Creating and Presenting: Animal Farm By Luke Buccheri The issues

Creating and Presenting: Animal Farm
By Luke Buccheri
The issues of corruption and ignorance are directly linked to the theme of Justice. This can
be seen in the rhetoric Russian Revolution. George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ depicts the
failings of a farm fully inhabited and operated by animals. Retelling the story of the
development and failures of the Soviet communism, ‘Animal Farm’ allegorizes the rise and
fall of the Soviet Union due to the corruption and greed of Joseph Stalin. The novel depicts
how Napoleon the tyrannical leader, rules and uses his authority to purge and expel anyone
that opposes him or whom he distrusts. The frame of mind of the other animals is also
represented in this novel. The animals continue to allow Napoleon and his regime to tamper
with their logic and be taken advantage of; Suggesting that the unwillingness and ignorance
of these animals allowed this injustice thrive.
The novel depicts how the pigs, in particular Napoleon, who signifies Joseph Stalin, break
the laws on which ‘Animal Farm’ was created, and relates inherently to the corruption of
socialist ideals in the Soviet Union. The ideals of communism suggest that everyone has
equal say and right. Conversely, this is not the case and is demonstrated in ‘Animal Farm’.
Through greed, corruption and prejudice this justice and equality cannot be upheld. An
example of this is seen when Napoleon and the other pigs, enforce a law ensuring all
animals work equal share on the farm, however the pigs are exempt from manual labour. In
turn this leads to supremacy and tyranny, where one group has power and authority over
the working class. This issue was the key downfall to the Soviet Union as Stalin’s tyrannical
rule and abandonment of the fundamental ideals of the Russian Revolution. The critique
presented of Stalin’s rule over the people, signifies the manipulation of human ideals and
Conversely, the novel also highlights the consequences that resulted from the ignorance the
animals displayed and thus highlighted the flaws in their system. Gullible, hardworking and
loyal, the animals depict how situations of oppression not only arise from oppressors but
also the ignorance of the working class can act as a contributing factor and can be seen in
the quote “Napoleon is always right.” The idea suggests that if the justice system is failing
to deliver equality to all, it is wrong to just stand down and allow oppression to occur as it
takes many to ensure laws are abided by. The ignorance in undermining authority can lead
to a justice system where oppression may occur similarly to the Russian Revolution.
The Soviet communist’s ideals did not adhere to the promises of equality. This system fails
to ensure the people’s rights are maintained and can lead to a tyrannical rule. The ignorance
of the people and their unwillingness to question their authority allow this regime to rule
over them. Our system works to ensure that everyone is dealt an equal hand. In order for
justice to be served equitably the system must first ensure that everyone is equal.