Gisborne Newsletter-August 2016

BPW Gisborne
August Newsletter
Tuesday the 5.30pm
2nd of
Soho Bar and
Restaurant - $35
Sherryll's Musings
Welcome to mid-winter!!! It’s very easy to hibernate at this time
of the year but equally as rewarding to get outside in the wind
and rain and really feel the wintry chill at its best.
As you know four of us will be attending the Regional Meeting in
Wellington in August. One of the issues being discussed is the
Awards that are presented at Conference. I would really
appreciate members going onto the website, looking at the
Awards and give me your thoughts and feedback.
Some of our older members who have experienced a lot of
conferences will know that with the changing times there needs
to be changing awards and criteria. For instance, we are a
computer age society and Facebook, websites and online contacts
are a sign of this. Perhaps a new Award is needed in this
area? Or do some of the criteria need to be changed to
encompass this? It’s vital that we take your ideas with us, so
please, spend a few minutes of your time over the next week or so
and get your ideas back to me.
We have our AGM coming up in November. ALL positions are
available for nominations. I will have nomination forms available
from our August meeting onwards. Please give it some thought
Brenda Kinder and Tasj
Sophie Wirepa
Jaki Watson
Introducing the Guest
Marlene Orchiston
Thanking the Guest
Andrea Seymour
Robyn Arthur
Please arrange a
replacement if you can't do
your role
Apologies & to book a
Contact - Fiona Evans
Text 022 0364 708
yourself. If you would like to be on the Executive or hold an
Executive position, please speak to an existing Executive member.
Dinner Cancellations.
At our July meeting we had 8 members who never cancelled their
dinner booking. Are there any issues we need to address as an
Executive? All members will be Invoiced so the club is not losing
money but it is embarrassing and doesn’t sit well with the
Restaurants who have bought food and set up tables to
accommodate those members. I would appreciate your feedback.
I look forward to seeing you all again at Soho in August.
Sherryll Markie-Brookes
BPW Gisborne President
July's Meeting
[email protected]
Apologies to be received
no later than 6pm on the
Friday prior to the meeting
(29th July) or you'll be billed
$35if you don't tender an
apology on time.
This can be paid via direct
credit to our Westpac
account 03-0638-001913000.
Remember your name tag
otherwise you'll be asked to
give a gold coin
Speaker - Vera Wilson of the Czech Republic
Czech Republic is slightly smaller than the North Island of NZ
but has a population of 11 million. The language has
“borrowed” many English words, so Vera had no trouble
learning the language in NZ.
Vera showed us slides of the amazing architecture in Prague, a
city that escaped much of the bombing in WWII because Hitler
had plans that it would become an art and culture centre after
the war. There are over 2000 castles or ruins of castles alone
and every type of architecture imaginable.
The 5 things Vera likes about her country are:
Fact of the
Facts about Lions
1. Architecture/history
2. Culture – 60 theatres in Prague including the only remaining The average male lion weighs
one in the world where Mozart performed
around 180kg's
3. Public transport – best and cheapest in EU
are better hunters
4. Free access – no permission needed for forests etc
they do most of
5. Pride of appearance – women always made up and look after
the pride
 In the wild, lions rest for
The 5 things she doesn’t like about her country are:
1. Bureaucracy 2. Pessimism/coldness - Complaining about everything
3. Aggression on the road – 3rd worst drivers in the world
4. Legacy of communism – was a democratic country between
1918 and WWII, became communist in 1948 – Vera grew up
during this period, and there were no books, broadcasting,
freedom of speech, and no fruit. Communism destroyed the
values and work ethics of the people.
5. Tipping
around 20 hours a day
Lions are the second largest
living feline species, second only
to the tiger
An adult male's roar can be
heard up to 8km's away.
A lion's heels don't touch the
ground when it walks
We also celebrated and participated in the annual Candle
Lighting Ceremony.
The annual ceremony commenced with the NZ President,
Vicky Mee’s 2016 candle lighting message read by Barbara
Clarke. Her message focussed on the need for all of us to
stand alongside our sisters around the world who are
working for and advocating for women’s rights.
Next, Sherryll read the candle lighting protocol and
candles were lit to symbolise the ambitions and endeavours
of dedicated women in every country of the world.
Sherryll Markie-Brookes lit the USA candle which signifies
the oldest group of BPW affiliates.
Vera Wilson lit the tallest candle which represents the
International Federation.
Valerie Giffin lit the white candle representing the
Founding Federations: Austria, Canada, France, Italy,
United Kingdom, USA.
Members then lit the white candles on the tables as each
country appeared on the screen.
We also honoured our Affiliate Clubs and Karen Phelan lit
the blue candle. Members lit the blue candles on the tables
as again the countries were shown on the screen.
Penny Shaw read the section honouring Individual Members
and lit the pink candle representing them. Members then
lit the pink candles in recognition of Individual Members in
Tunisia, India, Monaco, Botswana, Malaysia, Namibia and
Alison read the section reaffirming the future and Emma
Bourke lit the candle of the future.
Kath Kitchen then read the International President’s
Report from Dr Yasmin Darwich. Dr Darwich reminded us
of the mission BPW International has had for 85 years: to
bring Equality for Women around the world.
The International Collect was read by Robyn Arthur.
August's Meeting
Our August Meeting is at the Soho Bar and
Please bring along your Keys to Achievement book (KTA)
to the August meeting.
August's Guest
Our guest speaker at our August meeting will be Dr
Intesar Malik
Dr Intesar Malik travelled to the UK from Pakistan in 1997, to
work as a junior doctor, where he worked up the medical ranks to
a higher level medical physician, in the UK. Dr Malik has an
interest in stroke and worked in a stroke unit in the North of
England. Prior to leaving the UK where he was for 8 years,Dr
Malik lived and worked in rural Scotland as a consultant physician.
A region more isolated than Gisborne. Dr Malik arrived in
Gisborne with family, in December 2014 to take up a role as a
consultant physician at Gisborne Hospital.
Gisborne BPW
For the latest financials please click on the
link here
July Dinner Meeting
For the minutes from our July Dinner
Meeting. Please click on the link here
To our members celebrating a birthday during August
President: Sherryll Markie-Brookes - Ph: 027 295 5555 or E: [email protected]
Immediate Past President: Diane Taylor - ph: 021 361 826 or E: [email protected]
Vice President: Catherine Chrisp - E: [email protected]
Treasurer: Tasj Paulson - E: [email protected]
Minutes Secretary: Janet Willson - E: [email protected]
Membership Officer: Marelen Orchiston E: [email protected]
Newsletter: Anna Maree Colvin - Ph: 2140 165 E: [email protected] with Emma Bourke - Ph:
021805024 or E: [email protected]
KTA's and Achievement Awards: Alison Crosswell Ph: 862 5800 E: [email protected]
Dinner Cancellation Contact: Fiona Evans - Ph or text: 022 0364 708 E:[email protected]
Women Empowerment Principles: Mary Hope Ph: 867 2257 E: [email protected]
• To stimulate and encourage women to realise
and accept their responsibilities in the
community – locally and internationally.
• To work for higher standards of education and
training for business and professional women.
• To work for equal opportunities and status for
women in business, trade, the professions and in
economic, civil and political life.
• To work for the removal of discrimination.
• To promote co-operation amongst business and
professional women throughout the world.
Visit for more information - with
Announcements by
Club Members
If you have any announcements about business or
other matters to make at meetings, please let the
President know well in advance of the meeting.
Otherwise it will be at the President’s discretion.
Resigning from the club: If you wish to resign from our
club you must do so in writing. Until you do so you
remain a member whether or not subs have been paid
and will be charged for meals if you haven’t put in
your apologies.
Remember: If you are aware of any member who may
password lmpbpwnz1939.
need a helping hand, a listening ear or may be going
through sad times, please inform a committee
If you are interested in advertising your business card
in our bulletin please see one of the Gisborne BPW
Executive Team.
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BPW · 51 Island Rd · GISBORNE, North Island 4010 · New Zealand