committee. Additional TSHP roles include:
serving as chair of the TSHP Section of Pharmacy Management, member of the TSHP
Education Council and as the TSHP representative to the TSBP Task Force on Internships.
2016-2017 TSHP Board of Directors - Officers
Treasurer Lance Ray, Pharm.D., BCPS received his Pharm.D. from The University of Texas at Austin in 2006. He is currently
Vice-Chair for the TSHP PAC and member of the TSHP Professional Affairs Council. He has served for
the second consecutive year as one of six Texas Delegates to the ASHP House of Delegates. He is a
Past President of the Metroplex Society of Health-System Pharmacists, where he previously served as
Chair for Educational Programming and Chair of Communications. Lance has received the Mentor of
the Year Award, the New Pharmacist Award and the Larry C. Nesmith Pharmacist Recognition Award
from TSHP. In addition, he has judged various student competitions for TSHP and serves as a TSHP
mentor, UT mentor, and TTSOP mentor to pharmacy students. At Texas Health Harris Methodist Fort
Worth, he serves as a decentralized clinical-staff pharmacist in all areas of the hospital including ICU,
ED, cardiac, and general medicine floors. Lance precepts several students annually from various
pharmacy schools and annually travels to Guatemala for medical mission work.
Secretary Latresa Billings, Pharm.D., BCPS is a Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator and PGY1 Residency Coordinator at UT
Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) in Dallas, TX. She joined the pharmacy department at UTSW as
a Clinical Staff pharmacist, prior to becoming a Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator, and providing services
to multiple committees within our health system. She has supported the pharmacy department in
the initiation of an ASHP accredited PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency Program at UT Southwestern
Medical Center in Dallas. She is a preceptor of PGY1 residents, and the adjunct preceptor for the
Psychiatry rotation. She also serves as a student preceptor for our institutional and advanced
practice rotations, as an adjunct faculty member in the position of Clinical Assistant Professor in the
Department of Pharmacy Practice in conjunction with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
(TTUHSC) School of Pharmacy. She served as the educational chair for the Metroplex Society of
Hospital Pharmacy for 2012-2014, and recently inducted as the incoming President for 2015-2016.
She has served on the TSHP Pharmacists committee to select the 2014 Pharmacy Residency
Excellence Award winner as well as consistent yearly service to ASHP Midyear meetings for residents and student’s poster
review sessions.
President-Elect Designee Richard Cadle, Pharm.D., BCPS (AQ ID), FASHP is a clinical pharmacy services program manager for
the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas. He received his Pharm.D.
from the University of Pacific, Stockton, California, and completed a residency in Clinical Pharmacy
at the Carl Hayden Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ. His current responsibilities include
providing direct patient care and serving as the director for the ASHP-accredited PGY-1 Pharmacy
Practice and PGY-2 Infectious Disease at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center;
Pharmacy Associate Director of the Primary Care Center of Excellence at the Michael E. DeBakey
Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and holds an appointment as an Adjunct Clinical Assistant
Professor at the Texas A&M, Texas South University, University of Houston, and University of Texas
Colleges of Pharmacy. He has served for 3 years as the Chair for TSHP Education Affairs Council, and
served as the President and Director of Gulf Coast Society of Health System Pharmacists. He was
awarded the 2015 outstanding pharmacist by Gulf Coast Society of Health System Pharmacists.
Treasurer-Elect Jeffrey Wagner, Pharm.D., MPH, RPh, BCBS is the Director of Pharmacy at Texas Children’s Hospital. He
graduated from the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy in 2004.m and completed his
residency training at Johns Hopkins Hospital under the direction of Dan Ashby (PGY1) and Carlton
Lee (PGY2- Pediatrics). In 2006, he moved from Baltimore to Houston to work as a Clinical
Pharmacy Specialist in Pediatric Critical Care at Texas Children's Hospital and became a BoardCertified Pharmacotherapy Specialist in 2007. He completed a third residency in 2010, the PGY2
Health-System Pharmacy Administration Residency Program at Texas Children's Hospital under
Karen Gurwitch. In 2011, he graduated with a Master of Public Health degree from the University
of Texas School of Public Health. He is now the Director of Pharmacy at Texas Children's Hospital,
the largest children’s hospital in the United States. He has been involved in many organizations
including ASHP, TSHP, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and the Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy
Group. Over his career, he has served as clinical instructor and preceptor for many pharmacy
students and residents. He has held leadership positions within ASHP and TSHP, including Chair of
the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers Section Advisory Group on Leadership Development and Chair of the TSHP
Pharmacy Management Section.
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2016-2017 TSHP Board of Directors
Section Chairs
Reisor Pickett
Boerne, TX
Pharmacy Management
Justin Miranda
Lubbock, TX
New Practitioner
Phuoc “Anne” Nguyen
Houston, TX
Jennifer Hardcopf
Dallas, TX
Richard Ponder,
Forney, TX
Local Chapter Presidents
Austin Area SHP
Julie Nelson
Austin, TX
El Paso Area SHP
Jesse Chaffino
Horizon City, TX
Panhandle SHP
Lori Henke
Amarillo, TX
Central Texas SHP
Kathy Uriarte
New Braunfels, TX
Gulf Coast SHP
Mallory Gessner-Wharton
Houston, TX
Rio Grande Valley SHP
Isidro Ramirez
Pharr, TX
Coastal Bend SHP
George Udeani
Corpus Christi, TX
Lubbock Area SHP
Allen Cunningham
Lubbock, TX
West Texas SHP
Wes Hood
Abilene, TX
East Texas SHP
Brett Noteware
Tyler, TX
Metroplex SHP
Prem Oommen
Richardson, TX
Council Chairs
Christine Wicke
Austin, TX
Membership Development
Lindsay Vasquez
Austin, TX
Professional Affairs
Sarah Lake-Wallace
Houston, TX
Education Affairs
Matthew Wanat
Houston, TX
Organizational Affairs
Aaron Bond
Wylie, TX
Public Affairs & Advocacy
Aaron Reich, Pharm.D.
Arlington, TX
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Meet the TSHP Staff
Leah M. Cody – Education Manager
Leah began her affiliation with pharmacists early in her career when in she started as a
communications specialist with the Texas Pharmacy Association shortly after graduation. For more
than a decade she has devoted her professional life to association work and has served thousands
of members and dozens of associations. Settling in at TSHP, Leah’s primary responsibilities include
membership, education, and communications.
Leah’s a Texas-born native who plans to never leave our great state. She’s married to an Austinarea actor, Omid, with Present Company Theater,, (shameless
plug), has a very energetic four year-old son, and way too many cats; three. Leah has too many
hobbies, loves to go camping, and wishes everyday was Friday (who doesn’t?!).
Katha Ferguson - Receptionist
Katha entered the workforce when she joined the US Army and became a pharmacy technician.
After serving her country for 4 years, she attended the University of Texas in Austin and worked as
a pharmacy technician for Walgreens pharmacy. She graduated with a degree in computer science
but her passion for pharmacy lead her to Texas Pharmacy Association in 1999. She started as the
receptionist and assisting the continuing education department. Eventually, she became the
registrar and financial administrative assistant. In 2007, she began teaching school. She taught preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school. Although she misses her students, she is
overjoyed to be back in touch with pharmacy and association work.
Katha met her wonderful husband, Rick Ferguson, while they were both serving in the US Army.
They have been married for 21 years and have 2 beautiful daughters. Her life has become very
crazy since her oldest daughter started high school this year and her youngest is in middle school
cheerleading and playing volleyball. There is never a dull moment.
Jenni Peters – Member Engagement and Communications/Marketing Manager
Before joining the TSHP team, Jenni worked in the for-profit world for over 12 years focusing on
marketing and event promotion. Her career lead her back to her alma mater, the University of
Texas at Austin, in 2014 where she began her association experience managing membership for an
international community and technical college professional development association (NISOD).
With Texas in her heart, Jenni grew up in Houston (Go ‘Stros!) and as big Longhorn fan, bleeds
orange. She and her husband, Jonny, are the proud new parents of a very happy baby girl named
June, and have two loveable puppies, Lucy & Maya, that perfectly round out their little family.
Deanna Menesses, CAE – Executive Director
Deanna began her association career with the Louisiana Pharmacists Association. This was the start of
relationship with health-care related associations and charitable organizations including the Louisiana
Academy of Family Physicians, Alliance for Lung Cancer, Crohns & Colitis Foundation, Tennessee Nurses
Association and Capital Area Medical Society. In 2011 Deanna detoured from health-care accepting the
Executive Director position with the Florida Society of Association Executives. She soon realized that her
home is with health-care associations and in January 1, 2014 assumed the role with the Texas Society of
Health-System Pharmacists.
Deanna, a New Orleans girl, is married to fellow New Orleanian, Alan and has a daughter and two grandsons,
who currently live in Louisiana. Deanna loves to travel, and being from New Orleans…has a passion for great
food. Thank goodness Deanna is married to a fantastic cook.
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Financial Highlights
JUNE 30, 2016 AND 2015
Current assets
Property and equipment -net
Current liabilities
Unrestricted net assets
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Support and revenues
Annual seminar
Other support and revenues
Investment income -net
Program services
General administration
Membership development
Total support and revenues
Total expenses Change in net assets
13 | P a g e
Financial Highlights
JUNE 30, 2016 AND 2015
Cash and equivalents
Accounts receivable -trade
Prepaid expenses
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Accounts payable to local chapters and others
Deferred revenues -member dues
Deferred revenues -other
Total current assets
Total assets
Total current liabilities
Total liabilities and net assets
14 | P a g e
Financial Highlights
JUNE 30, 2016 AND 2015
Annual seminar
Membership dues
Technician certification
Other educational programs
Contributions and grants
Management fees
Investment income -net
Other income
Annual seminar and other education
Publications and other communications
Legislative and regulatory
Other program services
General administration
Membership development
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Total support and revenues
Program services
Total program services
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TSHP 2015-16 Council Highlights
Chair: Christine Wicke
Vice-Chair: Vacant
EC Liaison: Shane Greene
Staff Liaison: Leah Cody
Eric Grayson
Pamela Price
Trista Bailey
Jennit Raju
Tisa Stephenson
Yasmine Alhasan
Saeed Alzghari
Aanika Das
Nancy Myers
Anne Nguyen
The Council on Communication Affairs shall be responsible for the dissemination of information to the membership and to
the general public through regular Society publications and other media; communications with affiliated chapters and to
members living in areas of the state without an organized chapter; and any other related activities identified by the Board of
Key Highlights for the year include:
 The Council made progress on the completion of its assigned goals and objectives as indicated on the TSHP Strategic
Plan, including working with the Membership Development Council to increase involvement and benefit to our rural
 The Council continued research and identification of key components of a TSHP re-brand
o Several logo formats were developed
o During the January Board Meeting, it was decided to delay TSHP re-brand release until Annual Seminary 2017
o At Annual Seminar 2016, voting took place to determine TSHP membership’s preference on appearance of
TSHP logo
 The Council will continue to improve its efforts in providing TSHP members with timely information, resources to be
engaged, and promoting the activities and benefits of health-system pharmacists across the state of Texas.
Chair: Steven Pass
Vice-Chair: Richard Cadle
EC Liaison: Steven Knight
R&E BOD Liaison: Linda Albrecht
Staff Liaison: Leah Cody
Russell Attridge
Stephen Davis
Bryson Duhon
Kayleigh Emerson
Sonia Mathews
Tricia Meyer
Robert Moura
Kieu Nguyen
Ozioma Ogbuokiri
Ladan Panahi
Sarah Payne
Joyce Tipton
Matthew Wanat
Maumi Villarreal
The Council on Education Affairs is responsible for coordinating all continuing education functions sponsored or conducted
by the Society. Council members provide guidance and assistance in programming and funding the Society’s educational and
training activities, including the Annual Seminar, other forms of continuing education, or other related activities that may be
identified by the Board of Directors.
Key Highlights for the year include:
Record setting registrations at the 2016 Annual Seminar. Highly successful seminar featuring nationally
recognized industry leaders.
We were able to offer more than 70 different educational programs across a variety of disciplines
Keynote speaker, Dr. Julie Groppi was outstanding and provided a timely presentation topic
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TSHP 2015-16 Council Highlights
Chair: Deana Dossey
Vice-Chair: Lindsey Thurman
EC Liaison: Lance Ray
Staff Liaison: Rebecca English & Leah
Jesse Chaffino
Sandra Clark
Jeena Connor
Rodney Cox
Gurbinder Jassar
Candance Jefferson
Achsah Philip
Richard Ponder
Sheralin Salas
Brandon Shank
Nancy Vuong
Amy Whitfield
Allison Wilson
The Membership Development Council shall be responsible for membership recruitment and retention, development of
new sources of revenue to be reviewed/approved by the Executive Committee, and development of services to benefit
members and enhance the value of the TSHP membership investment.
Key Highlights for the year include:
 Reviewed and executed a membership drive
 Actively worked in Membership retention through Executive Director and Committee member emails and phone calls
Chair: Aaron Bond
Vice-Chair: Ogechi Eshleman
EC Liaison: Tammy Cohen
Staff Liaison: Rebecca English
Linn Danielski
Diane Fox
Brady Kelso
Christine Johnson
Melanie Oviedo
The Council on Organizational Affairs shall be responsible for review and maintenance of the Society’s governing
documents, gathering and organizing documents for Society archives; oversee the balloting for all elections; identification and
recognition of outstanding members throughout the State and any other related activities identified by the Board of Directors.
The Council met 5 times during the year, their activities included TSHP Bylaw review, Local Chapter Bylaw Review, Special
Recognition Awards, and Policy and Procedure reviews, the local chapter affiliation packet, organization position statements
and oversight of the election process.
Key highlights for the year include:
 The council completed a review of the TSHP Bylaws for the New Practitioner Section and proposed several
amendments this year to clarify the criteria for selection of officers, timing of nominations, and the role of the Section
Executive Committee. All amendments were approved by the TSHP Board of Directors.
 The council reviewed the bylaws for the Council on Communication Affairs and accepted the recommendation to
formally change to the council name to the Council on Communications and Marketing Affairs. All amendments were
approved by the TSHP Board of Directors.
 The council reviewed the bylaws section on Retired Member Criteria and recommended that the Retired Member
Category be defined as Individuals who are/were licensed or eligible for a license as a pharmacist by any state, district,
or territory of the United States and are retired from pharmacist work. Recommendations were presented to and
approved by the TSHP Board of Directors.
 Several Special Recognition Awards were presented this year based on the Council’s recommendation and the
approval of the TSHP Board of Directors.
o Organizational Affairs awarded to Lou Cuellar, James Wilson, and Julie Nelson.
o Professional Affairs awarded to Greg Johnson
 The council reviewed chapter affiliation agreements submitted by the following local chapters:
o Austin Area SHP
o Lubbock SHP
o Central Texas SHP
o Metroplex SHP
o East Texas SHP
o Panhandle SHP
o El Paso SHP
o West Texas SHP
o Gulf Coast SHP
 The council oversaw the election results for the organization including the ASHP Delegate election.
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TSHP 2015-16 Council Highlights
Chair: Molly Minze
Vice-Chair: Eric Grayson
Secretary: Anthony Gall
EC Liaison: Shane Greene
Staff Liaison: Deanna Menesses
Megan Anderson
Betina Daniel
Anthony Gall
Hanan Ismail
Jason Lionetti
Kenneth Maxik
Sunny Ogbonnaya
Ranita Patel
Ginger Wilson
George Wu
Aaron Reich (PA&A Council Liaison)
Heidi Bragg (PA&A Council Liaison)
The Council on Professional Affairs shall be responsible for professional and scientific matters including the development
and improvement of the professional practice of pharmacy in organized healthcare settings; the development of standards and
related materials; and any other related activities identified by the Board of Directors.
Key highlights for the year include:
Developed a list of priorities for what should be in the provider status bill for pharmacists in Texas.
Developed list of requirements for a pharmacist provider. Reached out to New Mexico for suggestions and
guidance, given their success in introducing such legislation.
Reviewed, assessed, and revised recommendations for the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council’s
2015-16 Update to the State Health Plan.
Identified 5 ASHP policies needing TSHP review for state-level action.
Created a list of resources to incorporate into the TSHP website for members to have easier access to the
professional resources available from ASHP.
Chair: Aaron Reich
Vice-Chair: Heidi Bragg
EC Liaison: Sidney Phillips
Lobbyist: Brad Shields
Staff Liaison: Deanna Menesses
Sandra Adcock
Emily Alexander
David Banks
Eric Bauer
Lourdes Cuellar
Eric Grayson (Prof Affairs VC
Monica Green
Therese Hoffman
Crystal Howell
Cole Knutson
Diane Kretschmer
Randy Martin
Molly Minze (Prof Affairs Chair
Justin Miranda
Darrell Newcomer
Brandy Russell
Bill Springfield
Lucinda Van Anglen
Stewart Wirebaugh
Anjanette Wyatt
The Council on Public Affairs and Advocacy shall be responsible for review and interpretation of proposed and potential
legislation and actual changes in laws, rules, and regulations affecting public health and pharmacy practice; developing
proposed positions on legislation and regulations for the Society; establishing relationships and working with other professional
healthcare organizations and coalitions to coordinate state and national advocacy concerning issues related to medication use
and public health; motivating member participation in support of the organization's state and federal legislative agendas;
educating members about the importance of public policy advocacy and work through the political action committee (PAC);
and any other related activities identified by the Board of Directors. The Council shall coordinate its activities with other
Councils and Sections of the Society as appropriate.
Key Highlights for the year include:
 Continued efforts and participation in national Provider Status legislative campaigns including contacting Texas US
Congressman and Senators to urge their support and signing on to the bills in the US House and Senate.
 Assisted with deploying strategies to unite pharmacy organizations to define unified legislative agenda items for the
next legislative session.
 Implemented several aspects of the TSHP Strategic Plan specific to Public Affairs.
 Identifying key legislators for grass roots initiatives and relationship development
 Initiated outlining of pharmacist/leader education information on how to develop legislator relationships.
 Identifying/pairing TSHP leaders with legislators to promote pharmacy engagement
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TSHP 2015-16 Council Highlights
Provided representation and testimony at all Texas State Board of Pharmacy meetings on multiple issues affecting
TSHP membership
Continued work with TSBP officials that is resulting in the incorporation of TSHP’s position and recommendations on
compounding records and labeling into proposed changes to TSBP rules and regulations in upcoming meetings.
Participated in developing discussions on PTCB 2020 initiative.
Participated in and supported PAC activities for fundraising and pharmacy friendly incumbent/candidate contributions
through close collaboration with TSHP’s legislative consultant.
Developed targeted letters for advocacy contributions for different TSHP stakeholder groups in relation to the PAC
‘Just 10’ campaign.
With tremendous efforts and enthusiasm, PAC raised over $10,000 this year at the Seminar Auction! This continues
the annual record-breaking success that has been realized for the past several years in a row and the first ever 5 figure
Engaged with ASHP for their affiliated state chapter legislative network to represent TSHP on the national level.
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TSHP 2015-16 Section Highlights
Chair: Rowland Harris
Chair-Elect: Reisor Pickett
Immediate Past Chair: Shane Withers
Secretary: Al Lai (Gulf Coast)
EC Liaison: Sidney Phillips
Member At Large: Amy Whitfield
Staff Liaison: Judy Turley / Deanna Menesses
Jon Eaton
James Scott
Jenne Oliver
Jesse Chaffino
Joy Ellinger
The Industry Section is responsible for planning, recommending and coordinating programs for its members; cooperating
with the Membership Development Council to expand and maintain membership recruitment services to its members;
providing guidance and making proposals to the Board of Directors on policy issues involving their area of interest or expertise;
developing guidelines and practice standards for their interest area; promoting and fostering the standards and objectives of
the Society; participating in activities for the advancement of the profession of pharmacy; and reporting, consolidation and
delineating problems, issues and programs of general importance to the profession of pharmacy through its representation on
the Board of Directors.
Key highlights for the year include:
 Annual Seminar - Reverse Expo was a huge success again this year but the booth traffic seemed a bit slow.
 Membership – need to put in a plan for increasing Industry membership for the coming year; utilize brochure at check
in at 2017 AS.
 Future focus will be on membership recruitment and activities at Annual Seminar – possibly Town Hall meetings,
Industry/Pharmacy panel discussions, etc.
Chair: Adam Brown
Chair-Elect: Anne Nguyen
Immediate Past Chair: Christine Wicke
Secretary: Ashley Adams
At Large: Trista Bailey
Board Liaison: Lance Ray
Staff Liaison: Rebecca English/Leah Cod
Taryn Bainum
Mike DeLuna
Kayley Will
Natalie Wilson
Dana Boeck
Afsaneh Fani
Sarah Payne
Lauren Cavanaugh
Anh Vu
The New Practitioner Section is responsible for planning, recommending and coordinating continuing education programs for
its members; cooperating with the Membership Development Council to expand and maintain membership recruitment
services aimed at its members as well as prospective members; providing guidance and making proposals to the Board of
Directors on policy issues involving the Section’s area of interest or expertise; assisting with the development of guidelines and
practice standards for new practitioners; promoting and fostering the standards and objectives of the Society; participating in
activities for the advancement of the profession of pharmacy; and reporting, consolidation and delineating problems, issues
and programs of general importance to the profession of pharmacy through its representation on the Board of Directors.
The New Practitioner Section Executive Committee met a total of three times with a focus on four initiatives throughout the
year: The Mentor-Mentee Program, Community Outreach, Membership Recruitment and Annual Seminar Education, which are
all in alignment with TSHP’s strategic plan.
Key highlights for the year include:
 The Mentor-Mentee Program
o The Mentor-Mentee matching program successfully matched all mentees with mentors from across the state.
o The program matches mentors and mentees twice a year (in the Fall and after the Annual Seminar in the Spring).
 Community Outreach
o Met with a total of seven colleges of pharmacy (Texas A&M, University of Houston, Texas Southern, Texas Tech,
University of Texas, Incarnate Word, UNT).
o Presented and discussed TSHP opportunities, staying involved after graduation, the Pharmacy Practice Model
Initiative and also encourage advocacy with Student Societies.
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TSHP 2015-16 Section Highlights
Membership Recruitment
o Identified and directly marketed to graduated student members that have not renewed TSHP membership.
o Encouraged graduating student members to update their contact information prior to graduation.
Annual Seminar Education
o The New Practitioner Section continues to be actively engaged in planning and development of the New
Practitioner educational track for the Annual Seminar, which was a success
Chair: Jeff Wagner
Chair-Elect: Justin Miranda
Immediate Past Chair: Dale Jones
Secretary: Christina Pereira
EC Liaison: Larry Egle
Member At Large: Jack Iskander
Staff Liaison: Leah Cody
The Pharmacy Management Section is responsible for planning, recommending and coordinating continuing education
programs for its members; cooperating with the Membership Development Council to expand and maintain membership
recruitment services aimed at its members as well as prospective members; providing guidance and making proposals to the
Board of Directors on policy issues involving the Section’s area of interest or expertise; assisting with the development of
guidelines and practice standards for new practitioners; promoting and fostering the standards and objectives of the Society;
coordinating activities related to information sharing on issues affecting pharmacy management; and reporting, consolidation
and delineating problems, issues and programs of general importance to the profession of pharmacy through its representation
on the Board of Directors.
Key highlights for the year include:
 Set up of PM List-Serve to better facilitate communication between the Section Members and was used to solicit
feedback for revisions to TSBP Rule 291.133.
 Developed recommendations for changes to Rule 291.133 to increase clarity on compounding records and allow for
media-fill testing to apply across facilities under common ownership and continue to work with TSBP to request a
change in the definition of compounding.
 Continuing work to identify best practices across health-systems to share with larger membership regarding USP 800
 Distributed ASHP document which details the new rules and their impact on health-systems to be distributed via
email, newsletter, and through the TSHP website regarding the drug supply chain safety.
 Continuing work to create a package that provides templates for measuring employee competency, productivity,
efficiency, etc.
 Set the PM Educational Track for Annual Seminar
Chair: Justin D. Shanks (TX A&M)
Vice-Chair: Hongmei Wang (TSU)
Board Liaison: Steven Knight
TSHP President: Shane Green
Staff Liaison: Leah Cody
Jennifer Hardcopf (TTUHSC)
Lillian Cheng (TTUHSC)
Eva Coulsen (TTUHSC)
Whitney Strong (TX A&M)
Junnie Mwaniki (TX A&M)
Emmanuel Njigha (TSU)
Wendy Ondiek (TSU)
Beatriz Cajade (UT)
Natalia Malesa (UT)
Samantha Vogel (UT)
Katilin Wasko (UH)
Mahwish Yasin (UH)
Dao Ly (UH
Stefanie Van Boskerck (UIW)
Clarissa Wilkins (UIW)
Elisabeth Lapp (UIW)
Lee Eickman (UNT)
Brenton Hall (UNT)
Kayla Powers (UNT
The Student Section assists the Council on Educational Affairs in planning the Student Session programming at the TSHP
Annual Seminar; and shall foster and facilitate communication between TSHP Affiliated Student Chapter Presidents and the
Texas College and Schools of Pharmacy.
Key highlights for the year include:
 Held Annual Retreat in Austin on August 22-23, 2015.
 Stefanie Van Boskerck (UIW) and Mahwish Yasin (UH) put together the Medication Safety poster for ASHP Midyear
Clinical Meeting and the Antibiotic Awareness poster for TSHP Annual Seminar.
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Decided that the various colleges of pharmacy would conduct local collections for the TSHP SSEC annual Teddy Bear
and Book drive that were donated to respective local children hospitals.
o The University of the Incarnate Word Feik School of Pharmacy Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists
donated the most items with 169 stuffed animals and 87 books.
Collaborated directly with the TSHP New Practitioner’s (NP) Section to coordinate education and speakers for TSHP
Annual Seminar. A member of the TSHP SSEC participated in the TSHP NP section meetings to help facilitate shared
Elections for Chair and Vice-Chair were finalized:
o Chair: Jennifer Hardcopf (TTUHSC)
o Vice-Chair: Brenton Hall (UNT)
TSHP Annual Seminar activities:
o New Practitioner and student coffee meet and greet facilitated networking between new practitioners and
students to help break the ice and get people talking.
 Approximately 20 students attended this event
o Student programming was well attended with packed rooms, including, but not limited to seminars entitled:
 Networking: How to get your foot in the door and out of your mouth!
 Residency vs. Non-Residency: What’s your path? (panel)
o Held a town hall meeting at TSHP Annual Seminar for all schools of pharmacy to learn more about the SSEC
and meet the needs of each school with special attention to membership. Approximately 30 students were in
attendance for this presentation.
o Student & New Practitioner Game Night where poker, Scattegories, Apples to Apples, and Black Jack were
played to facilitate networking amongst students and new practitioners. A raffle was held with a
complementary registration to 2016 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas as the grand prize!
Chair: Daniel Cruz
Chair-Elect: Richard Ponder
Immediate Past Chair: Lisa McCartney
Secretary: Sam Tetteh
EPASHP Representative: Jessica Hernandez
GCSHP Representative: Faith Burnett
MSHP Representative: Kristin Pickerill
PSHP Representative: Becky Rardon
WTSHP Representative: Vicki Rodrigues
TSHP BOD Liaison: Latressa Billings
Staff Liaison: Leah Cody
The Technician Section is responsible for planning, recommending and coordinating continuing education programs for its
members; cooperating with the Membership Development Council to expand and maintain membership recruitment services
aimed at its members as well as prospective members; providing guidance and making proposals to the Board of Directors on
policy issues involving the Section’s area of interest or expertise; assisting with the development of guidelines and practice
standards for pharmacy technicians; promoting and fostering the standards and objectives of the Society; participating in
activities for the advancement of the profession of pharmacy; and reporting, consolidation and delineating problems, issues
and programs of general importance to the profession of pharmacy through its representation on the Board of Directors.
Key highlights for the year include:
First year that a Technician Scholarship was offered through the TSHP R&E Foundation.
Developed a successful education track at the Annual Seminar for pharmacy technicians including more
than 10 hours of technician specific programming.
Contributed technician specific articles to the statewide publication the Lone Star Pharmacist
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TSHP 2014-15 Committee Highlights
Chair: Larry Egle
Staff Liaison: Deanna Menesses
Brian Cohen
John Evans
Emory Martin
Pamella Ochoa
Kathryn Pidcock
Matthew Ries
The Committee on Nominations responsibilities include the development of the Slate of Candidates (two for each office)
for the TSHB Board of Directors to include the positions of President-Elect (annually), Secretary (odd number years) , and
Treasurer (even number years). The Committee also develops the Slate of Candidates for ASHP Delegates. Both the Board of
Directors and ASHP Delegate slates are voted upon by the TSHP Membership.
Key highlights for the year include:
 Development of Board of Directors Slate including Richard Cadle and Steven Knight for the position of President-Elect
Designate, and Jerry James and Jeffrey Wagner for the position of Secretary-Elect.
 Development of ASHP Delegate Slate including John Evans Abimbola Farinde, Diane Fox, Varsha Gaitonde, Sidney
Phillips, and Jeffrey Wagner.
 Development of TSHP’s Annual Awards.
Chair: James Wilson
Staff Liaison: Deanna Menesses
Brian Cohen
Larry Egle
Sidney Phillips
Maumi Villarreal
The Credentialing Committee’s responsibilities include the review and recommendation of candidate for the TSHP Fellows
Key highlights for the year include:
 Recommended to the Board of Directors that Michael Pinon be bestowed with the TSHP Fellows Designation.
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More than 1,000 pharmacy professionals participated in TSHP’s 2016
Annual Seminar in Frisco, TX. TSHP’s programming offered pharmacists
and technicians an opportunity to earn up to 18 hours of CE credit.
Five tracts (Pharmacy
Management, Clinical, New
Practitioner, Technician and
Student) were offered with
topics including drug therapy,
patient safety, career
transition and law.
The Opening General Session speaker, Julie Groppi, Pharm.D, CDE, with the
Department of Veterans Affairs, presented “The Future is Now”.
Other highlights included our the
numerous awards given to some of
Texas’ finest pharmacists, technicians
and students; our extensive Exhibit
hall showcasing nearly 100 companies
and institutions; our Reverse Expo; the ever-popular Residency Showcase;
numerous opportunities for networking at member, student and Alumni
Receptions; and last, but not least, the Installation Luncheon where Sidney
Phillips was installed as TSHP’s 2016-17 President. Other officers installed
included Tammy Cohen as TSHP’s 2016-17 President-Elect; and Latresa Billings
as TSHP’s 2016-18
We offer our
sincere thanks to
the efforts of the
TSHP Council on
Education Affairs and Chair, Steven Pass, for developing the
fantastic educational programming.
We are gearing up already for another fantastic meeting as we
plan our 2017 Annual Seminar that will be held at the San Luis
Resort Spa & Conference Center, on April 28-30, 2017.
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Preparing to Advance Pharmacy in 2017
– Brad Shields, TSHP Lobbyist
The 2015 Legislative Session ended in June 2015 and we immediately began to work to identify
the changes to the pharmacy practice act that needed to be implemented. There were
numerous bills that were considered by the Texas legislature but not all were sent to the
Governor for his signature. We monitored those bills and worked with legislators to limit the
adverse effects on the practice of pharmacy or to further advances for the profession. We
define the “legislative interim” as the 18 months in between legislative sessions. Not to say that
it’s time off….. Hardly. Once a legislative session concludes, the following months are filled with
what we hope will be the appropriate implementation of new laws The following is a list of Key
pharmacy bills that TSHP considered to be critical and worked to pass this session;
Moving the PDMP program from DPS to TSBP – SB 195 was an effort jointly initiated by the medical and pharmacy
associations to move the prescription monitoring program from the DPS to the Pharmacy Board, and eliminate the
required DPS identifier number for all providers
Eliminate PBM Transaction fees – PBMs were starting to charge pharmacies a small fee (usually $.05 to $.50) to
process each insurance claim resulting in millions of dollars lost to pharmacies.
Regulate Pharmacy Discount Cards – HB 3028 is a bill that will require those health discount program operators who
distribute “pharmacy discount cards” to have a specific and separate signed contract with the pharmacy before
offering a discount to patients without insurance.
TSBP Clean-up Bill – SB 460 was the bill recommended by the TSBP which makes numerous agreed-to changes and
updates to the pharmacy practice act. Key elements in this bill include giving the pharmacy board access to pharmacy
financial records and allowing a pharmacy to provide a 30 day refill during a declared emergency.
Interchange of BioSimilars – HB 751 will allow Class A pharmacies to interchange a biosimilar for a biologic once they
have been approved by the FDA. An added temporary (4 year) provision will require the pharmacy to notify the
physician when the interchange takes place.
Now…. Preparing for 2017
Because the 2017 legislative sessions will last only 5 months, we use the “pre session” months of the interim to prepare for
the next session. We recognize that any complicated policy issue takes a significant amount of effort to negotiate differences
with interested parties and to explain to legislators. Therefore the process of developing a new issue starts months before a
Texas Pharmacy Summit…
With the growth of the number of pharmacy associations in Texas the Texas Pharmacy Practice Coalition (made up of TSHP,
TPA and the Texas Federation of Drug Stores) was no longer representative of the whole pharmacy community. So the Texas
Pharmacy Summit was formed which included numerous new organizations representing independent pharmacies.
Participants in the Summit are the elected pharmacist leaders of each organization with the support of their staffs and
lobbyists. The purpose of the group is to discuss upcoming legislative issues to work out their differences and to reach a
consensus when possible. TSHP has been meeting with these other pharmacy organizations and have been working on
proposed legislation relating to 1) Expanded access to care through increased pharmacy services, 2) Medicaid Managed Care,
and 3) PBM Reforms. Final drafts of these legislative proposals will be available as we get closer to the next legislative session.
The Summit will also review other anticipated legislation but may not adopt a joint position on the following proposals;
 Tech-Check-Tech - Legislation authorizing Tech Check Tech in Class A pharmacies
 Reimbursement for Pharmacy Services - Washington State law – requiring Insurance to pay a pharmacist for
authorized services if payment is made to other providers.
 Provider Recognition Bill - Recognize pharmacists as provider in Texas law
 Medication Synchronization - Allow pharmacist to synchronize refills for patients
 Enhanced penalties for theft in a pharmacy - To help deter Opioid theft in pharmacies and prevent abuse.
 PTCB 2020 - Mandate the Board to approve additional tech exam options,
 Doctor Dispensing - Consider our position on limited dispensing of certain drugs.
 Prescription Monitoring Program - Mandated look-up and automatic registration.
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PBM Transaction Fees - Health Plans want to allow transaction fees
Opioid Abuse Bills - Numerous bills are expected by lawmakers….
Tele-pharmacy Issues
- Pilot projects for automated dispensing
Small/Rural Hospital Standards - Eliminate exemptions for small hospital pharmacies
Price Gouging for Life sustaining drugs - Bill to address the price gouging for Epi-pen and other of life sustaining drugs.
TSHP Grass Roots Initiative….
The TSHP Public Affairs & Advocacy Council has recruited “Key Contacts” for certain health policy legislators and have asked
those pharmacists to work to build a relationship with their legislators prior to the legislative session. Our goal is to build a
group of TSHP pharmacists who can approach legislators during the next legislative session to ask for their support of TSHP
legislative priorities. PLEASE…. If you already have a relationship with your legislator, let us know and we will provide you with
the necessary briefing materials to pass along to your legislator.
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2016 Fellows & Award Winners
In 2012, the TSHP Board of Directors approved establishment of a unique Practitioner Recognition Program modeled after the
ASHP Fellows program to recognize pharmacists who have made significant and sustained contributions to the Society and the
The Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ Practitioner Recognition Program (FTSHP) was designed to recognize
members who have made significant and sustained contributions to the Society and the profession. It is intended to recognize
excellence in health-system pharmacy practice and promote public awareness of pharmacists who have distinguished
themselves in practice. Candidates may not be a current director, officer or employee of TSHP, or a member of the TSHP
Credentialing Committee. At the 2013 Annual Seminar the initial class of TSHP Fellows was recognized.
During the TSHP 2016 Annual Seminar the following individual was inducted into and recognized as TSHP Fellows.
Paul Holder, MS, Pharm.D.
Michael Piñón, Pharm.D, FTSHP
TSHP presents a variety of awards each year that recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations for excellence and a
commitment to advancing healthcare and pharmacy practice. During the TSHP 2015 Annual Seminar the following Awards
were presented.
Distinguished Service Award
Michael D. Sanborn, M.S., R.Ph., FASHP, FACHE
Mike currently serves as the President and CEO for Baylor Medical Center at Carrollton, a 216-bed
acute care hospital in Carrollton, Texas that is part of the Baylor Scott and White Health System. The
staff of over 300 physicians 700 employees offers a full continuum of care for inpatients and
outpatients with services including surgery, cardiac care, emergency care, women's services, and more.
In addition, Sanborn oversees multiple other locations including diagnostic services as well as primary
and specialty care clinics.
Mike is a pharmacist, and his previous experience includes leading the cardiovascular service line for
the Baylor system as well as pharmacy leadership positions in large health-systems and academic
medical centers.
Mike is a committed community leader and volunteer. Locally, he serves on the advisory board of Metrocrest Services and the
board of Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County, as well as the Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce, where he most
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2016 Fellows & Award Winners
recently served as immediate past chair of the board. He also has served on the national board for the American Society for
Health System Pharmacists, and is active locally in MSHP and ACHE. Sanborn has published articles and presented in a
multitude of areas related to process improvement, healthcare technology, finance, and leadership.
Glenda Lawson McRee Pharmacy Student Award
Justin D. Shanks
Justin is a native Houstonian that attended the University of Houston and graduated from Texas
Southern University receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He was then admitted to the Texas
A&M Health Science Center Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy in 2012.
Upon admission to the college he I immediately got involved with the Texas A&M Student Society of
Health-Systems Pharmacy (SSHP) as a Fundraising Committee co-chair. This helped showcase his
organizational ability and desire to serve SSHP; subsequently, resulting in election to serve as the
President-Elect of SSHP, which eventually led to the opportunity to serve as the President of SSHP. As
the President of SSHP he led the organization to expand membership, start a student run journal club,
restructure several committees to better serve organizational objectives, and drafted proposal to expand service learning
opportunities for students.
After serving as President he was elected to serve as the Texas Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Student Section
Executive Committee Chair. This opportunity allowed him to work with three leaders from each Student Society of HealthSystems Pharmacy from the different colleges of pharmacy across the state. His goals throughout this year have been to
increase collaboration and initiatives of the committee statewide to promote health systems of pharmacy and the role of
pharmacists in health systems. He feels that serving with these distinguished individuals has been remarkable and taught him
quite a bit. He is looking forward to practicing as a health systems pharmacist and to serving TSHP in any capacity that he is
Industry Service Award
Rowland A. Harris, Senior National Account Manager / Allergan Neurosciences
Rowland is currently a Senior National Account Manager (SNAM) with Allergan Neurosciences with 30
years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Rowland started with Allergan/BOTOX® in 1997 as
a BOTOX® Medical Consultant, held Region Manager positions with the BOTOX® Cosmetic and BOTOX®
Therapeutic sales forces, and was the National Training Manger for the Health Systems Management
team prior to becoming a Health Systems Management Director.
Before joining Allergan, Rowland spent 8 years with Roche in various capacities, the last being with the
specialty BioScience group marketing biotech pharmaceutical products in the HIV, oncology, virology,
and dermatology markets. Prior to that, he worked for Mission Pharmacal, a specialty pharmaceutical
company headquartered in San Antonio.
Before entering the pharmaceutical industry, Rowland was an educator in Texas teaching biology and physical sciences as well
as coaching.
If you know Rowland, you know he is a very proud Father of 2 wonderful daughters, Ravanne and Robynne. He enjoys
spending time with them on the lake, hunting, dancing, cooking, or just hanging out. When he can, Rowland loves to get out
on the golf course with friends.
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2016 Fellows & Award Winners
Innovative Collaborative Practice Award
Parkland Pharmacy Department and
UT Southwestern Allergy and Immunology Division
Penicillin Allergy Testing Collaborative Practice
Collaboration between the Parkland
Pharmacy Department and UT
Southwestern Allergy and
Immunology Division resulted in the
development of an inpatient
allergy/adverse drug event
pharmacist role. Protocol development, electronic medical record (EMR) enhancements, and other tools were implemented as
a result of this collaboration.
Patients who report a history of a penicillin allergy often receive different treatment when they present to a hospital than
those without a history of penicillin allergy. Depending on their situation, these patients may receive alternate antibiotics that
would otherwise not be the first choice. Sometimes the only reason for admitting these patients is because there are no
appropriate oral antibiotics left to use. Once these patients are admitted, their reduced antibiotic options can affect their
treatment and in some cases their length of stay can be prolonged as a result. More than 90% of patients reporting a penicillin
allergy are not actually allergic. At Parkland Hospital, the pharmacy department teamed up with the allergy department at
UT Southwestern to create a new program aimed at proactively finding admitted patients with a history of penicillin allergy
who can benefit from penicillin allergy testing (PAT). Patients who qualify can then be tested by a dedicated clinical pharmacist
in hopes that needed antibiotics can be made available, days required for admission can potentially be reduced, and antibiotic
stewardship efforts can be enhanced.
Larry C. Nesmith Pharmacist Recognition Award
Cybil Anderson, Pharm.D, BCPS
Cybil completed her Bachelor of Science in Biology at Stephen F. Austin State University in
Nacogdoches, Texas. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Texas in Austin.
Cybil completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency at Scott and White Memorial Hospital in Temple, TX.
She has worked at Parkland Health and Hospital Systems in Dallas for 16½ years, the past 2½ years of
which she has spent as the Operating Room Pharmacist. She currently lives in Sherman, TX with her
husband, Tim, and her 15 year old daughter, Hannah.
Lewis S. Smith Pharmacy Practitioner Award
Steven Knight, Pharm.D, BCPS
Steven is the Clinical Pharmacist over Solid Organ Transplant at Methodist Dallas Medical Center,
where he has worked since graduating from the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. He
specializes in solid organ transplantation, chronic kidney disease, and end stage kidney and liver
diseases. He precepts students from several colleges of pharmacy and is very actively involved in the
PGY1 and PGY2 pharmacy residencies at Methodist Dallas Medical Center. He has been involved in
several research projects and is the Secretary for the Methodist Residency Advisory Committee. He is
also a faculty member of the Nephrology Fellowship Program at Methodist, as well as several other
committees and advisory groups.
He is very active in TSHP currently serving as the Board Secretary and has served as the Chair of the New Practitioner Section.
He has been involved in the Communications, Organizational Affairs, Education Councils and the Student Section on the TSHP
Board of Directors over the last six years. He is locally involved in the Metroplex Society of Health-System Pharmacists and is
currently the MSHP Immediate Past President. He serves as the President-Elect of the University of Texas College of Pharmacy
Alumni Association as well as on the University of Texas College of Pharmacy Admissions Committee.
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2016 Fellows & Award Winners
Mike Knapp Pharmacy Technician Award
Leon Jacobs, CPhT, RhTR
Leon is Pharmacy Program Manager- Procurement with Baylor Scott &White Health. He has made
significant contributions to the profession of Pharmacy Technicians through various formal and
informal leadership roles during his 16 years of health system service. He started his career at Baylor
University Medical Center as a pharmacy technician in 1999 and was quickly promoted for his
outstanding performance to the department buyer. He later became the system buyer for Baylor
Health Care System, which encompassed 12 hospitals. In his current role there are 23 hospitals in
which he oversees purchasing and drug management activities which includes a system-wide
processes to manage and mitigate drug shortage; flu vaccine purchasing and distribution process; and
their recall management program. Additionally, Leon, contributes to a weekly newsletter and
participates in contracting and review. Over the years he has been recognized by his peers and management as the recipient of
several awards which included multiple Five Star Spirits, Baylor Medical Center Pharmacy employee of the month three times ,
and an Allied Services Excellent award. Leon is looked to by his peers as a leader and the ‘go-to’ person for all operational,
purchasing and contracting for technicians across the organization while being an active member of TSHP and the National
Pharmacy Purchasing Association. He resides in the Dallas area.
New Pharmacist Award
Scott Aron Tarver, Pharm.D, BCPS
Scott is originally from a small town north of Dallas called Celina, Texas. He completed his
undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin in 2009. He then
moved up north for a pretty drastic geographic change to go to pharmacy school at The University of
Illinois at Chicago. After surviving the very non-Texan-like winters in Chicago, he moved back to Texas
to complete a PGY1 residency at University Hospital in San Antonio. After completing the PGY1
program he was very fortunate to get a position at Parkland to head up a brand new initiative for a
pharmacist-driven inpatient penicillin allergy testing program.
Pharmacy Leadership Award
Diane L. Fox, MS, R.Ph
Diane received her B.S. in Pharmacy from South Dakota State University in 1984 and her M.S. in
Pharmacy from The University of Texas at Austin in 1990. She completed two ASHP-accredited
residencies, a General Hospital Residency and a Specialty Residency in Hospital Pharmacy
Administration, at The Methodist Hospital, Houston TX. Diane has held various positions in healthsystems, from staff pharmacist to Director of Pharmacy throughout the United States.
Diane's experience also includes pharmacy consulting, retail pharmacy, pharmacy benefit
management, pharmacy software development and home care/alternate-site care pharmacy. Diane's
current position is Pharmacy Operations Specialist with Pharmacy Staffing Partners where she works
with a variety of health-systems to improve and optimize their pharmacy services.
Diane served as the TSHP Secretary for 2002-2004 and on the Organizational Affairs Council since 2012. She has represented
Texas as an ASHP delegate in 2003, 2005, 2009-2012, and 2014-2015 and as an Alternate-Delegate in 2004, 2006-2008, and
2013. Diane is currently the TSHP Organization and Communication Structure Task Force Chair. Diane is a Past President of the
Gulf Coast Society of Health System Pharmacists and has served on the Board of Directors for the GCSHP and Metroplex Society
of Health-System Pharmacists. Diane has been a member of the Austin Area Society of Health-System Pharmacists and the
Northeast Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She has also served as a TSHP R&E Foundation Director and as the Chair
of the Scholarship Committee for over 13 years. Diane participated on the TSHP Board of Directors for 6 years and chaired the
Communications Affair Council in 1995.
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2016 Fellows & Award Winners
Pharmacy Mentor Award
Terrie Martinez, Pharm.D
Dr. Martinez graduated in 2012 from the UTEP/UT Austin Cooperative Pharmacy program. She
completed an antimicrobial stewardship certificate program from The Society Infectious Disease
Pharmacists in 2014. Dr. Martinez has been a clinical pharmacist at Del Sol Medical Center for 3.5 years
with a focus in critical care and infectious disease. She has been a preceptor for 2 years in the El Paso
area and was awarded preceptor of the year award in 2015. Dr. Martinez is currently serving as the El
Paso Area Society of Health System Pharmacists President.
Residency Program Excellence Award
PGY1 Baylor University Medical Center Pharmacy Practice Residency
The Baylor University Medical Center PGY1 Residency experience is designed to
incorporate the vision and values of Baylor Scott and White Health. We are highly
focused on our residents as well as the development of preceptors and the
department. Advances in quality improvement, preceptor development and fine-tuning
the residency training model have produced favorable outcomes for graduating residents. We proudly accept this Excellence
Award on behalf of TSHP.
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TSHP 2017 Annual Seminar
Navigating the Practice of Pharmacy
April 28-30, 2017
Galveston, Texas
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