Trip Approval Request - Girl Scouts of Suffolk County

Trip Approval Request
• Troops must complete a Trip Approval Request for ALL trips. (Anything outside of the troop’s regularly scheduled meeting day,
place and time) Troops participating in trips of 2 nights or more must complete an “Extended Trip” form 12-18 months in advance of
the planned event. This form can be found online at
• A Certificate of Insurance must be on file with GSSC for your destination. Verify online at If not, or if it has expired,
the Troop Leader must contact the business and ask that they fax a certificate naming Girl Scouts of Suffolk County as “additional
insured” to (631) 543-9005.
• Trip guidelines by level:
Daisy - Discovery trips within their neighborhood; troops may participate in SU or Council event.
- Participation in “Getaway Weekend” with parent.
Brownie - Day trips anywhere within the greater New York area (Suffolk, Nassau, New York City), Connecticut
(Mystic), Eastern Pennsylvania (Sesame Place, Crayola Factory), New Jersey.
- Overnight camping is permitted.
Junior - Day trips, overnight trips as listed above and also Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Boston
Cadette - Day trips, overnight trips as listed above, as well as trips that involve extensive travel within the US
Senior & Ambassador - Day trips overnight trips as listed above, as well as trips that involve travel to other countries
• Troops MUST be in compliance with the following guidelines, which can be found on online at
GSSC Safety Guidelines, GSUSA Safety Activity Checkpoints & Volunteer Essentials for Safety Wise Requirements
• For Day trips within Suffolk County, SU Events, GSSC Sponsored Events, or Booth Sales,
a completed Trip Approval Request and Troop Roster must be submitted to your SU Coordinator (or designee) for approval.
• For Overnight stay anywhere, Trips outside of Suffolk County, Public transportation (either chartered or scheduled),
Camping anywhere, or Activities designated as High or Medium Risk (as listed on the GSSC Safety Guidelines),
a completed Trip Approval Request form and Roster, which has been approved by your SU Coordinator (or designee),
must be submitted to GSSC Council office at least 2 weeks prior to the date of your trip.
• For troop camping on NON-COUNCIL Properties,
please go to to obtain the form that must be completed in addition to the Trip Approval Request.
• FOR TRADITIONAL TROOP CAMPING on Council property or non-Council property,
follow the guidelines above for ‘overnight’ trips. In addition, at least one registered adult must have completed TCC Training.
(TCC Training is NOT required for Getaway Weekends, but Trip Approval procedures must be followed.)
1. Complete the Trip Approval Request form in its entirety, including the Troop Roster.
2. Include the names, addresses and phone numbers of ALL those participating in the trip.
a. Include the names and phone numbers of the Emergency Contacts for all attending, including tag-alongs.
(Tag-alongs are unregistered adults, boys AND girls NOT of Girl Scout age )
b. Remember that the Emergency Contact MAY NOT be taking part in the trip.
3. Include the name of the adult providing First Aid coverage.
a. This adult must have current certification in Adult/Child CPR & AED and First Aid.
They may be asked to present their certification card.
4. Submit the Trip Approval Request form to your SUC or designee for approval.
5. If required, submit a copy signed by the SUC to GSSC Council office at least two weeks prior to your trip.
Any girl of Girl Scout age attending a trip MUST be registered. ANY adult driving on a trip, MUST be registered.
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County • 442 Moreland Road, Commack, NY 11725 • (631) 543-6622 •
Trip Approval Request
For Office Use Only:
Date:________________ Roster attached: � Yes � No Missing info requested: � Yes � No
Approval notice: via Email:_______________ via Mail:_______________ Initials:____________
Name:__________________________________________ SU#:________ Troop #:__________ Level:______________________
Destination Information (Name, Address & Phone #)
Name:______________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________
Date of Trip:_____________________________ Time:____________________________
Purpose of Trip (i.e. Complete badge requirement or Journey session, etc.)
Transportation Type:_________________________________ Charter Info (If required):_________________________________
If using private cars, every girl must be in her own seatbelt & NYS laws regarding child safety seats must be followed.
Leader’s Information
Name:_______________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________
Phone #:__________________________ Cell #:__________________________
Emergency Contact
Name:____________________________________________________________________ Phone #:__________________________
First Aid Coverage
Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Certification:_____________________
Troop Camp Certification (if reuired)
Name:____________________________________________________________________ Date Taken:________________________
GSSC Safety Guidelines have been met: � Yes � No • GSUSA Safety Activity Checkpoints have been met: � Yes
Safety Wise Requirements have been met: � Yes • Certificate of Insurance on file with GSSC: � Yes
# of Girls in Troop:__________ # of Girls going on trip:__________ # of Tag-alongs:__________# of Adults:__________
# of Girls from Other Troops attending:__________ Total # of Attendants:__________ (must match roster)
Total Cost of Trip for Entire Troop: $_________ • To cover costs: Troop Funds Pay: $__________ Girls Pay: $__________
Additional fundraising be required? � Yes � No • If yes, has Additional Fundraiser Application been filed? � Yes � No
If no, when will it be filed? Projected date: ______________________
Signature of Leader:_________________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Signature of SU Coordinator:_________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
(or Designee)
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County • 442 Moreland Road, Commack, NY 11725 • (631) 543-6622 •
Troop Roster
Troop #:_____________ Trip to: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Full Name
Adult, Girl Scout
or Tag-Along*?
Phone #
Emergency Contact
Phone #
*Tag-Alongs are: All unregistered adults, boys, and girls not of Girl Scout age. Any girl of Girl Scout age must be registered to attend any trip.
No trips will be approved without a roster. Please use the above form or provide one with your Trip Approval Form.
Please be sure to contact your SU Coordinator and GSSC if you have any additions or deletions from this roster. This information is
needed to ensure appropriate insurance coverage. Questions? Contact [email protected] or call (631) 543-6622
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County • 442 Moreland Road, Commack, NY 11725 • (631) 543-6622 •